Hide Element when hover Element Javascript - javascript

I have a DIV that needs to be displayed/hide whenever i hover a menu item.
Here it is my website: Website
The Blug light section should be displayed only when I hover the Photo Booths menu on the header.
I have tried the following code on JSFiddle which it works but when i use it on my site it doesn't work
let test = document.getElementByClassName(".menu-item.menu-item-7912");
test.addEventListener("mouseover", function( event ) {
document.getElementById('test2').style.display = 'none';
test.addEventListener("mouseleave", function( event ) {
document.getElementById('mega-menu-customized').style.display = 'block';
I have tried using getElementByClassName but without success. Any ideas of how to make it work?

Are you getting DOM node in test variable, one problem I can see in your code is:
let test = document.getElementsByClassName(".menu-item.menu-item-7912");
Should be:
let test = document.getElementsByClassName("menu-item, menu-item-7912");
We do not use dot before class name and multiple classes can be separated by comma like:
let test = document.getElementsByClassName("class1, class2, class3");

Your issue is in the header element. On scroll, the style property of the document header is changing. Look:
sorry for the bad quality, upload size is maxed at 2MB
Without getting into too much detail, one thing that I see is that the height of the header is being reduced to only contain the main header. When the larger blue subheader is visible, part of that is because the style.height of the header is made to be much larger. Additionally, the first child of the header is a div with id 7905, and that seems to be what you need to target to modify the opacity of the larger blue header. You need to target that div:
const blueBannerContainer = document.getElementById('7905')
But your event handlers will also need to account for the height of the header element. display: block won't really help you here.


document.querySelector returns null, but element exists

At the moment, I'm trying to set up an automatic change in the height of the center element (class='main') depending on the height of the header and footer using javascript. The script is like this:
const headerHeight = document.querySelector('header').clientHeight;
const footerHeight = document.querySelector('footer').clientHeight;
const mainElement = document.querySelector('main');
function changeMainBlockHeight() {
const resultMainHeight = pageHeight - headerHeight - footerHeight;
mainElement.setAttribute('style', `height: ${resultMainHeight}px`);
If i choose in querySelector main element, you can see that everything is normal, no errors, and the summ height of the elements is really 100vh: no error.
But if I choose container instead of the main element (this is the first child element of the main element) in the 3rd code line const mainElement = document.querySelector('main'), and line becomes const mainElement = document.querySelector('container') i get this error:
This also happens with some other elements other than the container, but I think this is enough for an example.
Also, this warning often appears :"Layout was forced before the page was fully loaded. If stylesheets are not yet loaded this may cause a flash of unstyled content.". This may have something to do with the error that occurs, but I couldn't find a cause and solution.
I will be grateful for any help! :)
List item
Your container is a div with class container so you should query “.container” (with dot) not just “container”
When you use the query selector, you have to be precise for it to understand.
If you want to call an HTML tag like body, div or p you don't need to put anything else in your string for queryselector.
But here, since you want to call a class, you have to use the notation "." before your class name to specify to the query selector that you are looking for a class.
const mainElement = document.querySelector('.main');
The same applies for ids and the #.

Hide div inside (e.g. Twitter) shadow-dom with JavaScript

Using TamperMonkey to streamline page view on my side, and wish to hide part of the externally-sourced Twitter card(s) from printing. The image in the EmbeddedTweet does not print anyway, and leaves a large empty rectangle that wastes valuable space.
The DOM looks like the image below - how would I target the DIV with class SummaryCard-image (green arrow)? It doesn't matter to me if the DIV is removed from the DOM, or just hidden with CSS.
I have tried the below methods, which do not work:
(1) Injecting CSS with .SummaryCard-image{display:none !important;}
(2) jQuery: $('.SummaryCard-image').remove();
$('.SummaryCard-image').length returns 0
(Note the #shadow-root (open), 2nd element from the top)
You need to select the shadow root first inorder to traverse to that element. You need something like this
var twitterWidget= document.querySelector('twitterwidget').shadowRoot;
twitterWidget.querySelector('.SummaryCard-image').style.display = "none";
For multiple twitter widgets
var twitterWidgets = document.querySelectorAll('twitterwidget');
var root = item.shadowRoot; root.querySelector('.SummaryCard-image').style.display = 'none';
var tabs= document.querySelector('fancy-tabs').shadowRoot
tabs.querySelector('#tabs').style.display = none

The margins in div of new tab not at all taking effect

Hi I am creating dynamic form in new tab using JavaScript. Margin effects on div are not taking effect. I am neither able to set the margins using class and id in css nor using div.setAttribute. Below is the code.
var openWindow = window.open('dynForm.html','_blank','');
var windoc=openWindow.document;
windoc.write("This is dynamic form ");
var div=document.createElement("div");
`Only background color is taking effect on the new tab. The below screen shot shows how the screen looks irrespective of the values of margin.
Quesstion 2: No class or id attribute in my css is being applied to div.
I tried div.id="myDIV2";
I also tried div.setAttribute("id","myDIV2");` I applied the same using class also, but still couldn't find any difference. I do not know why its not working and what went wrong here. Please help
You're overriding the styles every time you call setAttribute, try combining the styles and then set the style attribute only once:
var openWindow = window.open('dynForm.html','_blank','');
var styles= [
"margin: 1cm;",
var windoc=openWindow.document;
windoc.write("This is dynamic form ");
var end_styles = "";
for (var i=0; i<styles.length;i++) {
end_styles += styles[i];
var div=document.createElement("div");
div.setAttribute("style", end_styles);
Note: the fiddle won't work on stackoverflow, I used it because it's easier to format code
This is happening because your all style attribute are getting overridden by previous div.setAttribute and your last attribute div.setAttribute("style","background-color:lightblue"); getting applied. Try to put all styles in one go. div.setAttribute("style","style1:value1;style2:value2;style3:value3;");

jQuery: inserting text into container div on hover

I'm using a simple jQuery image slider (Owl Carousel) to show a list of speakers at a convention with photos, and I'm trying to find a way to overlay text associated with each speaker onto a div placed above the slider. I have a mockup page here. As you can see on the mockup, I have two primary divs-- i.e. div#sit and div#carousel-sit; within the former I have an container with the class .sit-quote-container into which I'd like the quote text/markup injected. I would like this overlay text to pull from the paragraph elements with the .sit-quote class that exist for each speaker.
In addition to the problem of displaying the appropriate text within the container div, I'm seeing that placing the .sit-quote paragraph within each slide is causing a gap to appear under the speaker name (the grey box underneath) and I have no idea why this is happening given that I've set .sit-quote to display:none. I'm wondering if perhaps I need to move the elements containing the quotations out of the slider markup altogether (?)
As for the actual hover function, this is what I have so far, with the help of another SO user; but it doesn't seem to be working:
$(".slide-sit").hover(function() {
var clone = $(this).find(".sit-quote").clone();
}, function(){
$(".sit-quote-container").html(""); // this clears the content on mouseout
Ultimately, I'd like the quotes to fade in/out positioned within the main div. Thanks for any assistance, and please let me know if I need to provide further clarification as to the aim here.
you should first visible that quote
try this:
$(".slide-sit").hover(function() {
var clone = $(this).find(".sit-quote").clone();
clone.appendTo(".sit-quote-container").show(); // Here you should show the quote
}, function(){
if you want to fade in:
$(".slide-sit").hover(function() {
var clone = $(this).find(".sit-quote").clone();
clone.appendTo(".sit-quote-container").fadeIn(); //Here if you want to fade the quote
}, function(){
Use the below script to pull the text from .sit-quote p tag of the hovered item and display it in the .sit-quote-container
If needed wrap the quote in a para tag and to avoid complexity use a different class name, in this case .sit-quote_inner.
CSS : .sit-quote_inner{ display:none; }
$('.sit-carousel-container .owl-item').hover(function(){
var quote = $(this).find('.sit-quote').text(); //Only text not the p tag
quote = '<p class="sit-quote_inner">' + quote + '</p>';
$('.sit-header .sit-quote-container').html(quote);
$('.sit-quote_inner').fadeIn(); //Add this
$('.sit-header .sit-quote-container').html('');
The carousel seems to be dynamically injecting clones of the slides. In this case, you might want to delegate your event handler so that it works with the dynamically generated slides.
Also, if you want to fadeOut the text, you should remove it in the complete callback of fafeOut instead of simply emptying the html Try
$(document).on("mouseenter",".slide-sit",function() {
var clone = $(this).find(".sit-quote").clone();
$(document).on("mouseleave",".slide-sit", function(){
.fadeOut("slow",function(){ // Fadeout and then remove the text
The gap (grey background) is the background of .slide-sit, which is visible due to the margin-bottom: 15px; applied on the paragraph containing name (style rule .item p main.css line 67 it seems), removing this will fix the issue.
It'd be better if you keep a .slide-sit inside the .sit-quote-container so that you can fade it in/out properly using the below script.
$(document).on("mouseenter",".sit-carousel-container .slide-sit",function() {
var content = $(this).find(".sit-quote").html();
(".sit-quote-container .sit-quote").html(content).fadeIn("slow");
$(document).on("mouseleave",".sit-carousel-container .slide-sit", function(){

How can I change css for every DOM object in the page in SAPUI5

I have a things inspector and this things inspector has two titles. I wan to be able to change the css on this titles and make their font size a bit smaller( default fontSize is 16px and I want to drop it to 12px). I tried to get these titles class and use this method to change their size:
var element = document
element.style.fontSize = '12px';
var element = document
element.style.fontSize = '12px';
it does work and I can see the change but as soon as the page finishes loading ( page loading takes couple of second because it needs to read a json object) title sizes go back to its default.
I dont even know this is a right way to access DOM elements and change their CSS.
Please point me to the right direction of how to change DOM object css in SAPUI5 in general
You could create a new CSS file which you include in your index.html.
Just add the needed selectors with the modified attributes in this custom CSS:
.sapUiUx3TVTitleSecond, .sapUiUx3TVTitleFirst {
font-size : 12px;
Edit: if you need to change it programmatically, you could use the addStyleClass("yourStyle") method which is available to every UI element
Execute the script after dom gets completely loaded. Try like this
var element = document
element.style.fontSize = '12px';
var element = document
element.style.fontSize = '12px';

