I want Babel to transpile JSX but not async/await - javascript

I am following the instructions in this React Doc.
I have installed the dependencies as instructed:
npm install babel-cli#6 babel-preset-react-app#3
And to watch / transpile my source I use:
npx babel --watch src --out-dir dist --presets react-app/prod
This works great BUT, it not only transpiles JSX but also aysnc/await. Which all browsers I support (December 2020) already support async/await and therefore I would like to not transpile it. Is there another preset I should be using that would transpile JSX but not Async/Await?

What's causing async/await to be transformed is plugin-transform-regenerator.
You can enable/disable it in this REPL to demonstrate its effects. On the sidebar, scroll all the way down to plugins and click the x next to plugin-transform-regenerator.
You'd have to remove that preset and manually add all of the plugins and presets inherited from that preset to a babel config. I'm afraid it isn't possible to disable a specific plugin from a preset at the moment, as far as I know.
You can find all of the plugins and presets that preset is using here, under dependencies:
Here's documentation on putting together a babel config: https://babeljs.io/docs/en/configuration

I think you're able to achieve your role by using 2 common babel presets: #babel/preset-env & #babel/preset-react with latest version.
The key thing you might need to change to keep async/await (a2) is the target option of preset-env. As long as you set a browser to support (a2) such as chrome: 80, babel would keep them for you. Of course #babel/preset-react is all about for transform jsx.
Here's a step you need to do:
Install deps:
npm i -D #babel/core #babel/cli #babel/preset-env #babel/preset-react
Create a babel.config.js:
const presets = [
"targets": {
"chrome": 80, // this version to support `async/await`
// "modules": false, // you might want it to native support esm in browser
module.exports = { presets };
Finally, run your test code:
npx babel --watch src --out-dir dist
NOTE: No need to specify presets here since it's configured via the file


How to use ES modules within gulpfile.js? [duplicate]

Question: How can I write my gulp file in ES6 so I can use import instead of require and use => syntax over function()?
I can use io.js or node any version.
import gulp from "./node_modules/gulp/index.js";
gulp.task('hello-world', =>{
console.log('hello world');
import gulp from "./node_modules/gulp/index.js";
SyntaxError: Unexpected reserved word
gulp.task('hello-world', =>{
SyntaxError: Unexpected token =>
Inside the node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js i've changed the first line to #!/usr/bin/env node --harmony as asked in this stack
Yes, you can by using babel.
Make sure you've got the latest version of the gulp-cli.
npm install -g gulp-cli
Install babel as a dependency of the project.
npm install --save-dev babel
Rename gulpfile.js to gulpfile.babel.js
Your gulpfile might look something like this:
import gulp from 'gulp';
gulp.task('default', () => {
// do something
Update for Babel 6.0+
As correctly pointed out by Eric Bronniman, there are a few extra steps involved in getting this to work with the latest version of babel. Here are those instructions:
Again, make sure you've got the latest version of gulp-cli
npm install -g gulp-cli
Then install gulp, babel core, and the es2015 presets
npm install --save-dev gulp babel-core babel-preset-es2015
Then, either add the following to a .babelrc file or to your package.json
"babel": {
"presets": [
Your gulpfile.js should be named gulpfile.babel.js
Note you can now use many/most ES6 features in Node.js v4.0.0 without babel. However apparently 'import' is still not supported. See: https://nodejs.org/en/docs/es6/
Edit: Most of the popular ES6 features (including destructuring and spread) are supported by default in NodeJS 5.0 (see above link.) The only major missing feature appears to be ES6 modules as far as I can tell.
If you have the latest versions of gulp & node, you can simply create a gulpfile as gulpfile.mjs instead of gulpfile.js and it should work without needing to use Babel or any other transpiler.
.mjs is a special format used by node which allows usage of ES Modules.
References :-
Example :-
// Filename: gulpfile.mjs
import gulp from 'gulp';
export default task;
function task()
return (
I use babel-node and native gulp.
Install babel and gulp as devDependencies.
Write gulpfile.js with ES6 syntax.
Use command ./node_modules/.bin/babel-node ./node_modules/.bin/gulp to run gulp
In package.json scripts section, you can skip the first ./node_modules/.bin/ part - as babel-node ./node_modules/.bin/gulp.
The advantage of this appoach is, one day when the node.js support all ES6 features one day, all you need to opt-out babel runtime is to replace babel-node with node. That is all.
If you're using the most modern version of Gulp and the Gulp CLI, you can just do Gulpfile.babel.js and it will understand and transpile your ES6 gulpfile with BabelJS by default.
It is also important to have the BabelJS transpiler installed under devDependencies as is Gulp:
npm install --save-dev babel
Also note that to require gulp in this context, you do not have to import the index.js, you can just:
import gulp from 'gulp';
Basically, what you need to install using npm is gulp, gulp-babel and babel-resent-env, add "env" to your .babelrc presets array, and use a gulpfile.babel.js file.
npm install gulp-babel --save-dev
Some of the answers mentioned babel-core, babel-preset-es2015, etc. The Babel official setup guide with Gulp is to use gulp-babel only, while gulp-babel has dependencies modules including babel-core so you don't need to install it separately.
About preset, you need to use a preset to make Babel actually do something, which is called Preset Env that automatically determines the Babel plugins you need based on your supported environments.
npm install babel-preset-env --save-dev
and in .babelrc file
"presets": ["env"]
* Steps
* 1. Rename your gulpfile.js to gulpfile.babel.js
* 2. Add babel to your package.json (npm install -D babel)
* 3. Start writing ES6 in your gulpfile!
import gulp from 'gulp'; // ES6 imports!
import sass from 'gulp-sass';
const sassOpts = { outputStyle: 'compressed', errLogToConsole: true }; // "let" and "const"!!
gulp.task('sass', () = > { // Arrow functions!!
gulp.task('default', ['sass'], () => { // Arrow functions!!
gulp.watch('./src/sass/**/*.scss', ['sass'])
.on('change', (e) => { // Arrow functions!!
console.log(`File ${e.path} was ${e.type}, running Sass task...`); // Template strings and interpolation!!
Steps I followed for developing the code for gulpfile in es6:
npm install gulp && sudo npm install gulp -g.
Please make sure that you you are using the updated version of Gulp.
The current version at the time of writing this answer was 3.9.1. To check which version of gulp is installed, type gulp -v
npm install babel-core babel-preset-es2015-without-strict --save-dev
Type touch .babelrc in the terminal
In the .babelrc file, add this code
"presets": ["es2015-without-strict"]
Created the gulp config file with the name gulpfile.babel.js
Voila!!! You can now write the config code for gulp in ES6.
Source: Using ES6 with Gulp - Mark Goodyear
I have just had the same problem and
solved as following:
Windows 10
node version: 14.15.4
npm version: 6.14.10
gulp version: 4.0.2
using yarn v1
Renamed gulpfile.js as gulpfile.babel.js
Added these packages as devdependency:
"#babel/cli": "^7.12.10",
"#babel/core": "^7.12.10",
"#babel/preset-env": "^7.12.11",
"#babel/register": "^7.12.10",
"gulp-babel": "^8.0.0",
Added babel.config.json
"presets": [
"targets": {
"ie": "10",
"edge": "17",
"firefox": "60",
"chrome": "70",
"safari": "11.1"
Finally I deleted yarn.lock file and node_modules folder and installed all packages.
yarn install
This is how my gulpfile.babel.js file looks like:
import { src, dest, parallel, series, watch } from 'gulp';
import autoprefixer from 'autoprefixer';
import cssnano from 'cssnano';
import concat from 'gulp-concat';
import postcss from 'gulp-postcss';
import replace from 'gulp-replace';
import sass from 'gulp-sass';
import { init, write } from 'gulp-sourcemaps';
import uglify from 'gulp-uglify';
import babel from "gulp-babel";
const _default = series(
parallel(scssTask, jsTask),
export { _default as default };
yarn gulp command runs properly but I still have that warning:
Requiring external module #babel/register

BabelJS : Why transpilation is not working? [duplicate]

I have this code:
"use strict";
import browserSync from "browser-sync";
import httpProxy from "http-proxy";
let proxy = httpProxy.createProxyServer({});
and I have installed babel-core and babel-cli globally via npm. The point is when I try to compile with this on my terminal:
babel proxy.js --out-file proxified.js
The output file gets copied instead of compiled (I mean, it's the same as the source file).
What am I missing here?
Babel is a transformation framework. Pre-6.x, it enabled certain transformations by default, but with the increased usage of Node versions which natively support many ES6 features, it has become much more important that things be configurable. By default, Babel 6.x does not perform any transformations. You need to tell it what transformations to run:
npm install babel-preset-env
and run
babel --presets env proxy.js --out-file proxified.js
or create a .babelrc file containing
"presets": [
and run it just like you were before.
env in this case is a preset which basically says to compile all standard ES* behavior to ES5. If you are using Node versions that support some ES6, you may want to consider doing
"presets": [
["env", { "targets": { "node": "true" } }],
to tell the preset to only process things that are not supported by your Node version. You can also include browser versions in your targets if you need browser support.
Most of these answers are obsolete. #babel/preset-env and "#babel/preset-react are what you need (as of July 2019).
I had the same problem with a different cause:
The code I was trying to load was not under the package directory, and Babel does not default to transpiling outside the package directory.
I solved it by moving the imported code, but perhaps I could have also used some inclusion statement in the Babel configuration.
First ensure you have the following node modules:
npm i -D webpack babel-core babel-preset-es2015 babel-preset-stage-2 babel-loader
Next, add this to your Webpack config file (webpack.config.js) :
// webpack.config.js
module : {
loaders : [
test : /\.js$/,
loader : 'babel',
exclude : /node_modules/,
options : {
presets : [ 'es2015', 'stage-2' ] // stage-2 if required
Good Luck!
As of 2020, Jan:
STEP 1: Install the Babel presets:
yarn add -D #babel/preset-env #babel/preset-react
STEP 2: Create a file: babelrc.js and add the presets:
module.exports = {
// ...
presets: ["#babel/preset-env", "#babel/preset-react"],
// ...
STEP 3:- Install the babel-loader:
yarn add -D babel-loader
STEP 4:- Add the loader config in your webpack.config.js:
module: [
rules: [
test: /\.(js|mjs|jsx|ts|tsx)$/,
loader: require.resolve('babel-loader')
Good Luck...
npm install --save-dev babel-preset-node5
npm install --save-dev babel-preset-react
...and then creating a .babelrc with the presets:
"presets": [
...resolved a very similar issue for me, with babel 3.8.6, and node v5.10.1
Same error, different cause:
Transpiling had worked before and then suddenly stopped working, with files simply being copied as is.
Turns out I opened the .babelrc at some point and Windows decided to append .txt to the filename. Now that .babelrc.txt wasn't recognized by babel. Removing the .txt suffix fixed that.
fix your .babelrc
"presets": [
In year 2018:
Install following packages if you haven't yet:
npm install babel-loader babel-preset-react
test: /\.jsx?$/,
exclude: /node_modules/,
use: [
loader: 'babel-loader',
options: {
presets: ['es2015','react'] // <--- !`react` must be part of presets!
Ultimate solution
I wasted 3 days on this
import react from 'react' unexpected identifier
I tried modifying webpack.config.js and package.json files, and adding .babelrc, installing & updating packages via npm, I've visited many, many pages but nothing has worked.
What worked? Two words: npm start. That's right.
run the
npm start
command in the terminal to launch a local server
(mind that it might not work straight away but perhaps only after you do some work on npm because before trying this out I had deleted all the changes in those files and it worked, so after you're really done, treat it as your last resort)
I found that info on this neat page. It's in Polish but feel free to use Google translate on it.

SyntaxError: Unexpected token import [duplicate]

I have this code:
"use strict";
import browserSync from "browser-sync";
import httpProxy from "http-proxy";
let proxy = httpProxy.createProxyServer({});
and I have installed babel-core and babel-cli globally via npm. The point is when I try to compile with this on my terminal:
babel proxy.js --out-file proxified.js
The output file gets copied instead of compiled (I mean, it's the same as the source file).
What am I missing here?
Babel is a transformation framework. Pre-6.x, it enabled certain transformations by default, but with the increased usage of Node versions which natively support many ES6 features, it has become much more important that things be configurable. By default, Babel 6.x does not perform any transformations. You need to tell it what transformations to run:
npm install babel-preset-env
and run
babel --presets env proxy.js --out-file proxified.js
or create a .babelrc file containing
"presets": [
and run it just like you were before.
env in this case is a preset which basically says to compile all standard ES* behavior to ES5. If you are using Node versions that support some ES6, you may want to consider doing
"presets": [
["env", { "targets": { "node": "true" } }],
to tell the preset to only process things that are not supported by your Node version. You can also include browser versions in your targets if you need browser support.
Most of these answers are obsolete. #babel/preset-env and "#babel/preset-react are what you need (as of July 2019).
I had the same problem with a different cause:
The code I was trying to load was not under the package directory, and Babel does not default to transpiling outside the package directory.
I solved it by moving the imported code, but perhaps I could have also used some inclusion statement in the Babel configuration.
First ensure you have the following node modules:
npm i -D webpack babel-core babel-preset-es2015 babel-preset-stage-2 babel-loader
Next, add this to your Webpack config file (webpack.config.js) :
// webpack.config.js
module : {
loaders : [
test : /\.js$/,
loader : 'babel',
exclude : /node_modules/,
options : {
presets : [ 'es2015', 'stage-2' ] // stage-2 if required
Good Luck!
As of 2020, Jan:
STEP 1: Install the Babel presets:
yarn add -D #babel/preset-env #babel/preset-react
STEP 2: Create a file: babelrc.js and add the presets:
module.exports = {
// ...
presets: ["#babel/preset-env", "#babel/preset-react"],
// ...
STEP 3:- Install the babel-loader:
yarn add -D babel-loader
STEP 4:- Add the loader config in your webpack.config.js:
module: [
rules: [
test: /\.(js|mjs|jsx|ts|tsx)$/,
loader: require.resolve('babel-loader')
Good Luck...
npm install --save-dev babel-preset-node5
npm install --save-dev babel-preset-react
...and then creating a .babelrc with the presets:
"presets": [
...resolved a very similar issue for me, with babel 3.8.6, and node v5.10.1
Same error, different cause:
Transpiling had worked before and then suddenly stopped working, with files simply being copied as is.
Turns out I opened the .babelrc at some point and Windows decided to append .txt to the filename. Now that .babelrc.txt wasn't recognized by babel. Removing the .txt suffix fixed that.
fix your .babelrc
"presets": [
In year 2018:
Install following packages if you haven't yet:
npm install babel-loader babel-preset-react
test: /\.jsx?$/,
exclude: /node_modules/,
use: [
loader: 'babel-loader',
options: {
presets: ['es2015','react'] // <--- !`react` must be part of presets!
Ultimate solution
I wasted 3 days on this
import react from 'react' unexpected identifier
I tried modifying webpack.config.js and package.json files, and adding .babelrc, installing & updating packages via npm, I've visited many, many pages but nothing has worked.
What worked? Two words: npm start. That's right.
run the
npm start
command in the terminal to launch a local server
(mind that it might not work straight away but perhaps only after you do some work on npm because before trying this out I had deleted all the changes in those files and it worked, so after you're really done, treat it as your last resort)
I found that info on this neat page. It's in Polish but feel free to use Google translate on it.

Babel file is copied without being transformed

I have this code:
"use strict";
import browserSync from "browser-sync";
import httpProxy from "http-proxy";
let proxy = httpProxy.createProxyServer({});
and I have installed babel-core and babel-cli globally via npm. The point is when I try to compile with this on my terminal:
babel proxy.js --out-file proxified.js
The output file gets copied instead of compiled (I mean, it's the same as the source file).
What am I missing here?
Babel is a transformation framework. Pre-6.x, it enabled certain transformations by default, but with the increased usage of Node versions which natively support many ES6 features, it has become much more important that things be configurable. By default, Babel 6.x does not perform any transformations. You need to tell it what transformations to run:
npm install babel-preset-env
and run
babel --presets env proxy.js --out-file proxified.js
or create a .babelrc file containing
"presets": [
and run it just like you were before.
env in this case is a preset which basically says to compile all standard ES* behavior to ES5. If you are using Node versions that support some ES6, you may want to consider doing
"presets": [
["env", { "targets": { "node": "true" } }],
to tell the preset to only process things that are not supported by your Node version. You can also include browser versions in your targets if you need browser support.
Most of these answers are obsolete. #babel/preset-env and "#babel/preset-react are what you need (as of July 2019).
I had the same problem with a different cause:
The code I was trying to load was not under the package directory, and Babel does not default to transpiling outside the package directory.
I solved it by moving the imported code, but perhaps I could have also used some inclusion statement in the Babel configuration.
First ensure you have the following node modules:
npm i -D webpack babel-core babel-preset-es2015 babel-preset-stage-2 babel-loader
Next, add this to your Webpack config file (webpack.config.js) :
// webpack.config.js
module : {
loaders : [
test : /\.js$/,
loader : 'babel',
exclude : /node_modules/,
options : {
presets : [ 'es2015', 'stage-2' ] // stage-2 if required
Good Luck!
As of 2020, Jan:
STEP 1: Install the Babel presets:
yarn add -D #babel/preset-env #babel/preset-react
STEP 2: Create a file: babelrc.js and add the presets:
module.exports = {
// ...
presets: ["#babel/preset-env", "#babel/preset-react"],
// ...
STEP 3:- Install the babel-loader:
yarn add -D babel-loader
STEP 4:- Add the loader config in your webpack.config.js:
module: [
rules: [
test: /\.(js|mjs|jsx|ts|tsx)$/,
loader: require.resolve('babel-loader')
Good Luck...
npm install --save-dev babel-preset-node5
npm install --save-dev babel-preset-react
...and then creating a .babelrc with the presets:
"presets": [
...resolved a very similar issue for me, with babel 3.8.6, and node v5.10.1
Same error, different cause:
Transpiling had worked before and then suddenly stopped working, with files simply being copied as is.
Turns out I opened the .babelrc at some point and Windows decided to append .txt to the filename. Now that .babelrc.txt wasn't recognized by babel. Removing the .txt suffix fixed that.
fix your .babelrc
"presets": [
In year 2018:
Install following packages if you haven't yet:
npm install babel-loader babel-preset-react
test: /\.jsx?$/,
exclude: /node_modules/,
use: [
loader: 'babel-loader',
options: {
presets: ['es2015','react'] // <--- !`react` must be part of presets!
Ultimate solution
I wasted 3 days on this
import react from 'react' unexpected identifier
I tried modifying webpack.config.js and package.json files, and adding .babelrc, installing & updating packages via npm, I've visited many, many pages but nothing has worked.
What worked? Two words: npm start. That's right.
run the
npm start
command in the terminal to launch a local server
(mind that it might not work straight away but perhaps only after you do some work on npm because before trying this out I had deleted all the changes in those files and it worked, so after you're really done, treat it as your last resort)
I found that info on this neat page. It's in Polish but feel free to use Google translate on it.

How do I install the babel-polyfill library?

I just started to use Babel to compile my ES6 javascript code into ES5. When I start to use Promises it looks like it's not working. The Babel website states support for promises via polyfills.
Without any luck, I tried to add:
import * as p from "babel/polyfill";
With that I'll get the following error on my app bootstrapping:
Cannot find module 'babel/polyfill'
I searched for the module but it seems I'm missing some fundamental thing here. I also tried to add the old and good bluebird NPM but it looks like it's not working.
How to use the polyfills from Babel?
This changed a bit in babel v6.
From the docs:
The polyfill will emulate a full ES6 environment. This polyfill is automatically loaded when using babel-node.
$ npm install babel-polyfill
Usage in Node / Browserify / Webpack:
To include the polyfill you need to require it at the top of the entry point to your application.
Usage in Browser:
Available from the dist/polyfill.js file within a babel-polyfill npm release. This needs to be included before all your compiled Babel code. You can either prepend it to your compiled code or include it in a <script> before it.
NOTE: Do not require this via browserify etc, use babel-polyfill.
The Babel docs describe this pretty concisely:
Babel includes a polyfill that includes a custom regenerator runtime
and core.js.
This will emulate a full ES6 environment. This polyfill is
automatically loaded when using babel-node and babel/register.
Make sure you require it at the entry-point to your application, before anything else is called. If you're using a tool like webpack, that becomes pretty simple (you can tell webpack to include it in the bundle).
If you're using a tool like gulp-babel or babel-loader, you need to also install the babel package itself to use the polyfill.
Also note that for modules that affect the global scope (polyfills and the like), you can use a terse import to avoid having unused variables in your module:
import 'babel/polyfill';
For Babel version 7, if your are using #babel/preset-env, to include polyfill all you have to do is add a flag 'useBuiltIns' with the value of 'usage' in your babel configuration. There is no need to require or import polyfill at the entry point of your App.
With this flag specified, babel#7 will optimize and only include the polyfills you needs.
To use this flag, after installation:
npm install --save-dev #babel/core #babel/cli #babel/preset-env
npm install --save #babel/polyfill
Simply add the flag:
useBuiltIns: "usage"
to your babel configuration file called "babel.config.js" (also new to Babel#7), under the "#babel/env" section:
// file: babel.config.js
module.exports = () => {
const presets = [
targets: { /* your targeted browser */ },
useBuiltIns: "usage" // <-----------------*** add this
return { presets };
Update Aug 2019:
With the release of Babel 7.4.0 (March 19, 2019) #babel/polyfill is deprecated. Instead of installing #babe/polyfill, you will install core-js:
npm install --save core-js#3
A new entry corejs is added to your babel.config.js
// file: babel.config.js
module.exports = () => {
const presets = [
targets: { /* your targeted browser */ },
useBuiltIns: "usage",
corejs: 3 // <----- specify version of corejs used
return { presets };
see example: https://github.com/ApolloTang/stackoverflow-eg--babel-v7.4.0-polyfill-w-core-v3
7.4.0 Released: core-js 3, static private methods and partial
core-js#3, babel and a look into the future
If your package.json looks something like the following:
"devDependencies": {
"babel": "^6.5.2",
"babel-eslint": "^6.0.4",
"babel-polyfill": "^6.8.0",
"babel-preset-es2015": "^6.6.0",
"babelify": "^7.3.0",
And you get the Cannot find module 'babel/polyfill' error message, then you probably just need to change your import statement FROM:
import "babel/polyfill";
import "babel-polyfill";
And make sure it comes before any other import statement (not necessarily at the entry point of your application).
Reference: https://babeljs.io/docs/usage/polyfill/
First off, the obvious answer that no one has provided, you need to install Babel into your application:
npm install babel --save
(or babel-core if you instead want to require('babel-core/polyfill')).
Aside from that, I have a grunt task to transpile my es6 and jsx as a build step (i.e. I don't want to use babel/register, which is why I am trying to use babel/polyfill directly in the first place), so I'd like to put more emphasis on this part of #ssube's answer:
Make sure you require it at the entry-point to your application,
before anything else is called
I ran into some weird issue where I was trying to require babel/polyfill from some shared environment startup file and I got the error the user referenced - I think it might have had something to do with how babel orders imports versus requires but I'm unable to reproduce now. Anyway, moving import 'babel/polyfill' as the first line in both my client and server startup scripts fixed the problem.
Note that if you instead want to use require('babel/polyfill') I would make sure all your other module loader statements are also requires and not use imports - avoid mixing the two. In other words, if you have any import statements in your startup script, make import babel/polyfill the first line in your script rather than require('babel/polyfill').
babel-polyfill allows you to use the full set of ES6 features beyond
syntax changes. This includes features such as new built-in objects
like Promises and WeakMap, as well as new static methods like
Array.from or Object.assign.
Without babel-polyfill, babel only allows you to use features like
arrow functions, destructuring, default arguments, and other
syntax-specific features introduced in ES6.
Like Babel says in the docs, for Babel > 7.4.0 the module #babel/polyfill is deprecated, so it's recommended to use directly core-js and regenerator-runtime libraries that before were included in #babel/polyfill.
So this worked for me:
npm install --save core-js#3.6.5
npm install regenerator-runtime
then add to the very top of your initial js file:
import 'core-js/stable';
import 'regenerator-runtime/runtime';

