I'm trying to verify if the user was able to complete the registration successfully. For this, I want to get the user's token via cookies, as in the following code:
export async function getServerSideProps(ctx) {
try {
const cookies = nookies.get(ctx)
console.log(JSON.stringify(cookies, null, 2));
const token = await firebaseAdmin.auth().verifyIdToken(cookies.token)
const { email } = token
return {
props: { message: `${email} was successfully registered!`}
} catch (err) {
return { props: { message: 'Error'} }
This function returns the following error:
errorInfo: {
code: 'auth/argument-error',
message: 'Decoding Firebase ID token failed. Make sure you passed the entire string JWT which represents an ID token. See
https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth/admin/verify-id-tokens for
details on how to retrieve an ID token.' }
I believe I must be misusing nookies.get(ctx), and I say this because the retrieved cookie (token) is equal to a "", which doesn't make much sense to me. Then, how can I properly use nookies to get that token?
I would appreciate it, if anyone could help me to find out what I'm missing out.
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: The user account is created, and the email and password are stored in the Firebase Auth. It is only this piece of code that does not work.
Since Next 10.0.4 you can get cookies without nookies
const cookies = ctx.req.cookies
try in this way, if you still getting token as empty check the way that you set cookies.
I am taking my time trying to understand "fetching data" in next js, i am trying to directly access a url that has a unique token and i keep getting 404 not found
export async function getServerSideProps({params}){
let res = await fetch(`${HOST}reset/${params.token}/`)
let token = await res.json()
return {
return {
any idea why?
the token is set in the backend, and it get discarded after it has been used (in this case the user pressed submit to reset their password)
and i am not sure how i can locate token in getServerSideProps?
I'm trying to set up an email verification flow in my project, but I can't seem to get it right.
How my flow works now is the user enters their credentials (email and password), which are used to create a new firebase user. Then, once that promise is resolved, it sends an email verification link to the new user that was created. The code looks like this:
async createUser(email: string, password: string) {
try {
console.log("Creating user...");
const userCredentials = await createUserWithEmailAndPassword(
console.log("Successfully created user");
const { user } = userCredentials;
console.log("Sending email verification link...");
await this.verifyEmail(user);
return user;
} catch (err) {
throw err;
async verifyEmail(user: User) {
try {
} catch (err) {
throw err;
The link is sent through fine, but once I press on it, I'm redirected to a page that says this:
Strangely, the user's email is verified after this, in spite of the error message displayed. Any idea why this is happening?
I managed to figure it out. The email provider I'm using is my university's, and it seems to be preventing the verification link from working properly. I did try with my personal email to see if that was the case, but I wasn't seeing the verification link appearing there. I eventually realized that it was because it was being stored in the spam folder. It's working on other email providers, though, ideally, I'd want it to work on my university's email provider (the emails that users sign up with are supposed to be exclusively student emails). Any ideas how I could resolve this?
I eventually figured out that the issue was with my email provider. I was using my student email, which the university provides, and I imagine they've placed rigorous measures in place to secure them as much as possible. I have no idea what was preventing it from working, but I managed to figure out a workaround.
In brief, I changed the action URL in the template (which can be found in the console for your Firebase project in the Authentication section, under the Templates tab) to a route on my website titled /authenticate. I created a module to handle email verification. Included in it is a function that parses the URL, extracting the mode (email verification, password reset, etc.), actionCode (this is the important one. It stores the id that Firebase decodes to determine if it's valid), continueURL (optional), and lang (optional).
export const parseUrl = (queryString: string) => {
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
const mode = urlParams.get("mode");
const actionCode = urlParams.get("oobCode");
const continueUrl = urlParams.get("continueUrl");
const lang = urlParams.get("lang") ?? "en";
return { mode, actionCode, continueUrl, lang };
I created another method that handles the email verification by applying the actionCode from the URL using Firebase's applyActionCode.
export const handleVerifyEmail = async (
actionCode: string,
continueUrl?: string,
lang?: string
) => {
try {
await applyActionCode(auth, actionCode);
return { alreadyVerified: false };
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof FirebaseError) {
switch (err.code) {
case "auth/invalid-action-code": {
return { alreadyVerified: true };
throw err;
The auth/invalid-action-code error seems to be thrown when the user is already verified. I don't throw an error for it, because I handle this differently to other errors.
Once the user presses the verification link, they're redirected to the /authenticate page on my website. This page then handles the email verification by parsing the query appended to the route. The URL looks something like this http://localhost:3000/authenticate?mode=verifyEmail&oobCode=FLVl85S-ZI13_am0uwWeb4Jy8DUWC3E6kIiwN2LLFpUAAAGDUJHSwA&apiKey=AIzaSyA_V9nKEZeoTOECWaD7UXuzqCzcptmmHQI&lang=en
Of course, in production, the root path would be the name of the website instead of localhost. I have my development environment running on port 3000.
Once the user lands on the authentication page, I handle the email verification in a useEffect() hook (Note: I'm using Next.js, so if you're using a different framework you might have to handle changing the URL differently):
useEffect(() => {
async function verifyEmail() {
const { actionCode } = parseUrl(window.location.search);
if (!actionCode) return;
router.replace("/authenticate", undefined, { shallow: true });
try {
const response = await handleVerifyEmail(actionCode!);
if (response.alreadyVerified) {
} catch (err) {
}, []);
It first checks if there is an action code in the URL, in case a user tries to access the page manually.
The onSuccess, onFailure, and onEmailAlreadyVerified callbacks just display toasts. loadingState and emailAlreadyVerified are used to conditionally render different responses to the user.
I'm sending JWT tokens accross requests for authorization, however I can't seem to get the token decode each time. It works with one method but not the other. The first snippet gives a "decoded" token result from the server side, however the second one doesn't.
public async getAllUsers(req: Request, res: Response) {
try {
const payload = req["decoded"]; // gives the token decoded
if (payload) {
let users: ILoginResult = await UserData.getAllUsers(payload);
} catch (e) {
res.status(500).send({ error: e.toString() });
public async getAccountDetails(req: Request, res: Response) {
try {
const user = req["decoded"]; // always undefined
let details: IDetails = await AccountData.getAccountDetails(name);
} catch (e) {
let err = e.toString();
res.status(500).send({ error: err });
The request from postman are included a bearer token which is provided at login and used throughout other parts of the app. Not sure why it works in the one but not the other. Would really appreciate if someone could better explain what's going on here and/or provide tips, advice, suggestions.
edit - adding request details
get request to: http://localhost:5000/api/v1/account
with a token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VyIjoiYWRtaW4iLCJpYXQiOjE1Nzc5OTUwMjUsImV4cCI6MTU3ODE2NzgyNSwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cDovL2xvY2FsaG9zdCJ9.--msLba1VPs4Nv_B9YL6fk2DFHkQCgiVvDJFPt_UnDk
The decoded property was used in a tutorial I was following that seemed to be added from the server side but was poorly explained and I haven't found a good alternative/explanation. I don't think it has any middleware either. Very much open to alt methods.
Thanks to the suggestions from the comments I was able to find a missing piece in the route that creates the decoded property which is being used here. By adding the middleware to the router the request works as expected:
import express from "express";
import UserController from "../controllers/UserController";
import valid from "../utils/ValidateToken";
export default (router: express.Router) => {
.get(valid.validateToken, UserController.getAllUsers);
router.route("/account").get(valid.validateToken, UserController.getAccountDetails);
The valid.validateToken was missing which is the bit that generates the decoded object from the JWT being passed. Moral of the story, always double check everything. Thanks to all who commented/answered!
In the browser, I'm doing:
let { code } = await this.auth2.grantOfflineAccess();
I then save that code in my DB.
Then on the server (node.js), I'm doing:
const { tokens } = await oauth2Client.getToken(code)
let { data } = await googleCalendar.calendarList.list({
auth: oauth2Client
The first time, tokens has a refresh_token. I save that as well. When I run this once, it works fine. When I run it again, it says the token is invalid. Somehow, I have to use the refresh_token, to get a new token, but I don't know how. Can someone please explain like I'm 5?
You have already had the refresh token.
You want to use the API with the access token refreshed by the refresh token.
You want to achieve this using googleapis with Node.js.
If my understanding is correct, how about this answer? I think that the reason of your issue is that the authorization code can be used only one time. So it is required to retrieve the access token using the refresh token. In this answer, the access token is retrieved by the refresh token.
Modified script:
const refreshToken = "###"; // Please set your refresh token.
if (!refreshToken) { // Please modify this if statement for your situation.
const { tokens } = await oauth2Client.getToken(code);
} else {
oauth2Client.credentials = { refresh_token: refreshToken };
let { data } = await googleCalendar.calendarList.list({
auth: oauth2Client
This modified script supposes that oauth2Client and googleCalendar are declared.
When the refresh token is used, the authorization code is not required.
If I misunderstood your question and this was not the result you want, I apologize.
I'm working in an Angular6 app with angularfire2. I'm setting the roles as custom claims in user creation, but it doesn't seem to propagate.
When I'm creating the user I send the userid, businessid and role to a cloud function:
bid > businessid
urole > role
req.body.uid > userid
const customClaims = {
roles: { [bid]: urole }
admin.auth().setCustomUserClaims(req.body.uid, customClaims)
.then(result => {
The problem is when the call to cloud function finishes and I want to redirect the user to a route which requires the user to have the custom claim set, but it fails. After some debugging, I've found out that if run:
this.angularFireAuth.auth.currentUser.getIdTokenResult(true).then(result => {
return result.claims.roles
immediately after the call to the cloud function "result.claims.roles" is undefined, but if I refresh the page, "result.claims.roles" have the data I set before.
I've already tried the reload method, and getIdToken(true) but I'm getting the same problem.
Is there a way to avoid refreshing the page and get the custom claims?
Thank you!
When the user is signed in, they get an ID token that is valid for about an hour. If you set a custom claim, their (server-side) profile is updated immediately, but their ID token is not auto-updated. So you'll need to refresh their ID token to get the new custom claims.
As far as I know this ID token is only refreshed by calling getIdTokenResult if it has expired. If that's the cause, calling user.reload() and then getting the ID token should give you the updated claims.
For me it simply worked taking the advice from one of the comments:
// --------
// Frontend
// --------
// Triggering the cloud function
const url: string = 'url-to-your-cloud-function'
await this.http.post<unknown>(url, {}).toPromise();
// After cloud function was run and custom claim was set -> refresh the id token
// The 'currentUser' is a reference to the firebase user
await this.authService.currentUser.getIdToken(true);
// --------
// Cloud Function - createSubscription
// --------
const createSubscription = () => {
await admin.auth().setCustomUserClaims(userId, {
subscriber: true