Creating a javascript module that imports and patch another - javascript

I am trying to write a JavaScript module that will be imported in the browser. This module should import and patch another which uses UMD (Universal Module Definition).
In this new module I do import 'old.js'; I get the following TypeError: root is undefined. What is the correct way to do it?


Laravel 9 - using vite to do a js import within a blade template

I am trying out Laravel 9 with Vite, but without(!) a frontend framework (like Vue or React).
I am trying to make a reusable js module that I could use/load in different Blade templates.
So I created a file 'menu-btn-toggle.js' in 'resources/js/components/utilities'.
export class MenuBtnToggle
constructor() {
I then created a 'utilities.js' file in 'resources/js/components'.
import './utilities/menu-btn-toggle';
I then updated the 'app.js' file in 'resources/js'
import './bootstrap';
import './components/utilities';
import Alpine from 'alpinejs';
window.Alpine = Alpine;
So far, this seems to be working (?). Atleast, i think so. Vite is not giving me any errors so far (yay!)
But then I try to import the module in a blade template, but I can't get it to work.
So at the bottom of my blade template, I added this:
<script type="module">
import MenuBtnToggle from 'menu-btn-toggle';
new MenuBtnToggle();
But this gives me the following error:
Uncaught TypeError: Error resolving module specifier “menu-btn-toggle”. Relative module specifiers must start with “./”, “../” or “/”.
But when I add one of the examples, the error changes to:
Loading module from “[local_dev_url]/menu-btn-toggle” was blocked because of a disallowed MIME type (“text/html”).
as it isn't be able to find the module. It returns a 404.
Is it even possible do to want I want without a frontend framework? Or am I not seeing something obvious? I have experience with php, unfortunately not (enough) with Laravel and Vite.
I was stuck into almost same situation where we are not able to use import statement inside our blade files using Vite. We commonly get
Uncaught TypeError: Error resolving module specifier
“menu-btn-toggle”. Relative module specifiers must start with “./”,
“../” or “/”.
or We get 404 Blocked error nearly same as
Loading module from “[local_dev_url]/menu-btn-toggle” was blocked
because of a disallowed MIME type (“text/html”).
When importing external npm packages or modules, we need to put them in windows object just like you did above for Alpine
window.Alpine = Alpine;
But for your specific case problem you must do following
1)Inside menu-btn-toggle.js
export class MenuBtnToggle
constructor() {
2)Inside utilities.js
import {MenuBtnToggle} from "./utilities/menu-btn-toggle";
window.MenuBtnToggle = MenuBtnToggle;
And then finally inside your app.js
import './components/utilities';
Now inside your .blade file, there is no need to import the MenuBtnToggle
instead just do it like
new MenuBtnToggle();
No need to use import MenuBtnToggle from 'menu-btn-toggle'; in blade.
Important thing is to import your app.js file properly inside .blade file through vite
And it works. It has worked when reproducing same files/setup as yours.

Typescript module usage without ".js" ending

In typical JavaScript files we use require('some-module.js') to import functionality of this module where we need.
If we use TypeScript we also want to import this functionality using "import module from 'some-module.js'".
If we use nest.js we import using "import module from 'some-module'". The main thing that there is no ".js". How can i reach the same in for example express application. Maybe i should use webpack, babel or some special tsconfig.json configuration?
With Typescript's import and with Node's require, the extension is not necessary. Just the path to the file, or the name of the package you're importing. So in typescript you would do import * as module from 'some-module' and in js you would do const module = require('some-module'). You may want to check out this page on module resolution in Typescript.

How to import nodejs module "module" via es6 import to create "require" function with "createRequire" in order to use node's "require"?

I am writing a JavaScript es6 module which contains "Mocha" test-cases which test a JavaScript es6 module containing the actual functionality of my app.
I am trying to import nodejs module "module" via es6 import like so:
import { createRequire } from 'module';
Next I create a "require" function by calling "createRequire":
const require = createRequire(import.meta.url);
Afterwards I try to use "require" to import nodejs modules:
const chai = require('chai');
const assert = chai.assert;
I put that all together in a HTML file, started a web-server and opened the HTML file in the browser.
Unfortunately, the first line gives me an error in the console of the Browser Firefox:
TypeError: Error resolving module specifier: module
The browser Chromium gives me the following error message:
Uncaught TypeError: Failed to resolve module specifier "module". Relative references must start with either "/", "./", or "../".
Actually, giving relative references is not working either:
I installed the nodejs module "module" (npm install module) and used a relative path to that module. Unfortunately, the browser does not know how to load the module because no concrete entrypoint is given.
I just tried stick to the manual but had no luck:
What do you think? How should I change my code so that this works?
Many thanks in advance for your valuable advice.
I hope you've installed the module using 'npm install module' command, try using commonJS pattern and include the module in the following way
const { createRequire } = require('module');
require() is used to load files in node, and module is a node module.
These things don't exist in browsers.
You do these things, and running mocha tests in node. There should be no browser, just a command line.

Unexpected value 'ButtonModule Please add a #NgModule annotation

i have made a UI Library in Angular 8 and am using this library into my another custom library, But when am importing my modules from parent library it throws this error Unexpected value 'DefaultButtonModule Please add a #NgModule annotation .
angular cli : 8.3.0
node: 10.15.0
am using these versions.
I have tried white listing non peer dependencies and exporting modules.
Am using Angular material in my parent library.
You need to export and import the files explicitly.
If it's a module file it is to imported from the .module file i.e,
import {Module} from './path/file.module'
If you keep all exports in the index.ts file make sure you also specify /index in the path when you're importing i.e,
export * from './path/index

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier when importing into rails app

I'm trying to write jquery inside a rails application. I've imported jquery into the app, but it wasn't recognizing the $. At the top of the .js file I"m working in I imported:
import $ from 'jquery'
window.$ = $
but I get the unexpected identifier error. The error points to the import line.
Rails is not using webpack or other module-aware and es6-aware build tools (until webpacker).
If you want to use modules, either
use webpacker (which needs a specific directory structure), or
use a UMD-like module (the ones that declare dependencies in a way that's compatible with require.js, commonjs and globals) and browserify.
Read more on UMD modules here
On webpacker, for instance here

