Run JS with "matches" even if the page doesnt refresh - javascript

I am working on a school project/ Chrome extension that assists the Checkout progress of a Website,
i declared in my mainfest.json that a content.js file should run if it matches a certain URL.
"content_scripts": [
"matches": [
"js": ["payment.js"]
"matches": [
"js": ["placeorder.js"]
as you can see in the link, there are different stages. So from stage "payment" to stage "place order" the page won't refresh, ergo the script won´t notice that the URL changed so the js cant be executed.
Is there any way the chrome extension can always check the URL?

You could use try using webNavigation. Just check the tab-url and inject your desired script based on that.
chrome.webNavigation.onBeforeNavigate.addListener(function (tab) {
chrome.tabs.get(tab.tabId, function (results) {
if (results.url.match("some URL")) {
chrome.tabs.executeScript(tabId, {
file: "someScript.js"
You can read about the webNavigation API here


Firefox Extension / Webextensions: Why doesn't the MDN example of Connection Based Messaging work?

This is the first time I read about writing Firefox extensions.
What I need is obviously only viable via WebExtensions and both a background and a contentscript. I actually only want to write all open tabs as links in a new tab and then File->Save it. Another alternative Idea was to put it into a JSON Object and save that through a dialog, then I probably could even spare the contentscript but I haven't found anything in the API to download a JSON Object via asking the user to download it via Download Dialog.
Whatever. I think I need to communicate with the content-script then.
I tried to run the following example, but it is not working. When I load the manifest file and open the debugger for extensions, it doesn't log anything and nothing has happened except that the variables myPort and portFromCS seem to be declared without any value.
// manifest.json
"manifest_version": 2,
"name": "Save Open Tabs",
"version": "1.0",
"description": "Save my tabs",
"background": {
"scripts": ["background.js"]
"content_scripts": [
"matches": ["*://*/*"],
"js": ["content.js"]
"permissions": [
// content.js
let myPort=browser.runtime.connect({name:"port-from-cs"});
myPort.postMessage({greeting: "hello from content script"});
myPort.onMessage.addListener((m) => {
console.log("In content script, received message from background script: ");
// background.js
let portFromCS;
function connected(p) {
portFromCS = p;
portFromCS.postMessage({greeting: "hi there content script!"});
portFromCS.onMessage.addListener((m) => {
portFromCS.postMessage({greeting: "In background script, received message from content script:" + m.greeting});
Why doesn't the example work? Maybe wrong URL matching in the manifest file?

Content script not executing in new window

I am trying to create a Chrome extension that, when clicked, opens a new incognito window and performs some DOM action on it. These are the files I'm using:
"manifest_version": 2,
"name": "SampleExtension",
"description": "",
"version": "1.0",
"incognito": "spanning",
"browser_action": {
"default_icon": "icon.png",
"default_popup": "popup.html"
"content_scripts": [
"matches": [""],
"js": ["myscript.js"]
"permissions": [
"url": "",
"focused": true,
"incognito": true
chrome.tabs.executeScript(null, {
"file": "myscript.js",
"run_at": "document_end",
"all_frames": true
The extension opens the new window, but my content script doesn't seem to be executing. Any thoughts?
Edit: Added "incognito": "spanning" to the manifest. Still doesn't work, however.
First of all, I understand that you have enabled to run in Incognito Mode. Extensions are disabled by default and, hence, it would not run otherwise.
Secondly, your match pattern needs to end with a slash:
"matches": [""],
Thirdly, Google will redirect you to its https version, hence I would improve the match pattern like this:
"matches": ["*://"],
Still, it didn't work for me as I was redirected to my local Google domain. Hence, I had to do add more:
"matches": [
Also, I added the final wildcard, because Google was adding some ?urlParams that I had to match too. And this made it work. Note that I tried with other pages like "*://*", and it was easier than Google :)
In case your Google page was just a test, I'd advise to use some less redirected pages to test with.
A final note: I do not think it's possible to use the wildcard for the domain (I tried). However, you can request all the main domains, or request all_pages and then add the logic for Google only on my_script.js to decide whether to execute the action or not. (However, this last piece is not ideal).
Edit post comments:
It seems your function fails because the element is not loaded yet. An easy way to solve this is by doing an interval which checks whether the element is on the page. When it finds it, clicks it and removes the interval.
// Function which clicks element if existing and clears interval after doing it.
var clickLink = function() {
if (document.querySelectorAll('a[target]').length > 0) {
clearInterval(waitAndClick); // stop interval
document.querySelector('a[target]').click(); // click element.
// Run click function every second, until it clicks it.
var waitAndClick = setInterval(clickLink, 1000);

Develop a chrome extension to count <input> tags of currently accessed webpage

Hey I'm new to javascript and chrome extension developing. I'm trying to develop a chrome extension which use browser action to count the number of tags in currently active tab of the Google Chrome browser.I can use getElementsByTagName.lenght method to calculate the number of tags and I know that I can use console API to access the DOM of a webpage. But I have no idea how to call that API from my javascript file.Do you guys know anything regarding this ?
To get access to the current page DOM you need to write a content script.
1. Specify the content script in manifest.json
"content_scripts": [
"matches": ["*"],
"css": ["mystyles.css"],
"js": ["jquery.js", "myscript.js"]
If you need to inject the script sometimes use Programmatic Injection by specifying permissions field:
"name": "My extension",
"permissions": [
2.I would prefer the latter in this case.In popup.js add the code:
function printResult(result){
//or You can print the result using innerHTML
chrome.tabs.executeScript(null, { file: 'content.js' },function(result){
3.In content script u have access to current page/active tab DOM.
var result=document.getElementsByTagName("input").length;

Reloading a Chrome extension content script execution environment

I’d like to mimic the effect of window.location.reload(), but only for the “isolated world” which my content script is running in. That is, remove all existing JS, particularly callbacks and event bindings. Is there a nice way to do this?
Note: chrome.runtime.reload() doesn’t work for this; it has the effect of reloading the extension and the background script, but it does not reload existing content scripts until the user refreshes.
As far as I can tell, there's no automatic way to re-inject content scripts, for example during an extension update. What you can do is to find all tabs whose url matches the pattern you need, and programmatically re-inject the content scripts using chrome.tabs.executeScript.
Note that this method requires to add a permission for the same URL pattern as the one used by your content script.
"matches": [ "http://**" ],
"js": [ "content_script.js" ]
"tabs", "http://**"
chrome.tabs.query({ url: "http://**" }, function(tabs)
for(var i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++)
chrome.tabs.executeScript(tabs[i].id, { file: "content_script.js" }, function() {});

Communication between scripts in Chrome Extension

I know there are many variations of this question already in existence here, but none of them seem to work for me.
I'm writing an extension that pulls some email data from emails you send in gmail. In order to achieve this I am using this version of Gmailr
In effect, I have three content scripts: Gmailr.js and main.js (which are pretty much identical to those in the link above) allow me to pull out the information I'm looking for. Then content.js I use to send a message to the background page of the extension.
The problem is that from gmailr.js and main.js I cannot use any of the Chrome APIs, and I'm not really sure why, so I can't send messages from these back to the background page.
That is why I made content.js which can communicate with the background page. However, it does not seem to be able to see anything the other content scripts do. For example, main.js inserts a div at the top of the page. When I try to attach an event listener to a button in this div from content.js, I am told that no such element exists.
How can I get the data pulled out by main.js to be seen by content.js? (I also tried to put the data in local storage, then trigger a custom event listener to tell content.js to read local storage, but no luck because they don't seem to be able to hear each other's event being triggered).
Any insight or alternatives are much appreciated.
(I can post code if necessary, but it's fragmented and long)
My manifest file:
"manifest_version": 2,
"name": "Email extractor",
"description": "Extracts data from emails",
"version": "1.0",
"background": {
"script": "background.js"
"content_scripts": [
"matches": [
"js": [
"css": [
"run_at": "document_end"
"permissions": [
"browser_action": {
"default_icon": "img/icon.png",
"default_popup": "popup.html"
"web_accessible_resources" : [
This is main.js:
Gmailr.init(function(G) {
sender = G.emailAddress();
G.insertTop($("<div id='gmailr'><span></span> <span id='status'></span>)");
el = document.getElementById("testid");
el.addEventListener('click', mg, false);
var status = function(msg) {
G.$('#gmailr #status').html(msg); };
G.observe(Gmailr.EVENT_COMPOSE, function(details) {
status(" user: " + user);
console.log('user:', user);
//now try to send a message to the background page
//this always returns the error that method sendMessage does not exist for undefined
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({greeting: "test from gmailr"}, function(response) {
console.log("did it send?");
gmailr.js is quite long and is also not my own code but it can be seen here:
Hi perhaps 3 likely reason to your problem :
The way you send messages to bgp from main.js and gmailr.js are perhaps wrong because you must arrive to communicate from any content script to your bgp. (in your manifest content script key the gmailr.js is missing). Show us your code it would help.
You seems to have a problem with the moment you search from content.js to access to the element created in main.js. Do you try to access your element with the jQuery $("").on() method ? A simple test must be to declare a function in one cs and to use it in another. If it's not working it's a manifest problem. The order you declare .js file in manifest content script key is important also.
try to in the manifest content script array "run_at":"document_end"
Hope it help !

