Generate token for - javascript
How can I generate the token highlighted in green dynamically using JavaScript or an Api? I know it can be generated using Azure CLI az account get-access-token but that does not fit my solution to help me monitor my functions programmatically.

You can acquire the access token either using the OAuth2 service endpoints, or MSAL. OAuth2 endpoints are Platform- and language-neutral, but MSAL is not.
The two Azure AD endpoints that you use to authenticate your client and acquire an access token are referred to as the OAuth2 /authorize and /token endpoints. How you use them depends on the type of OAuth2 authorization grant flow you need to support your app.
For instance, a non-interactive client can use client credentials grant, wherein the access token can be acquired by sending a POST request to the /token endpoint.
From Postman:
For more information, refer to the Azure REST API reference.


Simplest way to get current user logged in Keycloak

I have implemented a really simple keycloak integration on my maven java web app.
Assuming I am calling a url directly for the keycloak log in page .
After entering my username & password on success i am being redirected on mypage.html , the url is like this
If I break this down its
What would be the simplest - easiest way to get the user currently logged so i can display it's name ?
Looking at the requests you have made you have not completed the OIDC code flow.
I'm assuming that your java application is acting as the OIDC client, in which case it will need to exchange the authorization code for access, id and refresh tokens by calling the token endpoint of your realm.
POST /auth/realms/mmyrealm/protocol/openid-connect/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization: Basic czZCaGRSa3F0MzpnWDFmQmF0M2JW
A description of the Token Request
The simplest way would be to use a Java OIDC Client or OAuth2 client to do the authorisation and cod exchange for you and provide OAuth2/OIDC token primitives for you to code against.
Have a look at:
Scribe Java OAuth2 client
The details of the user will be in claims within the tokens returned by the token endpoint, if you are including the user claims in your tokens.
The OIDC Authorization code flow is one of the OIDC authorisation flows. It provides the benefit of not exposing any of the actual tokens to the user agent - e.g. web browser - and allows the oidc client to authenticate with the token server before exchanging the code for the OIDC tokens
At a high level the following occurs:
OIDC Client makes an authentication request
Client authenticates - this could be an end user
Authorisation server returns an Authorisation code - on a redirect - to the client
OIDC Client retrieves Access, ID and Refresh Tokens from the authorisation server's token endpoint
If needed User info is retrieved from the UserInfo endpoint or thge access token is inspected using the introspect endpoint
Details of the actual user will be in claims with in the ID token, which is a plain JWT.
Keycloak allows you to embed the claims in the Access token too.
After authentication with Keycloak you will be redirected back to your web applications redirect URI.
As per your breakdown
Your requst handler will need to extract the code from that request and then make another call to keycloak to exchange the authorisation code for Access, ID and refresh tokens
POST /auth/realms/myrealm/protocol/openid-connect/token HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8180
ContentType: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization: <whatever method your oidc client is usingL
Ideally you have a route handler for accepting the tokens - maybe a tokens enpoint that also accepts query parameters that indicate the original uri requested so that you can redirect back to that if this is a user facing web application.
If it is completely programatic then you can achive all of it using the nimbus sdk.
The has a good summary of the various parts of Authorization Code flow

How to store OAuth2 access tokens in a React application?

I'm new to React and want to securely store the OAuth2 access token to invoke APIs. I have found following options,
Keep it in the local-store/session-store (This can be vulnerable to XSS attacks)
Having a back-end for the React application and store access token in back-end session and keep a session cookie to identify browser session. Then make all the API calls through back-end to add Bearer header.
Encrypt the access token and store it as a cookie. API access will be haven through the back-end where encrypted cookie will be decrypted and added as a Bearer header.
What will be the best solution for this?
I would go for third option
Encrypt the access token and store it as a cookie. API access will be haven through the back-end where encrypted cookie will be decrypted and added as a Bearer header.
Everything related to token we have to store in the client side there is no way around but can make it secure by adding encryption to it to make it more secure but this approach will make developer has to setup encrypt and decrypt algorithim to handle to token
Your second option is best. We also doing this.
Having a back-end for the React application and store access token in back-end session and keep a session cookie to identify browser session. Then make all the API calls through back-end to add Bearer header.
One of the best solution I found recently is oauth2-worker, here it stores tokens in variables inside a worker so that it won't be accessible from the js running on the applications. Also it works as a proxy and we need to make API calls through the worker so that it adds the Authorization header.

How to retrieve access_token from Azure Active Directory (AAD) Web API

I am building a web app with the following properties:
The Front-end is based on VueJS
The Back-end framework is still not confirmed but it will be a RESTFul API
The users for the app will be authenticated by Azure Active Directory (AAD)
Here's what I have done so far:
I have set up a Web App/API in my AAD. Along with that following the guidelines here, I have completely secured my VueJS app and now I need to be logged in into my AAD in order to be able to use the app.
The problem now is that, the front-end is secured. But what about the backend? I am trying to get an access_token from the AAD which I can then use as an authorization header with every request to my backend later on.
Here is what I get from my AAD when I sign in using the AuthenticationContext from the adal library.
As you can see I am getting an id_token and when I use the acquireToken function of adal I get an id_token again.
Is there anything I am doing wrong here? Do I need to create another Web App/API on Azure?
How do I go about this?
According to official documentation and this might be your case.
"The OAuth 2.0 implicit flow in Azure AD is designed to return an ID token when the resource for which the token is being requested is the same as the client application. In other words, when the JS client uses ADAL JS to request a token for its own backend web API registered with same App ID as the client, an ID token is returned and cached by the library. Note that in this case the resource should be set to the App ID of the client (App ID URI will not work). This ID token can then be used as a bearer token in the calls to your application's backend API."
You can find more about this here!

How to Authenticate by appId and key in loopback restapi

i am wondering how to authenticate app to make requests to endpoints as i am getting 401 errors i have successfully generated app id and appkeys and which should be used as there is no documentation on it.
The application model is designed to work with oAuth 2.0 which allows the authentication and authorization with client application (client-id/client-secret) and resource owner (username/password). The oAuth 2.0 is under development. Once it's ready, the token endpoint should be able to generate access tokens that carry app and/or user id.

Down-scoping Oauth access-token, possible?

I am developing an open source javascript project. It has client side database, Oauth Connect login and bear-token base access to cross domain resource servers like (GData, Google cloud storage, AWS via proxy). The main focus is on consumer cloud data (you know, developer got free data storage).
The main goal to provide database to the web app without using backend server. It is achieved by keeping Oauth 2 refresh token in the server, providing access token to the web app so that it can populate its client side database, directly from resource servers. Dumb proxy server may be necessary for updating back to the resource server.
Login user may share his data to other login user. Server provides access token as necessary. In that case I wish to down-grade the access token. Generally once a new user start using the app, the server request off-line multiple scopes read-write grant. Currently, I as far I can understand a refresh token can generate access token of exact scopes.
Is that possible to request a down-graded access token from an offline refresh token? Even down grading from read-write to read-only is very useful.

