Setting Array in ReactJS w/ Hooks - javascript

I currently have an array of FooBar objects
interface FooBar {
foo: string,
bar: string,
correct: string,
other: string[]
const [arrOfObj, setArrOfObj] = useState<FooBar[]>([
{ "foo": "foolicious ", "bar": "barlicious", "correct": "foobarlicious", "other": ["oof", "f00", "rab", "r#b"]},
const [shuffledArrOfObj, setShuffledArrOfObj] = useState<FooBar[]>([
{ "foo": "", "bar": "", "correct": "", "other": [""]},
However I want to randomly shuffle the "other" array in each object so I have a shuffle function:
useEffect(() => {
(async () => {
const act = await shuffleObjs();
}, [arrOfObj]);
const shuffleObjs = () => {
let holdArr = [...arrOfObj];
for (let i: number = 0; i < holdArr.length; i++) {
holdArr[i].other = await handleShuffle(holdArr[i].other);
const handleShuffle = async (array: string[]) => {
for (let i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
[array[i], array[j]] = [array[j], array[i]];
return array;
However, if I console.log(holdArr) at the end of the "shuffleObjs" function, the array of objects is totally different than the array of objects stored in the shuffledArryObj state.
Am I setting the array state the wrong way, or is there something I am missing?
EDIT: Typo wasn't the problem, it's still not working correctly. I also tried adding arrOfObj to the dep array.

You're missing two things:
useEffect(() => {
(async () => {
const act = await shuffleObjs();
}, [arrOfObj]); //<-- Add arrOfObj to dependency Array
const shuffleObjs = () => {
let holdArr = [...arrOfObj];
for (let i: number = 0; i < holdArr.length; i++) {
holdArr[i].other = await handleShuffle(hold[i].other); //<-- change hold[i] to holdArr[i]


Zustand setState outside of component doesn't update

My store is set inside store.js as all the other Zustand stores:
const retryStore = create(set => ({
retry_n: 0,
setGRetry: (retry_n) => set(state => ({
export { retryStore };
inside my #/utils/get.js file I try to update the number by 1, using setState as:
const retry_n = retryStore.getState().retry_n
const xxx = xxxStore.getState().xxx
const xxxx = xxxxStore.getState().xxxx
var j=0;
const maxretry = 20;
const myFetch = async () => {
try {
let url = `...`
while(j < maxretry){
console.log('while try n:',j) // 1,2,3... ecc
console.log('get.js retry_n:',retry_n) // always 0
if (isItRetry){ // TRUE
retryStore.setState({ retry_n: retry_n + 1})
console.log('playThis retry_n now:',retry_n) // always 0
if (a != b){ ... return }
shouldn't this increment by 1 each loop? why is always 0? I use other stores the same way in the same file and all work but this one.

How to Receive cypress interception fixture twice but in different format?

I'm a beginner with Cypress and I am stuggeling with the following:
I am calling the following from my test file:
This refers to the following command:
Cypress.Commands.add("SetupClassificationsStubFixture", (amount) => {
cy.fixture('ClassificationsStub.json').then(classificationsStub => {
const slicedClassifications = classificationsStub.slice(0, amount)
cy.intercept('GET', '**/api/classifications', slicedClassifications)
cy.fixture('ClassificationsStub.json').then(classificationsStub => {
const slicedClassifications = classificationsStub.slice(0, amount)
cy.intercept('GET', '**/api/classifications/*', slicedClassifications)
}).as('classifications') });
As you can see this customcommand is intercepting 2 api request. Namely:
** /api/classifications
** /api/classifications/ *
The first interception is with []
The second intercecption needs exactly the same response buth without brackets []
But you already understand that both respons are now with brackets '[]'. I tried to make a second fixture file without [], but the the slice function is not working.
So I need:
The second intercept like:
"id": "9d4a9c14-ef37-4a64-a1eb-63ab45cdf530",
"name": "CypressTest",
"userRole": "Editor",
"childClassifications": []
But I get:
"id": "9d4a9c14-ef37-4a64-a1eb-63ab45cdf530",
"name": "CypressTest",
"userRole": "Editor",
"childClassifications": []
How could I get this array back without []? Thankyou indeed!
I am trying now the following:
Cypress.Commands.add("SetupClassificationsStubFixture", (amount) => {
cy.fixture('ClassificationsStub.json').then(classificationsStub => {
const slicedClassifications = classificationsStub.slice(0, amount)
cy.intercept('GET', '**/api/classifications', slicedClassifications)
cy.fixture('ClassificationsStub.json').then(classificationsStub => {
const slicedClassifications = classificationsStub.slice(0, amount)
const arr2 = slicedClassifications
const obj5 = Object.fromEntries(arr2)
cy.intercept('GET', '**/api/classifications/*', obj5)
But this give me a emtpy .json file. It the respons is not just ' {} '
There looks to be some brackets out of place in the code.
I would also recommend using different alias names, otherwise the calls to cy.wait('#classifications') may not work as you expect.
Cypress.Commands.add("SetupClassificationsStubFixture", (amount) => {
cy.fixture('ClassificationsStub.json').then(classificationsStub => {
const slicedClassifications = classificationsStub.slice(0, amount)
cy.intercept('GET', '**/api/classifications', slicedClassifications)
const firstClassification = slicedClassifications[0] // just first item
cy.intercept('GET', '**/api/classifications/*', firstClassification)
So in case, your data looks like this:
var data = [{
"id": "9d4a9c14-ef37-4a64-a1eb-63ab45cdf530",
"name": "CypressTest",
"userRole": "Editor",
"childClassifications": []
So to extract the data with just curly braces you can do data[0].
"id": "9d4a9c14-ef37-4a64-a1eb-63ab45cdf530",
"name": "CypressTest",
"userRole": "Editor",
"childClassifications": []
Working example console screenshot:
Finally solved with:
Cypress.Commands.add("SetupClassificationsStubFixture", (amount) => {
cy.fixture('ClassificationsStub.json').then(classificationsStub => {
const slicedClassifications = classificationsStub.slice(0, amount)
cy.intercept('GET', '**/api/classifications', slicedClassifications)
cy.fixture('ClassificationsStub.json').then(classificationsStub => {
cy.intercept('GET', '**/api/classifications/*', (req) => {
const slicedClassifications = classificationsStub.slice(0, amount)
var selectedClassification = req.url.replace(new RegExp('.*api/classifications/'), '');
let foundClassification = FindChildClassification(selectedClassification, slicedClassifications);
//If not found return first always
statusCode: 200,
body: foundClassification ?? slicedClassifications[0]
export function FindChildClassification(id, classificationArray) {
for (let i = 0; classificationArray.length - 1 >= i; i++) {
if (classificationArray[i].id == id) {
return classificationArray[i];
} else {
if (classificationArray[i].childClassifications.length > 0) {
let childClassification = FindChildClassification(id, classificationArray[i].childClassifications);
if (childClassification != null) { return childClassification }
return null;

How to prevent repeating random numbers in Vue 3 and JavaScript

I am attempting to build a function that loops through a series of array objects containing names and ids after the array objects have been randomized, then returns a single filtered item to slots.value. So far, my spin function works in terms of looping through the randomized objects. However, the line const index = Math.floor(Math.random() * list.length) occasionally returns the same index number twice in a row. I wish to prevent the random index function from returning the same index number twice in a row. How can I do this?
const slots = ref([])
const names = ref([
{ name: 'Leslie', id: 1 },
{ name: `Ron`, id: 2 },
{ name: 'April', id: 3 },
{ name: 'Andy', id: 4 },
{ name: 'Tom', id: 5 },
{ name: 'Jerry', id: 6 },
const sleep = (milliseconds) => {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, milliseconds))
const spin = async () => {
const list = names.value.sort(() => Math.random() - 0.5)
const newArray = []
for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
const index = Math.floor(Math.random() * list.length)
await sleep(100)
slots.value = list.filter(r => === (index + 1))
One solution is to re-generate the index if the new value matches the previous one:
let prevIndex = null
const generateRandIndex = max => {
let index
do {
index = Math.floor(Math.random() * max)
} while (index === prevIndex)
prevIndex = index
return index
const spin = async () => {
for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
const index = generateRandIndex(list.length)

Can the 'spread operator' replace an object with same uuid? Solution: Object.assing() [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
How to update an element of an array based on the index when using spread syntax? [duplicate]
(1 answer)
Closed last year.
I was trying to replace a property of an Object in an array with the spread syntax like this:
const origArray = [
"name":"Team 1",
"players": [
"name":"Team 2",
const doesNotWork = (prev, index, newName) => [...prev, {...prev[index], name: newName}]
const result1 = doesNotWork(origArray, 0, "Team3")
// # I know this works:
const doesWork = (prev, index, newName) => {
let old = [...prev]
old.splice(index, 1, {...prev[index], name: newName});
return old;
const result2 = doesWork(origArray, 0, "Team3")
I expect reslut1 to be like result2, but I seem to be wrong. I would like to write this in a singe line function and not with the workaround I currently have, if possible.
I can suggest these ways, through a filter, a map and an object.
But filter way changes the order of elements in array
const origArray = [
{"uuid":"c752cf08","name":"Team 1",},
{"uuid":"d46829db","name":"Team 2",},
{"uuid":"d46829d0","name":"Team 3",}];
const match = 1;
const name = 'Team 100';
const workWithFilter = (prev) =>
[...prev.filter((_, i) => i !== match), { ...prev[match], name }];
const result1 = workWithFilter(origArray);
console.log('workWithFilter:', result1);
const workWithMap = (prev) =>, i) => (i === match) ? { ...v, name } : v);
const result3 = workWithMap(origArray);
console.log('workWithMap:', result3);
const workWithObject = (prev) =>
Object.assign([...prev], { [match]: { ...prev[match], name } });
const result4 = workWithObject(origArray);
console.log('workWithObject:', result4);
const doesWork = (prev) => {
let old = [...prev]
old.splice(match, 1, { ...prev[match], name });
return old;
const result2 = doesWork(origArray);
console.log('doesWork:', result2);
.as-console-wrapper {max-height: 100% !important; top: 0}

Javascript object not appending new attribute

I have this function, where I retrieve an array of objects, I then have a for loop to loop through the objects, and append an index or ind attribute to it:
module.exports.getCustomers = async (req, res) => {
let customers = await Customers.find({}, { "_id": 1 });
for (var i = 0; i < customers.length; i++) {
customers[i].ind = i;
but when I run this, the data is returned as
{ _id: ... },
{ _id: ... },
instead of:
{_id: ..., ind: 0},
{_id: ..., ind: 1},
Please how do I fix this
change your for and turn it into a map
module.exports.getCustomers = async (req, res) => {
let customers = await Customers.find({}, { "_id": 1 });
let mappedCustomers =, index) => {
customer['ind'] = index;
return customer;
return mappedCustomers;
or instead returning the customer, you can create a completly new customer.
let mappedCustomers =, index) => {
return {...customer, ind: index};
It looks like your objects are freezed, idk what library you are using to fetch those items from your data source, but you can read about object freezing here
Try copying the values over to the individual target objects with Object.assign.
module.exports.getCustomers = async(req, res) => {
let customers = await Customers.find({}, {
"_id": 1
for (var i = 0; i < customers.length; i++) {
Object.assign(customers[i], {
ind: i
I finally solved it. I think mongoose was messing with it. But adding ._doc seems to have fixed it
for (let i = 0; i < customers.length; i++) {
let customer = customers[i],
customer._doc = {
index: i

