Check if specific text exists in iframe using javascript - javascript

I got this iframe:
<iframe id="frami" src=""></iframe>
which contains the text:
var m1_enable="1"; var m1_x="0"; var m1_y="570"; var m1_w="1920"; var m1_h="510"; var m1_sensitivity="50"; var m1_threshold="0";
How can I check if m1_enable="1" exists in the iframe?
I tried this now:
iframe_html = document.getElementById('frami').contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML;

iframe tag has a property called contentDocument that returns the document object generated by an iframe and another called contentWindow that returns the window object generated by an iframe. You can check if "m1_enable="1" by
var x = document.getElementById("frami");
var y = (x.contentWindow || x.contentDocument);
if (y.document) y = y.document;
if (y.body.textContent.indexOf('m1_enable="1"')>-1){
alert('found the phrase'

You can get the HTML from iframe with:
iframe_html = document.getElementById('iframe').contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML
And check if it includes m1_enable="1" with:
This will work only if the frame source is on the same domain. If it is from a different domain, cross-site-scripting (XSS) protection will kick in.

If your iframe is on the same domain it is document.getElementById('frami').contentWindow['m1_enable'] (if this isn't null, compare with 1 with ==1).
otherwise, look at window.postMessage


How to open a url from static html page and automatically fill the form values using javascript? [duplicate]

A simple task in JavaScript is to open a new window and writing inside. But I need to write in a dom element, a div with an ID.
var novoForm ="somform.html", "wFormx", "width=800,height=600,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,titilebar=no,resizable=no,");
Than I try something...
var w = novoForm.innerWidth;
var h = novoForm.innerHeight;
novoForm.document.getElementById("monitor").innerHTML = 'Janela: '+w+' x '+h;
I did it to see if the object "novoForm" is valid. But nothing is written in "monitor" div. I also try using onload event with no success. I'm wondering if it's some security restriction or am I missing something...
You've done it right, but you do need to be sure to use onload (or poll), because it takes a moment for the page to get loaded in the new window.
Here's a full working example: Live Copy | Source
(function() {
document.getElementById("theButton").onclick = function() {
var novoForm ="", "wFormx", "width=800,height=600,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,titilebar=no,resizable=no,");
novoForm.onload = function() {
var w = novoForm.innerWidth;
var h = novoForm.innerHeight;
novoForm.document.getElementById("monitor").innerHTML = 'Janela: '+w+' x '+h;
I'm wondering if it's some security restriction or am I missing something...
Not in your example as shown, no, because the page is clearly being loaded from the same origin. If the URL were from a different origin, then yes, you'd be running into the Same Origin Policy, which prohibits cross-origin scripting. You can relax that via the document.domain property, having both the window containing the code above and the window being loaded setting document.domain to the same value. From the link above:
If two windows (or frames) contain scripts that set domain to the same value, the same-origin policy is relaxed for these two windows, and each window can interact with the other. For example, cooperating scripts in documents loaded from and might set their document.domain properties to “”, thereby making the documents appear to have the same origin and enabling each document to read properties of the other.
More about document.domain can be found on MDN. Note that it only works where both documents share a common parent domain, e.g., so it works for and if they both set to, but not for and because they have not common value they can set.
Alternatively, this is a solution:
var novoForm ="somform.html", "wFormx", "width=800,height=600,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,titilebar=no,resizable=no,");
var teste = function(){
var mon = novoForm.document.getElementById("monitor");
var h = novoForm.innerHeight;
var strh = String(h - 40 - 30)+'px';
novoForm.document.getElementById("pagina").style.height = strh;
novoForm.document.getElementById("monitor").innerHTML = '<p class="legenda">© NetArts | gustavopi</p>';
var id = setInterval(teste, 100);
This will do the job. Not a "pretty" solution to me, but it works!
Depends on what url you try to load into the new window. #T.J is right on that. Also note that if you just want to load a blank document you can load "about:blank" into the url. The only difference is that you would use outerWidth since you haven't loaded an actual document.
var novoForm ="about:blank", "wFormx", "width=800,height=600,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,titilebar=no,resizable=no,");
var w = novoForm.outerWidth;
var h = novoForm.outerHeight;
novoForm.document.body.innerHTML = 'Janela: '+w+' x '+h;

Fetch url of html page inside an iframe [duplicate]

Is there a simple way to get the current URL from an iframe?
The viewer would going through multiple sites.
I'm guessing I would be using something in javascript.
For security reasons, you can only get the url for as long as the contents of the iframe, and the referencing javascript, are served from the same domain. As long as that is true, something like this will work:
If the two domains are mismatched, you'll run into cross site reference scripting security restrictions.
See also answers to a similar question.
If your iframe is from another domain, (cross domain), the other answers are not going to help you... you will simply need to use this:
var currentUrl = document.referrer;
and - here you've got the main url!
If you are in the iframe context,
you could do
const currentIframeHref = new URL(document.location.href);
const urlOrigin = currentIframeHref.origin;
const urlFilePath = decodeURIComponent(currentIframeHref.pathname);
If you are in the parent window/frame, then you can use 's answer, which is
I had an issue with blob url hrefs. So, with a reference to the iframe, I just produced an url from the iframe's src attribute:
const iframeReference = document.getElementById("iframe_id");
const iframeUrl = iframeReference ? new URL(iframeReference.src) : undefined;
if (iframeUrl) {
console.log("Voila: " + iframeUrl);
} else {
console.warn("iframe with id iframe_id not found");
Hope this will help some how in your case,
I suffered with the exact same problem, and just used localstorage to share the data between parent window and iframe.
So in parent window you can:
localStorage.setItem("url", myUrl);
And in code where iframe source is just get this data from localstorage:
Saved me a lot of time.
As far as i can see the only condition is access to the parent page code.
Hope this will help someone.
If you're inside an iframe that don't have cross domain src, or src is empty:
function getOriginUrl() {
var href = document.location.href;
var referrer = document.referrer;
// Check if window.frameElement not null
if(window.frameElement) {
href = window.frameElement.ownerDocument.location.href;
// This one will be origin
if(window.frameElement.ownerDocument.referrer != "") {
referrer = window.frameElement.ownerDocument.referrer;
// Compare if href not equal to referrer
if(href != referrer) {
// Take referrer as origin
return referrer;
} else {
// Take href
return href
If you're inside an iframe with cross domain src:
function getOriginUrl() {
var href = document.location.href;
var referrer = document.referrer;
// Detect if you're inside an iframe
if(window.parent != window) {
// Take referrer as origin
return referrer;
} else {
// Take href
return href;
I've been trying to retrieve the full URL from the inside of the shopify google analytics additional script iframe. document.refferer shows only hostname without search params. But I found another property that worked for me document.baseURI
Some additional information for anyone who might be struggling with this:
You'll be getting null values if you're trying to get URL from iframe before it's loaded.
I solved this problem by creating the whole iframe in javascript and getting the values I needed with the onLoad function:
var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.onload = function() {
//some custom settings
this.width=screen.width;this.height=screen.height; this.passing=0; this.frameBorder="0";
var href = iframe.contentWindow.location.href;
var origin = iframe.contentWindow.location.origin;
var url = iframe.contentWindow.location.url;
var path = iframe.contentWindow.location.pathname;
console.log("href: ", href)
console.log("origin: ", origin)
console.log("path: ", path)
console.log("url: ", url)
iframe.src = 'http://localhost/folder/index.html';
Because of the same-origin policy, I had problems when accessing "cross origin" frames - I solved that by running a webserver locally instead of running all the files directly from my disk. In order for all of this to work, you need to be accessing the iframe with the same protocol, hostname and port as the origin. Not sure which of these was/were missing when running all files from my disk.
Also, more on location objects:

Get DOM element in an iframe in JavaScript

I have two documents, one of which is embedded into the other with an iframe. I'm trying to use this code to access the img tag inside the iframe, however, I cannot use the document.getElementById function on the iframe element:
iframes = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")
spaces = iframes[0].contentWindow.document;
spaces = spaces.getElementsByTagName("img")
for (var i=0, max=spaces.length; i < max; i++) {
var x = document.getElementById("frame");
var y = (x.contentWindow || x.contentDocument);
if (y.document)y = y.document;
spaces returns [object HTMLCollection] and y returns [object HTMLDocument]
So, if you're on the same domain as your iframe content, you can use
If you're not on the same domain, you can't access/manipulate iframe content for security reasons. Otherwise malicious folks could throw up an iframe that looks like Facebook or something and steal other folk's info.
If you're not on the same domain but own both domains you're using, you can set up messaging between the two frames. And use the parent to message the child for information/manipulation.

Get Current location of Iframe [duplicate]

Is there a simple way to get the current URL from an iframe?
The viewer would going through multiple sites.
I'm guessing I would be using something in javascript.
For security reasons, you can only get the url for as long as the contents of the iframe, and the referencing javascript, are served from the same domain. As long as that is true, something like this will work:
If the two domains are mismatched, you'll run into cross site reference scripting security restrictions.
See also answers to a similar question.
If your iframe is from another domain, (cross domain), the other answers are not going to help you... you will simply need to use this:
var currentUrl = document.referrer;
and - here you've got the main url!
If you are in the iframe context,
you could do
const currentIframeHref = new URL(document.location.href);
const urlOrigin = currentIframeHref.origin;
const urlFilePath = decodeURIComponent(currentIframeHref.pathname);
If you are in the parent window/frame, then you can use 's answer, which is
I had an issue with blob url hrefs. So, with a reference to the iframe, I just produced an url from the iframe's src attribute:
const iframeReference = document.getElementById("iframe_id");
const iframeUrl = iframeReference ? new URL(iframeReference.src) : undefined;
if (iframeUrl) {
console.log("Voila: " + iframeUrl);
} else {
console.warn("iframe with id iframe_id not found");
Hope this will help some how in your case,
I suffered with the exact same problem, and just used localstorage to share the data between parent window and iframe.
So in parent window you can:
localStorage.setItem("url", myUrl);
And in code where iframe source is just get this data from localstorage:
Saved me a lot of time.
As far as i can see the only condition is access to the parent page code.
Hope this will help someone.
If you're inside an iframe that don't have cross domain src, or src is empty:
function getOriginUrl() {
var href = document.location.href;
var referrer = document.referrer;
// Check if window.frameElement not null
if(window.frameElement) {
href = window.frameElement.ownerDocument.location.href;
// This one will be origin
if(window.frameElement.ownerDocument.referrer != "") {
referrer = window.frameElement.ownerDocument.referrer;
// Compare if href not equal to referrer
if(href != referrer) {
// Take referrer as origin
return referrer;
} else {
// Take href
return href
If you're inside an iframe with cross domain src:
function getOriginUrl() {
var href = document.location.href;
var referrer = document.referrer;
// Detect if you're inside an iframe
if(window.parent != window) {
// Take referrer as origin
return referrer;
} else {
// Take href
return href;
I've been trying to retrieve the full URL from the inside of the shopify google analytics additional script iframe. document.refferer shows only hostname without search params. But I found another property that worked for me document.baseURI
Some additional information for anyone who might be struggling with this:
You'll be getting null values if you're trying to get URL from iframe before it's loaded.
I solved this problem by creating the whole iframe in javascript and getting the values I needed with the onLoad function:
var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.onload = function() {
//some custom settings
this.width=screen.width;this.height=screen.height; this.passing=0; this.frameBorder="0";
var href = iframe.contentWindow.location.href;
var origin = iframe.contentWindow.location.origin;
var url = iframe.contentWindow.location.url;
var path = iframe.contentWindow.location.pathname;
console.log("href: ", href)
console.log("origin: ", origin)
console.log("path: ", path)
console.log("url: ", url)
iframe.src = 'http://localhost/folder/index.html';
Because of the same-origin policy, I had problems when accessing "cross origin" frames - I solved that by running a webserver locally instead of running all the files directly from my disk. In order for all of this to work, you need to be accessing the iframe with the same protocol, hostname and port as the origin. Not sure which of these was/were missing when running all files from my disk.
Also, more on location objects:

How to get a dom element in a new window?

A simple task in JavaScript is to open a new window and writing inside. But I need to write in a dom element, a div with an ID.
var novoForm ="somform.html", "wFormx", "width=800,height=600,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,titilebar=no,resizable=no,");
Than I try something...
var w = novoForm.innerWidth;
var h = novoForm.innerHeight;
novoForm.document.getElementById("monitor").innerHTML = 'Janela: '+w+' x '+h;
I did it to see if the object "novoForm" is valid. But nothing is written in "monitor" div. I also try using onload event with no success. I'm wondering if it's some security restriction or am I missing something...
You've done it right, but you do need to be sure to use onload (or poll), because it takes a moment for the page to get loaded in the new window.
Here's a full working example: Live Copy | Source
(function() {
document.getElementById("theButton").onclick = function() {
var novoForm ="", "wFormx", "width=800,height=600,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,titilebar=no,resizable=no,");
novoForm.onload = function() {
var w = novoForm.innerWidth;
var h = novoForm.innerHeight;
novoForm.document.getElementById("monitor").innerHTML = 'Janela: '+w+' x '+h;
I'm wondering if it's some security restriction or am I missing something...
Not in your example as shown, no, because the page is clearly being loaded from the same origin. If the URL were from a different origin, then yes, you'd be running into the Same Origin Policy, which prohibits cross-origin scripting. You can relax that via the document.domain property, having both the window containing the code above and the window being loaded setting document.domain to the same value. From the link above:
If two windows (or frames) contain scripts that set domain to the same value, the same-origin policy is relaxed for these two windows, and each window can interact with the other. For example, cooperating scripts in documents loaded from and might set their document.domain properties to “”, thereby making the documents appear to have the same origin and enabling each document to read properties of the other.
More about document.domain can be found on MDN. Note that it only works where both documents share a common parent domain, e.g., so it works for and if they both set to, but not for and because they have not common value they can set.
Alternatively, this is a solution:
var novoForm ="somform.html", "wFormx", "width=800,height=600,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,titilebar=no,resizable=no,");
var teste = function(){
var mon = novoForm.document.getElementById("monitor");
var h = novoForm.innerHeight;
var strh = String(h - 40 - 30)+'px';
novoForm.document.getElementById("pagina").style.height = strh;
novoForm.document.getElementById("monitor").innerHTML = '<p class="legenda">© NetArts | gustavopi</p>';
var id = setInterval(teste, 100);
This will do the job. Not a "pretty" solution to me, but it works!
Depends on what url you try to load into the new window. #T.J is right on that. Also note that if you just want to load a blank document you can load "about:blank" into the url. The only difference is that you would use outerWidth since you haven't loaded an actual document.
var novoForm ="about:blank", "wFormx", "width=800,height=600,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,titilebar=no,resizable=no,");
var w = novoForm.outerWidth;
var h = novoForm.outerHeight;
novoForm.document.body.innerHTML = 'Janela: '+w+' x '+h;

