How to search nested object by following JSLint - javascript

I have my object structured as below and I want to find the product with provided ID.
0 :{
id: 0,
title: 'xxxx',
url: ""
quantity: 100
1 :{
id: 10,
title: 'xxxx',
url: ""
quantity: 100
// and so on...
In order to search nested attribute within the object, I have written the below function:
export const selectProductById = (state, productId) => {
const obj_index = Object.keys(state.products).find(function(idx) {
if (state.products[idx].id == productId) {
return idx;
return state.products[obj_index]
This works but I will always get a warning during compilation of my react app.
Expected '===' and instead saw '=='
But if I change this into === the code will not work anymore, does anyone knows how to change this so that it follows JSLint rules ?

It sounds like the productId is not a number. Cast it to a number first:
if (state.products[idx].id === Number(productId)) {
But you should return a truthy or falsey value from the .find callback, not something that you're iterating over (since you may not be sure whether it's truthy or falsey, and it's potentially confusing). Return the result of the === comparison instead:
const { products } = state;
const obj_index = Object.keys(products).find(
key => products[key].id === Number(productId)


chain logical AND without fixed length given an array in Node.js and Typescript

I am making a generic function that returns a boolean depending on logical AND statements, however, the function being generic accept multiple type of objects and arrays, and the statements can vary depending on the objects.
at the moment I have something like this
private async myFunction(
myArray: myArrObj[],
myObj : myObj,
): Promise<boolean> {
return (
(a) =>
a.status1=== "*" ||
a.status1 === myObj.status1.status1Id
) &&
(a) =>
a.status2=== "*" ||
a.status2 === myObj.status2.status2Id
) &&
(a) =>
a.status3=== "*" ||
a.status3 === myObj.status3.status3Id
) &&
(a) =>
a.status4=== "*" ||
a.status4 === myObj.status4.status4Id
the issue is not being able to know what kind of array is passed and how many checks are needed, how can I make a return? My idea was storing each array.some method in an array and join them with " && ", this approach would require to execute something from a string, which I'm not sure is the most secure thing to do, since eval is not secure at all.
to get the myObj statuses I could just use a for loop and store the the the property in a string.
I can't come up with a good solution, so feel free to propose something new if my idea is not good enough
As noted by others in the comments, it would help if you had a reproducible example with sample data. That being said, from your comment:
but the statuses and id's have different names, some id's are .nameId, and some are just .id , but the statuses themselves have the same name, so instead of status1 and obStatus1 it really should be status1 and status1
Breaking this down:
but the statuses and id's have different names, some id's are .nameId, and some are just .id
You could try to see if nameId exists and fall back to id.
but the statuses themselves have the same name, so instead of status1 and obStatus1 it really should be status1 and status1
When myArr entries share keys with myObj, then you could simply loop through myObj's keys.
async function myFunction(myArr, myObj) {
// Fallback value for if .nameId and .id both don't exist.
// Falling back to `undefined` would cause a bug / false positives.
const notFound = Symbol();
// Loop through every key:value pair in the input object.
return Object.entries(myObj).every(([myObjKey, myObjValue]) => {
// Handle both `.nameId` and `.id`
const id = myObjValue[`${myObjKey}Id`] ?? ?? notFound;
// If `myArrObj`'s children only ever contain exactly
// a single key { status2: { someRandomKey: 123 } }, then you
// could use myObjValue[Object.keys(myObjValue)[0]];
// For this key--for example "status1"--is there *any* array entry
// in `myArrObj` that has the same key and value or "*"?
return myArr.some((a) => {
return a[myObjKey] === '*' || a[myObjKey] === id;
With the following sample data:
const sampleArr = [
{ status3: "*" },
{ status2: 234 },
{ status1: 123, thisIsAnUnusedKey: true },
{ status4: 456 },
{ name: "Foobar" },
{ thisIsAnUnusedArrayEntry: true },
const sampleObj = {
status1: {
status1Id: 123,
status2: {
status2Id: 234,
status3: {
status3Id: 345,
status4: {
// Different key
id: 456,
name: {
// Different dataType
nameId: "Foobar"
myFunction(sampleArr, sampleObj).then(console.log); // Logs `true`

Process multiple request queries

I have an API that serves JSON data. Currently if you do api/weapons for example it gives you all the weapons available, api/weapons/weaponName gives information about that specific weapon. What I want to do is be able to api/weapons?type=sword&rarity=5 for example. I managed to pull of api/weapons?type=sword and api/weapons?rarity=5 on their own but not together.
Here's what I'm currently doing:
let filtered = [];
if (query.type) {
filtered = filtered.concat((await weapons).filter(w => formatName(w.weaponType) === formatName(query.type)));
if (query.rarity) {
filtered = filtered.concat((await weapons).filter(w => w.rarity == query.rarity));
if (!filtered.length) filtered = [await weapons]
formatName is just a function that makes the string all lowercase and trims it and removes all spaces.
If we take api/weapons?type=sword&rarity=5
I think what's happening right now is:
It is getting all the weapons with the type "sword"
It is getting all the weapons with the rarity "5"
It is joining all the results together, so all the weapons with the type sword (regardless of rarity) and al the weapons with the rarity 5 (regardless of type).
I want it to filter weapons with ONLY that rarity AND ONLY that type. So only 5 rarity swords for example. What is the most beneficial way of handling this
I'd suggest retrieving "weapons" once and then running any filters on them without concatenating the results:
let filtered = [ ...(await weapons) ];
if (query.type) {
filtered = filtered.filter(w => w => formatName(w.weaponType) === formatName(query.type));
if (query.rarity) {
filtered = filtered.filter(w => w.rarity == query.rarity);
Your current logic is testing whether one constraint OR another matches, what you actually need to do is to do an AND, which means you must perform the test in a single pass of filter.
I would slightly modify your code so that you compare all constraints that you're could further modify the logic below to accept a logical operator to test whether the rarity is >= or <= to a certain number for example.
const weapons = [{
type: 'sword',
name: 'swift blade of zek',
rarity: 5
type: 'mace',
name: 'hammer of kromzek kings',
rarity: 1
type: 'sword',
name: 'split blade of thunder',
rarity: 2
type: 'sword',
name: 'blade of carnage',
rarity: 5
const getWeapons = (query = {}) => {
let filtered = [];
let constraints = [];
// We could build this object dynamically but I just wanted
// to demonstrate it using your current approach
if (query.hasOwnProperty('type')) {
name: 'type',
value: query.type
if (query.hasOwnProperty('rarity')) {
name: 'rarity',
value: query.rarity
// Compare all of the conditions and only return weapons
// that match all of the conditions passed.
filtered = weapons.filter(w => {
let matches = 0
constraints.forEach(c => {
if (w[] === c.value) {
matches += 1
// ensures we only return complete matches
return matches === constraints.length
return filtered
type: 'sword',
rarity: 5
Create an object which has the same property keys as the filters you want to use. Assign a function to each property where the evaluation for that specific filter is specified.
const filters = {
type: (weapon, type) => formatName(weapon.weaponType) === formatName(type),
rarity: (weapon, rarity) => weapon.rarity === rarity,
Then loop over the weapons with filter. Inside the filter loop, loop over the keys of the query variable with the every method. This method will return true or false based on if every evaluation is true or not.
In the every loop, use the keys of the query to select the filter from the filters list. Pass the weapon and the values of the query object to these filter functions and return result.
By doing this you can use one, two or no filters at all. And any new filters can be added in the filters object.
const filteredWeapons = weapons.filter((weapon) =>
Object.keys(query).every((filterKey) => {
if (!(filterKey in filters)) {
return false;
const filter = filters[filterKey]
const value = query[filterKey]
return filter(weapon, value);

Fastest way to filter object by multiple properties

I have an array of objects that I want to filter for a string. So I want to check multiple properties if they contain the filter string (case insensitive).
Here's the array:
id: "01234",
name: "My Object 01234",
short_name: "MO01234"
}, ...]
So all of the following filter strings should match that object: 0123, obj, mO01 etc.
Here's what I have right now:
const filterString = this.filterString.toLowerCase();
return myObjects.filter(
entry => {
return >= 0 || >= 0 ||
entry.short_name.toLowerCase().indexOf(filterString) >= 0;
Can you think of a faster/cleaner way to do that?
I don't think that you can do it faster, but cleaner may be something like that
const filterString = this.filterString.toLowerCase();
return myObjects.filter((entry) => {
return Object.values(entry).some((value) => {
return value.toLowerCase().includes(filterString)
If you are allowed to put additional properties in your object, perhaps you could concatenate id, name and short_name (already in lowercase) into a single string and store it in the object as e.g. search_key; then you'd only have to check that.
id: "01234",
name: "My Object 01234",
short_name: "MO01234",
search_key: "01234:my object 01234:mo01234"
return myObjects.filter(
entry => entry.search_key.indexOf(filterString) >= 0
One thing you have to be mindful of in this case is to prevent unintended matches that may arise because e.g. the last few characters of id and the first few characters of name together produce a match. This is why I used a : delimiter here, assuming that's a character that can't appear in an ID or a short name.
let objects = [{
id: "01234",
name: "My Object 01234",
short_name: "MO01234"
id: "test",
name: "test",
short_name: "test"
const filter = (collection, searchFor) => {
return collection.filter(obj => Object.values(obj).reduce((a,b) => a || String(b).toLowerCase().indexOf(searchFor.toLowerCase()) > -1, false))
console.log(filter(objects, "0123"));
console.log(filter(objects, "obj"));
console.log(filter(objects, "mO01"));
You could also extend this function to take a set of columns as parameter to filter on.
Another version using Regex:
const filterRegex = (collection, searchFor) => {
return collection.filter(obj => Object.values(obj).reduce((a,b) => a || String(b).match(new RegExp(searchFor, 'gi')), false))
console.log(filterRegex(objects, "0123"));
console.log(filterRegex(objects, "obj"));
console.log(filterRegex(objects, "mO01"));

Typescript - if conditrional inside a map

I am mapping a subset of user data to an object of a refined data set. Inside the map i want to check if a variable is null or undefined, and if yes, then to set this variable to a placeholder value.
The issue I am facing is that declaring an if statement inside the map is causing an error, but even though a map can have an index as a parameter, how can we use it functionally with a conditional Statement? Any insight most appreciated.
.map((data) => {
data.result = <any>, index) => ({
// if statement causing error here
if( === null || === undefined){
// error with this if condition
type: user.type,
password: user.password,
return data;
}).map(data => ({
meta: { totalItems: data.size },
data: data.result,
You're attempting to use an object literal as the return type, but naturally, an if statement (or any statement) can't be inside object literal syntax.
So instead, define a function body, which also uses curly braces, and put your code inside with an explicit return statement.
// Starts function body instead of single expression-v
data.result = <any>, index) => {
if (some_condition) {
return "some value"; // The object?
} else {
return "other value"; // A different object?
// I assume these are to be used in the object you return
type: user.type,
password: user.password,
You can express conditions in literal maps, but it is somewhat ugly.
return {
a: 1,
...(some_condition && {
b: 1,
As far as i know you can't do that with JUST a map.
however you could follow it up with a filter() function:
const newArray =, index) => condition ? value : null).filter(v => v);
you basicaly iterate over each item and then return the value or null depending on your condition.
Now once you have the map you just filter it by removing the null values from the array.
Notice that the original array is not altered and a new one is returned.
thanks for the idea #user8897421 for the idea. i just wanted to turn it into a one liner.

SimpleSchema match any type but null

I'm planning to make a collection to hold different app-wide settings, like, say, amount of logged in users today, Google analytics tracking ID, etc. So I made a schema like this:
options_schema = new SimpleSchema({
key: {
type: String,
unique: true
value: {
modified: {
type: Date
Now the main problem is that I want value to be of any type: Number, String, Date, or even custom Objects. Though it has to be present, can't be null.
But of course it gets angry about not specifying the type. Is there a workaround for this?
You can use Match patterns for your fields' type which allow you to do pretty much anything :
const notNullPattern = Match.Where(val => val !== null)
value : {
type : notNullPattern
(See Arrow functions)
Note that this will allow everything but null, including undefined.
Defining patterns this way allow you to use them everywhere in your application including in check :
key : 'the key',
modified :,
value : {} // or [], 42, false, 'hello ground', ...
}, optionsSchema)
Match.test(undefined, notNullPattern) //true
Match.test({}, notNullPattern) //true
Match.test(null, notNullPattern) //false
A more general solution to exclude one value would simply be:
const notValuePattern =
unwantedValue => Match.Where(val => val !== unwantedValue))
The use of which is similar to the above:
Match.test(42, notValuePattern(null)) // true
Note that due to the use of the identity operator === it will notably fail for NaN:
Match.test(NaN, notValuePattern(NaN)) // true :(
A solution could be:
const notValuePattern =
unwantedValue => Match.Where(val => Number.isNaN(unwantedValue)?
: val !== unwantedValue
Should you want a solution to exclude some specific values in a schema (kind of the contrary of Match.OneOf), you could use the following:
const notOneOfPattern = (...unwantedValues) =>
Match.Where(val => !unwantedValues.includes(val)
This uses Array.prototype.includes and the ... spread operator. Use as follow:
Match.test(42, notOneOfPattern('self-conscious whale', 43)) // true
Match.test('tuna', notOneOfPattern('tyranny', 'tuna')) // false
Match.test('evil', notOneOfPattern('Plop', 'kittens')) // true
const disallowedValues = ['coffee', 'unicorns', 'bug-free software']
Match.test('bad thing', notOneOfPattern(...disallowedValues)) // true

