Convert seconds to Timestamp, and compare values, Firebase, React - javascript

I need to compare two values, as you see in my code below.
Point is that they are in different formats, and i need them to compare.
Here is my code(daysToLeave is allways number 1-3 - this value match 1-3 days):
const tomorrow = new Date();
const tmp = tomorrow.getDate() + daysToLeave;
console.log("", eventDate?.date);
console.log("tommorrow", tomorrow);
if (eventDate?.date < tomorrow) {
Here are my console.logs:

use moment and .diff().
//Determine the unit of difference between
const type = ["years","months","weeks","days","hours","minutes"]
moment(tomorrow).diff(eventDate?.date.toDate(), type[3])


determine if a timestamp in this format is within a particular range in JavaScript

I have a bunch of timestamps that have the following format: Year:Month:Day:Hour:Minute:Second, for example, 2017:01:01:23:59:59. All domains are zero-padded decimal numbers.
I am trying to write a function to determine if a given timestamp is within a range:
function isBetween(start, end, toCompare) {
for example, isBetween('2017:01:01:23:59:58', "2017:01:02:23:59:58", "2017:01:01:23:59:59") should return true as "2017:01:01:23:59:59" is between '2017:01:01:23:59:58' and "2017:01:02:23:59:58"
I couldn't find a clean way to do it. Can someone help me with this?
In JavaScript, Date objects can be compared fairly easily. However, as you've probably noticed, the format of the string you provided is not a format that can be parsed by JavaScript's Date object, so we will first have to fix that. Fortunately, this format is extremely predictable.
The first thing I notice is that the "Month" and "Date" are preceded by a zero if they're a single digit. This means that the date portion is always the exact same amount of characters (10). Because this is the case, we can use String.prototype.substring() to get the first 10 characters for the date, and get everything after the 11th character to get the time while skipping the colon in the middle.
var datetime = "2017:01:01:23:59:58";
var date = datetime.substring(0, 10);
var time = datetime.substring(11);
console.log("Date: " + date);
console.log("Time: " + time);
Now that they're separate, all we need to do is replace the colons in the date with forward slashes, then concatenate it with the time separated by a space. After this, we will have a date string in the MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss format, which we can then parse using JavaScript's built in Date class.
var input = "2017:01:01:23:59:58";
var date = input.substring(0, 10).replace(/:/g, "/");
var time = input.substring(11);
var datetime = date + " " + time;
console.log(new Date(datetime));
Now we can throw this into it's own function, then use simple comparison to figure out if toCompare is between start and end.
function isBetween(start, end, toCompare) {
var startDate = convertDate(start);
var endDate = convertDate(end);
var compareDate = convertDate(toCompare);
return compareDate > startDate &&
compareDate < endDate
function convertDate(input){
var date = input.substring(0, 10).replace(/:/g, "/");
var time = input.substring(11);
var datetime = date + " " + time;
return new Date(datetime);
var between = isBetween("2017:01:01:23:59:58", "2017:01:02:23:59:58", "2017:01:01:23:59:59");
This could work for you:
function isBetween(start, end, toCompare) {
start = dateGenerator(start)
end = dateGenerator(end)
toCompare = dateGenerator(toCompare)
if(start <= toCompare && toCompare <= end) return true
return false
function dateGenerator(str) {
str = str.split(":")
let date = new Date(`${str[0]}-${str[1]}-${str[2]}`)
return date.valueOf()
const truthy = isBetween('2017:01:01:23:59:58', "2017:01:02:23:59:58", "2017:01:01:23:59:59")
Firstly get individual values and add accordingly to Date constructor of JS and set the hours accordingly.
For comparison we can convert this unix figures (valueOf), hence it will be easier to compare.
This may seem as complex approach but it works.

How to check if the time is in between given range using moment.js?

I am using moment.js library for time.
I want to check if the time I am getting from the backend is in between 8AM to Noon (12PM). I want to store all the objects whose time is in between 8AM to 12PM.
I am getting date in this format - "2022-04-04T21:43:59Z". I want to use timezone"America/Detroit".
Here is what I have tried but this didn't work;
//this code is inside forEach loop$scope.userData.account.timeZone);
var format = 'hh:mm:ss'
var time = moment(,format),
beforeTime = moment('08:00:00', format),
afterTime = moment('11:59:59', format);
if (time.isBetween(beforeTime, afterTime)) {
console.log('is between')
} else {
console.log('is not between')
In the output I am getting is not between for all the data but in real there is some data which is having date and time falling under 8am - 12pm.
Is there anything wrong because of timezone?
The reason why your compare isn't working it's because it's not only using time but also the date.
You should first extrapolate the time from the input datetime and use that data to make the comparison like this:
let datetime = moment('2022-04-04T10:00:00Z', 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ');
}).isBetween(beforeTime, afterTime);
//returns bool true or false
That's because all those 3 datetimes will lay in the same solar day and only time will be relevant to the comparison.
Plus you incorrectly dealt with formats when parsing both your input datetimes and times used for before and after.
This is a working solution showing the concept:
//those are the formats your input uses for datetimes and times
const datetime_format = 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ';
const time_format = 'HH:mm:ss';
//this is your input crafted as objects having the prop date
var response_timeYESInBetween = {date : "2022-04-04T10:00:00Z"};
var response_timeNOTInBetween = {date : "2022-04-04T21:43:59Z"};
//this is where you parse those timestamp strings as moment datetime
var datetime_YESInBetween = moment(, datetime_format);
var datetime_NOTInBetween = moment(, datetime_format);
//this is where those moment datetime get used to create new datetimes holding those same time but laying on today instead of their original dates
var timeonly_YESinBetween = moment({hour:datetime_YESInBetween.hour(), minute:datetime_YESInBetween.minute(), second:datetime_YESInBetween.second()});
var timeonly_NOTinBetween = moment({hour:datetime_NOTInBetween.hour(), minute:datetime_NOTInBetween.minute(), second:datetime_NOTInBetween.second()});
//this is where we create datetimes (ignoring to pass the date, sets them at today)
var beforeTime = moment('08:00:00', time_format);
var afterTime = moment('11:59:59', time_format);
//we make the comparison to know which times are between beforeTime and afterTime
//note: now all those datetimes are all in the same day and only time will affect the comparison result
var firstComparison = timeonly_YESinBetween.isBetween(beforeTime, afterTime);
var secondComparison = timeonly_NOTinBetween.isBetween(beforeTime, afterTime)
console.log( firstComparison );
//outputs: true
console.log( secondComparison );
//outputs: false
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And if we wanted to better factor the parts:
console.log( isBetween('2022-04-04T10:00:00Z', '08:00:00', '11:59:59') );
console.log( isBetween('2022-04-04T21:43:59Z', '08:00:00', '11:59:59') );
function isBetween(datetime, before, after){
const datetime_format = 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ';
const time_format = 'HH:mm:ss';
let originalDatetime = moment(datetime, datetime_format);
let transformed = moment({hour:originalDatetime.hour(), minute:originalDatetime.minute(), second:originalDatetime.second()});
var beforeTime = moment(before, time_format);
var afterTime = moment(after, time_format);
return transformed.isBetween(beforeTime, afterTime);
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Find the mid time value between two time values using momentjs

Assume I have two time values as startTime and endTime.
I want to find the exact mid value of this time objects.
Example: if startTime is 10:30 and endTime is 11:30, I need 11:00 as the midpoint value.
How to solve this using momentjs in JavaScript?
The middle between two dates is just half of the difference between the dates added to the smaller one.
The difference should be pretty straight forward:
Math.abs() removes the minus from negative numbers (aka if a < b).
Calculating the middle has two steps too, first divide the difference by two, then add it to the smaller date (Math.min()):
moment(n).valueOf() turns your Date strings into comparable integers.
function middleDate(a,b) {
let diff = Math.abs(moment(a).diff(b))
let middle = diff/2+Math.min(moment(a).valueOf(),moment(b).valueOf())
return moment(middle)
console.log(middleDate("2022-01-27T10:30:00Z", "2022-01-27T11:30:00Z"))
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If you only want the hours and minutes, you can just format the returned moment object (and use moment.utc() to remove the timezone):
function middleDate(a,b) {
let diff = Math.abs(moment(a).diff(b))
let middle = diff/2+Math.min(moment(a).valueOf(),moment(b).valueOf())
return moment(middle)
moment.utc(middleDate("2022-01-27T10:30:00Z", "2022-01-27T11:30:00Z")).format("hh:mm")
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Here is how i solved it
(For my particular case that deals with time only. For more generic cases, you can use the answer above)
import moment from 'moment';
export const middleDate = (startTime, endTime) => {
let duration = moment.duration(moment(endTime, 'HH:mm:ss').diff(moment(startTime, 'HH:mm:ss'))); //get Total Interval
let midInterval = duration.asHours() / 2; // find half of the interval
return moment(moment(startTime, 'HH:mm:ss')).add(midInterval, 'hour').format('HH:mm'); //add the mid interval to the startTime we have

How to calculate the difference between 2 dates

All I am trying to do is this.
Let's say in Google Sheets, I have a page which has the following columns:
In column I3 I have the date of 11/30/19.
In column J3, I have Today's date of 4/30/20.
I want to be able to calculate the difference between these two dates and tell me how many months has it been since 11/30/19.
Currently, I think the code is working somewhat but the result I get is:
[20-05-02 01:43:18:650 MDT] 5 months, 6 days
[20-05-02 01:43:18:656 MDT] 5 months, 6 days
[20-05-02 01:43:18:660 MDT] 5 months, 6 days
But the date calculations are still wrong. For example from Jan 1st - Jan 25, 2020, it shows 5 month and 6 days.
Also the loop I have inside Filter 1, is just calculating the first available date and then it does this three times instead of going to the next record and calculate.
I have the following code so far:
function myFunction() {
var moment = Moment.load();
* #summary gets date difference
* #param {Date} startDate
* #param {Date} endDate
* #returns {string}
function getDuration(startDate, endDate) {
const start = moment(startDate);
const end = moment(endDate);
const units = ['years', 'months', 'days'];
const lastIndex = units.length - 1;
const parts = units
.map((unit,i) => {
const diff = Math.floor(end.diff(start, unit, true));
if (diff > 0 || i === lastIndex) {
end.subtract(unit, diff);
return `${diff} ${unit}`;
return parts.join(', ');
function Filter2() { // Calculate the Time
const spread = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
const sheets = spread.getSheets();
const [ sheet_1, sheet_2 ] = sheets;
const row = sheet_1.getRange("A:M");
const arr_col = sheet_1.getRange("I3:I50");
const lastSeen_col = sheet_1.getRange("J3:J50");
const startDate = arr_col.getValue();
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheets()[0];
var headerRowNumber = 2;
var rows = sheet.getDataRange().offset(headerRowNumber, 0, sheet.getLastRow() - headerRowNumber).getValues();
var filter = rows.filter(row => row[9] !== '');
// var digest = filter[0][9];
for(var i=0;i<filter.length; i++){
var res = getDuration(startDate, lastSeen_col);
Why Dec, 31 1969
31st of December, 1969 in GMT-7 timezone offset is January 1st, 1970 00:00:00 UTC, which is the unix epoch. Therefore it is likely to be caused by an invalid date format passed to the Moment class instance.
getRange() method call returns an instance of Range from which you have to extract value via getValue() / getValues() before being able to use it. With that in mind, let's track what's going on in your script:
var ArrRow = sheet_1.getRange("I3:I") returns an instance of Range
mydata1 is defined somewhere globally (let's assume it holds an instance of Date)
getDuration is thus called like this: getDuration( <Range>, <Date> )
startDate and endDate are respectively an instance of Range and Date
start and end hold results of invoking the moment factory that creates a wrapper around Date object.
Step 5 is most likely to be the culprit, as per Moment library docs, moment() can accept String, Number, Date instances as well as format options, but start recieves a Range instance instead.
Possible solution
First, you need to ensure you pass in correct types (this why a lot of folks prefer TypeScript - if that's not your cup of tea, at least start using JSDoc - it will save you a ton of debug time).
I don't know how big the I3:I range is, so I assumed from the context that it is a single cell containing start date. Also note that I removed the var sld = new Date(dateString) assignment since you return a human readable string from getDuration() of format Y years, M months, D days which is not a dateString that Date constructor can accept.
Additionally, I would suggest changing forEach() to map() method for cleaner and less side effect prone code. General rule of thumb is that if input and output are of the same type, you likely want to use a mapping function.
function myFunction() {
function Filter2() {
const spread = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
const sheets = spread.getSheets();
const [ sheet_1, sheet_2 ] = sheets;
const arr_col = sheet_1.getRange("I3:I");
const startDate = arr_col.getValue();
var dateString = getDuration(startDate, mydata1);
var moment = Moment.load();
* #summary gets date difference
* #param {Date} startDate
* #param {Date} endDate
* #returns {string}
function getDuration(startDate, endDate) {
const start = moment(startDate);
const end = moment(endDate);
const units = ['years', 'months', 'days'];
const lastIndex = units.length - 1;
const parts = units
.map((unit,i) => {
const diff = Math.floor(end.diff(start, unit, true));
if (diff > 5 || i === lastIndex) {
end.subtract(unit, diff);
return `${diff} ${unit}`;
return parts.join(', ');
The answer assumes you use V8 engine (if you don't - switch to it, old one will be deprecated some time in the future, and as a bonus you get to use all the juciest language features [well, most of them]).
Date constructor docs on MDN
Range class docs
getValue() method docs
getValues() method docs

Moment not adding minutes to object created from javascript Date

I have a method that accepts a javascript date with time as input, and determines if the current date and time is within -30 mins. However, when I debug this at runtime, moment.add doesn't seem to be working with minutes as expected.
function isWithinRange(myDate: Date){
// convert to Moment obj
let myMoment = moment(myDate);
let todayMoment = moment(new Date());
let myMomentOk = myMoment.isValid();
let todayOk = todayMoment.isValid();
// create range values
let preTime = myMoment.subtract('m', 30);
let postTime = myMoment.add('m', 30);
//check values are as expected
let localeTime = myDate.toLocaleString();]
let preLocale = preTime.toLocaleString();
let postLocale = postTime.toLocaleString();
let result = todayMoment.isBetween(preTime, postTime);
return result;
But when I inspect the localeTime, preLocale and postLocale times at run time, all three values are the same, "Tue Jun 26 2018 09:58:00 GMT-0400". The add and subtract minutes statements had no impact.
What am I missing or doing wrong here?
Please note that both add() and subtract mutate the original moment.
Mutates the original moment by adding time.
Mutates the original moment by subtracting time.
so you have to use clone()
Moreover, in the recent version of moment, the first argument is the amount of time to add/subtract and the second argument is the string that represent the key of what time you want to add
add and subtract takes the amount of time first, and then what type of time, as documented here. Also make sure to create a new moment object for each calculation, as it mutates the moment object.
let preTime = moment(myMoment).subtract(30, 'm');
let postTime = moment(myMoment).add(30, 'm');
You're working on the same moment object all the time, because of this you have the original moment object at the time you're doing let localeTime = myDate.toLocaleString().
You just need to create a new moment object so you don't revert your changes.
// create range values
let preTime = moment(myMoment).subtract('m', 30);
let postTime = moment(myMoment).add('m', 30);
I think what you need to use is isBetween method from the moment.
const testDate = moment()
testDate.isBetween(moment().subtract(30, 'm'), moment().add(30, 'm'))
// true
const testDate = moment().add(2, 'h');
testDate.isBetween(moment().subtract(30, 'm'), moment().add(30, 'm'))
// false
I think this should help.

