Running Node on windows [closed] - javascript

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I develop a Node server app. as I develop, I test it with 'run npm' command, which launches the server, then I test it from Chrome and\or Postman.
Now I wish to roll this app (it's a REST service) out to production server. Ours is a Windows server, so how is it usually done? I mean Node is its own server, so is it normal to copy the files over to a directory on the server and set an 'rpm run' to execute there on server start, or do people then typically use IIS as the server? Is something like IISNode a popular way to do things these days...?

If you want my opinion, I myself always run my node projects in somewhere out of windows platform, like containerized or Linux-based production environments.
But you can use nssm.exe to make a windows service with failure recovery and auto startup features from your node project as easy as you want. I can clarify more if you want.
Just visit this article


Fetch local ressource from distant server [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Let me explain the situation :
I have a local application that generate a local server (localhost with port) where I can have informations. I also have a distant VPS with a web application running on it. And my goal is to get informations from the local server to use them in my web application.
Any ideas how to do that ? I precise that I can't modify the local server/application because it's not mine.
ngrok is made exactly for that: exposing local servers to the public internet. Let's say your server is running on http://localhost:3000. You can run ngrok http 3000 and your server will also be accessible at an address like (http|https)://
Ngrok has a free plan that is really free and subscriptionless that is pretty powerful, allowing 8hr/day and 60 requests/mn (if I remember correctly), so it's pretty awesome for advanced web application prototyping.
You can then upgrade to a paid plan, but at this point you'd rather host your local server on the internet instead. Then I'd recommend Digital Ocean for its simplicity and extensive dev doc.

How to make server simulate user connection to website and do some actions in js? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Is there a way to simulate user connect to website and do some actions on website I want to be connected?
For example someone go to my website and type "" and choose actions to make and then my server should connect to "" and do actions like submit form, check some checkboxes etc.
How can I do such a thing? I dont even know how to search it in google.
From what I can understand you want to simulate browser actions.
I was able to build some automated jobs with Puppeteer for my company
(Account Logins, File Downloads, Screenshots and more).
You will need to install NodeJS and run on server side.
You cannot achieve this client side (your browser).
In Practice you run a "headless" version of Chrome (Chromium)
and you program every click, keyboard input, page load.
Read more here:
Puppeteer is a Node library which provides a high-level API
to control Chrome or Chromium over the DevTools Protocol.
Puppeteer runs headless by default, but can be configured
to run full (non-headless) Chrome or Chromium.

NodeJS Application securing and sharing [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have an NodeJS application that runs on localhost and I want to share it with another person.
But I don't want to reveal my code. So how do I give it as an application rather than the code itself.
I need to make my application a binary file.One click run app.
There are modules out there which help in converting node application to binary(exe) .
Some are
EncloseJS, pkg
You can do that by using Ngrok after install it and run it; you can give access to your application URL and PORT for example http://localhost:3000 and then ngrok will give you a URL to access it from outside.

Javascript client side ssh / ping / scp [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm trying to build a web app that has the capability to scp, ssh, and ping devices on the local network from Javascript client-side. I'm very familiar with Django, but that's all server side code and won't be able to communicate with a device on the local area network.
Is there any way to do this in Javascript? I know that packages like scp2 in NodeJS do exactly what I want, but NodeJS is a server-side framework too. I'm looking for something that does what scp2 does, but client-side.
There is no browser-independent way to do this. You would have to write browser-specific extensions to be able to get access to TCP sockets and the like. Even then if you browserify ssh2 or any of its dependents, you may run into other issues, such as missing node.js functionality not supported by browserify or the browser's extension API.
Alternatively, you could use something like Electron, but that's only if you don't mind the client being a separate application (but still web/JavaScript-based). That would also have the added benefit of having the ssh2 or related code being completely compatible (since Electron uses node.js).

Internet Cafe launcher software with electron [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am trying to figure out is it possible to make Internet Cafe client launcher with Electron. The app would have to prevent the user from ALT+TAB or CTRL+ALT+DEL it would also have to: run on startup, cover full screen, shut other processes down, run executable binaries and so on. I never before made application of this kind and do not know what kind of things am i looking for. First thing that i remember when using some other Internet Cafe clients is that they needed administrative rights, so i found electron-sudo, but that is about it of what i know.
NW.js has Kiosk Mode.
It's similar to Electron but it runs a webpage first, not a script (if that makes sense). Basically, you get a browser that lets you run node.js.
And Kiosk mode.
Ah, so does Electron!
kiosk Boolean - The kiosk mode
I did not know that.

