How to insert - after 6th character and after 8th character in Javascript? - javascript

Hello everyone and my problem faced is when user key in Malaysian Identity Card "930402084401", I want the key in number to automatically add - to become "930402-08-4401".
When User key in 930402084401
What I want in my textbox => 930402-08-4401
I try to refer to the code where the code will automatically add space every 4 numbers, but I totally have no idea how to change the code.
document.getElementById('creditSpace').addEventListener('input', function(e) {
var target =,
position = target.selectionEnd,
length = target.value.length;
target.value = target.value.replace(/[^\dA-Z]/g, '').replace(/(.{4})/g, '$1 ').trim();
target.selectionEnd = position += ((target.value.charAt(position - 1) === ' ' && target.value.charAt(length - 1) === ' ' && length !== target.value.length) ? 1 : 0);
<label><input id="creditSpace"> CC Details </label>
Hope someone can solve my problem. Thank you.

var s = '930402084401';
var t = s.replace( /(\d{6})(\d{2})(\d{4})/, '$1-$2-$3' ); // 930402-08-4401

You can do it with a simple for loop:
let str = '930402084401';
const myFunc = str => {
let r = '';
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
r += str[i];
if (i == 5 || i == 7) r += '-';
return r;

Try some thing like this. Use map, slice and join
const format = (str, last = 0) =>
[6, 2, 4].map((num) => str.slice(last, (last += num))).join("-");
const str = "930402084401";

The fastest way is also the simplest, just create separate groups of numbers and add in the - as necessary. If you want 6, 2, 4, then:
const key = '930402084401';
const text = `${key.slice(0, 6)}-${key.slice(6, 8)}-${key.slice(8)}`;

Str = "930402084401";
formattedStr = Str.slice(-Str.length, 6) + "-" + Str.slice(-6,-4) + "-" + Str.slice(-4)


How to correctly use for replacing string with alphabet position

Other SO 'Replace string with alphabet positions' questions didn't utilize map, which is what I'm trying to learn how to use to solve this.
Given a string, replace every letter with its position in the alphabet.
If anything in the text isn't a letter, ignore it and don't return it.
"a" = 1, "b" = 2, etc.
What I've tried is:
-looping over a new array instance and setting the index value to String.fromCharCode()
- taking input string making it lowercase
-splitting to array
-return' ')
function alphabetPosition(text) {
let alphabet = new Array(26);
for (let i = 0; i<26; ++i) {
let char = String.fromCharCode(97 + i);
alphabet[i] = char;
text = text.toLowerCase();
let arr = text.split('');
return => { return element = alphabet.indexOf(element+1) }).join(' ');
expected it to return a string of alphabet positions, but got nothing at all. What is wrong with my implementation of
In your map element would be a letter, "a" for example. Then you add (concat) 1 to it, which results in "a1" which is not in your alphabet. Also element = is unneccessary, returning the position is enough.
You've complicated the solution, the simplest approach would be to just find the charcode and return that.
function alphabetPosition(text) {
let str = '';
for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
str += (text[i] + (text.charCodeAt(i) - 96));
return str;
I totally understand that is a coding challenge, interview question or likewise so if you really need to use map() you should only return the result of the callback passed to map as follows :
return => alphabet.indexOf(x) + 1).join(' ')
However reduce() seems more appropriate in your case :
return arr.reduce((ac, cv) => ac + (alphabet.indexOf(cv) + 1) + ' ', '')
Your map() last line of the function was returning the value of
an assignment.
return => { return element = alphabet.indexOf(element+1) }).join(' ');
Just alphabet.indexOf(element) would have sufficed.
This will give you the result you want:
alphabetPosition = text => {
let alphabet = new Array(26);
for (let i = 0; i < 26; ++i) {
let char = String.fromCharCode(97 + i);
alphabet[i] = char;
return text.toLowerCase().split('').map(element =>
).join(' ');
console.log(alphabetPosition("This is a string"));
Hope this helps,

Keep N occurrences of a single character in a string in Javascript

Let's say I have this string: "a_b_c_d_restofthestring" and I only want to keep (e.g.) 2 underscores. So,
Are both valid outputs.
My current implementation is:
let str = "___sdaj___osad$%^&*";
document.getElementById('input').innerText = str;
let u = 0;
str = str.split("").reduce((output, c) => {
if (c == "_") u++;
return u < 2 || c != "_" ? output + c : output;
document.getElementById('output').innerText = str;
<div id="input"></div>
<div id="output"></div>
But I'd like to know if there's a better way...
Your code seems to work fine, but here's a one-liner regular expression that replaces all but the last two underscores from the input string.
let input = "___sdaj___osad$%^&*";
let output = input.replace(/_(?=(.*_){2})/g, '');
console.log("input: " + input);
console.log("output: " + output);
This of course is not very generalized, and you'd have to modify the regular expression every time you wanted to say, replace a character other than underscore, or allow 3 occurrences. But if you're okay with that, then this solution has a bit less code to maintain.
Update: Here's an alternate version, that's fully generic and should perform a bit better:
let input = "___sdaj___osad$%^&*";
function replace(input, char = '_', max = 2, replaceWith = '') {
let result = "";
const len = input.length;
for (let i = 0, u = 0; i < len; i++) {
let c = input[i];
result += (c === char && ++u > max) ? replaceWith : c;
return result;
console.log("input: ", input);
console.log("output: ", replace(input));
See this jsPerf analysis.
You could take a regular expression which looks for an underscore and a counter of the keeping underscores and replace all others.
var string = "a_b_c_d_restofthestring",
result = string.replace(/_/g, (c => _ => c && c-- ? _ : '')(2));

Javascript array remove odd commas

I need to create a string like this to make works the mapserver request:
filterobj = "POLYGON((507343.9 182730.8, 507560.2 182725.19999999998, 507568.60000000003 182541.1, 507307.5 182563.5, 507343.9 182730.8))";
Where the numbers are map coordinates x y of a polygon, the problem is with Javascript and OpenLayer what I have back is an array of numbers, How can I remove just the ODD commas (first, third, fifth...)?
At the moment I've created the string in this way:
filterobj = "POLYGON((" +
Dsource.getFeatures()[0].getGeometry().getCoordinates() + " ))";
And the result is:
POLYGON((507343.9, 182730.8,507560.2, 182725.19999999998, 507568.60000000003, 182541.1, 507307.5, 182563.5,507343.9, 182730.8));
It's almost what I need but, I need to remove the ODD commas from the Dsource.getFeatures()[0].getGeometry().getCoordinates() array to make the request work, how can I do that?
The format that you need is WKT, and OpenLayers comes with a class that allows you to parse its geometries as WKT easily, as below:
var wktFormatter = new ol.format.WKT();
var formatted = wktFormatter.writeFeature(Dsource.getFeatures()[0]);
console.log(formatted); // POLYGON((1189894.0370893013 -2887048.988883849,3851097.783993299...
Look at code snippet :
Help method : setCharAt ,
Take all commas ,
take all odds commas with i % 2 == 0
// I need to start from somewhere
function setCharAt(str,index,chr) {
if(index > str.length-1) return str;
return str.substr(0,index) + chr + str.substr(index+1);
var POLYGON = [507343.9, 182730.8,507560.2, 182725.19999999998, 507568.60000000003, 182541.1, 507307.5, 182563.5,507343.9, 182730.8];
var REZ = "";
REZ = POLYGON.toString();
var all_comma = [];
for(var i=0; i<REZ.length;i++) {
if (REZ[i] === ",") all_comma.push(i);
for(var i=0; i<all_comma.length;i++) {
if (i % 2 == 0 ) {
REZ = setCharAt(REZ,all_comma[i],' ');
// let return nee element intro POLYGON
// reset
POLYGON = REZ.split(',');
What about this:
const str = Dsource.getFeatures()[0].getGeometry().getCoordinates()
// str = "1,2,3,4,5,6"
str.split(',').map((v, i) => {
return (i % 2) ? v : v + ','
}).join(' ')
// "1, 2 3, 4 5, 6"
There are a couple of ways to go, both involve getting rid of whitespace first. The first matches coordinate pairs, removes the comma, then pastes them back together.
The second splits into individual numbers, then formats them with reduce. Both should be ECMA-262 ed5 (2011) compatible but I don't have an old enough browser to test them.
var s = '507343.9, 182730.8,507560.2, 182725.19999999998, 507568.60000000003, 182541.1, 507307.5, 182563.5,507343.9, 182730.8';
var re = /\d+\.?\d*,\d+\.?\d*/g;
// Solution 1
var x = s.replace(/\s/g,'').match(re).map(function(x){return x.replace(',',' ')}).join();
// Solution 2
var t = s.replace(/\s/g,'').split(',').reduce(function (acc, v, i) {
i%2? (acc[acc.length - 1] += ' ' + v) : acc.push(v);
return acc;
}, []).join(',');
One approach would be using Array.reduce():
var input = '1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0';
var output = input
.reduce((arr, num, idx) => {
arr.push(idx % 2 ? arr.pop() + ' ' + num : num);
return arr;
}, [])
// output = '1.0 2.0, 3.0 4.0, 5.0 6.0'

Trim specific character from a string

What's the JavaScript equivalent to this C# Method:
var x = "|f|oo||";
var y = x.Trim('|'); // "f|oo"
C# trims the selected character only at the beginning and end of the string!
One line is enough:
var x = '|f|oo||';
var y = x.replace(/^\|+|\|+$/g, '');
document.write(x + '<br />' + y);
^ beginning of the string
\|+ pipe, one or more times
| or
\|+ pipe, one or more times
$ end of the string
A general solution:
function trim (s, c) {
if (c === "]") c = "\\]";
if (c === "^") c = "\\^";
if (c === "\\") c = "\\\\";
return s.replace(new RegExp(
"^[" + c + "]+|[" + c + "]+$", "g"
), "");
chars = ".|]\\^";
for (c of chars) {
s = c + "foo" + c + c + "oo" + c + c + c;
console.log(s, "->", trim(s, c));
Parameter c is expected to be a character (a string of length 1).
As mentionned in the comments, it might be useful to support multiple characters, as it's quite common to trim multiple whitespace-like characters for example. To do this, MightyPork suggests to replace the ifs with the following line of code:
c = c.replace(/[-/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');
This part [-/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}] is a set of special characters in regular expression syntax, and $& is a placeholder which stands for the matching character, meaning that the replace function escapes special characters. Try in your browser console:
> "{[hello]}".replace(/[-/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&')
Update: Was curious around the performance of different solutions and so I've updated a basic benchmark here:
Some interesting and unexpected results running under Chrome.
| Test name | Executions per second |
| Index Version (Jason Larke) | 949979.7 Ops/sec |
| Substring Version (Pho3niX83) | 197548.9 Ops/sec |
| Regex Version (leaf) | 107357.2 Ops/sec |
| Boolean Filter Version (mbaer3000)| 94162.3 Ops/sec |
| Spread Version (Robin F.) | 4242.8 Ops/sec |
Please note; tests were carried out on only a single test string (with both leading and trailing characters that needed trimming). In addition, this benchmark only gives an indication of raw speed; other factors like memory usage are also important to consider.
If you're dealing with longer strings I believe this should outperform most of the other options by reducing the number of allocated strings to either zero or one:
function trim(str, ch) {
var start = 0,
end = str.length;
while(start < end && str[start] === ch)
while(end > start && str[end - 1] === ch)
return (start > 0 || end < str.length) ? str.substring(start, end) : str;
// Usage:
trim('|hello|world|', '|'); // => 'hello|world'
Or if you want to trim from a set of multiple characters:
function trimAny(str, chars) {
var start = 0,
end = str.length;
while(start < end && chars.indexOf(str[start]) >= 0)
while(end > start && chars.indexOf(str[end - 1]) >= 0)
return (start > 0 || end < str.length) ? str.substring(start, end) : str;
// Usage:
trimAny('|hello|world ', [ '|', ' ' ]); // => 'hello|world'
// because '.indexOf' is used, you could also pass a string for the 2nd parameter:
trimAny('|hello| world ', '| '); // => 'hello|world'
EDIT: For fun, trim words (rather than individual characters)
// Helper function to detect if a string contains another string
// at a specific position.
// Equivalent to using `str.indexOf(substr, pos) === pos` but *should* be more efficient on longer strings as it can exit early (needs benchmarks to back this up).
function hasSubstringAt(str, substr, pos) {
var idx = 0, len = substr.length;
for (var max = str.length; idx < len; ++idx) {
if ((pos + idx) >= max || str[pos + idx] != substr[idx])
return idx === len;
function trimWord(str, word) {
var start = 0,
end = str.length,
len = word.length;
while (start < end && hasSubstringAt(str, word, start))
start += word.length;
while (end > start && hasSubstringAt(str, word, end - len))
end -= word.length
return (start > 0 || end < str.length) ? str.substring(start, end) : str;
// Usage:
trimWord('blahrealmessageblah', 'blah');
If I understood well, you want to remove a specific character only if it is at the beginning or at the end of the string (ex: ||fo||oo|||| should become foo||oo). You can create an ad hoc function as follows:
function trimChar(string, charToRemove) {
while(string.charAt(0)==charToRemove) {
string = string.substring(1);
while(string.charAt(string.length-1)==charToRemove) {
string = string.substring(0,string.length-1);
return string;
I tested this function with the code below:
var str = "|f|oo||";
$( "#original" ).html( "Original String: '" + str + "'" );
$( "#trimmed" ).html( "Trimmed: '" + trimChar(str, "|") + "'" );
You can use a regular expression such as:
var x = "|f|oo||";
var y = x.replace(/^\|+|\|+$/g, "");
alert(y); // f|oo
Should you wish to generalize this into a function, you can do the following:
var escapeRegExp = function(strToEscape) {
// Escape special characters for use in a regular expression
return strToEscape.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&");
var trimChar = function(origString, charToTrim) {
charToTrim = escapeRegExp(charToTrim);
var regEx = new RegExp("^[" + charToTrim + "]+|[" + charToTrim + "]+$", "g");
return origString.replace(regEx, "");
var x = "|f|oo||";
var y = trimChar(x, "|");
alert(y); // f|oo
A regex-less version which is easy on the eye:
const trim = (str, chars) => str.split(chars).filter(Boolean).join(chars);
For use cases where we're certain that there's no repetition of the chars off the edges.
to keep this question up to date:
here is an approach i'd choose over the regex function using the ES6 spread operator.
function trimByChar(string, character) {
const first = [...string].findIndex(char => char !== character);
const last = [...string].reverse().findIndex(char => char !== character);
return string.substring(first, string.length - last);
Improved version after #fabian 's comment (can handle strings containing the same character only)
function trimByChar1(string, character) {
const arr = Array.from(string);
const first = arr.findIndex(char => char !== character);
const last = arr.reverse().findIndex(char => char !== character);
return (first === -1 && last === -1) ? '' : string.substring(first, string.length - last);
This can trim several characters at a time:
function trimChars (str, c) {
var re = new RegExp("^[" + c + "]+|[" + c + "]+$", "g");
return str.replace(re,"");
var x = "|f|oo||";
x = trimChars(x, '|'); // f|oo
var y = "..++|f|oo||++..";
y = trimChars(y, '|.+'); // f|oo
var z = "\\f|oo\\"; // \f|oo\
// For backslash, remember to double-escape:
z = trimChars(z, "\\\\"); // f|oo
For use in your own script and if you don't mind changing the prototype, this can be a convenient "hack":
String.prototype.trimChars = function (c) {
var re = new RegExp("^[" + c + "]+|[" + c + "]+$", "g");
return this.replace(re,"");
var x = "|f|oo||";
x = x.trimChars('|'); // f|oo
Since I use the trimChars function extensively in one of my scripts, I prefer this solution. But there are potential issues with modifying an object's prototype.
If you define these functions in your program, your strings will have an upgraded version of trim that can trim all given characters:
String.prototype.trimLeft = function(charlist) {
if (charlist === undefined)
charlist = "\s";
return this.replace(new RegExp("^[" + charlist + "]+"), "");
String.prototype.trim = function(charlist) {
return this.trimLeft(charlist).trimRight(charlist);
String.prototype.trimRight = function(charlist) {
if (charlist === undefined)
charlist = "\s";
return this.replace(new RegExp("[" + charlist + "]+$"), "");
var withChars = "/-center-/"
var withoutChars = withChars.trim("/-")
const trim = (str, char) => {
let i = 0;
let j = str.length-1;
while (str[i] === char) i++;
while (str[j] === char) j--;
return str.slice(i,j+1);
console.log(trim('|f|oo|', '|')); // f|oo
Non-regex solution.
Two pointers: i (beginning) & j (end).
Only move pointers if they match char and stop when they don't.
Return remaining string.
I would suggest looking at lodash and how they implemented the trim function.
See Lodash Trim for the documentation and the source to see the exact code that does the trimming.
I know this does not provide an exact answer your question, but I think it's good to set a reference to a library on such a question since others might find it useful.
This one trims all leading and trailing delimeters
const trim = (str, delimiter) => {
const pattern = `[^\\${delimiter}]`;
const start =;
const stop = str.length - str.split('').reverse().join('').search(pattern);
return str.substring(start, stop);
const test = '||2|aaaa12bb3ccc|||||';
console.log(trim(test, '|')); // 2|aaaa12bb3ccc
I like the solution from #Pho3niX83...
Let's extend it with "word" instead of "char"...
function trimWord(_string, _word) {
var splitted = _string.split(_word);
while (splitted.length && splitted[0] === "") {
while (splitted.length && splitted[splitted.length - 1] === "") {
return splitted.join(_word);
The best way to resolve this task is (similar with PHP trim function):
function trim( str, charlist ) {
if ( typeof charlist == 'undefined' ) {
charlist = '\\s';
var pattern = '^[' + charlist + ']*(.*?)[' + charlist + ']*$';
return str.replace( new RegExp( pattern ) , '$1' )
document.getElementById( 'run' ).onclick = function() {
document.getElementById( 'result' ).value =
trim( document.getElementById( 'input' ).value,
document.getElementById( 'charlist' ).value);
<label for="input">Text to trim:</label><br>
<input id="input" type="text" placeholder="Text to trim" value="dfstextfsd"><br>
<label for="charlist">Charlist:</label><br>
<input id="charlist" type="text" placeholder="Charlist" value="dfs"><br>
<label for="result">Result:</label><br>
<input id="result" type="text" placeholder="Result" disabled><br>
<button type="button" id="run">Trim it!</button>
P.S.: why i posted my answer, when most people already done it before? Because i found "the best" mistake in all of there answers: all used the '+' meta instead of '*', 'cause trim must remove chars IF THEY ARE IN START AND/OR END, but it return original string in else case.
Another version to use regular expression.
No or(|) used and no global(g) used.
function escapeRegexp(s) {
return s.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');
function trimSpecific(value, find) {
const find2 = escapeRegexp(find);
return value.replace(new RegExp(`^[${find2}]*(.*?)[${find2}]*$`), '$1')
console.log(trimSpecific('"a"b"', '"') === 'a"b');
console.log(trimSpecific('""ab"""', '"') === 'ab');
console.log(trimSpecific('"', '"') === '');
console.log(trimSpecific('"a', '"') === 'a');
console.log(trimSpecific('a"', '"') === 'a');
console.log(trimSpecific('[a]', '[]') === 'a');
console.log(trimSpecific('{[a]}', '[{}]') === 'a');
expanding on #leaf 's answer, here's one that can take multiple characters:
var trim = function (s, t) {
var tr, sr
tr = t.split('').map(e => `\\\\${e}`).join('')
sr = s.replace(new RegExp(`^[${tr}]+|[${tr}]+$`, 'g'), '')
return sr
function trim(text, val) {
return text.replace(new RegExp('^'+val+'+|'+val+'+$','g'), '');
"|Howdy".replace(new RegExp("^\\|"),"");
(note the double escaping. \\ needed, to have an actually single slash in the string, that then leads to escaping of | in the regExp).
Only few characters need regExp-Escaping., among them the pipe operator.
const special = ':;"<>?/!`~##$%^&*()+=-_ '.split("");
const trim = (input) => {
const inTrim = (str) => {
const spStr = str.split("");
let deleteTill = 0;
let startChar = spStr[deleteTill];
while (special.some((s) => s === startChar)) {
if (deleteTill <= spStr.length) {
startChar = spStr[deleteTill];
} else {
spStr.splice(0, deleteTill);
return spStr.join("");
input = inTrim(input);
input = inTrim(input.split("").reverse().join("")).split("").reverse().join("");
return input;
alert(trim('##This is what I use$%'));
String.prototype.TrimStart = function (n) {
if (this.charAt(0) == n)
return this.substr(1);
String.prototype.TrimEnd = function (n) {
if (this.slice(-1) == n)
return this.slice(0, -1);
To my knowledge, jQuery doesnt have a built in function the method your are asking about.
With javascript however, you can just use replace to change the content of your string:
x.replace(/|/i, ""));
This will replace all occurences of | with nothing.
Try this method:
var a = "anan güzel mi?";
if (a.endsWith("?")) a = a.slice(0, -1);
document.body.innerHTML = a;

Get the next key from array from string with symbols

I'm working on a simple but difficult problem for me right now, I'm use to work in jQuery but need this to be done in Javascript.
So simple as it is, the user inputs a string lets say:
"hey, wanna hang today?". It should output the next character in my array, so it would be like this: "ifz, xboob iboh upebz?".
And I have tried everything I can come up with. Hopefully some of you guys see the problem right away.
I have set up a short jsFiddle that shows similar to what I got.
function gen() {
var str = document.getElementById('str').value,
output = document.getElementById('output');
var alph = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z','æ','ø','å','a'];
for (var i=0;i<str.length;i++) {
var index = str[i].charAt(0),
e = alph.indexOf(index);
console.log(alph[e + 1]);
output.innerHTML += alph[e + 1];
If you only want to skip to next letter with those chars and leave the others like space and ? as they are:
var index = str[i].charAt(0),
e = alph.indexOf(index);
if(e == -1){
output.innerHTML += index;
output.innerHTML += alph[e + 1];
Update: using #David Thomas method, you could do the following: (wouldnt work for 'å' though)
var index= str[i].toLowerCase().charCodeAt(0);
if((index > 96 && index < 123)){ // a to z
output.innerHTML += String.fromCharCode(str[i].charCodeAt(0)+1);
output.innerHTML += str[i];
I'd personally recommend the following approach, which should work with any alphabet for which there's a Unicode representation and, somewhat importantly, doesn't require a hard-coded array of letters/punctuation for each language:
function gen() {
var str = document.getElementById('str').value,
strTo = '',
output = document.getElementById('output');
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
strTo += String.fromCharCode(str[i].charCodeAt(0) + 1);
output.textContent = strTo;
// hey, wanna hang today? -> ifz-!xboob!iboh!upebz#
JS Fiddle demo.
Why does gen(',') === 'a'?
var alph = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
var e = alph.indexOf(',');
// -1
console.log(alph[e + 1]);
// 'a'
You need to take this case into account; otherwise, any characters that aren't in alph will map to 'a'.
(I see that you've also duplicated 'a' at the start and end of alph. This works, though it's more common either to use the modulus operator % or to check explicitly if e === alph.length - 1.)
You just have to add an array with the non respected characters:
var ex = ['?','!',' ','%','$','&','/']
In whole
for (var i=0;i<str.length;i++) {
var index = str[i].charAt(0)
if (alph.indexOf(index) >-1) {
var e = alph.indexOf(index);
output.innerHTML += alph[e + 1];
} else {
var e = index;
output.innerHTML += e;

