Highcharts networkgraph layout - javascript

I am using Highcharts library to draw a network graph. But I have a layout problem when the data makes two or more disconnected networks. Then the bigest one is centered and pushes to the edges the other networks to the point where they are barely readable.
Highcharts.chart('container', {
chart: {
type: 'networkgraph',
height: '60%'
title: {
text: ''
plotOptions: {
networkgraph: {
keys: ['from', 'to'],
series: [{
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
linkFormat: ''
id: 'demo-tree',
data: [["demo001", "demo002"], ["demo003", "demo004"], ["demo005", "demo002"], ["demo006", "demo007"], ["demo008", "demo009"], ["demo003", "demo010"], ["demo011", "demo009"], ["demo001", "demo008"], ["demo005", "demo001"], ["demo011", "demo008"], ["demo005", "demo006"], ["demo005", "demo007"], ["demo005", "demo011"], ["demo005", "demo009"], ["demo012", "demo004"], ["demo005", "demo008"], ["demo001", "demo006"], ["demo001", "demo007"]],
nodes: [{ "id": "demo001", "marker": { "radius": 119 }, "color": "#dc3545" }, { "id": "demo002", "marker": { "radius": 7 }, "color": "#ffc107" }, { "id": "demo003", "marker": { "radius": 9 }, "color": "#ffc107" }, { "id": "demo004", "marker": { "radius": 8 }, "color": "#ffc107" }, { "id": "demo005", "marker": { "radius": 100 }, "color": "#dc3545" }, { "id": "demo006", "marker": { "radius": 77 }, "color": "#dc3545" }, { "id": "demo007", "marker": { "radius": 76 }, "color": "#dc3545" }, { "id": "demo009", "marker": { "radius": 40 }, "color": "#dc3545" }, { "id": "demo008", "marker": { "radius": 33 }, "color": "#dc3545" }, { "id": "demo010", "marker": { "radius": 5 }, "color": "#28a745" }, { "id": "demo011", "marker": { "radius": 40 }, "color": "#dc3545" }, { "id": "demo012", "marker": { "radius": 4 }, "color": "#28a745" }]
<script src="https://code.highcharts.com/highcharts.js"></script>
<script src="https://code.highcharts.com/modules/networkgraph.js"></script>
<script src="https://code.highcharts.com/modules/exporting.js"></script>
<figure class="highcharts-figure">
<div id="container"></div>
What I want, is to make better use of the space. Rather then having this:
Have something like this:
I toyed around with the node.mass attribute to no avail.
Does somebody have a solution for this?
EDIT 1: To better explain my question, this is an example of what I got right now. What I want is the graph to not center the big network in the center. Align it left to have room for the 2 small ones.


change color of line zoomcharts

In this link there is an example of pie chart created by Zoomcharts. To change the color of label outside of the slice I can use styleFunction to modify slice option.
styleFunction: function (slice, data) {
slice.label.textStyle.fillColor = 'red';
This only changes the color of letter. I would like to change color of line that connects slice to its label, too. Thanks.
You can try with this
slice: {
connectorStyle: {
lineColor: 'red' // Color you to give to the line of the chart connection
for more you can check in
Hope you will get the answer.
Check the solution
var data = {
"subvalues": [
"value": 50, "name": "Apples", "subvalues": [
{ "value": 25, "name": "Red apples" },
{ "value": 15, "name": "Yellow apples" },
{ "value": 10, "name": "Green apples" }]
"value": 30, "name": "Oranges", "subvalues": [
{ "value": 10, "name": "Big oranges" },
{ "value": 9, "name": "Small oranges" },
{ "value": 7, "name": "Green oranges" },
{ "value": 4, "name": "Pink oranges" }]
"value": 20, "name": "Grapes", "subvalues": [
{ "value": 15, "name": "Sweet grapes" },
{ "value": 5, "name": "Sour grapes" }]
{ "value": 50, "name": "Vegetables", style: { fillColor: "yellow" } }]
var t = new PieChart({
container: document.getElementById("demo"),
area: { height: 350 },
data: { preloaded: data },
slice: {
styleFunction: function (slice, data) {
slice.label.textStyle.fillColor = 'red';
connectorStyle: {
lineColor: 'red'
<script src="https://cdn.zoomcharts-cloud.com/1/latest/zoomcharts.js"></script>
<div id="demo"></div>

Add line to 3d column chart in Highcharts

I'm using highcharts to make some data charts in a project and at the moment, doing it in 2D it works perfectly:
Chart working in 2D
This is a set of percentages for each month, with a red line that indicates the goal % to easily visualize whether or not a set of data is over or under that percentage.
The problem is now that I'm trying to make it 3D to give it more of a 'pop', I include the 3D library and enable it but the graph turns out like this:
Chart NOT working in 3D
Even though the bars display as intended, the line messes up and is nowhere near where it should be.
I've tried changing from spline to scatter with no success. Does anyone have any idea as to how I can fix this, or maybe a different way to present this "goal" so that you can easily see which bars are over or under it.
Thanks in advance!
PS: This is the JSON for the Highcharts options I'm using for 3D:
"chart": {
"options3d": {
"enabled": true,
"alpha": 0,
"beta": 0,
"depth": 20
"title": {
"text": "Title"
"xAxis": {
"categories": [
"crosshair": false,
"gridLineWidth": 1,
"min": 0,
"max": 1
"yAxis": {
"floor": 98,
"ceiling": 100,
"title": {
"text": "%"
"plotOptions": {
"column": {
"pointPadding": 0.2,
"borderWidth": 0
"scatter": {
"width": 10,
"height": 100,
"depth": 10
"series": [
"name": "ENERO",
"type": "column",
"data": [
"name": "FEBRERO",
"type": "column",
"data": [
"lineWidth": 1,
"name": "Meta (99.8%)",
"type": "scatter",
"color": "#FF0000",
"marker": {
"enabled": false
"legend": {
"enabled": false
"data": [
The line chart is not fully supported in 3d, but if your goal is draw a line only, you can use plotLines.
"yAxis": {
"value": 99.5,
"width": 2,
"color": 'red'
"floor": 98,
"ceiling": 100,
"title": {
"text": "%"

LabelDisplay for fusion charts MScombi3d charts

I need some help in displaying the xaxis labels for a MSCombi3d chart. I have checked and for 2d charts, there are below two attributes available. which when we set in the chart, the x axis labels will display in a rotated format.
labelDisplay='Rotate' & slantLabels='1'
But when I try to use the above for a MScombi3d chart it doesnot work. I have gone through the documentation and could only find this attribute xLabelGap='50'. But it does not rotate/display the x axis labels in a slant.
Can someone please suggest the attribute that needs to be used for MSCombi3d charts to display the x axis labels in a slant.
Any help on this is much appreciated.
The attribute xLabelGap is perhaps a deprecated or at least not applicable in FusionCharts Javascript version. Although I found some usage of this attribute here, but nowhere in the official FusionCharts docs
I found the attributes labelDisplay and slantLabels in MSCombi3d charts(JS version) functional since its 3.4.0 version. Might work before that too! :D
Below snippet illustrates the use of these attributes with its latest version. You can visit the download page.
FusionCharts.ready(function() {
var revenueChart = new FusionCharts({
type: 'stackedcolumn3dlinedy',
renderAt: 'chart-container',
width: '550',
height: '350',
dataFormat: 'json',
dataSource: {
"chart": {
"caption": "Business Results 2005 v 2006",
"xaxisname": "Month",
"yaxisname": "Revenue",
"showvalues": "0",
"numberprefix": "$",
"labelDisplay": "rotate",
"slantLabels": "1",
"animation": "1"
"categories": [{
"category": [{
"label": "Jan"
}, {
"label": "Feb"
}, {
"label": "Mar"
}, {
"label": "Apr"
}, {
"label": "May"
}, {
"label": "Jun"
}, {
"label": "Jul"
}, {
"label": "Aug"
}, {
"label": "Sep"
}, {
"label": "Oct"
}, {
"label": "Nov"
}, {
"label": "Dec"
"dataset": [{
"seriesname": "2006",
"data": [{
"value": "27400"
}, {
"value": "29800"
}, {
"value": "25800"
}, {
"value": "26800"
}, {
"value": "29600"
}, {
"value": "32600"
}, {
"value": "31800"
}, {
"value": "36700"
}, {
"value": "29700"
}, {
"value": "31900"
}, {
"value": "34800"
}, {
"value": "24800"
}, {
"seriesname": "2005",
"renderas": "Area",
"data": [{
"value": "10000"
}, {
"value": "11500"
}, {
"value": "12500"
}, {
"value": "15000"
}, {
"value": "11000"
}, {
"value": "9800"
}, {
"value": "11800"
}, {
"value": "19700"
}, {
"value": "21700"
}, {
"value": "21900"
}, {
"value": "22900"
}, {
"value": "20800"
}, {
"seriesname": "2004",
"renderas": "Line",
"data": [{
"value": "7000"
}, {
"value": "10500"
}, {
"value": "9500"
}, {
"value": "10000"
}, {
"value": "9000"
}, {
"value": "8800"
}, {
"value": "9800"
}, {
"value": "15700"
}, {
"value": "16700"
}, {
"value": "14900"
}, {
"value": "12900"
}, {
"value": "8800"
"trendlines": [{
"line": [{
"startvalue": "22000",
"color": "91C728",
"displayvalue": "Target"
"styles": {
"definition": [{
"name": "bgAnim",
"type": "animation",
"param": "_xScale",
"start": "0",
"duration": "1"
"application": [{
"toobject": "BACKGROUND",
"styles": "bgAnim"
<script src="http://static.fusioncharts.com/code/latest/fusioncharts.js"></script>
<!-- Stacked Column 3D + Line Dual Y axis chart showing quarterly cost analysis for the last year. -->
<div id="chart-container">FusionCharts will render here</div>
A fiddle link for the avobe implementation.
Get to know more about the supported attributes in MSCombination 3d charts from here.

How to use Highmaps and Highcharts with Meteor?

I am using the highcharts:highcharts-meteor package in my application. I added highmaps to my configuration. My config object for highcharts is as follows:
"version": "4.2.1", // Choose version of Highcharts/Highstock/Highmaps.
"base": "highcharts.js", // Choose base, can be "highcharts.js", "highstock.js" or "highmaps.js"
"adapter": "jquery", // Choose adapter, e.g. "jquery" or "standalone-framework.js".
"modules": [ // Choose modules to be installed altogether with main library.
I added the maps.js to be able to use both highcharts and highmaps. I am trying to render the sample demo map "US Population Density" without any luck. I am unsure what the right configuration option is and where should I put the us-all.js file in my directory.
The error I get in the browser console is
Cannot set property 'countries/us/us-all' of undefined
The JSFiddle from highcharts demo site is below.
So highcharts.Map is undefined. I have tried multiple things:
changed the config base option to highmaps.js
Removing the modules/maps.js
Putting us-all.js in the compatibility directory
Same issue. What am I doing wrong?
The error:
highcharts.Map is undefined
occurs, because you are including modules/maps.js but this file cannot be found. The module you want to include instead is named map.js. This file is located in the directory /packages/highcharts-container/.npm/package/node_modules/highcharts/modules/.
If you want to implement the Highcharts Maps demo in Meteor, follow these seven steps:
Run the command meteor add highcharts:highcharts-meteor.
Run meteor in order to initialise the highcharts-container.
Open the file /client/config.highcharts.json and insert the following Highcharts configuration:
"version": "4.2.1",
"base": "highcharts.js",
"adapter": "default",
"modules": [
Load the US map in your HTML head:
<script src="https://code.highcharts.com/mapdata/countries/us/us-all.js"></script>
Implement a container which wraps your map:
<template name="map">
<div id="container" style="height: 500px; min-width: 310px; max-width: 600px; margin: 0 auto"></div>
Instanciate the map:
if (Meteor.isClient) {
var data = [{
"value": 438,
"code": "nj"
}, {
"value": 387.35,
"code": "ri"
}, {
"value": 312.68,
"code": "ma"
}, {
"value": 271.4,
"code": "ct"
}, {
"value": 209.23,
"code": "md"
}, {
"value": 195.18,
"code": "ny"
}, {
"value": 154.87,
"code": "de"
}, {
"value": 114.43,
"code": "fl"
}, {
"value": 107.05,
"code": "oh"
}, {
"value": 105.8,
"code": "pa"
}, {
"value": 86.27,
"code": "il"
}, {
"value": 83.85,
"code": "ca"
}, {
"value": 72.83,
"code": "hi"
}, {
"value": 69.03,
"code": "va"
}, {
"value": 67.55,
"code": "mi"
}, {
"value": 65.46,
"code": "in"
}, {
"value": 63.8,
"code": "nc"
}, {
"value": 54.59,
"code": "ga"
}, {
"value": 53.29,
"code": "tn"
}, {
"value": 53.2,
"code": "nh"
}, {
"value": 51.45,
"code": "sc"
}, {
"value": 39.61,
"code": "la"
}, {
"value": 39.28,
"code": "ky"
}, {
"value": 38.13,
"code": "wi"
}, {
"value": 34.2,
"code": "wa"
}, {
"value": 33.84,
"code": "al"
}, {
"value": 31.36,
"code": "mo"
}, {
"value": 30.75,
"code": "tx"
}, {
"value": 29,
"code": "wv"
}, {
"value": 25.41,
"code": "vt"
}, {
"value": 23.86,
"code": "mn"
}, {
"value": 23.42,
"code": "ms"
}, {
"value": 20.22,
"code": "ia"
}, {
"value": 19.82,
"code": "ar"
}, {
"value": 19.4,
"code": "ok"
}, {
"value": 17.43,
"code": "az"
}, {
"value": 16.01,
"code": "co"
}, {
"value": 15.95,
"code": "me"
}, {
"value": 13.76,
"code": "or"
}, {
"value": 12.69,
"code": "ks"
}, {
"value": 10.5,
"code": "ut"
}, {
"value": 8.6,
"code": "ne"
}, {
"value": 7.03,
"code": "nv"
}, {
"value": 6.04,
"code": "id"
}, {
"value": 5.79,
"code": "nm"
}, {
"value": 3.84,
"code": "sd"
}, {
"value": 3.59,
"code": "nd"
}, {
"value": 2.39,
"code": "mt"
}, {
"value": 1.96,
"code": "wy"
}, {
"value": 0.42,
"code": "ak"
Template.map.onRendered(function() {
// Make codes uppercase to match the map data
_.each(data, (el) => el.code = el.code.toUpperCase());
// Instanciate the map
$('#container').highcharts('Map', {
chart: {
borderWidth: 1
title: {
text: 'US population density (/km²)'
legend: {
layout: 'horizontal',
borderWidth: 0,
backgroundColor: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.85)',
floating: true,
verticalAlign: 'top',
y: 25
mapNavigation: {
enabled: true
colorAxis: {
min: 1,
type: 'logarithmic',
minColor: '#EEEEFF',
maxColor: '#000022',
stops: [
[0, '#EFEFFF'],
[0.67, '#4444FF'],
[1, '#000022']
series: [{
animation: {
duration: 1000
data: data,
mapData: Highcharts.maps['countries/us/us-all'],
joinBy: ['postal-code', 'code'],
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
color: '#FFFFFF',
format: '{point.code}'
name: 'Population density',
tooltip: {
pointFormat: '{point.code}: {point.value}/km²'
Run meteor to start your app.
I have prepared also a demo repository, which is hosted on GitHub.

d3pie working in JS Bin, not in browser

I am currently trying to run sample code from d3pie on my browser before I start putting in my own data/editing it up. When I copy paste it to JS Bin, whether it be on Firefox or Chrome, it does work. This is how the code looks:
<div id="pieChart"></div>
<script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/3.4.4/d3.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://rawgit.com/benkeen/d3pie/master/d3pie/d3pie.min.js"> </script>
var randomval = 50;
var pie = new d3pie("pieChart", {
"header": {
"title": {
"text": "Lots of Programming Languages",
"fontSize": 24,
"font": "open sans"
"subtitle": {
"text": "A full pie chart to show off label collision detection and resolution.",
"color": "#999999",
"fontSize": 12,
"font": "open sans"
"titleSubtitlePadding": 9
"footer": {
"color": "#999999",
"fontSize": 10,
"font": "open sans",
"location": "bottom-left"
"size": {
"canvasWidth": 590,
"pieOuterRadius": "90%"
"data": {
"sortOrder": "value-desc",
"content": [
"label": "JavaScript",
"value": randomval,
"color": "#2484c1"
"label": "Ruby",
"value": 218812,
"color": "#0c6197"
"label": "Java",
"value": 157618,
"color": "#4daa4b"
"labels": {
"outer": {
"pieDistance": 32
"inner": {
"hideWhenLessThanPercentage": 3
"mainLabel": {
"fontSize": 11
"percentage": {
"color": "#ffffff",
"decimalPlaces": 0
"value": {
"color": "#adadad",
"fontSize": 11
"lines": {
"enabled": true
"truncation": {
"enabled": true
"effects": {
"pullOutSegmentOnClick": {
"effect": "linear",
"speed": 400,
"size": 8
"misc": {
"gradient": {
"enabled": true,
"percentage": 100
However, when I copy paste this code into a HTML file and run that HTML file on Chrome or Firefox, no chart is being seen!! I changed the script of d3pie.min.js to just:
<script src="d3pie.min.js></script>
and am positive that I have the d3pie.min.js file saved correctly locally. I can't seem to figure out what the problem is and why it is not being displayed properly on a browser. Has anyone had this sort of issue in the past? Thanks!
<script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/3.4.4/d3.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/3.4.4/d3.min.js"></script>

