Firebase onAuthStateChanged keeps refreshing - javascript

I'm working with Firebase in JavaScript.
I use the onAuthStateChanged function to check if the user is logged in, and then redirect to the appropriate html page.
auth.onAuthStateChanged((user) => {
if(user) {
// Logged in
console.log("logged in!");
window.location.href = "dashboard.html";
} else {
console.log("Logged out!");
//window.location.href = "index.html";
However, it keeps refreshing the page constantly like it's in some infinite loop. I'm not sure what to do here.
Help will be appreciated a lot :)

When the page loads, Firebase starts restoring the signed in user from the local storage of your browser. This requires a call to the server (a.o. to see if the account has been deleted/disabled), which takes some time.
So initially your onAuthStateChanged gets called with null as there is no current user. Then when the authentication state is restored the listener gets called again with the user profile.
My guess it that you're taking some action in the initial null (like redirecting to index.html), and that target page then redirect back to dashboard.html when it gets the user profile.
It's easiest to work with Firebase in a single-page application, as you'd have only a single page load in that case. But if you have multiple pages, you'll need to write code that waits for the authentication state to settle.
Some common ways that I know of:
Ignore the initial null that your onAuthStateChanged callback gets. But keep in mind that the user state may not be restorable in which case the null is all you get, so you may need to act on that after a while.
Design your flow so that you end up in the right spot. This may only work in a single-page application, but I use this one most often: when the page loads (and the user is null), I show a log-in screen. Then when the user profile is restored I navigate to the dashboard. This means that users may briefly see the login screen, but I don't find this too distracting. If you do, read on...
You can store a value in local storage yourself when the user is signed in. Then on a page reload, you can check that value and if it exists: assume that the restore of their auth state will succeed, and show the dashboard first. If the sign-in fails, you can then redirect back to the login screen after a timeout. So this inverts the path of #2, and requires quite some work, but removes the temporary login screen for your returning users.

here, If you are working with react this might work.
useEffect(() => {
onAuthStateChanged(auth, (currentUser) => {
console.log("user Changed");
})}, [])
onAuthStateChanged runs everytime component is re-render so useEffect will help in this case.


why firebase authentication is slow?

I am building a login page in my React app using firebase (sign in with google redirect the user method)
and it is working but it takes almost two seconds for firebase to get the current user, which is not the best for UX.
here is the code
const auth = getAuth();
this.authListener = onAuthStateChanged(auth, (user) => {
if (user) {
// User is signed in
else {
// User is signed out
what i get in my console is that the difference of time is 1768 milliseconds which is almost 2 seconds,
am i doing something wrong ?
the console is showing the difference of time as 2 seconds
When you restart the app/reload the page, Firebase automatically restores the user's authentication state based on the information it stored in local storage when the user first signed in. For this it does make a call to the server though, to check whether the credentials are still valid - and for example to ensure the account hasn't been disabled. It's likely that this call is what is taking time in your use-case.
A common trick is to make your own determination on whether the server-check is likely to succeed based on only client-side information. For this, store an extra value in local storage when the user signs in successfully, say isAuthenticated. Now when you reload the page/app, you an read this value from local storage, and then the user was previously authenticated, assume that they will be authenticated again.
The assumption may be wrong of course, so you'll have to handle that scenario too in your code.
Also see this talk Architecting Mobile Web Apps, where Michael Bleigh talks about the technique.

Firebase Authentication - Logged In User Is Null

I have managed to setup a custom login system using Firebase. The user enters email/password and is redirected to the main page(which is private). I am having issue with onAuthStateChanged after logging in. When I check the auth state after logging into the main page, i get invalid user (null). The firebase dashboard shows I have logged in successfully but onAuthStateChanged is the opposite.
I am trying to check if a user is logged in to my html pages, if not I want to redirect them to the login page. I like how the authentication works in firebase but I need to protect my html pages not my divs (which is what the vast majority of firebase auth tutorials show).
If anyone has an easier way to password protect a web directory that looks nicer than HTaccess, please advise (I am not crazy about using wordpress for password protection, but its an option). Otherwise, I guess I will have to do this in PHP. Thanks in advance!
(function () {
firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(function(user) {
if (user) {
// User is signed in.
console.log('A user is logged in.');
} else {
// No user is signed in.
console.log('Invalid user. Redirecting to root.');
If you navigate to a new page, Firebase will have to initialize again. As part of that it will try to restore the user's authentication state, but this requires a call to the server which takes time.
For that reason the onAuthStateChanged listener will initially fire with null as the current user (and auth.currentUser is set to null). Then once the user is signed in, the listener fires again with the user object for that user.
If you want to detect this initial state, you can either store some token value in the browser's local storage that you can check for yourself on the new page, or you could set a time-out for when you expect the user to be re-signed in and only then navigate away to the index.html page.

How can you persist a logged-in user with firebase?

Thanks a bunch for reading this newbie's question.
So, there is a ReactJS app which is using firebase for its authentication.
Everytime the page is refreshed, the user is gone forever until you login in with the redirected login page.
What have been done so far?
Well, after plodding through all the possible Stackoverflows flowing flawless answers, following have been done:
Implemented the onAuthStateChanged() function like as it appears below:
firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged((user) => {
if (user) {
console.log('user is logged in');
} else {
console.log('user is logged out now')
Set the persistence, which seems to be a silent worker, as follows:
.then(function () {
console.log("successfully set the persistence");
.catch(function (error) {
console.log("failed to ser persistence: " + error.message)
Every page reloads logs the user out just like that.
Nothing. Not even a trace of its dust!
To have a better understanding of this crippling code, I can give you the following screenshots of the console messages.
You get this when you logged in
And the following when the page is refreshed.
Why do you think this error pops up even after applying the above?
Thanks again!
Update1: Took down the setPersistence thing. And it turns out that the user is logged in even after page reloads to the login.
Update 2: User is actually get pulled out when refreshing the page. Now that's what we need to solve here. What do you guys think?
The Firebase Auth SDK enables persistence by default. If you want that default behavior, don't call firebase.auth().setPersistence() at all. Just use onAuthStateChanged to know when the persisted user object is first available.

Login with AAD MSAL - Login is already in progress

I have a website, that uses MSAL to login.
The issue I keep having is that, whenever the user logs in, then logs out again the user is redirected to a logout page.
This page implements the new Msal.UserAgentApplication(msalConfig).logout() function, and redirects the user back to the login page.
This all works perfectly. The login page will then automatically redirect the user back to the AAD login page.
If the user then decides to login again, the result of MyMsalObject.GetAccount() returns null, and an error occurs that mentions the following:
ClientAuthError: Login_In_Progress: Error during login call - login is already in progress.
At first I used one js file to handle log in & logout, I then realised that that probably wasn't he best solution, as it attempted a login on load.
So I decided to split them up into two separate JS files but this hasn't fixed my problem.
msalObject definition:
var msalConfig = {
auth: {
clientId: "my_client_id",
authority: "my_authority_url",
redirectUri: "http://localhost:port"
cache: {
cacheLocation: "localStorage",
storeAuthStateInCookie: true
var myMSALObj = new Msal.UserAgentApplication(msalConfig);
login code:
if (!myMSALObj.getAccount()) {
Some extra details.
I've now made it so that users must click on a button before being redirected to Microsoft to login.
The above unfortunately still applies. After logging in succesfully for the first time & logging out, a secondary login attempt will not yield a value in the function getaccount() even though, it works perfectly the first time.
The error I get after I've logged in is still the same namely:
ClientAuthError: Login_In_Progress: Error during login call - login is already in progress.
Even though I just logged in..
Does anyone have a solution?
Edit 2:
There is a little bit of progress.. sort of, I've been able to fix the error above by changing way I log the user out.
The config file is now a definition within document ready & I've moved the log out function in there aswell.
Although I now face a new challenge..
Refused to display '{{}}' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'deny'.
And im not entirely sure if this is a step forward or backwards. The reproduction scenario remains the same, you log in, then you log out & back in again, when microsoft sends the user back to the login page I get the error mentioned in this edit, but I don't get this error on the 1st login attempt.
The answer stated on: doesn't help at ALL, I'm using chrome but it still doesn't work..
Check session/local storage and cookies for any dangling msal information. We had the same problem, and I stumbled into this link.
It suggests clearing storage and cookies, but if you dig into using your browser tools, you'll see several entries like "msal...interactive...". Those will have values of "in progress", and that's what is causing the error.
Deleting those entries clears up the problem.
First, when using loginRedirect, you need to put the code you want to run when the user is redirected back to your app inside myMsalObj.handleRedirectCallback(callback) instead of inside the function where you initiate the redirect process. Also note, that handleRedirectCallback should be registered on initial page load.
const myMSALObj = new Msal.UserAgentApplication(msalConfig);
myMSALObj.handleRedirectCallback(function(error, response) {
var account = myMSALObj.getAcccount();
if (account) {
// user is logged in
I am a little confused about your app though. Are you saying you have page in your app that just calls myMSALObj.logout()?

Sometimes firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged returns user of null when I refresh the page

$npm install --save firebase#4.11.0
I'm using firebase authentication on my web application.
In my app, I implemented onAuthStateChanged for client side js like below.
firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged((user) => {
if(user) {
//logged in
} else {
//do sth
After login, I confirmed this method will return actual user obj, but if I refresh the page, then user might be null.
Curiously, sometimes user won't be null.
I'm afraid there are some limitation of calling onAuthStateChanged, but currently I have no idea.
How should I deal with this issue?
Let me share my minimal example.
My app is working with express.js.
There are two URLs like below.
In the login page, I implemented authentication method.
If the login is successfully finished, then user will be redirected to '/main'.
import firebase from 'firebase';
var config = {...};
var provider = new firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider();
.then((result) => {
return result.user.getIdToken(true);
}).then((idToken) => {
if(idToken) {
location.href = '/main';
In the main page, there is no login method.
main.js is only checking whether user is logged in.
import firebase from 'firebase';
var config = {...};
firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged((user) => {
if (user) {
//initialize main page.
} else {
location.href = '/login';
I think login status is stored on LocalStorage of web browser.
This means that, after finishing loading of main.js, onAuthStateChanged will be automatically fired with user information, but not working as I expected.
I'm sure that persistence of login information is correct because official document says the default setting is LOCAL for web client.
my question
Should I implement onAuthStateChanged with another way?
How can I ensure user is logged in after reload?
import $ from 'jquery';
$(document).on('ready', () => {
onAuthStateChanged((user) => {...});
Or could you show me the correct way?
I decided to remove session and set redirection to login page if null is returned. This is not a solution, but a workaround currently...
You're not calling onAuthStateChanged. Instead you're telling Firebase to call you when the authentication state changes, which may happen a few times when the page is being re-loaded
When a page is getting loaded and there was previously a user signed in, the auth state may change a few times, while the client is figuring out if the user's authentication state it still valid. For that reason, you may see a call with no user before seeing the final call with the actual signed in user.
The fact it's sometimes null and sometimes not null likely points to an async problem. Are you making the check in the if statement above? All references to the user should be within the callback. If that all checks out, maybe check that authentication is being properly initiated.
onAuthStateChanged is an observer as stated in firebase docs, which gets triggered when the auth state is changed like user signed in, signed out, pwd change. To check if user is logged in or not you should use firebase.auth().currentUser which will give you the current logged in user. As you said your state is local firebase.auth().currentUser will always give you user unless user is signed out.

