Automating named Range function in google sheets - javascript

So I have a spreadsheet with 11+ sheets, though will be adding more later. I want to dynamically name the columns using named range. I created a macro script and have been using this. Only the problem is for every sheet, I have to go to the script and change the name of the named range:
function NamedRanges() {
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
spreadsheet.setNamedRange('TrainlineDate', spreadsheet.getRange('A:A'));
spreadsheet.setNamedRange('TrainlinePrice', spreadsheet.getRange('B:B'));
spreadsheet.setNamedRange('TrainlineReturns', spreadsheet.getRange('C:C'));
spreadsheet.setNamedRange('TrainlineGrossReturns', spreadsheet.getRange('D:D'));
spreadsheet.setNamedRange('TrainlineGeometricReturns', spreadsheet.getRange('E:E'));
spreadsheet.setNamedRange('TrainlineRisk', spreadsheet.getRange('F:F'));
spreadsheet.setNamedRange('TrainlineNegativeReturns', spreadsheet.getRange('G:G'));
spreadsheet.setNamedRange('TrainlinePositiveReturns', spreadsheet.getRange('H:H'));
spreadsheet.setNamedRange('TrainlineTimeValueMoney', spreadsheet.getRange('I:I'));
For example, for the next tab, I have to change Trainline to Softcat.
I tried my hand at creating the columns as an array and then a for loop to create a named range according to the name in cell B2 + the name in the headers (the 3rd row of every column). I will also be adding new columns in the future. But when I tried to log the value in cell B2 it failed. Long story short, I am stuck. This is what I came up with thus far;
function NamedRange() {
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
var col = ss.getLastColumn(); //Get all the columns in the sheet with data (there will be no gaps/spaces)
var stockName = ss.getRange("B1"); // name in cell B1 (column 2, row 1)
var headerCell = ss.getRange(3, col); // in row 3 of all columns
var rangeName = ss.getValue(stockName);
Logger.log(rangeName) // test to see if the value of stockname is picked up by Appscript
// For every column, get the values in 'stockName and headerCell' and create a named range from them.
An exception is for the second column, instead of 'Close' name, call it 'Stockname' + 'Price'.
Here is an example of the spreadsheet format. This script though will be applicable to Aveva Group tab onwards.
Typically the format of the spreadsheets will all be the same. The only difference will be the name of the stock. I want to be able to automatically set the namedRange of all columns for existing and new columns for every tab/sheet and trigger it using a custom menu (this part I can sort out myself). Is there a better way to get this done?

Create an array of all the sheet names you would like to be part of this process.
ForEach sheet name, set the name ranges according to that name by concatenating the sheet name with the namerange name.
function NamedRanges() {
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
//put all the sheets here you want to include
var sheetNames = ["Trainline","Softcat","Avast"];
var namerng=['Date','Price','Returns','GrossReturns','GeometricReturns',
sheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName(sh);
spreadsheet.setNamedRange(sh+nr, sheet.getRange(1,i+1,sheet.getMaxRows(),1));
Save also this code to your script editor and it will create a menu button at the top menu of the spreadsheet file that will execute NamedRanges:
function onOpen() {
.createMenu('Custom Menu')
.addItem('Name Ranges', 'NamedRanges')


copyTo google sheet appscript

I'm very new to Javascript and Apps Script I'm looking to create a function that updates another sheet based on the date in a specific range of the active sheet. I run and there are no errors but it is not transferring the values from the active sheet to the named sheet "Feb".
Please help me see what I'm not seeing.
function updateYTD3() {
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
const sheet = ss.getSheetByName("January");
const targetSheet = ss.getSheetByName("Feb");
if (sheet && targetSheet) {
if(sheet.getRange("A2:D32").getValues().length > 0){
but with funcition Loop and copy range based on criteria
but with funcition Loop and copy range based on criteria link
The script is working just fine! But it overwrites previous data since it's stated to write it in C2. Do you expect to stack the values with the previous one?
Try changing "C2" with "C"+(targetSheet.getLastRow()+1)

getLastRow() stops at row 68

I have this function that is supposed to pull form data from one sheet then add it to another but it stops at row 68.
function fData(){
const os = SpreadsheetApp.openById("ID of Sheet with data to copy");
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Form Data");
const dataToCopy = os.getSheetByName("Form Data").getRange(1,1,os.getLastRow(),7).getValues();
const dataDst = ss.getRange(1,1,os.getLastRow(),7).clearContent().setValues(dataToCopy);
// Logger.log(dataToCopy);
When I change os.getLastRow() to 192 in both locations where it appears in the function, all the information is copied over correctly. I would like to not have to specify the number of rows every time I run the function.
I think there is something wrong with my implementation of getLastRow() or the fact that both the copy and paste sheets share the same name but I am unsure if that is what causes the issue.
Here is the solution that got the desired result. There might be a better way but this worked.
function fData(){
const os = SpreadsheetApp.openById("ID of Sheet with data to copy");
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Form Data");
const dataToCopy = os.getSheetByName("Form Data").getDataRange().getValues();
const lr = os.getSheetByName("Form Data").getDataRange().getLastRow();
const dataDst = ss.getRange(1,1,lr,7).clearContent().setValues(dataToCopy);
// Logger.log(dataToCopy);
I used getDataRange to pull the data, then defined lr as the last row of that data set. If you just replace the first instance of getLastRow with getDataRange you run into an error in which the target range and data set do not match in rows and columns and the function with push an error.
getLastRow(): this will get the last row in a Google Sheet that has data in it. It determines the last row based on the last available row value in all columns in the spreadsheet.
getDataRange(): this will get the range up to the last row and column with values in it.
Use getDataRange() instead. One of your columns must not have data in row 68.

Copy filtered range from one spreadsheet to another - Google app script

I have a large google sheet with 30275 rows and 133 columns in a google sheet. I want to filter the data and copy column AZ to another spreadsheet.
Link to spreadsheet:
I have been trying to follow this link
I am not that familiar with javascript and the code is designed to exclude items from filter rather than including items on filter. I have 500+ items to exclude so need to work out something that will be efficient in filtering large dataset in short time before execution limit is reached.
Here is my code so far. Any help to get this working would be appreciated.
NOTE: Filter/ Query with importrange formulas dont work due to the large volume of data. So I need an efficient script to filter large dataset and move them to another sheet before execution time limit.
function filtered() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById('1u9z_8J-tvTZaW4adO6kCk7bkWeB0pwPcZQdjBazpExI');
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName('Sheet1');
var destsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('JockeyList');
var demosheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Betting data - Demo');
var jockey = demosheet.getRange('L14').getValues();
// Get full (non-filtered) data
var values = sheet.getRange('A:EC').getValues();
// Apply filter criteria here
var hiddenValues = jockey;
values = values.filter(function(v) {
return hiddenValues.indexOf(v[51]) == 1;
// Set filtered data on the target sheet
destsheet.getRange(10, 5, values.length, 2).setValues(values);
Ok so it seems like you want to copy only the values from AZ in 'Sheet1' that are equal to whatever string value is contained in cell L14 of sheet 'Betting data - Demo.' If that is the case, then here is a change to your original code that will accomplish that:
function filtered() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById('1u9z_8J-tvTZaW4adO6kCk7bkWeB0pwPcZQdjBazpExI');
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName('Sheet1');
// this assumes that your destsheet and demosheet are in the same spreadsheet. Keep in mind that opening spreadsheets with SpreadsheetApp is costly so you want to minimize your calls to new sheets.
var destsheet = ss.getSheetByName('JockeyList');
var demosheet = ss.getSheetByName('Betting data - Demo');
var jockey = demosheet.getRange('L14').getValue();
var searchTerm = new RegExp(jockey);
// Get full (non-filtered) data
var values = sheet.getRange('A:EC').getValues();
// Apply filter criteria here and return ONLY THE VALUE IN COLUMN AZ
var filteredValues = values.reduce(function(resultArray, row) {
if (searchTerm.test(row[51])) resultArray.push([row[51]]);
return resultArray;
}, [])
// Set filtered data on the target sheet
// Note* not clear why you are starting at row 10, but as is this will overwrite all of the data in column 5 of destsheet starting from row 10 every time this function runs
destsheet.getRange(10, 5, filteredValues.length, 1).setValues(filteredValues);
As it says in the code sample, this will only copy and paste the value in column AZ of 'sheet1'. It does not alter 'sheet1' in any way. If that is really all you want to do, then this function works, but it's overkill. Since you are just filtering values in AZ against a single string value, it would be more efficient to simply count the number of times that string occurs in column AZ and then add the string that number of times to your destination sheet.
Also note that your original function is pasting values into destsheet into a constant row (row 10). That means that every time your function runs, the data from row 10 on will be overwritten by whatever data you are copying from 'sheet1'

Using If function for multiple cells

Hi I have a working program to pull data from one sheet to another sheet and place in the relevant cells, however with one column I want to change the results which reads a "K" from the source sheet and write an "A" to the target sheet using a if function but I can only seem to do one cell and not the full column. How can I do this for multiple cells? If I try.getRange("F18:41") it doesn't seem to work.
Please see the code below:
var sss = SpreadsheetApp.openById('....'); // sss = source spreadsheet
var ss = sss.getSheetByName('.....); // ss = source sheet
//Get full range of data sheet 1
var TypeWire = ss.getRange("F18");
//get A1 notation identifying the range
var A16Range = TypeWire.getA1Notation();
//get the data values in range
var SDataSixteen = TypeWire.getValues();
var tss = SpreadsheetApp.openById('.....'); // tss = target spreadsheet
var ts = tss.getSheetByName('....'); // ts = target sheet
//set the target range to the values of the source data
if (SDataSixteen == "K")
The getValues() method of Class Range returns a multidimentional (2D) array. The elements of the "outer" array are arrays that represent rows. The elements of the inner arrays are objects that represent the cell values for the corresponding row.
There are several ways to do what you are looking for. Perhaps the easier to understand is the technique shown in the Cooper's answer: Use nested for statements.
Use one for statement to iterate over the rows, then another for loop to iterate over the row cells.
Using loops to write single cells values is very slow. For recommendations please read
Hide Row in Google Sheets if Cell Contains "no" - Multiple Sheets
How to compare values of cells in if condition?

How to use if then in google app scripts?

I'm working on an app that scans data into Google sheets. i have two sheets: sheet1 and sheet2. In sheet1 the data is entered into it after a scan is performed. But before the scan data can be entered, i would like to do an if function to check if there is a similar type of data in sheet2 before entering the data. if there isn't one then a message will be displayed such as "There is no such person in the database". I would also like to specify the column to check for similarity in sheet2 e.g A2:A100
Below is the script code
function doGet(e){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl("google sheet url");
//Give your Sheet name here
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet1");
return insert(e,sheet);
function doPost(e){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl("google sheet url");
//Give your Sheet name here
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet1");
return insert(e,sheet);
function insert(e,sheet){
// reciving scanned data from client i.e android app
var scannedData = e.parameter.sdata;
var d = new Date();
var ctime= d.toLocaleString();
return ContentService
Google Apps Script is in essence JavaScript with different libraries. So your if statements are in essence all the same as there:
if (a1 == a2) {
a1 = 0
else if (a1 != a3) {
a1 = 1
else {
a1 = 'String'
Check on logic operators to find what you can do if you are unfamiliar with that and also read about the switch satement as it's also sometimes useful in place of if statements (not in your case, but might as well read up on it while you are on the topic).
As per your comment, to compare the data from specific columns it's quite simple and there are multiple ways of doing it. Think of it as a structure Spreadsheet → Sheet → Range → Value. So if you already have an object for the sheet you can do range = sheet1.getRange(1,1) which will get you the cell A1. Or you can use A1 notation for the getRange('A1'). If your range is a single cell you can then do range.getValue() which will return the value inside the cell.
Now you want to find if the data exists in another sheet, going 1 by 1 will not be effective as getValue() will bloat the script very quickly. Instead you might want to do vals = sheet2.getDataRange().getValues(). This will return a 2D array of all the values inside of the sheet. If you want to only check a specific column and you know you do not care about the rest you can just replace getDataRange() with something like .getRange(C:C) or the same would be getRange(1, 3, sheet2.getLastRow(), 1).
Then you will simply loop through the 2D array with vals[rowNum][colNum].
If the value is added manually to 1 cell and the script fires with an onEdit trigger, you can also get the value directly from the event object e where it's in onEdit(e).
Read up on getRange() (read those bellow as well) as well as getValue() (and getValues bellow that). Google has excellent documentation, just logically follow the structure for what you want to achieve.

