I'm trying to implement instancing in Aframe using the ThreeJs InstancedMesh based on the example here: https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/examples/webgl_instancing_dynamic.html
Relevant section of code here:
init: function() {
const {count, radius, scale, colors, positions} = this.data;
this.start = true;
this.dummy = new THREE.Object3D();
this.count = count;
this.startObject = new THREE.Object3D();
this.endObject = new THREE.Object3D();
this.instanceColors = new Float32Array(count * 3);
this.instanceColorsBase = new Float32Array(this.instanceColors.length);
this.vertices = [];
this.rotations = [];
for ( var i = 0; i < this.data.count; i ++ ) {
var x = this.data.positions[i][0] * this.data.scale;
var y = this.data.positions[i][1] * this.data.scale;
var z = this.data.positions[i][2] * this.data.scale;
var xEnd = x + this.data.endPositions[i][0] * this.data.scale;
var yEnd = y + this.data.endPositions[i][1] * this.data.scale;
var zEnd = z + this.data.endPositions[i][2] * this.data.scale;
this.vertices.push( x, y, z );
const rotation = this.getDirection({'x':x,'y':y,'z':z},
this.rotations.push(rotation.x, rotation.y, rotation.z);
let mesh;
let geometry;
let material;
const loader = new THREE.GLTFLoader();
const el = this.el;
loader.load("/assets/arrow/arrow.gltf", function ( model ) {
geometry = model.scene.children[0].children[0].geometry;
geometry.scale( 0.03, 0.03, 0.03 );
material = new THREE.MeshNormalMaterial();
mesh = new THREE.InstancedMesh( geometry, material, count );
mesh.instanceMatrix.setUsage( THREE.DynamicDrawUsage );
} );
this.el.setAttribute("id", "cells");
setMatrix: function (start) {
if (this.mesh) {
for ( let i = 0; i < this.count; i ++ ) {
var x = this.data.positions[i][0] * this.data.scale;
var y = this.data.positions[i][1] * this.data.scale;
var z = this.data.positions[i][2] * this.data.scale;
var xEnd = x + this.data.endPositions[i][0] * this.data.scale;
var yEnd = y + this.data.endPositions[i][1] * this.data.scale;
var zEnd = z + this.data.endPositions[i][2] * this.data.scale;
if (start) {
this.dummy.position.set(xEnd, yEnd, zEnd);
} else {
this.dummy.position.set(x, y, z);
this.dummy.rotation.x = this.rotations[i][0];
this.dummy.rotation.y = this.rotations[i][1];
this.dummy.rotation.z = this.rotations[i][2];
this.mesh.setMatrixAt( i, this.dummy.matrix );
this.mesh.instanceMatrix.needsUpdate = true;
tick: function() {
this.start = !this.start;
No errors or relevant messages that I can see, but none of the instanced objects are rendering. I don't really have a good way to post an example unfortunately. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Thanks in advance!
Note: It seems that the objects are being rendered because the number of triangles being drawn increases drastically when I add this component. However, they are not visible anywhere and I can't find them in the aframe inspector either
It's a very case specific question with a quite extensive topic, so:
In general, using THREE.InstancedMeshes is simple, and you got it right:
// create an instanced mesh
let iMesh = new THREE.InstancedMesh(geometry, material, count)
// manipulate the instances
let mtx = new Matrix4()
// set the position, rotation, scale of the matrix
// ...
// update the instance
iMesh.setMatrixAt(index, mtx);
iMesh.instanceMatrix.needsUpdate = true;
Example of an instanced gltf model here
Your code is doing a lot, and it would be easier if it could be stripped to a bare minimum. Yet I think there is only one major issue - this.model isn't set anywhere, so the setMatrix function does nothing. Other than that you may need to disable frustum culling (mesh.frustumCulling = false), or set a bounding sphere - otherwise the objects may dissapear when the base object is out of sight.
Once it's set, your code seems to be working
I'm trying to create a virtual multiplayer platform for live concerts using three.js and socket.io.
While in single-player everything works fine, but when I try to do tests to see if the website could handle a big load of players by creating multiple NPCs at the same time it all falls apart and it gives me these errors:
THREE.WebGLProgram: shader error: 0 35715 false gl.getProgramInfoLog Varyings over maximum register limit
THREE.WebGLProgram: shader error: 1282 35715 false gl.getProgramInfoLog Varyings over maximum register limit
The error comes up when I create more then 8 NPCs using this for loop:
for (let i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
var x,y,z;
x = Math.random() * 2000;
x *= Math.round(Math.random()) ? 1 : -1;
z = Math.random() * (19000-8000)+8000;
let smurf = new Npc(this, this.options, "Groupie", x, -190, -z, false, "Fan");
From what I've understood through the three.js documentation, the issue consists of passing too many varyings at the same time, but at the same time it seems that varyings are additional data from shaders, which are not used in my code. This is the NPC object code:
class Npc {
constructor(game, options, identifier, x, y, z, conv, type) {
let model, colour;
const colours = ['Black', 'Brown', 'White'];
colour = colours[Math.floor(Math.random() * colours.length)];
if (options === undefined) {
const people = ['BeachBabe', 'BusinessMan', 'Doctor', 'FireFighter', 'Housewife', 'Policeman', 'Prostitute', 'Punk', 'RiotCop', 'Roadworker', 'Robber', 'Sheriff', 'Streetman', 'Waitress'];
model = people[Math.floor(Math.random() * people.length)];
this.model = model;
this.colour = colour;
this.game = game;
this.animations = this.game.animations;
const geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(100, 300, 100);
const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
visible: false
const box = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);
box.name = "Collider";
box.position.set(0, 150, 0);
this.collider = box;
const loader = new FBXLoader();
const npc = this;
loader.load(`${game.assetsPath}fbx/people/${type}.fbx`, function(object) {
object.mixer = new THREE.AnimationMixer(object);
npc.root = object;
npc.mixer = object.mixer;
object.name = identifier;
object.conv = conv;
object.traverse(function(child) {
if (child.isMesh) {
child.castShadow = true;
child.receiveShadow = true;
const textureLoader = new THREE.TextureLoader();
npc.object = new THREE.Object3D();
npc.object.position.set(x, y, z);
//npc.object.position.set(0, 0, 0);
npc.object.rotation.set(0, -Math.PI / 2, 0);
npc.object.scale.set(2.3, 2.3, 2.3);
if (npc.deleted === undefined) game.scene.add(npc.object);
//if (game.animations.Idle!==undefined) npc.action = "Happy";
npc.action = object.animations[0]
set action(name){
//Make a copy of the clip if this is a remote player
if (this.actionName == name) return;
const clip = this.animations[name];
const action = this.mixer.clipAction( name );
action.time = 0;
this.actionName = name;
this.actionTime = Date.now();
get action(){
return this.actionName;
I've tried commenting every bit of code in here but with no success. The only thing that fixed the error was disabling the shadow map of the renderer, but that for some reason overexposed the whole map and made everything unplayable.
The only other questions on the topic that I could find put the problem on the lights, which I guess could be an explanation since disabling the shadow map fixed the error, but I've disabled every single light and the error still occurs.
I'm literally going crazy over this, I hope that someone can help me!
I've got a function that create mesh when you click on another. On the click, 2 or 3 mesh are created and go to their positions. Know i would like to do the reverse function : when the mesh are deployed, and you click anoter time on the mesh, the previously created mesh go back and are removed from the scene.
Here is my first function :
function sortiSphere(element, obj) {
var matStdParams = {
roughness: 1,
metalness: 0.8,
color: element.group,
emissive: element.group,
emissiveIntensity: 0.5
var sphereMaterial2 = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial(matStdParams);
var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(sphereGeometry, sphereMaterial2);
mesh.position.x = x;
mesh.position.y = y;
mesh.position.z = z;
mesh.userData.children = element.children;
mesh.userData.name = element.label;
mesh.userData.rang = element.rang;
mesh.userData.def = element.définition;
mesh.userData.posx = element.posx;
mesh.userData.posy = element.posy;
mesh.userData.posz = element.posz;
mesh.userData.parent = obj;
mesh.userData.cartabs = element.cartabs;
mesh.position.multiplyScalar(1 / element.rang);
mesh.scale.set(1 / (element.rang / 2), 1 / (element.rang / 2), 1 / (element.rang / 2))
mesh.position.x = obj.position.x;
mesh.position.y = obj.position.y;
mesh.position.z = obj.position.z;
var x = element.posx;
var y = element.posy;
var z = element.posz;
new TWEEN.Tween(mesh.position).to({
x: x,
y: y,
z: z
}, 1000)
// lines
var material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({
color: 0xffffff
var geometry = new THREE.Geometry();
new THREE.Vector3(x, y, z)
var line = new THREE.Line(geometry, material);
gen1 = [];
gen2 = [];
gen3 = [];
gen4 = [];
gen5 = [];
obj.userData.bool = true;
Notice that the mesh contain a information about their state : userData.bool (true if deployed, false if not)
Now, how do I tell them to go back ?
Here is what I got for now :
function deleteSphere(element, obj) {
console.log("--- deleteSphere / debut fonction")
for (i = 0; gen1.length > i; i++) {
if (gen1[i].userData.children) {
for (j = 0; gen1[i].userData.children.length > j; j++) {
} else {
Thanks for your time
When you use tween.js then you can use its .onUpdate() and .onComplete() methods.
This is not the ultimate solution, this is just an example from scratch.
Let's have a container for our base objects:
var bases = new THREE.Group();
Now we need an event where we'll create our base objects, let it be a click on a button:
btnAdd.addEventListener("click", setBase);
and our setBase() function will look like this:
var rndBase = function() {
return THREE.Math.randFloatSpread(10);
function setBase() {
var base = new THREE.Mesh(new THREE.SphereGeometry(.5, 8, 4), new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
color: Math.random() * 0xffffff
base.position.set(rndBase(), rndBase(), rndBase());
Everything's ready and we can start with clicking on base objects. Let it be an event listener for mousedown:
window.addEventListener("mousedown", setOrRemove, false);
var raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster();
var mouse = new THREE.Vector2();
var intersects;
var obj;
function setOrRemove(event) {
mouse.x = (event.clientX / window.innerWidth) * 2 - 1;
mouse.y = -(event.clientY / window.innerHeight) * 2 + 1;
raycaster.setFromCamera(mouse, camera);
intersects = raycaster.intersectObjects(bases.children);
if (intersects.length > 0) {
obj = intersects[0].object;
if (obj.children.length != 0) { // simple check for existence of children
removeObj(obj); // if children were deployed, then remove them and their parent (base object)
} else {
setChildren(obj); // otherwise, as a base object has no children, then we'll add some
The most funny part begins here.
Let's set the children:
function setChildren(parent) {
let radius = Math.random() + 1;
for (let i = 0; i < THREE.Math.randInt(2, 3); i++) { //as you said there are 2 or 3 children
var child = new THREE.Mesh(new THREE.BoxGeometry(.25, .25, .25), new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
color: parent.material.color,
wireframe: true
child.userData.direction = new THREE.Vector3(rndBase(), rndBase(), rndBase()).normalize(); // random direction (must be a normalized vector)
child.userData.radius = radius;
let start = { val: 0 };
let end = { val: 1 };
new TWEEN.Tween(start).to(end, 1000) // we simply change from 0 to 1 during 1 second
.onUpdate( // here we'll update position of each children in accordance to direction and radius
function() {
parent.children.forEach((child) => {
child.position.copy(child.userData.direction).multiplyScalar(child.userData.radius * this.val);
And removing of a base object and its children is:
function removeObj(baseObj) { // very similar to how we created children
let start = { val: 1 };
let end = { val: 0 };
new TWEEN.Tween(start).to(end, 1000)
baseObj.children.forEach((child) => {
child.position.copy(child.userData.direction).multiplyScalar(child.userData.radius * this.val);
.onComplete( // but the difference is here, it allow us to perform something when our tweening is completed
function() {
for (let i = baseObj.children - 1; i = 0; i--) {
baseObj.remove(baseObj.children[i]); //and here we simply delete children in reverse order
bases.remove(baseObj); //and then we remove the base object itself
So, this is it. Don't forget to put TWEEN.update(); in our animation loop :)
jsfiddle example r86.
I am using three.js to draw an image on the canvas, collect data from this image (i.e. pixel color) and redraw the image as a collection of particles using the data collected from the image, such as the colors.
I have zero error messages or warnings, just a blank, black canvas.
The code I am using is below:
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("GET", "http://example.com/assets/css/sl.jpg");
xhr.responseType = "blob";
xhr.onload = function()
blob = xhr.response;
P.onload = function(){
image = document.createElement("img");
image.src = P.result;
// split the image
}, 100);
holdAtOrigin = "next";
function addParticles()
// draw in the image, and make sure it fits the canvas size :)
var ratio = 1 / Math.max(image.width/500, image.height/500);
var scaledWidth = image.width * ratio;
var scaledHeight = image.height * ratio;
(500 - scaledWidth) * .5, (500 - scaledHeight) *.5, scaledWidth, scaledHeight);
// now set up the particle material
var material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( { } );
var geometry = new THREE.Geometry();
var pixels = context.getImageData(0,0,WIDTH,HEIGHT);
var step = DENSITY * 4;
var x = 0, y = 0;
// go through the image pixels
for(x = 0; x < WIDTH * 4; x+= step)
for(y = HEIGHT; y >= 0 ; y -= DENSITY)
var p = ((y * WIDTH * 4) + x);
// grab the actual data from the
// pixel, ignoring any transparent ones
if(pixels.data[p+3] > 0)
var pixelCol = (pixels.data[p] << 16) + (pixels.data[p+1] << 8) + pixels.data[p+2];
var color = new THREE.Color(pixelCol);
var vector = new THREE.Vector3(-300 + x/4, 240 - y, 0);
// push on the particle
geometry.vertices.push(new THREE.Vector3(vector));
// now create a new system
particleSystem = new THREE.Points(geometry, material);
particleSystem.sortParticles = true;
// grab a couple of cacheable vals
particles = particleSystem.geometry.vertices;
colors = particleSystem.geometry.colors;
// add some additional vars to the
// particles to ensure we can do physics
// and so on
var ps = particles.length;
var particle = particles[ps];
particle.velocity = new THREE.Vector3();
particle.mass = 5;
particle.origPos = particle.x.clone();
// gc and add
pixels = null;
//test render
function addLights()
// point
pointLight = new THREE.PointLight( 0xFFFFFF );
pointLight.position.x = 300;
pointLight.position.y = 300;
pointLight.position.z = 600;
scene.add( pointLight );
// directional
directionalLight = new THREE.DirectionalLight( 0xFFFFFF );
directionalLight.position.x = -.5;
directionalLight.position.y = -1;
directionalLight.position.z = -.5;
directionalLight.intensity = .6;
scene.add( directionalLight );
function update(){
var ps = particles.length;
var particle = particles[ps];
// if we are holding at the origin
// values, tween the particles back
// to where they should be
if(holdAtOrigin == "start")
particle.velocity = new THREE.Vector3();
//particle.position.x += (particle.origPos.x - particle.position.x) * .2;
//particle.position.y += (particle.origPos.y - particle.position.y) * .2;
//particle.position.z += (particle.origPos.z - particle.position.z) * .2;
particle.x.x += (particle.origPos.x - .0000000000000000001) * 2;
particle.x.y += (particle.origPos.y - .0000000000000000001) * 2;
else if (holdAtOrigin == "next")
particle.velocity = new THREE.Vector3();
particle.x.x += (particle.origPos.x - particle.x.x) * .2;
particle.x.y += (particle.origPos.y - particle.x.y) * .2;
particle.x.z += (particle.origPos.z - particle.x.z) * .2;
// get the particles colour and put
// it into an array
var col = colors[ps];
var colArray = [col.r, col.g, col.b];
// go through each component colour
for(var i = 0; i < colArray.length; i++)
// only analyse it if actually
// has some of this colour
if(colArray[i] > 0)
// get the target based on where it
// is in the array
var target = i == 0 ? redCentre :
i == 1 ? greenCentre :
// get the distance of the particle to the centre in question
// and add on the resultant acceleration
var dist = particle.position.distanceToSquared(target.position),
force = ((particle.mass * target.mass) / dist) * colArray[i] * AGGRESSION,
acceleration = (new THREE.Vector3())
// if we are attracting we add
// the velocity
if(mode == ATTRACT)
// note we only need to check the
// squared radius for the collision :)
if(dist > target.boundRadiusSquared) {
else if (bounceParticles) {
// bounce, bounce, bounce
else {
// stop dead
particle.velocity = new THREE.Vector3();
else {
// push it away
// set up a request for a render
function render()
// only render if we have
// an active image
if(image) {
camera.position.z = 900;
if(camera.position.z < 200)
//do nothing
camera.position.z -= 1.7;
renderer.render( scene, camera );
I checked the console log at various intervals and found that the pixel data is being collected appropriately, so I don't know what is wrong.
Is it the material? When I used a normal (light-independent) material the code worked as expected, I could see my particles.
But I wanted it to be affected by lights, so I changed it to var material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( { } ); without any arguments.
Is this my problem or is it elsewhere in the code?
Thank you!
This may also be pertinent: How to get the absolute position of a vertex in three.js?
Because particle.x.x or particle.x.y doesn't look right to me, even though I wrote that code based on logged object contents.
EDIT: I changed the Phong line to THREE.PointsMaterial and amped up the potency of the light, but still a blank, black canvas.
EDIT 2: So I think it may be a problem with the particle coordinates being misconstrued? When I inspect using console.log(particleSystem); I get the following:
Did I used to be that the x,y,z were wrapped in a position property that newer versions of three.js have removed?
For example I've found example code like:
particle.origPos = particle.position.clone();
But I don't see a position property? How would I clone just the x,y and z bits or should I clone the whole vertex? Sorry if this is confusing or irrelevant just trying to chase down why I have a blank canvas.
EDIT 3: I've removed the update function's position alterations but I still get a weird console log for the particle-system even when all I am doing is cloning said particle using particle.origPos = particle.clone();
Basically I have and x,y and z property but the x property is an object with a subsequent x,y and z. Why is this and how do I fix?
I am working on a project in three.js, where the user can change dynamically the dimension of the objects inside it. The objects are two boxes with different dimensions and one box, should be always located on top of the other one.
For instance, if the height of cube is 10, chimney.position.y should be 10. I tried different possibilities, but it is not working.
Here is a snippet of my code:
var cubeHeight = 0.1;
var boxGeometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(0.1, cubeHeight, 0.1);
var boxMaterial = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({color: 0x000088});
cube = new THREE.Mesh(boxGeometry, boxMaterial);
cube.position.set(0, cubeHeight/2, 0);
var chimneyGeometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(5, 0.1, 5);
var chimneyMaterial = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({color: 0x000088});
chimney = new THREE.Mesh(chimneyGeometry, chimneyMaterial);
// Now the GUI panel for the interaction is defined
gui = new dat.GUI();
parameters = {
length: 1, height: 1, width: 1,
tall: 1
// Define the second folder which takes care of the scaling of the cube
var folder1 = gui.addFolder("House dimensions (cm)");
var cubeX = folder1.add(parameters,"length").min(1).max(2000).step(1).listen();
var cubeY = folder1.add(parameters, "height").min(1).max(2000).step(1).listen();
var cubeZ = folder1.add(parameters, "width").min(1).max(2000).step(1).listen();
var chimneyHeight = folder1.add(parameters, "tall").min(1).max(700).step(1).listen();
// Function taking care of the cube changes
// cubeY has a different value to keep the solid fixed to the floor
cubeX.onChange(function(value){cube.scale.x = value; roof.scale.x = value;});
cubeY.onChange(function(value){cube.scale.y = value; cube.position.y = (cubeHeight * value) / 2;});
cubeZ.onChange(function(value){cube.scale.z = value;});
chimneyHeight.onChange(function(value){chimney.scale.y = value; chimney.position.y = ((cubeHeight * value) / 2) + cubeY;});
Do you have an idea of how to solve this issue? Thanks in advance for your answers!
Here is one solution:
cube.scale.y = value;
cube.position.y = (cubeHeight * value) / 2;
chimney.position.y = (chimneyHeight * chimney.scale.y) / 2 + cube.position.y * 2
chimney.scale.y = value;
chimney.position.y = (chimneyHeight * value) / 2 + cube.position.y * 2;
and here is fiddle for it: http://jsfiddle.net/z1yd342b/
three.js r71
I am trying to convert my C# XNA project to WebGL using Three.js.
So far its going very well, but I am currently working on my camera. With XNA you can easily send the view matrix to the shader.
I'm sure I'm just not seeing what I am supposed to be seeing in the documentation.
My CameraManager class has a MouseMoved event handler.
CameraManager.prototype.MouseMoved = function( changeVector ) {
var q1 = new THREE.Quaternion();
q1.setFromAxisAngle(this.left, (( Math.PI / 4 ) / 200) * changeVector.y);
var q2 = new THREE.Quaternion();
q2.setFromAxisAngle(this.left, (( -Math.PI / 4 ) / 200) * changeVector.x);
var q = new THREE.Quaternion();
q.multiply(q1, q2);
The CameraManager also has an update method that updates the View matrix.
CameraManager.prototype.CreateLookAt = function() {
var target = this.position.clone();
this.view = THREE.Matrix4.CreateLookAt(this.position, target, this.up);
THREE.Matrix4.CreateLookAt = function(cameraPosition, cameraTarget, upVector) {
var zAxis = new THREE.Vector3();
zAxis.sub(cameraPosition, cameraTarget);
var xAxis = new THREE.Vector3();
xAxis.cross(upVector, zAxis);
var yAxis = new THREE.Vector3();
yAxis.cross(zAxis, xAxis);
return new THREE.Matrix4(
xAxis.x, yAxis.x, zAxis.x, 0,
xAxis.y, yAxis.y, zAxis.y, 0,
xAxis.z, yAxis.z, zAxis.z, 0,
-xAxis.dot(cameraPosition), -yAxis.dot(cameraPosition), -zAxis.dot(cameraPosition), l
Just wondering how I can set the view matrix for the camera.
Why dont you just set your matrix properties by apart like so:
var m = getYourNewMatrix();
camera.position = m.decompose()[ 0 ];
camera.rotation = m.decompose()[ 1 ];