How to iterate and append characters of an array by push [closed] - javascript

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Closed 2 years ago.
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var charArray=[a,b,c]
I want to have a new array as following:
var charArrayNew=[a, ab, abc]
Please suggest how to get the result of charArrayNew in ES6 Javascript.

You could do this:
const charArray=['a','b','c'];
const answer =,i,ar)=>ar.slice(0,i+1).join(""));
// or, alternatively:
ar.reduce((a,c)=>(res.push(a+=c),a),""),res );


How to check in javascript if a list contains any element? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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How to check if a list is not empty?
if (serialNumbersList.Any()) //c# expression equivalent
// do stuff
In javascript there are no lists but arrays, and you can check their length property
if(serialNumberList.length > 0) {
// Do your stuff

Output array in javascript [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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When I console.log(arrayname) I get this:
How do I Output the value "test"?
Just take the index of the array.
var arrayname = ['test'];
// ^^^
var foo = Array('bar', 'baz', 'qux');
alert(foo[0]); //First item
alert(foo[1]); //Second item
alert(foo[2]); //Third item

Javascript Array to special Object [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I need for an Plugin an Object structure like this:
"Apple (red)":7.33,
"Apple (green)":0.03
Don't know how to write it that this shine.
I got the all values already so how to set it up like this?
Use this notation to make objects with those properties:
var obj = {};
obj["Beer"] = 145;
obj["Apple (red)"] = 7.5;

Create an associative array in JavaScript [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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var playlist = {"bad romance":"gaga", "we cry":"the script"};
How can I get string "gaga" from my code? What is the name of my array in JavaScript programming?
Try Object instead of Array:
var playlist = {"bad romance":"gaga", "we cry":"the script"};
alert(playlist["bad romance"]); //gaga

Formatting String with pattern [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a String variable who represent date
console.log(goDate); --> "23/12/2014"
how I could turn this variable like this..?:
console.log(goDate); --> "2014-12-23".
var goDate = "23/12/2014"; // needs 2014-12-23
var newGoDate = goDate.split('/').reverse().join('-');

