React Hooks - Updating state using props without event handlers - javascript

I'm relatively new to React and this is what I'm trying to accomplish:
User selects an item from the sidebar.
The elementID is lifted up to the parent(app.js).
app.js sends it to its child, Graphs.
Graphs will create a Graph component and append to its graph array.
Is there a better way than this? P.S I'll have more than 1x useEffect in this component.
- Sidebar
- Title-bar
- Graphs
function Graphs(props) {
const [graphs, addGraphs] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
if (props.graphID) {
}, [props.graphID]);
return (
Thank you!

I believe it is a good approach, but you should use an functional state update. The "setter" functions of React.useState hook has a callback with previous state, so you shall update it like this:
import React from "react";
function MyComponent({id}) {
const [list, setList] = React.useState([]);
React.useEffect(() => {
if (id) {
setList(previousState => {
return [
}, [id]);
return (
{, index) => {
<p key={index}>

There's nothing wrong with sending props as you have done Jonathan.
If you are looking for other state management options you can look into the native React useContext, useReducer hooks to create your own system. Otherwise there are frameworks like Redux Saga, and more recently Recoil is worth checking out.
If you just simply want to select an ID and send it to another component, using props or useContext is probably your best bet.


useState setter function is not updating state in react

I am using the useIsDirty hook in two components, CustomCodeEditor and EditorFooter, to track whether the code in the Editor has been modified. The hook returns an isDirty state and a setIsDirty function to update it. When I call setIsDirty(true) in the CustomCodeEditor component, the state is updated, but when I call setIsDirty(false) in the EditorFooter component, it doesn't seem to update the isDirty state. I believe this is because the EditorFooter component does not have access to the updated state. Anyone, please help me with this.
import { useEffect, useState } from "react"
const useIsDirty = () => {
const [isDirty, setIsDirty] = useState(false)
useEffect(() => {
const handleBeforeUnload = (event) => {
if (isDirty) {
event.returnValue = ""
alert("You have unsaved changes, are you sure you want to leave?")
console.log("Diryt:", isDirty)
window.addEventListener("beforeunload", handleBeforeUnload)
return () => {
window.removeEventListener("beforeunload", handleBeforeUnload)
}, [isDirty])
return { isDirty, setIsDirty }
export default useIsDirty
import Editor from "#monaco-editor/react"
import useIsDirty from "../../hooks/useIsDirty"
const CustomCodeEditor = () => {
const { isDirty, setIsDirty } = useIsDirty()
console.log("isDirty:", isDirty)
return (
<div className="bg-[#1e1e1e] h-full">
onChange={(value) => {
updateCode(value || "")
setIsDirty(true) // updating state
export default CustomCodeEditor
import Button from "../reusable/Button"
const EditorFooter = () => {
const { setIsDirty } = useIsDirty()
const handleSave = async () => {
return (
export default EditorFooter
Hooks are not singleton instances.. when you use useIsDirty somewhere.. it always create new instance, with unrelated states to other ones. If you want to share this state you need to use Context
const IsDirtyContext = createContext(undefined);
const IsDirtyProvider = ({ children }): ReactElement => {
const [isDirty, setIsDirty] = useState(false)
return <IsDirtyContext.Provider value={{isDirty, setIsDirty}}>{children}</IsDirtyContext.Provider>;
and then you should wrap your commponent tree where you wanna access it with IsDirtyProvider
after that, you can even create your custom hook that will just return that context:
const useIsDirty = () => {
return useContext(IsDirtyContext)
Looking at your question, it looks like you are trying to use the same state in both components. However, the state doesn't work like that. A new instance is created whenever you make a call to useIsDirty from a different component.
If you want to use the state value across two components. You can do that using one of the following ways.
1 - Use a parent and child hierarchy.
Create a parent component and wrap the two components inside the parent component.
Manage the state in the parent component and pass it using props to the child component.
Create a function in child components that will execute a function from the parent component. The parent component function will hold the code to update the state based on whatever value you receive from the child component.
Now you should be able to share your state between both components.
2 - Use the context api.
If you are not familiar with what context api is, below is a brief explanation.
Context api helps you share data between components, without the need of passing them as a prop to each and every component.
You can use createContext and useContext hooks from context api.
createContext is used to create a new context provider.
useContext hook is used to manage the state globally.
You can get the value from context using this function.
Whenever the state is updated the value will be reflected globally.
Note - Any component that needs to use the value inside the useContext should be wrapped inside the useContext provider component.
Steps to create a context provider.
To create a context you just need to use the react hook createContext
Create a context using below code
const isDirtyContext = createContext();
Wrap your components in the context provider
import {IsDirtyContext} from './path/filename'
<IsDirtyContext.Provider value={[isDirty, setIsDirty]}>{children}</IsDirtyContext.Provider>
If your context is in a separate file, then you can import it into any child component using the import statement.
import {IsDirtyContext} from './path/filename'
Use the context
const [isDirty] = useContext(IsDirtyContext);
Now the isDirty state value is available globally in all components.
Hope this information helps you. Please upvote if this helps you understand and solve the problem.

React component re-rendering many times

i have a react component thats keep re-rendering idk why but i think the reason is the data fetching
data code :
export function KPI_Stock_Utilisation() {
const [kpi_stock_utilisation, setKpi_stock_utilisation] = useState([{}]);
useEffect(() => {
axios.get("http://localhost:5137/KPI_Stock_Utilisation").then((response) => {
setKpi_stock_utilisation((existingData) => {
}, []);
console.log('data get')
return kpi_stock_utilisation;
this log displayed many times , and the log in the component too
component code :
import React from "react";
import { KPI_Stock_Utilisation } from "../../Data/data";
import { useEffect } from "react";
export default function WarehouseUtilisChart(props) {
let kpi_stock_utilisations =KPI_Stock_Utilisation();
let Stock_utilisation = (kpi_stock_utilisations.length / 402) * 100;
console.log('component render')
return (
im new with react i tried useEffect inside the componenets but its not working
Calling the react custom hook KPI_Stock_Utilisation several times will for sure render more than once.
in your case I suggest you use useEffect in the same component as I will show you.
import React,{useEffect,useRef} from "react";
import { KPI_Stock_Utilisation } from "../../Data/data";
import axios from 'axios';
export default function WarehouseUtilisChart(props) {
const [kpi_stock_utilisation, setKpi_stock_utilisation] = useState([{}]);
const stock_utilisation= useRef(0);
useEffect(() => {
axios.get("http://localhost:5137/KPI_Stock_Utilisation").then((response) => {
stock_utilisation.current = ( / 402) * 100;
//this will guarantee that the api will be called only once
}, []);
//you should see this twice, one with the value 0, and another one, the calculated data
console.log('component render',stock_utilisation.current)
return (
To note, if you call this component from more than one location, for sure it will render several times - keep that in mind.
On the other hand, all your variables should always start with a lower case and try to name your variables like this: instead of kpi_stock_utilisation change it to kpiStockUtilisation for a better coding practice
You got into infinite loop.
Its hard to explain why it doesn't work as expected, but I can try.
First of all, useEffect with empty array of dependencies works like componentDidMount and fires only after (!) first render.
So you have some value returned from your let kpi_stock_utilisations =KPI_Stock_Utilisation(); then it rendered, after this your useEffect fires a request and set state, setting of state trigger re-render and new value to return, this new value trigger your parent component to return let kpi_stock_utilisations =KPI_Stock_Utilisation(); might run again.
If you are trying to create a custom hook for fetching some info, follow rules of hooks
I hope it helped you

Invalid hook call error when trying to set state

I have a scenario where I am forced to call a trigger method to show a modal from two different places, one using a hotkey combination and another by clicking on a toolbar button. In order to do so I have the following code, where I call the triggerCustomLinkModal to set the state but then I am hit with the Invalid Hook call error.
import { useState, useCallback, useEffect } from "react"
import { Dialog } from "#blueprintjs/core"
const useLocalState = () => {
const [isShown, setIsShown] = useState(false)
const setState = useCallback((state) => {
const getState = useCallback(() => {
return isShown
return {
export const CustomLinkModalUI = () => {
const { getState } = useLocalState()
return (
<Dialog isOpen={getState()} />
export const triggerCustomLinkModal = () => {
const { setState } = useLocalState()
Expanding from Chris answer in the comments ( You can't use hooks outside React components. -> so you can't call useLocalState() inside triggerCustomLinkModal since triggerCustomLinkModal is not a React component ):
You don't really need the useCallback hook or even the functions itself. Aaccording to react docs :
React guarantees that setState function identity is stable and won’t
change on re-renders. This is why it’s safe to omit from the useEffect
or useCallback dependency list.
This also means that using useCallback hook to set a state it doesn't really make sense (because useCallback role is just to return a memoized callback)
What you basically need is a state set up in the closest parrent component and pass the setIsShown as a prop as well as the isShown function.
Your current implementation, even if it weren't for the error, it wouldn't refer to the same state since on each useLocalState() you are initializing a fresh new state (so you are not pointing to the same state in CustomLinkModalUI and triggerCustomLinkModal)

Using a global object in React Context that is not related to state

I want to have a global object that is available to my app where I can retrieve the value anywhere and also set a new value anywhere. Currently I have only used Context for values that are related to state i.e something needs to render again when the value changes. For example:
import React from 'react';
const TokenContext = React.createContext({
token: null,
setToken: () => {}
export default TokenContext;
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import './App.css';
import Title from './Title';
import TokenContext from './TokenContext';
function App() {
const [token, setToken] = useState(null);
<TokenContext.Provider value={{ token, setToken }}>
<Title />
export default App;
How would I approach this if I just want to store a JS object in context (not a state) and also change the value anywhere?
The global context concept in React world was born to resolve problem with passing down props via multiple component layer. And when working with React, we want to re-render whenever "data source" changes. One way data binding in React makes this flow easier to code, debug and maintain as well.
So what is your specific purpose of store a global object and for nothing happen when that object got changes? If nothing re-render whenever it changes, so what is the main use of it?
Prevent re-render in React has multiple ways like useEffect or old shouldComponentUpdate method. I think they can help if your main idea is just prevent re-render in some very specific cases.
Use it as state management libraries like Redux.
You have a global object (store) and you query the value through context, but you also need to add forceUpdate() because mutating the object won't trigger a render as its not part of React API:
const globalObject = { counter: 0 };
const Context = React.createContext(globalObject);
const Consumer = () => {
const [, render] = useReducer(p => !p, false);
const store = useContext(Context);
const onClick = () => {
store.counter = store.counter + 1;
return (
<button onClick={onClick}>Render</button>
const App = () => {
return (
<Context.Provider value={globalObject}>
<Consumer />

Updating component's state using props with functional components

I am trying to update the state of my component using props that I get from the parent component, but I get the following error message:
Too many re-renders. React limits the number of renders to prevent an infinite loop.
I want the local state to update if the prop changes.
The similar posts (Updating component's state using props, Updating state with props on React child component, Updating component's state using props) did not fixed it for me.
import React, {useState} from "react"
const HomeWorld = (props) => {
const [planetData, setPlanetData] = useState([]);
if(props.Selected === true){
<h1>hi i am your starship, type: {planetData}</h1>
export default HomeWorld
You need to use the useEffect hook to run it only once.
import { useEffect } from 'react'
const HomeWorld = (props) => {
const [planetData, setPlanetData] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
if(props.Selected === true){
}, [props.Selected, props.Planet, setPlanetData]) // This will only run when one of those variables change
<h1>hi i am your starship, type: {planetData}</h1>
Please notice that if props.Selected or props.Planet change, it will re run the effect.
Why Do I Get This Error ?
Too many re-renders. React limits the number of renders to prevent an infinite loop.
What is happening here is that when your component renders, it runs everything in the function, calling setPlanetData wich will rerender the component, calling everything inside the function again (setPlanetData again) and making a infinite loop.
You're generally better off not updating your state with props. It generally makes the component hard to reason about and can often lead to unexpected states and stale data. Instead, I would consider something like:
const HomeWorld = (props) => {
const planetData = props.Selected
? props.Planet
//... what to display when its not selected, perhaps:
: props.PreviousPlanet
<h1>hi i am your starship, type: {planetData}</h1>
This might require a bit more logic in the parent component, to control what displays when the Selected prop is false, but it's a lot more idiomatic React.

