Js returns 0 instead on value - javascript

function TipCalc(){
var Amount = Number(document.getElementById("billamt").innerHTML);
var TipPercent = Number(document.getElementById("tipper").innerHTML);
var Answer = 0;
if (TipPercent > 0){
Answer = Amount * TipPercent;
document.getElementById("ac").innerHTML ="$ "+ Answer;
document.getElementById("ac").innerHTML = "Error!!";
alert returns 0 instead of values
It's probably simple but i'm new to js

I am not completely sure on what it is you are trying to accomplish with the alert, is it for your reference on the code working or are you trying to calculate the values?
Either way I have modified your alert to show both values
function TipCalc(){
var Amount = Number(document.getElementById("billant").innerHTML);
var TipPercent = Number(document.getElementById("tipper").innerHTML);
var Answer = 0;
alert(`Amount:${Amount}, TipPercent: ${TipPercent}`);
if (TipPercent > 0){
Answer = Amount * TipPercent;
document.getElementById("ac").innerHTML ="$"+ Answer;
document.getElementById("ac").innerHTML = "Error!!";
function Number(elValue){
return parseInt(elValue);
<p id="billant">
<p id="tipper">
<div id="ac">


The sum cannot show although i click on the button

What I want is, after the user enters the number of subjects, the system will show the number of input box according to the number of subjects entered, then when the user clicks on the button, it should show the sum. I tried many ways, but I failed to show the sum, anyone knows what is the mistake I made?
Below is my code:
function select() {
var x = parseInt(document.getElementById('1').value);
if (document.getElementById('1').value == "") {
alert("Please fill up number of subject");
} else if (isNaN(x) == true) {
alert("Please fill up number of subject with number");
} else {
var subject = parseInt(document.getElementById('1').value);
var sum = 0;
for (var num = 1; num <= subject; num++) {
document.write("Enter the mark for subject " + num + " : ");
var value = parseFloat(document.write("<input/><br>"));
sum += value;
var calc = document.write("<button>Next</button><br>");
calc.onclick = function() {
function next() {
document.write("Total marks: " + sum + "%");
Enter the number of subject: <input type="text" onkeypress="return/[0-9]/i.test(event.key)" id="1" value=""><br>
<button onclick="select()">Check</button><br>
That's how I have rewritten a big part of your code. I have place inline comments to explain what I do.
function select() {
var x = parseInt(document.getElementById('1').value, 10);
// Getting the div that wraps the initial form.
var formWrapper = document.querySelector('.formWrapper');
// Getting the div, that is going to display the new fields and the results.
var results = document.querySelector('.results');
// I have switch your statement from x == '' to '' === x as it
// consists a good practice
if ( '' === x ) {
alert("Please fill up number of subject");
// I have remove the isNaN(x) == true, because the isNan will
// be either true or false.
} else if ( isNaN(x) ) {
alert("Please fill up number of subject with number");
} else {
// Using parseInt(x, 10) to set the base.
var subject = parseInt(x, 10);
// In this array, I store the auto-generated fields.
var fieldsList = [];
// Removing the first div from the DOM
for ( var num = 1; num <= subject; num++ ) {
// I am creating a new field
var newField = document.createElement('input');
// I push the field into the array I made for the fields.
// I append the field in the HTML
// I create a <br> tag
var br = document.createElement('br');
// And I append the tag in the DOM
// I create the button that is going to handle the Next functionality
var nextButton = document.createElement('button');
// I set the button text
nextButton.innerText = 'Next';
// I add an Event Listener for the click event.
function() {
// I reset the sum to 0
var sum = 0;
// I itterate the fields auto-generated and saved in the array
function(field) {
// I get the value
sum += parseInt(field.value, 10);
// I create the field that is going to display the output
let resultText = document.createElement('div');
// I set the text based on the sum
resultText.innerText = "Total marks: " + sum + "%";
// I append the text message to the DOM
// I append the button to the DOM
<div class="formWrapper">
Enter the number of subject: <input type="text" onkeypress="return/[0-9]/i.test(event.key)" id="1" value=""><br>
<button onclick="select()">Check</button><br>
<div class="results"></div>

innerHTML does not dynamically update nor display on PHP page - JavaScript

I have managed to dynamically display the sum of 6 line-cost DOM elements from a php file. Unfortunately, when trying to calculate the delivery charge, my JavaScript methods regarding to the deliveryCharge implementation fails to display anything on the page. With the sub-total methods working and displaying perfectly, I tried to troubleshoot the problem by providing innerHTML with a constant value of both a string and an int- both times yielded nothing to be displayed on screen.
I have displayed both the working part of the sub-total calculation method as well as the non-working part of the delivery-charge calculation. Would the problem lie within an incorrect way of using innerHTML, be a calculation error or a different error entirely?
function calcST(){
var i;
var sum = 0; // initialize the sum
let p = document.getElementsByTagName("line_cost");
for (i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
if (!isNaN(Number(p[i].innerHTML))) {
sum = Number(sum + Number(p[i].innerHTML)); // p[i].innerHTML gives you the value
setST(sum, "sub_total");
function setST(sum, item_id){
let i = document.getElementById(item_id);
i.innerHTML = sum;
function getST() {
let i = document.getElementById("sub_total");
let v = i.innerHTML;
return v;
function calcDelivCharge(){
var delCharge;
var e = getST();
if(e < 100){
delcharge = e*0.10
delcharge = 0;
setDelivCharge("delivery_charge", delCharge);
function setDelivCharge(item_id, delCharge){
let i = document.getElementById(item_id);
i.innerHTML = delCharge;
function getDelivCharge() {
let i = document.getElementById("delivery_charge");
let v = i.innerHTML;
return v;
I managed to find that the DOM was not ready loading before the getST() method was called. This can be fixed with the following code:
if(document.getElementById("sub_total") != null){
let i = document.getElementById("sub_total");
let v = i.innerHTML;
return v;
Unfortunately, delivery-charge is seen as 'unidentified'. Why does this appear when the getST() method is altered?
Well, if you're HTML is like
You can do this:
function calcSubtotal() {
const costs = document.querySelector("line_cost").children;
let sum = 0;
for( let i = 0 ; i < costs.length ; i ++) {
sum += parseInt(costs[i].innerHTML);
setST(sum, "sub_total");
// Subtotal getter and setter
function setST(sum, item_id) {
document.getElementById(item_id).innerHTML = sum.toFixed(2);
function getSubTotal() {
return document.getElementById("sub_total").innerHTML;
function calcDeliveryCharge() {
const subTotal = getSubTotal();
setDeliveryCharge("delivery_charge", subTotal < 100 ? subTotal * 0.10 : 0);
function setDeliveryCharge(item_id, deliveryCharge){
document.getElementById(item_id).innerHTML = deliveryCharge.toFixed(2);
function getDeliveryCharge() {
return document.getElementById("delivery_charge").innerHTML;
<span>Sub Total: $
<span id="sub_total"></span>
<span>Delivery Charge: $
<span id="delivery_charge"></span>
Otherwise, if you have:
Then do this:
function calcSubtotal() {
const costs = document.querySelectorAll("line_cost");
let sum = 0
for( let i = 0 ; i < costs.length ; i ++) {
sum += parseFloat(costs[i].innerHTML);
setST(sum, "sub_total");
// Subtotal getter and setter
function setST(sum, item_id) {
document.getElementById(item_id).innerHTML = sum.toFixed(2);
function getSubTotal() {
return document.getElementById("sub_total").innerHTML;
function calcDeliveryCharge() {
const subTotal = getSubTotal();
setDeliveryCharge("delivery_charge", subTotal < 100 ? subTotal * 0.10 : 0);
function setDeliveryCharge(item_id, deliveryCharge){
document.getElementById(item_id).innerHTML = deliveryCharge.toFixed(2);
function getDeliveryCharge() {
return document.getElementById("delivery_charge").innerHTML;
line_cost {
display: block;
<span>Sub Total: $
<span id="sub_total"></span>
<span>Delivery Charge: $
<span id="delivery_charge"></span>

addEventListener ('click', ...) By clicking on 'numbers' button text on the display should be equal to that number

I am trying to build a javascript calculator as per freecodecamp requirement on front end track.
Codepen link: https://codepen.io/ekilja01/pen/MoXROe
By pressing any number on calculator the display must be changed to that number. Also the var number has to remember its value, because by clicking the number again it becomes a new number, so after that I can use operators and parseInt to evaluate and display the final value. I've got an idea how can this be implemented by using jQuery, so something like this:
$("#numbers a").not("#clear,#clearall").click(function(){
number += $(this).text();
$("#operators a").not("#equals").click(function(){
operator = $(this).text();
newnumber = number;
number = "";
number = "";
if ($(this).attr("id") === "clearall") {
newnumber = "";
//Add your last .click() here!
if (operator === "+"){
number = (parseInt(number, 10) + parseInt(newnumber,10)).toString(10);
} else if (operator === "-"){
number = (parseInt(newnumber, 10) - parseInt(number,10)).toString(10);
} else if (operator === "÷"){
number = (parseInt(newnumber, 10) / parseInt(number,10)).toString(10);
} else if (operator === "×"){
number = (parseInt(newnumber, 10) * parseInt(number,10)).toString(10);
number = "";
newnumber = "";
But what can be equivalent to this in vanilla js? I've tried .textContent or .innerHTML, but neither of them work. On calculator's dispay either undefined or <a>1</a> ... <a>AC</a>. Also what is the equivalent to .not(). Any help will be much appreciated.
<div id="calculator">
<p id="cal">CALCULATOR</p>
<div id="total">
<div id="operators">
<div id="numbers">
<a id="clear">C</a>
<a id="clearall">AC</a>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function (event) {
console.log('DOM OK');
// Declare variables for number, new number and operators
var number, newNumber, operator = "";
// Declare variable total number to display total on the calculator's display
var totalNumber = document.getElementById("total");
totalNumber.textContent = "0";
document.getElementById("numbers").addEventListener('click', function(){
number += this.textContent;
totalNumber.textContent = number;
You may want to use the event argument in the callback function. For example:
number = "";
document.getElementById("numbers").addEventListener('click', function(e){
number += e.target.textContent;
totalNumber.textContent = number;
More information on the event target properties specifically:
Entire JS code:
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function (event) {
console.log('DOM OK');
// Declare variables for number, new number and operators
var number, newNumber, operator = "";
// Declare variable total number to display total on the calculator's display
var totalNumber = document.getElementById("total");
totalNumber.textContent = "0";
number = "";
document.getElementById("numbers").addEventListener('click', function(e){
number += e.target.textContent;
totalNumber.textContent = number;
just to display which number is clicked on-
var totalNumber = document.getElementById("total");
totalNumber.textContent = "";
document.getElementById("numbers").addEventListener('click', function(e){
totalNumber.textContent += e.target.innerText;

textbox calculator with parsing function to arithmetic function

What I'm trying to do is have 2 text boxes that connect to one button. When the button is clicked, it calls a function to parse the 2 text box entries and then perform an addition (2 seperate functions). Can anybody point out what I'm missing on this? I keep getting num1 as undefined when I call it in the console.
<!DOCTYPE html>
Number1: <input type='text' id='num1'><br>
Number2: <input type='text' id='num2'><br>
<button onclick='add()'>Add</button>
<div id='toUser'></div>
var user = document.getElementById('toUser');
var n1 = document.getElementById('num1').value;
var n2 = document.getElementById('num2').value;
function parsing()
var num1mod = parseFloat($('n1')).value;
var num2mod = parseFloat($('n2')).value;
if (isNaN(num1mod || num2mod))
user.innerHTML = ('Please enter a valid number');
function add()
return num1mod + num2mod;
user.innerHTML = (return)
Try this,
function parsing()
var user = document.getElementById('toUser');
var n1 = document.getElementById('num1').value;
var n2 = document.getElementById('num2').value;
var num1mod = parseFloat(n1);
var num2mod = parseFloat(n2);
if (!isNaN(n1) || !isNaN(n2))
user.innerHTML = 'Please enter a valid number';
var total = num1mod + num2mod;
user.innerHTML = total;
return false;
There are a few problems with this code:
$('num1') appears to be jQuery or some other library. From the tags though it doesn't look like you are using jQuery.
If you are using jQuery, $('num1') is an invalid selector. It should be $('#num1')
If you are using jQuery, it should be .val() rather than .value and it should be inside the preceding parenthesis ($('#num1').val()), not outside.
Native JavaScript:
var num1mod = parseFloat(n1, 10);
var num2mod = parseFloat(n2, 10);
var num1mod = parseFloat($('#num1').val(), 10);
var num2mod = parseFloat($('#num2').val(), 10);

Create form for function Html

This is my problem, hope get some support for this.
This is my function.
function show(n,q)
if(t==j){document.write(t+ " ");}
With two inputs: number n and the exponent q it will solve all the numbers smaller than n which the sum of all the q-exponented of its digits is equal to itself.
For example: q=3, n=200, we have the number 153 because: 1^3 + 5^3 + 3^3 = 153
This function is OK, but due to my bad javascript skill, I dont know how to create a form alowing to enter n and q into 2 boxes, then click button "Show" we have results in the third box.
I have tried this below code, but it does not work :(
<input id='number' type='text' />
<input id='exp' type='text' />
<button onclick='javascript:show()'>Show</button>
<div id='res' style='width:100%;height:200px'></div>
function show() {
var n=document.getElementById('number').value,
var q=document.getElementById('exp').value,
out.innerHTML+=t+ " ";
In additon, I want to do it myself, could you guys tell me where i can find guide for this problem.
Your code has some punctuation issues.
Try to replace:
var n=document.getElementById('number').value,
var q=document.getElementById('exp').value,
var n=document.getElementById('number').value,
The code looks fine and will do what you are trying to do. Just there are some , (Comma) instead of ; (Semi-colon) in your code. Change them and then try.
Check the solution here.
var n=document.getElementById('number').value;
var q=document.getElementById('exp').value;
Below is solution using JQuery....
function show() {
var num = parseInt($('#number').val());
var exp = parseInt($('#exp').val());
out = $('#res');
var num = document.getElementById('number').value;
var exp = document.getElementById('exp').value;
out = document.getElementById('res');
out.innerHTML = "";
for (p = 1; p <= num; p++) {
q = p.toString().length;
v = 0;
for (i = q - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
v = v+ Math.pow((Math.floor(p / Math.pow(10, i)) % 10), exp);
if (v == p) {
out.innerHTML += v + " ";
else {
out.innerHTML += "";

