MongoDB and Heroku Deployment - javascript

Alright stuck here. This app - .
I have added my environment variables to Heroku as well. There is an error in the console too regarding the mongo network. What am I missing? Happy to link the repository if needed. This is my error locally.
App running on port 7894!
(node:1177) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: MongoNetworkError: failed to connect to server [localhost:27017] on first connect [Error: connect ECONNREFUSED

The error mean that your app need to connect to an instance of mongodb, which not available on the address you set(localhost). So to fix the error you need to provide the correct url to connect.
To get a mongodb instance you can host your own mongodb server or use online mongodb service such as mongodb official service Atlas.
Previously, there is exist an add-on for mongodb mLab on heroku that you can use but it seem that it's has been discontinued.


MongooseServerSelectionError: connect ETIMEDOUT

While I'm working on my school project, This error just randomly showed up.
Error connecting to MongoDB: MongooseServerSelectionError: connect ETIMEDOUT
even in the compass is not working, I tried to run my other project that has a MongoDB connection and they are all inputting the same error
I tried to search it before asking this. this is what I already did
-terminating cluster and creating new
-check the IP address in network access and it's in public
-restart my laptop
-creating a new MongoDB account
-doubled check the URI
enter image description here
enter image description here
is there having the same problem as me that is being solved?
btw I'm using mern stack
try this :
mongoose.connect(process.env.MONGO_URI,{ useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true });
In order to better understand these options, I strongly recommend you to read the Mongoose documentation about the deprecation warnings.

mongodb npm preventing application to run on www, yet runs on localhost

I have this node.js accounts app that I'm trying to implement a mongoDB database onto, but it seems to have errors when I upload it to cpanel. My mongoDB url is in this format: mongodb+srv://:#. After some experimenting, turning the Node.js version to ^14 caused errors to stop, but the app still wouldn't run (going to the url reslted in a 503 error, this is the current state of the server).
before mongo DB:

Sails js, error when connect to cloud mongodb

I used cloud MongoDB in sails adapter but when I am running app, it throw an error, can someone help how to solve it?
default: {
adapter: 'sails-mongo',
url: 'mongodb://,,'
error: Error: Consistency violation: Unexpected error creating db connection manager:
MongoError: connection 3 to closed
error: Could not tear down the ORM hook. Error details: Error: Consistency violation: Attempting to tear down a datastore (default) which is not currently registered with this adapter. This is usually due to a race condition in userland code (e.g. attempting to tear down the same ORM instance more than once), or it could be due to a bug in this adapter. (If you get stumped, reach out at
This looks like you are unable to connect to the cluster hosted on Atlas.
You will need to add your IP to the whitelist on Atlas. In the security section, under Network Access, add your IP to the whitelist (or the IP of the server you're connecting to the cluster from if you are using a remote server).

Deployed database has no connections

I have deployed an application to heroku:
The app initially loads properly until you click a button that requires the database. Then it crashes.
Everything works in local development environment. I believe I have properly set up all connection settings for production in heroku dashboard's config variables (database url, database name, username, password). But in production it doesn't work.
Two evidences that it's not set up right:
1) When I log into the ClearDB MySQL plugin (in my heroku dashboard) under 'current connections' it says, 'No connections are currently established to the database.'
2) When I use postman to hit a custom endpoint I made just for testing a request to the database, I get: "Error adding color: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED" <-- that seems enlightening. Why would a deployed db have a connection on that address?
Any clues? Thank you!
If your database is also set up at keroku host:
check the db setting(username, pw, port,etc.)
If you actually need to connect back to your own database(which is hosted by you or other third party);
You should find out the setting and replace with, which is only work for local env
Update: is localhost, which is your machine. Your test case is working because your server and your database are hosting on the same machine(which both have same ip). However, when your code are deployed to heroku, your heroku server cannot find a database hosted on same machine. This is why your are having this problem

Problems with MongoDB trying to deploy a Meteor App

I have been setting up a server on a Digital Ocean droplet in order to host a couple of Meteor apps. I'm doing everything from scratch so I can learn as much as possible. I am trying to use "Meteor-Up" (mup) to deploy an app, but it is having problem communicating with MongoDB. When I run "mup setup" I get the following error:
Started TaskList: Setup (linux)
[Gibson] - Installing Docker
[Gibson] - Installing Docker: SUCCESS
[Gibson] - Setting up Environment
[Gibson] - Setting up Environment: SUCCESS
[Gibson] - Copying MongoDB configuration
[Gibson] - Copying MongoDB configuration: SUCCESS
[Gibson] - Installing MongoDB
[Gibson] x Installing MongoDB: FAILED
docker: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint mongodb (1e188b51b171446cd22d96f40ceab1e696019e5ac33ca713d78827246ae37ec8): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp bind: address already in use.
latest: Pulling from library/mongo
Digest: sha256:beff97308c36f7af664a1d04eb6ed09be1d14c17427065b2ec4b0de90967bb3f
Status: Image is up to date for mongo:latest
But I can't get from this any indication of what's going wrong. Is the problem with Mongo, Meteor, mup, or docker?
So far I understand from the message that "mup" is trying to connect to Mongo on port 27017 and is failing, I just don't understand why or how to fix it. I have a database that I want the app to connect to, which I moved onto the server from my local machine using mongodump and mongorestore. The thing I can't solve is how to connect my meteor app to that mongo DB.
It does not just try to connect to mongod, but it installs mongod in a container and tries to bind port 27017 to local interface.
If you already have mongodb installed and prefer to use it instead, you need to disable installation of mongodb in mup.js, mup.json, or whatever configuration file is being used in your version of mup.

