Kendo form submit function is not firing - javascript

I'm very new to kendo, so asking dumb questions is my thing. I've added a form to a grid so that the user can add new comments to a conversation.
On the front-end, a submit button shows up. Unfortunately, when I click the button nothing happens. The clear button has an alert and that alert pops up without a problem. It's just the submit button that doesn't work. Anybody see anything obvious?
orientation: "vertical",
formData: {
comment: "enter text here"
items: [{
type: "group",
label: "Add Comment",
items: [{
field: "Comment",
label: "Comment:",
width: "85%",
validation: { required: true }
submit: function(e) {
alert("submit function");
//var newComment = this.get("Comment");
url: "/acme/common/submitFeedbackDetail.action?feedbackId=100&feedbackDetail=" + newComment,
type : "GET",
cache : false,
contentType : "text/plain",
datatype : "text",
success : function() {
alert("comment added");
error: function() {
alert("comment failed");
clear: function(e) {
alert("clear function");

The element that you transform with the kendoForm() jquery plugin must be a form element. Otherwise you don't actually get an html form which is why the submit does not work. Try this:


Triggering event on clicking OK button in Jquery Modal dialog box

I am trying to display a dialog box with just an OK button on response of an ajax call. When the user clicks OK, it should reload the page. But now page reload is immediately happening after the dialog box is popped up. It is not waiting for the user to click OK. FYI I am using Jquery Modal dialog box.
Simple browser alert() does the job for me, but I don't like the appearance of alert().
Any help is highly appreciated!
url: "modules/mymod/save.php",
type: "POST",
data: $('#requestForm').serialize(),
statusCode: {404: function () {alert('page not found');}},
success: function (data) {
// alert(data);
modal({type: 'alert', title: 'Alert', text: data});
window.location.href = window.location.href;
url: "modules/mymod/save.php",
type: "POST",
data: $('#requestForm').serialize(),
statusCode: {404: function () {alert('page not found');}},
success: function (data) {
// alert(data);
type: 'alert',
title: 'Alert',
text: data,
buttons: [{
text: 'OK', //Button Text
val: 'ok', //Button Value
eKey: true, //Enter Keypress
addClass: 'btn-light-blue btn-square', //Button Classes
onClick: function() {
window.location.href = window.location.href;
}, ],
center: true, //Center Modal Box?
autoclose: false, //Auto Close Modal Box?
callback: null, //Callback Function after close Modal (ex: function(result){alert(result);})
onShow: function(r) {
}, //After show Modal function
closeClick: true, //Close Modal on click near the box
closable: true, //If Modal is closable
theme: 'xenon', //Modal Custom Theme
animate: true, //Slide animation
background: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.35)', //Background Color, it can be null
zIndex: 1050, //z-index
buttonText: {
ok: 'OK',
yes: 'Yes',
cancel: 'Cancel'
template: '<div class="modal-box"><div class="modal-inner"><div class="modal-title"><a class="modal-close-btn"></a></div><div class="modal-text"></div><div class="modal-buttons"></div></div></div>',
_classes: {
box: '.modal-box',
boxInner: ".modal-inner",
title: '.modal-title',
content: '.modal-text',
buttons: '.modal-buttons',
closebtn: '.modal-close-btn'
Because your reload runs irrespectively of what is clicked. If you want to assign a callback function to the modal window:
jQuery UI dialog with boolean return - true or false
Also, there is no need to make location.href equal itself (or use the window object). location.reload() works just as well.
You can pass the dialog modal buttons attributes, each with a registered event, like this:
url: "modules/mymod/save.php",
type: "POST",
data: $('#requestForm').serialize(),
statusCode: {404: function () {alert('page not found');}},
success: function (data) {
resizable: false,
height: 200,
modal: true,
buttons: {
Proceed: function() {
window.location.href = window.location.href;
Cancel: function() {
// Cancellation code here
Simple browser alert() does the job for me because alert() is an blocking call. If you omit the alert then your code is not bind with any event to check whether user clicked on a button or not, that's why the code block executes immediately and page reloads.
So bind the following code:
window.location.href = window.location.href;
inside some button click, to resolve the issue.
dont use window.location function in success.instead open the modal with ok button at success(how to do that, I think you know already) and assign some id to that button let say id="loction_btn".
then use just this
window.location.href = window.location.href;

How can i put ajax in confirm button?

Hi friends i am trying to put ajax url in confirm button to update something in Database.
So i do this in JavaScript Section
function freeze_account() {
title: 'Confirm!',
content: 'This dialog will automatically trigger \'cancel\' in 6 seconds if you don\'t respond.',
type: 'red',
typeAnimated: true,
boxWidth: '30%',
useBootstrap: false,
buttons: {
confirm: function() {
var manager_id = $('#manager_id').val();
url: "update_freeze.php",
type: "POST",
data: {
'manager_id': manager_id
success: function() {
cancel: function() {}
and this is code for update
$manager_id = $_POST['manager_id'];
$state = '0';
$update=runQuery("UPDATE `users` SET `userStatus` =:userS WHERE `userID`=:user_id");
My problem is when i press confirm button ajax works and go to another page but nothing happen in database.
What is wrong in my code Or Maybe I miss something?
any help any idea i will be grateful
Best Regards
look how i solved my problem
Maybe one benefit of my code
Thanks for every one suggestions or helping me
function freeze_account() {
var pid = $('#manager_id').val();
message: "Are you sure you want to Freeze this account ?",
title: "<i class='glyphicon glyphicon-trash'></i> Freeze !",
buttons: {
success: {
label: "No",
className: "btn-success",
callback: function() {
danger: {
label: "Freeze!",
className: "btn-danger",
callback: function() {
$.post('update_freeze.php', { 'pid':pid })
bootbox.alert('Something Went Wrog ....');
You need to set up an event listener on your button. Firstly, ensure you have an ID on your button so we can grab it.
Now, we create the event listener:
$("#button").on("click", freeze_account());
And, now when you click the button the ajax call should go through successfully.
However, it will still redirect yo due to its default behaviour.
To override this, simply prevent the default event:
function freeze_account(event) {
event.preventDefault(); // stops the button redirecting
title: 'Confirm!',
content: 'This dialog will automatically trigger \'cancel\' in 6 seconds if you don\'t respond.',
type: 'red',
typeAnimated: true,
boxWidth: '30%',
useBootstrap: false,
buttons: {
confirm: function() {
var manager_id = $('#manager_id').val();
url: "update_freeze.php",
type: "POST",
data: {
'manager_id': manager_id
success: function() {
cancel: function() {}

Adding an onSubmit function in Semantic-ui validation form

Im upload files with a form so when the submit button is pressed, I need to inform the user with a loading button. This seems to not work.
fields: {
input1: {
identifier: 'input1',
rules: [{
type: "empty",
prompt: "input1 - This field is required"
input2: {
identifier: 'input2',
rules: [{
type: "empty",
prompt: "input2 - This field is required"
onSuccess() {
console.log('Form submitting...')
I've left out the html just to focus on the JS. Removing on onSuccess(), will submit the form but not with the onSuccess() in. Am I going this the right way?
I do not believe there is a callback for onSuccess with form submit.
You should grab the values from your form and then use $.post and use the success callback.
$('.ui.form').submit(function() {
type: "POST",
url: "url/to/server.php",
data: $(this).serialize(),
success: function() {
// callback code here

X-Editable Save With A Custom Button

Here is a link to my fiddle:
I was wondering if id was possible to save my updated input to the page by clicking the save button. If you try to edit and then click save then the text will not have been changed.
I would also like the user to only be able to save their text when they hit the save button, right now if you hit enter after editing then it will act normally and the text will change.
Here is my JQuery:
$.fn.editable.defaults.mode = 'inline';
$.fn.editable.defaults.showbuttons = false;
$.fn.editable.defaults.type = 'text';
success: function (response, newValue) {
return $.ajax({
type: 'POST',
data: { user: newValue},
url: '/post'
name: 'username',
pk: 1,
placement: 'top',
type: 'text',
toggle: 'manual'

X-editable: close editing area on validation failure

What I have:
Multiple comments in some page. Each user can modify all his comments.
$.each(comments, function() {
type: 'textarea',
mode: 'inline',
onblur: 'submit',
showbuttons: false,
inputclass: 'edit-comments-text-input',
validate: function(value) {
if (!value.trim()) {
return 'Can not be empty!'; //DON'T CLOSE THE EDITABLE AREA!!!
success: function(response, newValue){
comment.text = newValue.trim();
What a problem:
If user input an empty string, validation fails. BUT the editable area won't be closed, so user can move on and edit the next comment, with still open editing area for the previous.
How to close editing text area on validation failure?
I read some source code, and I got it sorted.
The important line is:
$('.editable-open').editableContainer('hide', 'cancel');
so in the example above this would be:
$.each(comments, function() {
type: 'textarea',
mode: 'inline',
onblur: 'submit',
showbuttons: false,
inputclass: 'edit-comments-text-input',
validate: function(value) {
if (!value.trim()) {
$('.editable-open').editableContainer('hide', 'cancel');
return 'Can not be empty!'; //DOES NOW CLOSE THE EDITABLE AREA!!!
success: function(response, newValue){
comment.text = newValue.trim();

