Why is my algorithm failing at this number? - javascript

I am trying to write an algorithm to calculate the sum of prime numbers less than or equal to a given number argument. Here is my code:
function sumPrimes(num) {
// populates the array with numbers uptp the given num
let prime = [], i = 2;
while (prime.indexOf(num) < 0){
// filters the array leaving only the prime numbers and sums all prime numbers
let result = prime
.filter(function (a){
if(a === 2 ||a === 3 || a === 5 || a === 7){
return a
} else {
return a % 2 > 0 && a % 3 > 0 && a % 5 > 0 && a % 7 > 0
}}).reduce((a,b) => a+b)
return result
sumPrimes(977); //outputs 108789 instead of 73156
My filter function check if a given number divisible simultaneously by 2, 3, 5, 7 returns a remainder greater than zero if so such number is a prime number. However, when the supplied argument is 977, it falls apart and outputs the wrong sum. Can anyone figure out what is going on here?

As per my comment: your check for prime is faulty. Just because a number cannot be divided by 2, 3, 5 or 7 does not mean it is prime. You can simply recycle the prime checking logic from this answer: Number prime test in JavaScript, and optimize your loop so that you only perform iteration once.
You start a for loop from 2, the smallest prime, increment it until it reaches your target number. In the for loop, check the number if it is prime: if it, add it to the sum.
The advantage of this approach is that:
You don't store an arbitrary large array of prime numbers in the prime array, which is eventually reduced by summing it up. Of course, this is under the assumption that you don't need the primes for anything else.
You don't need to perform several iterations, compared to your old code, where you perform repeated iterations in: (1) the while loop to generate all numbers between 2 and your target number, (2) the filter check for prime, and (3) the reduce method
// Adapted from: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40200089/number-prime-test-in-javascript
function isPrime(num) {
for (let i = 2, s = Math.sqrt(num); i <= s; i++)
if (num % i === 0) return false;
return num > 1;
function sumPrimes(num) {
let sum = 0;
for (let n = 2; n <= num; n++) {
if (isPrime(n)) {
sum += n;
return sum;
sumPrimes(977); // Outputs 73156 as expected

To check whether a number is prime it should not be divisible by any other prime. So while your logic is kind of correct, you need to expand your array of primes constantly. This could be achieves like this:
const primeArray = (n) => {
var p = [2];
if (n<2) return [];
if (n===2) return [2];
for (let i=3;i<=n;i+=2) if (p.every(x=>i%x)) p.push(i);
return p;
We start with the first prime and then we will check every second number starting from 3, as all even numbers are divisible by 2. While iterating through i+2, we simply check whether i is divisible by any already identified primes. If this is not the case (i%x), we expand the array of primes by i.

Here is another scalable minimalist and performance optimized version of the Erastostenes sieve with a cap for testing only up to the square root of the current number:
function primeArr(n){
for (var primes=[],i=1,j=0,cap=2; ++i<=n;){
if (i>2 && i==cap) cap=primes[j]*primes[j++];
if (primes.slice(0,j-1).every(p=>i%p)) primes.push(i)
return primes;
let pa=primeArr(977);
console.log("sum:", pa.reduce((a,c)=>a+=c));
console.log("all primes:", pa.join(" "));

Complete and fast solution via prime-lib:
import {generatePrimes, stopOnValue} from 'prime-lib';
const i = stopOnValue(generatePrimes(), 977);
let sum = 0;
for (let a of i) {
sum += a;
console.log(sum); //=> 73156


javascript external called function does not return value [duplicate]

Im solving a codewars problem and im pretty sure i've got it working:
function digital_root(n) {
// ...
n = n.toString();
if (n.length === 1) {
return parseInt(n);
} else {
let count = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < n.length; i++) {
count += parseInt(n[i]);
Essentially it's supposed to find a "digital root":
A digital root is the recursive sum of all the digits in a number.
Given n, take the sum of the digits of n. If that value has two
digits, continue reducing in this way until a single-digit number is
produced. This is only applicable to the natural numbers.
So im actually getting the correct answer at the end but for whatever reason on the if statement (which im watching the debugger run and it does enter that statement it will say the return value is the correct value.
But then it jumps out of the if statement and tries to return from the main digital_root function?
Why is this? shouldn't it break out of this when it hits the if statement? Im confused why it attempt to jump out of the if statement and then try to return nothing from digital_root so the return value ends up being undefined?
You're not returning anything inside else. It should be:
return digital_root(count);
digital_root is supposed to return something. If we call it with a one digit number, then the if section is executed, and since we return from that if, everything works fine. But if we provide a number composed of more than one digit then the else section get executed. Now, in the else section we calculate the digital_root of the count but we don't use that value (the value that should be returned). The line above could be split into two lines of code that makes it easy to understand:
var result = digital_root(count); // get the digital root of count (may or may not call digital_root while calculating it, it's not owr concern)
return result; // return the result of that so it can be used from the caller of digital_root
Code review
My remarks is code comments below
// javascript generally uses camelCase for function names
// so this should be digitalRoot, not digital_root
function digital_root(n) {
// variable reassignment is generally frowned upon
// it's somewhat silly to convert a number to a string if you're just going to parse it again
n = n.toString();
if (n.length === 1) {
// you should always specify a radix when using parseInt
return parseInt(n);
} else {
let count = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < n.length; i++) {
count += parseInt(n[i]);
// why are you looping above but then using recursion here?
// missing return keyword below
Simple recursive solution
With some of those things in mind, let's simplify our approach to digitalRoot...
const digitalRoot = n =>
n < 10 ? n : digitalRoot(n % 10 + digitalRoot((n - n % 10) / 10))
console.log(digitalRoot(123)) // => 6
console.log(digitalRoot(1234)) // 10 => 1
console.log(digitalRoot(12345)) // 15 => 6
console.log(digitalRoot(123456)) // 21 => 3
console.log(digitalRoot(99999999999)) // 99 => 18 => 9
Using reduce
A digital root is the recursive sum of all the digits in a number. Given n, take the sum of the digits of n. If that value has two digits, continue reducing in this way until a single-digit number is produced. This is only applicable to the natural numbers.
If you are meant to use an actual reducing function, I'll show you how to do that here. First, we'll make a toDigits function which takes an integer, and returns an Array of its digits. Then, we'll implement digitalRoot by reducing those those digits using an add reducer initialized with the empty sum, 0
// toDigits :: Int -> [Int]
const toDigits = n =>
n === 0 ? [] : [...toDigits((n - n % 10) / 10), n % 10]
// add :: (Number, Number) -> Number
const add = (x,y) => x + y
// digitalRoot :: Int -> Int
const digitalRoot = n =>
n < 10 ? n : digitalRoot(toDigits(n).reduce(add, 0))
console.log(digitalRoot(123)) // => 6
console.log(digitalRoot(1234)) // 10 => 1
console.log(digitalRoot(12345)) // 15 => 6
console.log(digitalRoot(123456)) // 21 => 3
console.log(digitalRoot(99999999999)) // 99 => 18 => 9
its a recursive function the code should be somewhat like this
function digital_root(n) {
// ...
if(n.length === 1){
return parseInt(n);
let count = 0;
for(let i = 0; i<n.length;i++)
return digital_root(count);
you should return the same function instead of just calling it to get the correct call stack

How can I make my code below more efficient in terms of performance?

The code below compares two arrays and checks that the elements at matching indices on both arrays have similar prime factors. If that is true, the count of matching factors ("matching") increases by 1.
/* eslint-disable no-console */
const primeFactors = (n) => {
let number = n;
const factors = [];
let divisor = 2;
while (number >= 2) {
if (number % divisor === 0) {
number /= divisor;
} else {
divisor += 1;
return factors;
const solution = (A, B) => {
let matching = 0;
for (let index = 0; index < A.length; index += 1) {
const a = A[index];
const b = B[index];
let aFactors = primeFactors(a);
aFactors = new Set(aFactors);
aFactors = Array.from(aFactors);
aFactors = aFactors.sort((first, second) => first - second);
let bFactors = primeFactors(b);
bFactors = new Set(bFactors);
bFactors = Array.from(bFactors);
bFactors = bFactors.sort((first, second) => first - second);
if (JSON.stringify(aFactors) === JSON.stringify(bFactors)) {
matching += 1;
return matching;
This will return 1 since only 15 and 75 at matching indices have similar prime factors (3 and 5 each)
console.log(solution([15, 10, 3], [75, 30, 5]));
How can I make this algorithm more efficient? It currently has an efficiency score of 84%, having failed two optimization tests for large data sets.
Converting an array to a set and back to an array seems like much of a wasted effort. Why not eliminate duplicates right in primeFactors?
while (number >= 2) {
if (number % divisor === 0) {
while (number % divisor === 0) {
number /= divisor;
} else {
divisor += 1;
There is no need to sort the arrays obtained as above. They are already sorted. There is also no need to stringify them. Just compare them element by element.
The fundamental speedup comes from the observation that the two numbers have the same prime composition if and only if they have the same prime compositions with their gcd. The gcd is very easy to compute; it also tends to be much smaller, and hence much easier to decompose, than its arguments. Besides, it requires only one decomposition, rather than two as in your solution. Consider
same_prime_composition(a, b)
g = gcd(a, b)
primes = primeFactors(g)
return is_decomposable(a/g, primes) && is_decomposable(b/g, primes)
prime_decomposable(x, primes)
for p in primes
while (x % p == 0)
x /= p
return x === 1
It might be beneficial to compute the prime numbers beforehand.
I don't know if javascript supports divmod. If it does, there is even more room for optimization.
A quick speedup is to have PrimeFactors stop at sqrt(n). The value of number at that time is necessarily the last prime factor.

Codewars division Kata using Javascript is producing results that are not divisble by 6

I am trying to solve this Kata from Codewars: https://www.codewars.com/kata/simple-fun-number-258-is-divisible-by-6/train/javascript
The idea is that a number (expressed as a string) with one digit replaced with *, such as "1047*66", will be inserted into a function. You must return an array in which the values are the original number with the * replaced with any digit that will produce a number divisive by 6. So given "1*0", the correct resulting array should be [120, 150, 180].
I have some code that is producing some correct results but erroring for others, and I can't figure out why. Here's the code:
function isDivisibleBy6(s) {
var results = [];
for(i=0;i<10;i++) {
var string = i.toString(); // Convert i to string, ready to be inserted into s
var array = Array.from(s); // Make an array from s
var index = array.indexOf("*"); // Find where * is in the array of s
array[index] = string; // Replace * with the string of i
var number = array.join(""); // Join all indexes of the s array back together. Now we should have
// a single number expressed as a string, with * replaced with i
parseInt(number, 10); // Convert the string to an integer
if((number % 6) == 0) {
} // If the integer is divisible by 6, add the integer into the results array
This code works with the above example and generally with all smaller numbers. But it is producing errors for larger numbers. For example, when s is "29070521868839*57", the output should be []. However, I am getting ['29070521868839257', '29070521868839557', '29070521868839857']. I can't figure out where this would be going wrong. Is anyone able to help?
The problem is that these numbers are larger than the Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER - the point when JavaScript numbers break down in terms of reliability:
var num = 29070521868839257;
console.log(num > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER);
console.log(num % 6);
The last log shows that the num actually has a different value than what we gave it. This is because 29070521868839257 simply cannot be represented by a JavaScript number, hence you get the closest possible value that can be represented and that's 29070521868839256.
So, after some point in numbers, all mathematical operations become unreliable as the very numbers are imprecise.
What you can do instead is ignore treating this whole as a number - treat it as a string and only apply the principles of divisibility. This makes the task vastly easier.
For a number to be divisible by 6 it has to cover two criteria:
it has to be divisible by 2.
to verify this, you can just get the very smallest digit and check if it's divisible by 2. For example in 29070521868839257 if we take 7, and check 7 % 2, we get 1 which means that it's odd. We don't need to consider the whole number.
it has to be divisible by 3.
to verify this, you can sum each of the digits and see if that sum is divisible by 3. If we sum all the digits in 29070521868839257 we get 2 + 9 + 0 + 7 + 0 + 5 + 2 + 1 + 8 + 6 + 8 + 8 + 3 + 9 + 2 + 5 + 7 = 82 which is not divisible by 3. If in doubt, we can sum the digits again, since the rule can be applied to any number with more than two digits: 8 + 2 = 10 and 1 + 0 = 1. That is still not divisible by 3.
So, if we apply these we can get something like:
function isDivisibleBy6(s) {
return isDivisibleBy2(s) && isDivisibleBy3(s);
function isDivisibleBy2(s) {
var lastDigit = Number(s.slice(-1));
return (lastDigit % 2) === 0;
function isDivisibleBy3(s) {
var digits = s.split("")
var sum = digits.reduce(function(a, b) {
return a + b
return (sum % 3) === 0;
These can even be recursively defined true to the nature of these rules:
function isDivisibleBy6(s) {
return isDivisibleBy2(s) && isDivisibleBy3(s);
function isDivisibleBy2(s) {
if (s.length === 0) {
return false;
if (s.length > 1) {
return isDivisibleBy2(s.slice(-1));
var lastDigit = Number(s);
return (lastDigit % 2) === 0;
function isDivisibleBy3(s) {
if (s.length === 0) {
return false;
if (s.length > 1) {
var digits = s.split("")
var sum = digits.reduce(function(a, b) {
return a + b
return isDivisibleBy3(String(sum));
var num = Number(s);
return (num % 3) === 0;
This is purely to demonstrate the rules of division and how they can be applied to strings. You have to create numbers that will be divisible by 6 and to do that, you have to replace an asterisk. The easiest way to do it is like you did - generate all possibilities (e.g., 1*0 will be 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190) and then filter out whatever is not divisible by 6:
function isDivisibleBy6(s) {
var allDigits = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
var allPossibleNumbers = allDigits.map(function(digit) {
return s.replace("*", digit);
var numbersDibisibleBySix = allPossibleNumbers.filter(function(s) {
return isDivisibleBy2(s) && isDivisibleBy3(s);
return numbersDibisibleBySix;
function isDivisibleBy2(s) {
var lastDigit = Number(s.slice(-1));
return (lastDigit % 2) === 0;
function isDivisibleBy3(s) {
var digits = s.split("")
var sum = digits.reduce(function(a, b) {
return a + b
return (sum % 3) === 0;
As a last note, this can be written more concisely by removing intermediate values and using arrow functions:
function isDivisibleBy6(s) {
return [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
.map(digit => s.replace("*", digit))
.filter(s => isDivisibleBy2(s) && isDivisibleBy3(s));
const isDivisibleBy2 = s => Number(s.slice(-1)) % 2 === 0;
const isDivisibleBy3 = s => s.split("")
.reduce((a, b) => a + b) % 3 === 0
Sum of all digits is divisible by three and the last digit is divisible by two.
An approach:
Get the index of the star.
Get left and right string beside of the star.
Return early if the last digit is not divisible by two.
Take the sum of all digits.
Finally create an array with missing digits:
Start loop from either zero (sum has no rest with three) or take the delta of three and the rest (because you want a number which is divisible by three).
Go while value is smaller then ten.
Increase the value either by 3 or by 6, if the index of the star is the last character.
Take left, value and right part for pushing to the result set.
Return result.
function get6(s) {
var index = s.indexOf('*'),
left = s.slice(0, index),
right = s.slice(index + 1),
result = [],
sum = 0,
i, step;
if (s[s.length - 1] % 2) return [];
for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++) if (i !== index) sum += +s[i];
i = sum % 3 && 3 - sum % 3;
step = s.length - 1 === index ? 6 : 3;
for (; i < 10; i += step) result.push(left + i + right);
return result;
console.log(get6("*")); // ["0", "6"]
console.log(get6("10*")); // ["102", "108"]
console.log(get6("1*0")); // ["120", "150", "180"]
console.log(get6("*1")); // []
console.log(get6("1234567890123456789012345678*0")); // ["123456789012345678901234567800","123456789012345678901234567830","123456789012345678901234567860","123456789012345678901234567890"]
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }
The problem is with:
parseInt(number, 10);
You can check and see that when number is large enough, this result converted back to string is not equal to the original value of number, due to the limit on floating point precision.
This challenge can be solved without having to convert the given string to number. Instead use a property of numbers that are multiples of 6. They are multiples of 3 and even. Multiples of 3 have the property that the sum of the digits (in decimal representation) are also multiples of 3.
So start by checking that the last digit is not 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9, because in that case there is no solution.
Otherwise, sum up the digits (ignore the asterisk). Determine which value you still need to add to that sum to get to a multiple of 3. This will be 0, 1 or 2. If the asterisk is not at the far right, produce solutions with this digit, and 3, 6, 9 added to it (until you get double digits).
If the asterisk is at the far right, you can do the same, but you must make sure that you exclude odd digits in that position.
If you are desperate, here is a solution. But I hope you can make it work yourself.
function isDivisibleBy6(s) {
// If last digit is odd, it can never be divisable by 6
if ("13579".includes(s[s.length-1])) return [];
let [left, right] = s.split("*");
// Calculate the sum of the digits (ignore the asterisk)
let sum = 0;
for (let ch of s) sum += +ch || 0;
// What value remains to be added to make the digit-sum a multiple of 3?
sum = (3 - sum%3) % 3;
// When asterisk in last position, then solution digit are 6 apart, otherwise 3
let mod = right.length ? 3 : 6;
if (mod === 6 && sum % 2) sum += 3; // Don't allow odd digit at last position
// Build the solutions, by injecting the found digit values
let result = [];
for (; sum < 10; sum += mod) result.push(left + sum + right);
return result;
// Demo
There is also another way to get around the floating point precision problem: use BigInt instead of floating point. However, BigInt is not supported on CodeWars, at least not in that specific Kata, where the available version of Node goes up to 8.1.3, while BigInt was introduced only in Node 10.
function isDivisibleBy6(s) {
let [left, right] = s.split("*");
let result = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
let k = BigInt(left + i + right);
if (k % 6n === 0n) result.push(k.toString());
return result;
// Demo
This would anyway feel like "cheating" (if it were accepted), as it's clearly not the purpose of the Kata.
As mentioned, the values you are using are above the maximum integer value and therefore unsafe, please see the docmentation about this over here Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER. You can use BigInt(string) to use larger values.
Thanks for all the responses. I have now created successful code!
function isDivisibleBy6(s) {
var results = [];
for(i=0;i<10;i++) {
var string = i.toString();
var array = Array.from(s);
var index = array.indexOf("*");
array[index] = string;
var div2 = 0;
var div3 = 0;
if(parseInt((array[array.length-1]),10) % 2 == 0) {
div2 = 1;
var numarray = array.map((x) => parseInt(x));
if(numarray.reduce(function myFunc(acc, value) {return acc+value}) % 3 == 0) {
div3 = 1;
if(div2 == 1 && div3 == 1) {
I know this could be factored down quite a bit by merging the if expressions together, but I like to see things split out so that when I look back over previous solutions my thought process is clearer.
Thanks again for all the help!

Decompose a number in prime numbers

How can I find a number within the interval (from 1 to given number) which is when decomposed into prime numbers has the maximum amount of them.
Input: 9
Output: 8
8 = 2 * 2 * 2 (3 primes)
7 = 7 * 1 (1 prime)
6 = 3 * 2 ( 2 primes)
And so on... At the end, we'll see that 8 has the greatest amount of primes in decomposition.
If there're several numbers having the same amount of primes in decomposition, return the greatest of them.
Okay, I think I understood your requirement.
Here's a simple script to do what you have asked.
//source of this function: https://jsfiddle.net/JamesOR/RC7SY/
function getAllFactorsFor(remainder) {
var factors = [], i;
for (i = 2; i <= remainder; i++) {
while ((remainder % i) === 0) {
remainder /= i;
return factors;
function calculate(x) {
lastFactorCount = 0;
highestNumber = 0;
while (x) {
currentCount = getAllFactorsFor(x).length;
if (currentCount > lastFactorCount) {
lastFactorCount = currentCount;
highestNumber = x;
return highestNumber;
console.log(calculate(7)); //output: 6
console.log(calculate(11)) //output: 8
This pass the two test cases you have given. I borrowed the getAllFactorsFor() function from a jsfiddle I found since we don't need to reinvent anything ;)
calculate() function takes in an input number, then it loops through every number from x to 0, counting how many factors it has, and it keeps track of the last factor count while decrementing x in each iteration.
Finally it outputs the number with highest factor count. Simple.
Hope it helps!!
Notice that after 2 and 3, the next prime is 5, which is bigger than 2*2 (obviously). Therefore, using 2*2 will ALWAYS be better for amount of prime factors, than any higher prime. The number with the highest amount of 2 as prime factors which is still lower or equal is 2 ** Math.floor(Math.log2(num)). The only thing we need to check is whether replacing the last prime factor 2 with a 3 will still be below the number, as that may happen, and would yield a bigger number. Note again, using more than one 3 would be 3*3 = 9 > 8 = 2*2*2, which cannot be a solution again. All of that together yields that the solution should simply be
const f = num => {
let twoEnd = 2 ** Math.floor(Math.log2(num));
let threeEnd = twoEnd / 2 * 3;
return threeEnd <= num ? threeEnd : twoEnd;
Some handling for numbers smaller than 2 may be necessary, depending on the circumstances.

Javascript recursive function not returning value?

Im solving a codewars problem and im pretty sure i've got it working:
function digital_root(n) {
// ...
n = n.toString();
if (n.length === 1) {
return parseInt(n);
} else {
let count = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < n.length; i++) {
count += parseInt(n[i]);
Essentially it's supposed to find a "digital root":
A digital root is the recursive sum of all the digits in a number.
Given n, take the sum of the digits of n. If that value has two
digits, continue reducing in this way until a single-digit number is
produced. This is only applicable to the natural numbers.
So im actually getting the correct answer at the end but for whatever reason on the if statement (which im watching the debugger run and it does enter that statement it will say the return value is the correct value.
But then it jumps out of the if statement and tries to return from the main digital_root function?
Why is this? shouldn't it break out of this when it hits the if statement? Im confused why it attempt to jump out of the if statement and then try to return nothing from digital_root so the return value ends up being undefined?
You're not returning anything inside else. It should be:
return digital_root(count);
digital_root is supposed to return something. If we call it with a one digit number, then the if section is executed, and since we return from that if, everything works fine. But if we provide a number composed of more than one digit then the else section get executed. Now, in the else section we calculate the digital_root of the count but we don't use that value (the value that should be returned). The line above could be split into two lines of code that makes it easy to understand:
var result = digital_root(count); // get the digital root of count (may or may not call digital_root while calculating it, it's not owr concern)
return result; // return the result of that so it can be used from the caller of digital_root
Code review
My remarks is code comments below
// javascript generally uses camelCase for function names
// so this should be digitalRoot, not digital_root
function digital_root(n) {
// variable reassignment is generally frowned upon
// it's somewhat silly to convert a number to a string if you're just going to parse it again
n = n.toString();
if (n.length === 1) {
// you should always specify a radix when using parseInt
return parseInt(n);
} else {
let count = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < n.length; i++) {
count += parseInt(n[i]);
// why are you looping above but then using recursion here?
// missing return keyword below
Simple recursive solution
With some of those things in mind, let's simplify our approach to digitalRoot...
const digitalRoot = n =>
n < 10 ? n : digitalRoot(n % 10 + digitalRoot((n - n % 10) / 10))
console.log(digitalRoot(123)) // => 6
console.log(digitalRoot(1234)) // 10 => 1
console.log(digitalRoot(12345)) // 15 => 6
console.log(digitalRoot(123456)) // 21 => 3
console.log(digitalRoot(99999999999)) // 99 => 18 => 9
Using reduce
A digital root is the recursive sum of all the digits in a number. Given n, take the sum of the digits of n. If that value has two digits, continue reducing in this way until a single-digit number is produced. This is only applicable to the natural numbers.
If you are meant to use an actual reducing function, I'll show you how to do that here. First, we'll make a toDigits function which takes an integer, and returns an Array of its digits. Then, we'll implement digitalRoot by reducing those those digits using an add reducer initialized with the empty sum, 0
// toDigits :: Int -> [Int]
const toDigits = n =>
n === 0 ? [] : [...toDigits((n - n % 10) / 10), n % 10]
// add :: (Number, Number) -> Number
const add = (x,y) => x + y
// digitalRoot :: Int -> Int
const digitalRoot = n =>
n < 10 ? n : digitalRoot(toDigits(n).reduce(add, 0))
console.log(digitalRoot(123)) // => 6
console.log(digitalRoot(1234)) // 10 => 1
console.log(digitalRoot(12345)) // 15 => 6
console.log(digitalRoot(123456)) // 21 => 3
console.log(digitalRoot(99999999999)) // 99 => 18 => 9
its a recursive function the code should be somewhat like this
function digital_root(n) {
// ...
if(n.length === 1){
return parseInt(n);
let count = 0;
for(let i = 0; i<n.length;i++)
return digital_root(count);
you should return the same function instead of just calling it to get the correct call stack

