What is the proper use of super.call(this) - javascript

I have a class function (not originally developed by me)...
function Project()
// this._some_var = null;
/* other initial vars */
return DefensiveObject.create(this); // see comment below
function initialize()
//*******Initialize Project************
return Project;
This function is part of a module called "Project.js" included by running node main.js.
return DefensiveObject.create(this); // not return Object.create(this)
DefensiveObject is a class to prevent objects from getting or
setting properties that are not explicitly setup in the class.
The main.js calls Project.initialize() which resides within my Project class.
My question is why would there be a need to call "Project.super.call(this);"?

in Javascript the reserved word super is used on ES6 classes for referencing the parent of a child class, it doesn't makes sense to use it referencing a function.
please read this article where the usage of super is explained
also this medium article can help you

The Project.super.call(this) line was a way to allow use of a dispose method in a "Disposable" class (not included in the original question) which allowed for a clean up of code from memory.


How do you call a function inside a module.exports = function () in another class?

In the following example, simply putting module.exports = {save} on the jsFileName.js file functions is not an option here, due to limitations on my codebase. Is this possible to access the function from the export, inside of callFunctionFromAboveFile.js shown below? See the below example of how I'd like to access that function. I've searched all the other answers to questions similar but they all mention using the exports differently as I stated in my first line above.
If there is a way to access it as it is shown, please share your answer or details as to why it's not possible. Also, other ways to handle this would be helpful but I can't change the class up much given the limitation to the codebase.
module.exports = function (JsFileName) {
JsFileName.save = function (stuff) {}
const JsFileName = require('jsFileName');
// TODO I'm not sure how this would call the save() w/out using exports differently.
// TODO I have to use exports as I've posted it in jsFileName.js
The default export of jsFileName.js is a function that adds functions to its parameter JsFileName.
Apparently, you can pass any object which is then modified to act as the module's exports.
That means: Pass any object you want to have the modules' functionality. Note that the object is not returned, so you have to keep the reference to it yourself.
// callFunctionFromAboveFile.js
const JsFileName = {};
require("jsFileName") // Get default export (the function)
(JsFileName); // Call with any object you want to "enhance"

Why is 'this' undefined in the debugger but printable in a console.log?

When setting a breakpoint on the console.log statement, why would this be undefined in the debugger but the statement print with no issues? Am I missing something in regards to scope here?
export class OptionsSidebarComponent {
public filters: Object = new Object();
public generateFilters() {
for (let property in this.terms) {
if (this.terms.hasOwnProperty(property) && this.terms[property] !== null) {
if (!this.filters.hasOwnProperty(this.productGroup.id)){
this.filters[this.productGroup.id] = new Filters();
this.terms[property].forEach((term) => {
With typescript While debugging, keep in mind that transpilers can rename variables. Using the original name in the console without sourcemaps that include renaming will show you undefined even if the original value isn't. Make sure you use the transpiled name in watches or console commands.
When you're referencing this with your console.log statement inside its own class, you're using it in its relevant scope. Depending on the framework you are using, different terms are used to reference your class... AngularJS used $scope- Angular 2+ uses this to reference the current class (or current scope/context).
When you use this in your debugger you're using it outside of its scope. It no longer references the class you intend it to.
Each one of your components in Angular uses this to reference itself. Here's an article to explain in further detail: https://angular-2-training-book.rangle.io/handout/features/refresher_on_this.html
If we simplify it to basic javascript and look at your class as just a function a good example would be this:
function example(){
var anything = 10;
console.log(anything); //output: 10
console.log(anything); //undefined! we're out of scope :)
So looking at it from this perspective, this is nothing magical. It's just provided to us by Angular to make our references to other things inside our components easier.

Preserve prototypes in ADVANCED mode

I need to compile my code with closure compiler in ADVANCED mode. I also need to keep prototypes of my objects in my application because I'm looping on Javascript objects prototypes. Trying to get both results in some ReferenceError when starting the application.
When compiling with ADVANCED mode, some prototypes are removed and replaced by a function that is using an object parameter in order to recover "this" keyword. This is due to crossModuleCodeMotionNoStubMethods attribute of CompilerOptions.java.
Example of code before compilation :
function MyClass() = { // Some code }
MyClass.prototype.someFunc = function() { // Some code calling someOtherFunc };
MyClass.prototype.someOtherFunc = function(someParam) { // Some code };
Example of code after compilation :
function MyCompiledClass = { // Some code }
MyCompiledClass.prototype.someCompiledFunc = function() { // Some code calling someOtherFunc }
function someOtherCompiledFunc(that, someParam) = { // Some code }
I first tried to use #this and #preserve JSDoc tags to solve the problem, without success. Using #export is not a solution, because functions will then keep their original names.
I've found two options to solve my problem for now :
Refactor the code as seen here
Build a custom version of Closure Compiler as seen here
Option 1 will need to much modifications in my code and will make it less readable, if it's the only solution, I will have a go for this one.
Option 2 seems to be a nice workaround, but I've read that some changes on CompilationLevel.java may violate some core assumptions of the compiler. Can someone tell me if by modifying setCrossModuleMethodMotion from true to false, will it still respect all core assumptions of the compiler ?
I'm currently building a custom version of the compiler to check if the code is compiling properly, but even if the code is usable, I need to be sure it will be properly obfuscated.
Thank you !
The specific optimization pass you are referring to is DevirtualizePrototypeMethods. The best way to block the optimization would be to use the #nocollapse annotation. It will allow your method to be renamed but not allow it to be removed from the prototype.
I'm not 100% sure it will work for this case, but if it doesn't it should and you can file an issue to have that fixed: https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/issues
You can export constructors and prototype properties in the same way.
For example:
MyClass = function(name) {
this.myName = name;
MyClass.prototype.myMethod = function() {
window['MyClass'] = MyClass; // <-- Constructor
MyClass.prototype['myMethod'] = MyClass.prototype.myMethod;
As in https://developers.google.com/closure/compiler/docs/api-tutorial3

JSHint with ECMAScript6: method is not defined

I'm implementing a client-side application using ECMAScript6 and use JSHint for static code analysis. I often use the following pattern in my code:
class MyClass {
constructor() {
//This is how I would like to call myMethod
//This is how I should call myMethod to make JSHint analysis pass
My primary language is Java so I expect that simply calling myMethod() should be ok. However without adding this to method call I'm getting "'myMethod' is not defined" warning from JSHint. My questions are:
Is it correct to make calls without this in such situation? (e.g. in PHP you always need to add $this-> to non-static method call)
If that's correct to make calls without this is there any way (any .jshintrc flag) to turn off this warning in JSHint?
No, this is and never was correct in JavaScript. Methods always need to be called on a receiver explicitly to make this work, and they need to be referred to using property access notation because methods are just functions on properties in javascript. They're not available as functions in the scope of your other methods. It's the same for properties, btw.
JsHint is right here, and there's no reason to turn that warning off. Even if that may possible, executing your program in spite of that would just make it not work.
Is it correct to make calls without this in such situation? (e.g. in
PHP you always need to add $this-> to non-static method call)
No, it is not. You always have to specify the receiver of the method.
If that's correct to make calls without this is there any way (any
.jshintrc flag) to turn off this warning in JSHint?
JSHint returns "'myMethod' is not defined" warning correctly as there is not function called myMethod in the scope of the constructor.
In the code you provided the identifier myMethod isn't defined, but the inherited property myMethod of instances of MyClass is defined.
If you define myMethod as a Function under a closure which isn't available elsewhere then you can access as it in the form you desire
var MyClass = (function () {
function myMethod() {
class MyClass {
constructor() {
return MyClass;
I don't get to write much ES6 so I'm not sure if putting the function myMethod inside MyClass's definition is a SyntaxError
Please note however that this is required to reference your specific instance of MyClass, so you'll probably need to use it somewhere if you want MyMethod to act on the instance.
function myMethod(obj) {...}
// ...
If you read the MDN's description of class
JavaScript classes are introduced in ECMAScript 6 and are syntactical sugar over JavaScript's existing prototype-based inheritance. The class syntax is not introducing a new object-oriented inheritance model to JavaScript. JS classes provide a much simpler and clearer syntax to create objects and dealing with inheritance.
This is saying using class is just shorthand for the old way of doing it, not a new model, so it may be easier to think of what your current code would look like if written in ES5,
var MyClass = (function () {
function MyClass() {
this.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
MyClass.prototype = Object.create(null);
MyClass.prototype.constructor = function () {
myMethod(); // referenceError
this.myMethod(); // works
MyClass.prototype.myMethod = function () {
return MyClass;

how to unit-test private methods in jquery plugins?

Perhaps this is a bit of a novice JQuery question but:
proper jquery plugins are written inside a closure
thus only methods defining the plugin interface are accessible from the outside
sometimes (or many times) one may need helper methods that it doesn't make sense to expose as part of plugin interface (for example because they alter internal state).
how do those get unit-tested?
For example, looking at blockUI plugin, how can methods install, remove, reset get unit-tested?
To draw a parallel, in Java I would:
create a BlockUI interface containing public methods only (by definition)
create a BlockUIImpl class implementing the above interface. This class would contain install(), remove(), reset() methods that could be public, or (package) protected
So, I would unit-test the Impl but client programmers would interact with the plugin via BlockUI interface.
The same applies here as with any other language and testing privates: To test private methods, you should exercise them via the public interface. In other words, by calling your public methods, the private methods get tested in the process because the public methods rely on the privates.
Generally private methods are not tested separately from the public interface - the entire point is that they are implementation details, and tests should generally not know too much about the specifics of the implementation.
Code written inside a function in JavaScript, or closure as you called it, is not necessarily isolated from the outside of that function.
It is useful to know that functions have visibility of the scope in which they are defined. Any closure you create carries the scope, and therefore functions, of the code that contains it.
This simple example with a jQuery plugin and an artificial "namespace" might serve to prove this assumption:
// Initialise this only when running tests
my_public_test_namespace = function(){};
jQuery.fn.makeItBlue = function() {
function makeItBlue(object) {
if(typeof my_public_test_namespace != "undefined") {
my_public_test_namespace.testHarness = function() {
return {
_makeItBluePrivateFn: makeItBlue
$("#myElement").makeItBlue(); // make something blue, initialise plugin
But don't forget you shouldn't really test privates. ;)
I came up with the same question and after navigating and finding answers that not really apply, here's what I ended up to solve a similar problem.
Problem: "I have a widget that has a behavior I want to test to ensure it's working as expected, some of the methods are called internally because they have to solve internal behavior, exposing them as public does not make sense because they wont be called from outside, testing the public methods means you wont test the internals of the widget, so finally what can I do?"
Solution: "Creata a test widget that exposes the methods you are interested in testing and use them in the qunit, here is the example:"
// Namespaces to avoid having conflicts with other things defined similarly
var formeditortest = formeditortest || {};
// widget that inherits from the container I want to test
$.widget( "app.testcontainer", $.app.container, {
executeDrop: function(drop, helper) {
var self = this;
self._executeDrop(drop, helper);
// Test cases
formeditortest.testDropSimple = function(assert) {
var container = $("<div />");
container.testcontainer("drop", 0, 3);
assert.equal(true, $(innerDiv.children()[0]).hasClass("droparea"));
QUnit.test(name, function( assert ) {
Using this method the inherited testcontainer could have the preparation required to test elements and then the qunit will handle the test, this solves my problem, hope this works for someone else that is having troubles to approach these kind of tests.
Critics? welcome to comment, I want to improve this if I'm doing something silly!!!

