Imported image showing image path instead of the image - React.js - javascript

I tried importing an image but instead of displaying the image, it's displaying the path to the image instead.
The Array I'm creating, and I'm still adding more data to it is:
import importedImage from './assets/path.png';
export const membersData = {
All: [
id: 1,
picture: importedImage,
name: 'Demo name',
location: 'Demo location',
role: 'Consultant ',
contact: 'T: number \nE: mail'
How I rendered it:
{posts.length === 0 ? (
<p>No posts...</p>
) : ( => (
<div key={}>
result : /static/media/path.aba65f86.png
Note: The path isn't what I've actually used, it's just for demonstration purposes

if your bundler configured well, with import you should get a base64 image url.
So you can just pass it to the img tag:
<img src={post.picture} alt=""/>

Pass the Imported Image url to the image tag's src attribute.
<img src={post.picture} alt="Could not load image" />


Vue js. Images from list not displaying properly [duplicate]

I got a parent component which sends a data object to the children component like this:
<child object-data=" url: 'url here', title: 'Title'"></child>
Then on my children component, I get this object data by doing:
export default {
props: [
Now, for some reason, I can use title without any problem like this {{ objectData.title }} and shows up.
But when it comes to the URL inside an img tag it's not rendering the image.
I attempted doing the following:
<img :src="objectData.url"/> <--- not rendering
<img v-bind:src="objectData.url"/> <--- not rendering
<img v-bind:src="require(objectData.url)"/> <-- throws a warning error because it's not a path but an object I guess.
<img v-bind:src="{objectData.url}"/> <--- throws an error
<img v-bind:src="{{objectData.url}}"/> <--- throws an error
When I check on the dom element, it doesn't even contain a src attribute afterwards.
If I write down the URL without an object, it works.
<img v-bind:src="src/assets/images/icon.png"/>
But I want my URL to come from a parent component.
Any ideas on how to solve this? I added the url-loader on my webpack file:
test: /\.(png|jpe?g|gif|svg)(\?.*)?$/,
loader: 'url-loader'
I also attempted returning objectData.url from a computed/methods fuction:
computed: {
getImageUrl: function() {
return objectData.url;
And then use it like :src=“getImageUrl” or :src=“{{getImageUrl}}” and I wasn’t lucky either.
I faced the same issue and i fixed it by using require function :
in the parent component App.vue :
<carousel-posts :posts="posts" />
export default {
name: "app",
data() {
return {
posts: [
img: require("./assets/logo.png"),
title: "Title 1",
subTitle: "Sub Title 1",
body:"lorem ipsum ..."
in the child component i loop through the posts and bind the image src as follows :
<div class="card-body" v-for="(post,idx) in posts" >
<img class="card-img" :src="post.img" />
export default {
props: ["posts"],
So in your case you should have something like :
<child :object-data="objectData"></child>
url: require('./assets/someimg.png'),
title: 'Title'
Update :
my project tree :
| |_logo.png
| |_CarouselPosts.vue
Two alternatives:
Static links that vue resolves. But they're src-based and don't work with webpack / file-loader:
<img :src="'../assets/filename.png'"/>
Works with webpack. Note the ".default" at the end:
<img :src="require('../assets/filename.png').default"/>
Documentation relevant effective Nov 2019:

Image is not uploading in React. instead alt tag is showing

In my project i have make a main.jsx in which i provide image link and description in array of 3 item. then i take those to another component name Photo through Photowall.jsx . But image is showing of alt. not the imgaeLink
<figure className='figure'>
<img src={post.imageLink} alt={post.description}/>
my main.jsx -
import Header from './Header'
import Photowall from './Photowall'
const posts = [
description:"Konoha green beast",
description:"again Uchiha",
function Main() {
return (
<Header title={"Photowall"} />
<Photowall posts = {posts}/>
export default Main
I have tried through url and through statis too but it doesnot work.
import React from 'react'
import Photo from './Photo'
function Photowall(props) {
return (
<div className='photo-grid'>
{,index) => <Photo key={index} post={post}/>)}
export default Photowall
and photo.jsx -
import React from 'react'
function Photo(props) {
const post =
return (
<figure className='figure'>
<img src={post.imageLink} alt={post.description}/>
export default Photo
please checout this repo -
Try copy image address and then paste it in the respective place .
const posts = [
description:"Konoha green beast",
imageLink:"should be a valid image link"
description:"again Uchiha",
imageLink:"should be valid image link"
imageLink:"should be a valid image link"}
The link you are passing is not a link to an Image instead it is a url to a page,
to get an Image link you have to right click and select Open image in new tab
and after that you will see this url which is an actual link to image
and this is an actual image link because it will have an extension of image at the end
I hope this will solve your problem :)

Image not appearing in .map

I have a map that displays data from an array in another jsx file.
{ => {
return (
<div className="card" key={}>
<img src={nftDetail.img} alt="" />
Data example :
id: 1,
title: "#247",
category: "Top",
The image is not appearing (everything else is displayed)
Do i need to import something else? Why is the photo not appearing? Thanks!
./1.png - does this path contain the image can you check that and use a correct path reference for the image

Nested Image Array Fails to Load

I'm relatively new to react and javascript (I'm usually backend Java). I'm currently trying to make an image gallery, where the subsections are clicked on and thumbnails of the images within each section are displayed. The thumbnails can then be clicked on and open a lightbox (I'm utilizing simple-react-lightbox for this and am on the latest version).
It works, but inconsistently. Sometimes when I click on the thumbnail, instead of throwing up the lightbox and being able to click through the images, it takes me directly to the full sized image.
My nested array with the image data, (imports of images omitted)
const GALLERIES =[
name: 'Beaded Jewelry',
id: 'beadwork',
description: 'placeholder',
id: 1,
thumbnail: bluependant,
url: blue,
title: 'Blue Swarovski Pendant'
id: 2,
thumbnail: greenpendant,
title: 'Green Swarovski Pendant'
name: 'Wire Jewelry',
id: 'wirewrapped',
description: 'placeholder #2',
id: 'wire1',
thumbnail: wire1Thumb,
url: wireWrap1,
title: 'placholder 1'
id: 'wire2',
thumbnail: wire2Thumb,
title: 'placholder 1'
export default GALLERIES
And the js that I'm trying to make work consistently.
import React from 'react';
import '../css/gallery.css';
import '../css/jewelry_main.css';
import GALLERIES from '../data/galleries';
import SimpleReactLightbox from "simple-react-lightbox";
import { SRLWrapper } from "simple-react-lightbox";
import {Link } from 'react-router-dom';
const Gallery = props =>{
const{thumbnail, url, title } = props.subgallery;
<div className="gallery">
<a href={url} data-attribute="SRL">
<img src={thumbnail} alt={title} />
const JewelryGallery = ({match}) =>{
const gallery = GALLERIES.find(({ id }) => id === match.params.keyword)
<div className="frosted">
{ =>{
<Gallery key = {} subgallery={SUBGALLERY} />
export default JewelryGallery;
Any insight or wisdom would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
UPDATE EDIT: I noticed something, the first subgallery I click into will always present with the lightbox, but the second one, consistently fails and instead goes directly to the fullsize of whichever image I have clicked on. (It doesn't matter which of the two I pick first, the second always fails.) But I can't discern why the lightbox would not get applied to the second gallery I select.
There are only two things I can see that differ from the documentation for the simple-react-lightbox package.
First thing is, with the latest version, you only need to use the <SRLWrapper> component. You have both the <SRLWrapper> and the <SimpleReactLightbox> component in use. Perhaps try getting rid of the old version if you have the latest version of the package installed.
Second thing is the structure of your Gallery component return has the div wrapping the elements. I'm not sure if this would cause any problems but, to get as close as possible to the example in the docs you could try using a fragment instead of a div.
const{thumbnail, url, title } = props.subgallery;
<a href={url} data-attribute="SRL">
<img src={thumbnail} alt={title} />
I haven't used the package so this is a bit of speculation. Hope it leads you in the right direction though.
I think I misunderstood this library a bit. You do need both of those components. It looks like if you want to display full size images, you would do it the way you have it currently. However, if you want to use the lightbox feature with the nav at the bottom you would need to do something like:
<div id="content-page-one" className="container content">
<div className="row">
{ =>{
<Gallery key = {} subgallery={SUBGALLERY} />
And then you would use div instead of an anchor tag:
<div className="col-md-6 col-12 col-image-half">
<img src={thumbnail} alt={title} />
This is pulled from the Code Sandbox examples they have. I would take a closer look there and see if they have the exact setup you're looking for. Notice also that they are using the Bootstrap styling framework as well, so in order for those styles to work you would need to install bootstrap to your dependencies.

Image in VueJS component is not loading

I got a parent component which sends a data object to the children component like this:
<child object-data=" url: 'url here', title: 'Title'"></child>
Then on my children component, I get this object data by doing:
export default {
props: [
Now, for some reason, I can use title without any problem like this {{ objectData.title }} and shows up.
But when it comes to the URL inside an img tag it's not rendering the image.
I attempted doing the following:
<img :src="objectData.url"/> <--- not rendering
<img v-bind:src="objectData.url"/> <--- not rendering
<img v-bind:src="require(objectData.url)"/> <-- throws a warning error because it's not a path but an object I guess.
<img v-bind:src="{objectData.url}"/> <--- throws an error
<img v-bind:src="{{objectData.url}}"/> <--- throws an error
When I check on the dom element, it doesn't even contain a src attribute afterwards.
If I write down the URL without an object, it works.
<img v-bind:src="src/assets/images/icon.png"/>
But I want my URL to come from a parent component.
Any ideas on how to solve this? I added the url-loader on my webpack file:
test: /\.(png|jpe?g|gif|svg)(\?.*)?$/,
loader: 'url-loader'
I also attempted returning objectData.url from a computed/methods fuction:
computed: {
getImageUrl: function() {
return objectData.url;
And then use it like :src=“getImageUrl” or :src=“{{getImageUrl}}” and I wasn’t lucky either.
I faced the same issue and i fixed it by using require function :
in the parent component App.vue :
<carousel-posts :posts="posts" />
export default {
name: "app",
data() {
return {
posts: [
img: require("./assets/logo.png"),
title: "Title 1",
subTitle: "Sub Title 1",
body:"lorem ipsum ..."
in the child component i loop through the posts and bind the image src as follows :
<div class="card-body" v-for="(post,idx) in posts" >
<img class="card-img" :src="post.img" />
export default {
props: ["posts"],
So in your case you should have something like :
<child :object-data="objectData"></child>
url: require('./assets/someimg.png'),
title: 'Title'
Update :
my project tree :
| |_logo.png
| |_CarouselPosts.vue
Two alternatives:
Static links that vue resolves. But they're src-based and don't work with webpack / file-loader:
<img :src="'../assets/filename.png'"/>
Works with webpack. Note the ".default" at the end:
<img :src="require('../assets/filename.png').default"/>
Documentation relevant effective Nov 2019:

