wix mobile not able to fit javascript embedding on mobile version - javascript

i have been having problems in wix mobile website version I have a javascript quoter embedded on the desktop version now how do i make that fit in the mobile dimension? any tips on getting that done www.yourfamiliesfirst.com/tq is where it is i have resized the first page of the quoter where you put in your information and what not. i had to scale the image and push it out of the box to fit the screen, problem is when second page after that loads its not proportional to the mobile version and it looks like the page being displayed is greater than the mobile screen. Please help me out as i have no coding skills to be able to code my way out of it but I'm open to suggestions. Thank you for whoever takes the time of reading this and give me a suggestion much love god bless.

Hey #exodus seems like you're running into responsive site issues. Normally you could resolve it by developing with mobile-first in mind by setting #media responsive CSS.
I'm not too familiar with Wix, however I did find this Wix documentation here which guides you through having a mobile-friendly view and layout.


react app positioning some image differently

this is a strange one. when I look at my application products screen some images are position differently to others and are more central. when I try and recreate this in google chrome or firebox browser with the dev tool and mobile view they are positioned correctly. its just showing this strange positioning on some images. As it is only showing as problem on my samsung s10 and not in the browsers I cant troubleshoot. any help or ideas would be appreciated.
The link to the hosted app is here and would need to be viewed on a mobile to recreate this problem, thanks
https://webdev-davidm.github.io/E-commerce-front-end/#[![enter image description here]1]1
check your browser you might need to add some libraries..not sure which one you can check this on mdn documentation

Non responsive website made using Create React App - Page showing zoomed in on mobile

Background of the problem - I am creating a simple HTML landing page using create react app node package manager.
I started having problem when I tried to make the website mobile friendly.
Specific problem -
When I check the create react app public folder, I do not see anything wrong with the viewport meta tag and it is as is should be.Here is another screenshot.
When I open the website on the mobile its zoomed in and the background color is out of proportion. I am guessing it is happening because of viewport meta data not getting rendered correctly.
Anyone with a react and CSS skill combined will be able to figure out what is making this happen. I am attaching a gif of the problem below.
link two
I need help with fixing the viewport meta data for a landing page created using Reacts scaffolded 'Create react application'.
I am trying to make the site mobile friendly however am facing the following issue. Kindly load the following link on a mobile device or mobile simulation mode in the browser.
Also, when the page resizes. I would want to learn how to make the text resize/ adjust according to the window being resized.
The code is available at master branch. https://github.com/sagarmunjal/learnreactjs.git
Any solutions are highly appreciated.
Your .Hero-h1 has a font size of 3.5em which is making the title stretch outside of the page making it bigger than it should be. This might be a problem with more of your layout.
I suggest you look into media queries if you want to make a responsive website. Here is a good article on the subject: https://css-tricks.com/css-media-queries/

pagePiling.js pp-scrollable not working for mobile devices

I have been using the pagePiling.js library for creating a scrollable website, and used the pp-scrollable class for allowing scroll for contents that are huge so that the user can scroll through the section content before moving on to another section.
The functionality is working fine on desktop browsers but isn't working on mobile browsers.
Has anyone had any similar issues with the plugins, if so please any help or tips is welcome.

Cordova 3.3.0 How to render new webView(html or url) in the middle of mobile device screen

Cordova 3.3.0, jquery, html, javascript, css
I am creating a mobile application using cordova 3.3.0.
On the second page I need to render a new page (html or url) in the middle of screen with respective to device width.
I need header & footer in fixed position at top & bottom respectively.
Middle part there should be one div or frame in that html or url page should render.
I have tried using iFrame, Cordova's InAppBrowser API both are not working. iframe is not scrollable & its contents are not squeezed. InAPpBrowser opens a new html covering total screen.
Please suggest me any working solution.
Thanks in advance
Use jQueryMobile. http://jquerymobile.com/
It renders pages and has ready-to-work transitions from one page to others. The page definition offers the possibility to have fixed headers and footers. jQueryMobile also offers a wide variety of controls and events suitable for mobile phones.
Be aware that depending on the user group of your software, despite of jQueryMobile you may still encounter the fact that many phones don't behave as expected, especially older phones.
Android phones used to be terrible in rendering transitions, so people came to shut them off or to replace them by simpler ones. Some very old phones had problems because the fixed footer at the bottom appeared suddenly in the middle of the screen or was not put down again after the keyboard disappeared. There will always be such details.
Yet still, jQuerymobile is probably your best option because of the work that has already done for you. Good luck :-)

How to create full viewport screen website layout

I am just starting with both media queries and viewport statements. Is this what is used to create websites like the following ?
What I am trying to achieve is a full page / viewport on all screen sizes. Then on scroll to the next section below is also filled with the viewing area. This is a new popular type web desin and I am trying to figure out how to replicate it. Either html5 or bootstrap solutions would be great. Thanks in advance.
Short answer: Yes, media-queries is the main way to go in order to create fluid layouts.
If you're just starting out, I would recommend you to learn writing these from scratch in order to get an understanding. There is a good article available at http://css-tricks.com/css-media-queries/
However, if you do not wish to code the media-queries yourself; that kind of pages with a fluid responsive layout can easily be made with bootstrap.
To download bootstrap, go to http://getbootstrap.com and start working from there.

