barba js v2 reinit main.js script - javascript

I am struggling with barba js v2. After ajaxtransition my main.js script stops working. I would like to reinit this script somehow ...
I have simple barba transition like this ->
import barba from "#barba/core"
class Transition {
constructor() {
// console.log(barba)
events() {
// console.log("events")
transitions: [
name: "default-transition",
leave() {
// create your stunning leave animation here
enter() {
// create your amazing enter animation here
export default Transition
and at the and of </body> tag I have
<script src="js/main-dist.js"></script>
Inside this main-dist.js script there are couple of other scripts that are imported, for example a function that shows current date.
When I go to the page at first time, everything works fine, but when I go to another page and come back to the page that should display the current date, the date is not displaying because script is not initialized. It initalizes only on load not on ajaxload.
So my roadblock is to re-init somehow this script on ajaxload.

I figured it out. There is barba hook "after" that we can use in the transition script :)
barba.hooks.after(() => {
const bottomDOM = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]
const newScript = document.createElement("script")
const oldScript = document.querySelector(".main-script")
newScript.src = "js/main-dist.js"
newScript.className = "main-script"
I have a <script class="main-script" src="js/main-dist.js"></script> at the end of the DOM, and use barba.hook to remove it and then add it again


Cannot appendChild to a custom web component

I have a web-component at root level. The simplified version of which is shown below:
class AppLayout {
constructor() {
this.noShadow = true;
connectedCallback() {
this.insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", this.navigation);
render() {
this.innerHTML = this.template;
get template() {
return `
navigation = `
<script type="module">
import './components/nav-bar.js'
customElements.define('app-layout', AppLayout);
I want to load a script after this component loads. The script creates html for navigation and tries to add it to the app-layout element shown above. However, even though, it does find the app-layout element, it is unable to append the navBar element. It is, however, able to append the navBar to the body of the html. Any ideas what I'm missing.
const navLinks =
const navBar = document.createElement('nav');
navBar.innerHTML = navLinks;
const appLayout = document.querySelector('app-layout'); // works with 'body' but not with 'appLayout'
console.log(appLayout); // Logs correct element
I know that what I'm trying to do here (loading a script inside a web component) is not ideal, however, I would like to still understand why the above doesn't work.
using innerHTML or in your case insertAdjacentHTML to add <script> tags to the document doesn't work because browsers historically try to prevent potential cross site script attacks (
What you could do is something like:
const s = document.createElement("script");
s.type = "module";
s.innerText = `import './components/nav-bar.js'`;
// or simply directly without the script: `import('./comp..')` if it is really your only js in the script tag.

Adding JavaScript to my Plotly Dash app (Python)

I'm building a dashboard using Dash in Python. I have configured all the graphs nicely (it's running on the server here) and the next step is to create a responsive navbar and a footer. Currently looks like this:
And when I shrink the width, it looks like this:
I want to add functionality to this button so it would hide the three links on click. I'm trying to toggle the CSS 'active' attribute using JavaScript with this piece of code:
var toggleButton = document.getElementsByClassName('toggle-button')[0]
var navBarLinks = document.getElementsByClassName('navbar-links')[0]
function toggleFunction() {
toggleButton.addEventListener('click', toggleFunction)
Basically, when the navbar-links class is active, I want it to be set as display: flex, and when it's not active I want it to be display: none
The HTML elements defined in Python screen are here:
html.Div('Covid-19 global data Dashboard', className='dashboard-title'),
href='#', className='toggle-button'),
html.Li(html.A('Linked-In', href='#')),
html.Li(html.A('Source Code', href='#')),
html.Li(html.A('CSV Data', href='#'))
], className='navbar')
I didn't expect that there would be issues with accessing elements through JavaScript. After doing some research I found out that JavaScript when executes getElementsByClassName function the returned value is null. That is because the function is run before the page is rendered (as far as I understand). It gives me this error:
This project is getting quite big, so I don't know which parts should I include in this post, but I will share the git repository and the preview of the page. Is there an easy solution to it?
You can defer the execution of JavaScript code until after React has loaded via the DeferScript component from dash-extensions. Here is a small example,
import dash
import dash_html_components as html
from html import unescape
from dash_extensions import DeferScript
mxgraph = r'{"highlight":"#0000ff","nav":true,"resize":true,"toolbar":"zoom layers lightbox","edit":"_blank","xml":"<mxfile host=\"\" modified=\"2021-06-07T06:06:13.695Z\" agent=\"5.0 (Windows)\" etag=\"4lPJKNab0_B4ArwMh0-7\" version=\"14.7.6\"><diagram id=\"YgMnHLNxFGq_Sfquzsd6\" name=\"Page-1\">jZJNT4QwEIZ/DUcToOriVVw1JruJcjDxYho60iaFIaUs4K+3yJSPbDbZSzN95qPTdyZgadm/GF7LAwrQQRyKPmBPQRzvktidIxgmwB4IFEaJCUULyNQvEAyJtkpAswm0iNqqegtzrCrI7YZxY7Dbhv2g3r5a8wLOQJZzfU4/lbByoslduPBXUIX0L0cheUrugwk0kgvsVojtA5YaRDtZZZ+CHrXzukx5zxe8c2MGKntNgknk8bs8fsj3+KtuDhxP+HZDVU5ct/RhatYOXgGDbSVgLBIG7LGTykJW83z0dm7kjklbaneLnEnlwFjoL/YZzb93WwNYgjWDC6EEdkuC0cZEO7p3i/6RF1WutL8nxmnkxVx6UcUZJIy/LgP49622mO3/AA==</diagram></mxfile>"}'
app = dash.Dash(__name__)
app.layout = html.Div([
html.Div(className='mxgraph', style={"maxWidth": "100%"}, **{'data-mxgraph': unescape(mxgraph)}),
if __name__ == '__main__':
Dash callback solution (no Javascript):
import dash
import dash_html_components as html
from dash.dependencies import Output, Input, State
navbar_base_class = "navbar-links"
app = dash.Dash(__name__)
app.layout = html.Nav(
html.Div("Covid-19 global data Dashboard", className="dashboard-title"),
html.Li(html.A("Linked-In", href="#")),
html.Li(html.A("Source Code", href="#")),
html.Li(html.A("CSV Data", href="#")),
Output("navbar-links", "className"),
Input("toggle-button", "n_clicks"),
State("navbar-links", "className"),
def callback(n_clicks, current_classes):
if "active" in current_classes:
return navbar_base_class
return navbar_base_class + " active"
if __name__ == "__main__":
The idea of the code above is to take the toggle-button click as Input and the current value of navbar-links as State. We can use this state to determine if we should add the active class or remove it. The new className value is returned in the callback.
Javascript solution:
window.addEventListener("load", function () {
var toggleButton = document.getElementsByClassName("toggle-button")[0];
var navBarLinks = document.getElementsByClassName("navbar-links")[0];
function toggleFunction() {
toggleButton.addEventListener("click", toggleFunction);
The load event is fired when the whole page has loaded, including all dependent resources such as stylesheets and images. This is in contrast to DOMContentLoaded, which is fired as soon as the page DOM has been loaded, without waiting for resources to finish loading.
DOMContentLoaded would be preferable to use, but it only works for me with load.
If you need a pure JS solution you need to use MutationObserver. I've wrote a little helper function we are currently using that did the trick. Another suggestion would be to change the mutation to an element on screen then fire an event to handle the rest
* #param {string} id
* #param {*} event
* #param {(this: HTMLElement, ev: any) => any} callback
* #param {boolean | AddEventListenerOptions} options
function attachEventToDash(id, event, callback, options) {
var observer = new MutationObserver(function (_mutations, obs) {
var ele = document.getElementById(id);
if (ele) {
ele.addEventListener(event, callback, options)
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
observer.observe(document, {
childList: true,
subtree: true

Custom Element (Web Component) won't accept keyboard input when inserted by a CKEditor 5 plugin

I'm in the initial stages of developing a plugin that will allow the user to insert placeholder elements into HTML content that will be processed server-side and used to incorporate some simple logic into a generated PDF document. To this end, I'm attempting to insert a custom element that I've defined using the web components API.
class NSLoop extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
get source() {
return this.getAttribute('source');
get as() {
return this.getAttribute('as');
window.customElements.define('ns-loop', NSLoop);
The contents of loopediting.js:
import Plugin from "#ckeditor/ckeditor5-core/src/plugin";
import Widget from "#ckeditor/ckeditor5-widget/src/widget";
import {viewToModelPositionOutsideModelElement} from "#ckeditor/ckeditor5-widget/src/utils";
import LoopCommand from "./loopcommand";
export default class LoopEditing extends Plugin {
static get requires() {
return [Widget];
constructor(editor) {
init() {
this.editor.commands.add('loop', new LoopCommand(this.editor));
this.editor.editing.mapper.on('viewToModelPosition', viewToModelPositionOutsideModelElement(this.editor.model, viewElement =>'element', 'ns-loop')));
_defineSchema() {
const schema = this.editor.model.schema;
schema.register('loop', {
isBlock: false,
isLimit: false,
isObject: false,
isInline: false,
isSelectable: false,
isContent: false,
allowWhere: '$block',
allowAttributes: ['for', 'as'],
schema.extend( '$text', {
allowIn: 'loop'
} );
schema.extend( '$block', {
allowIn: 'loop'
} );
_defineConverters() {
const conversion = this.editor.conversion;
view: {
name: 'ns-loop',
model: (viewElement, {write: modelWriter}) => {
const source = viewElement.getAttribute('for');
const as = viewElement.getAttribute('as');
return modelWriter.createElement('loop', {source: source, as: as});
model: 'loop',
view: (modelItem, {writer: viewWriter}) => {
const widgetElement = createLoopView(modelItem, viewWriter);
return widgetElement;
function createLoopView(modelItem, viewWriter) {
const source = modelItem.getAttribute('source');
const as = modelItem.getAttribute('as');
const loopElement = viewWriter.createContainerElement('ns-loop', {'for': source, 'as': as});
return loopElement;
This code works, in the sense that an <ns-loop> element is successfully inserted into the editor content; however, I am not able to edit this element's content. Any keyboard input is inserted into a <p> before the <ns-loop> element, and any text selection disappears once the mouse stops moving. Additionally, it is only possible to place the cursor at the beginning of the element.
If I simply swap out 'ns-loop' as the tag name for 'div' or 'p', I am able to type within the element without issue, so I suspect that I am missing something in the schema definition to make CKEditor aware that this element is "allowed" to be typed in, however I have no idea what I may have missed -- as far as I'm aware, that's what I should be achieving with the schema.extend() calls.
I have tried innumerable variations of allowedIn, allowedWhere, inheritAllFrom, isBlock, isLimit, etc within the schema definition, with no apparent change in behaviour.
Can anyone provide any insight?
Edit: Some additional information I just noticed - when the cursor is within the <ns-loop> element, the Heading/Paragraph dropdown menu is empty. That may be relevant.
Edit 2: Aaand I found the culprit staring me in the face.
this.editor.editing.mapper.on('viewToModelPosition', viewToModelPositionOutsideModelElement(this.editor.model, viewElement =>'element', 'ns-loop')));
I'm new to the CKE5 plugin space, and was using other plugins as a reference point, and I guess I copied that code from another plugin. Removing that code solves the problem.
As noted in the second edit, the culprit was the code,
this.editor.editing.mapper.on('viewToModelPosition', viewToModelPositionOutsideModelElement(this.editor.model, viewElement =>'element', 'ns-loop')));
which I apparently copied from another plugin I was using for reference. Removing this code has solved the immediate problem.
I'll accept this answer and close the question once the 2-day timer is up.

How do I add a custom script to React component?

Long story short: I'm trying to add a front-end app to my portfolio site that uses React. I would like to integrate the app into the component as it renders. What I have setup right now is:
React component:
class Giphy extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {src: 1}
this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);
handleClick(event) {
componentDidMount() {
const script = document.createElement("script");
script.type = "text/javascript";
script.src = "/scripts/giphyLogic.js";
...and a bunch of stuff in the render() method that doesn't matter
the script that I want to load involves a bunch of jQuery and simple JS stuff.
function displayButtons() {
for (i=0; i<buttonArray.length; i++){
var a = $("<button type='button' class='btn btn-info'>");
var btnID = buttonArray[i].replace(/\s+/g, "+")
a.attr("id", btnID);
$("#addButton").on("click", function() {
var newButton = $(".form-control").val();
function displayGIFs() {
$(".btn-info").on("click", function() {
var subject = $(this).attr("id");
var giphyURL = "" + subject + "&api_key=dc6zaTOxFJmzC";
$.ajax({ url: giphyURL, method: "GET"}).done(function(res) {
for (t=0; t<25; t++) {
var rating =[t].rating;
var image = $("<img>");
var imgURLmoving =[t].images.fixed_height.url;
var imgURLstill =[t].images.fixed_height_still.url;
image.attr("src", imgURLstill);
image.attr("data-still", imgURLstill);
image.attr("data-moving", imgURLmoving);
image.attr("data-state", "still")
$("#resultsContainer").append("<p>" + rating + "</p");
$(document.body).on("click", ".gif", function() {
var state = $(this).attr("data-state");
if (state === "still") {
$(this).attr("src", $(this).data("moving"));
$(this).attr("data-state", "moving");
} else {
$(this).attr("src", $(this).data("still"));
$(this).attr("data-state", "still");
This all works on a standalone HTML document, but I can't seem to get the script to work properly. When the component loads and I inspect the page,
<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/giphyLogic.js"></script>
is there under the bundle.js script tag, but nothing from the script happens.
I get an "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <" error that is attributed to giphyLogic.js:1 even though in the actual .js file, that line is blank. I've looked around, and this apparently happens when a file is included that doesn't exist, but the file is definitely there. I've double checked the path (by including an image in the same folder and loading the image successfully on the page) and it's correct.
Is there a way to resolve this, or am I going to have to create methods within the React component that I'm creating?
Do not mix jQuery and react. Learn how to use react properly by reading the well-written documentation. They can guide you through the many examples to get a simple app up and running.
Once again, do NOT use jQuery and react. jQuery wants to manually manipulate the DOM, and react manages a virtual DOM. The two will conflict more often than not, and you're going to have a bad time. If you have a very deep understanding of react, there are very few scenarios in which you could maybe use some jQuery, but nearly all of the time, it is to be avoided at all costs.
Obviously things like $.ajax() are fine, but for anything dealing with DOM manipulation, stay away. And if you only end up using jQuery for $.ajax() calls... you should switch to a leaner library like axios or use the native fetch API.

Scroll to bottom of div with Vue.js

I have a Vue.js component with several elements in it. I want to automatically scroll to the bottom of that element when a method in the component is called.
Basically, do the same as this. However, I haven't found a way to get the element within my component and modify scrollTop
I'm currently using Vue.js 2.0.8.
2022 easy, readable, smooth scrolling ability, & won't hurt your brain... use el.scrollIntoView()
scrollIntoView() has options you can pass it like scrollIntoView({behavior: 'smooth'}) to get smooth scrolling out of the box and does not require any external libraries.
Here is a fiddle.
methods: {
scrollToElement() {
const el = this.$refs.scrollToMe;
if (el) {
// Use el.scrollIntoView() to instantly scroll to the element
el.scrollIntoView({behavior: 'smooth'});
Then if you wanted to scroll to this element on page load you could call this method like this:
mounted() {
Else if you wanted to scroll to it on a button click or some other action you could call it the same way:
<button #click="scrollToElement">scroll to me</button>
The scroll works all the way down to IE 8. The smooth scroll effect does not work out of the box in IE or Safari. If needed there is a polyfill available for this here as #mostafaznv mentioned in the comments.
As I understand, the desired effect you want is to scroll to the end of a list (or scrollable div) when something happens (e.g.: an item is added to the list). If so, you can scroll to the end of a container element (or even the page it self) using only pure JavaScript and the VueJS selectors.
var container = this.$el.querySelector("#container");
container.scrollTop = container.scrollHeight;
I've provided a working example in this fiddle.
Every time a item is added to the list, the list is scrolled to the end to show the new item.
I tried the accepted solution and it didn't work for me. I use the browser debugger and found out the actual height that should be used is the clientHeight BUT you have to put this into the updated() hook for the whole solution to work.
return {
conversation: [
EventBus.$on('msg-ctr--push-msg-in-conversation', textMsg => {
// Didn't work doing scroll here
updated(){ <=== PUT IT HERE !!
var elem = this.$el
elem.scrollTop = elem.clientHeight;
Use the ref attribute on the DOM element for reference
<div class="content scrollable" ref="msgContainer">
<!-- content -->
You need to setup a WATCH
data() {
return {
count: 5
watch: {
count: function() {
this.$nextTick(function() {
var container = this.$refs.msgContainer;
container.scrollTop = container.scrollHeight + 120;
Ensure you're using proper CSS
.scrollable {
overflow: hidden;
overflow-y: scroll;
height: calc(100vh - 20px);
Here is a simple example using ref to scroll to the bottom of a div.
Defined somewhere:
var vueContent = new Vue({
el: '#vue-content',
var messageDisplay = vueContent.$refs.messageDisplay;
messageDisplay.scrollTop = messageDisplay.scrollHeight;
<div id='vue-content'>
<div ref='messageDisplay' id='messages'>
<div v-for="message in messages">
{{ message }}
Notice that by putting ref='messageDisplay' in the HTML, you have access to the element through vueContent.$refs.messageDisplay
If you need to support IE11 and (old) Edge, you can use:
scrollToBottom() {
let element = document.getElementById("yourID");
If you don't need to support IE11, the following will work (clearer code):
scrollToBottom() {
let element = document.getElementById("yourID");
element.scrollIntoView({behavior: "smooth", block: "end"});
Try vue-chat-scroll:
Install via npm: npm install --save vue-chat-scroll
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueChatScroll from 'vue-chat-scroll'
in app.js after window.Vue = require('vue').default;
then use it with :
<ul class="messages" v-chat-scroll>
// your message/chat code...
For those that haven't found a working solution above, I believe I have a working one. My specific use case was that I wanted to scroll to the bottom of a specific div - in my case a chatbox - whenever a new message was added to the array.
const container = this.$el.querySelector('#messagesCardContent');
this.$nextTick(() => {
// DOM updated
container.scrollTop = container.scrollHeight;
I have to use nextTick as we need to wait for the dom to update from the data change before doing the scroll!
I just put the above code in a watcher for the messages array, like so:
messages: {
handler() {
// this scrolls the messages to the bottom on loading data
const container = this.$el.querySelector('#messagesCard');
this.$nextTick(() => {
// DOM updated
container.scrollTop = container.scrollHeight;
deep: true,
The solution did not work for me but the following code works for me. I am working on dynamic items with class of message-box.
scrollToEnd() {
setTimeout(() => {
this.$el.getElementsByClassName("message-box").length -
}, 50);
Remember to put the method in mounted() not created() and add class message-box to the dynamic item. setTimeout() is essential for this to work. You can refer to for more information about this.
This is what worked for me
this.$nextTick(() => {
let scrollHeight = this.$refs.messages.scrollHeight
window.scrollTo(0, scrollHeight)
In the related question you posted, we already have a way to achieve that in plain javascript, so we only need to get the js reference to the dom node we want to scroll.
The ref attribute can be used to declare reference to html elements to make them available in vue's component methods.
Or, if the method in the component is a handler for some UI event, and the target is related to the div you want to scroll in space, you can simply pass in the event object along with your wanted arguments, and do the scroll like scroll(
I had the same need in my app (with complex nested components structure) and I unfortunately did not succeed to make it work.
Finally I used vue-scrollto that works fine !
My solutions without modules:
<div class="scrollable-content" ref="conversations" />
scrollToBottom() {
const container = this.$refs.conversations;
container.scrollTop = container.scrollHeight;
scrollToBottom() {
this.$nextTick(function () {
let BoxEl = document.querySelector('#Box');
BoxEl.scrollTop = BoxEl.scrollHeight;
Agree with Lurein Perera
Just want to add extra info
watch: {
arrayName: {
handler() {
const container = this.$el.querySelector("#idName");
this.$nextTick(() => {
container.scrollTop = container.scrollHeight;
deep: true,
Where as:
arrayName = Name of array
idName = The id attribute has to be added to the div where you want the scrollbar to auto-scroll down when arrayName length increases.
scrollToElement() {
const element = this.$; // here abc is the ref of the element
if (element) {
el.scrollIntoView({behavior: 'smooth'});
here you need to use ref for the particular div or element which you want make visible on scroll.
if you have a table and you want to locate the last row of the table then you have to use -
Here not that if you ware asynchronously adding the element to the table then you have to take care of it. you can test it using setTimeout, if that is making any difference.
const element = this.$;
if (element) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
replace set timeout with your own async logic.
Using Composition API and TypeScript
I set the parameter scrollTop equal to scrollHeightfrom the HTMLDivElment API.
<div id="container" ref="comments">
Content ...
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, ref, Ref, watchEffect } from 'vue'
export default defineComponent({
setup() {
const comments: Ref<null | HTMLDivElement> = ref(null)
watchEffect(() => {
if(comments.value) {
comments.value.scrollTop = comments.value.scrollHeight
return {

