Reading Excel file in client side JavaScript - javascript

I am working on some react web app in which I am trying to read excel file on client side as below.
import XLSX from "xlsx";
const targetCsvPath = window.location.origin + "/XRayConfig.xlsx";
const workbook = XLSX.readFile(targetCsvPath)
const json = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(workbook.Sheets.FOV);
But this gives error TypeError: _fs.readFileSync is not a function. When I run this code snippet using node, it runs flawlessly. I think client side JavaScript does not run on Node, so is the error.
window.location.origin points to public folder of react app and the excel file is in that folder.
This link almost answers this question, but excel file is uploaded from client side using input tag and then it is processed. But My excel file is on server side. How can I solve this?

I am answering my own question. Using file system APIs does not work on client side JavaScript as it does not run on Node. So first the excel content should be fetched in the form of blob and use that blob.
Following solution works for me.
import XLSX from "xlsx";
const targetCsvPath = window.location.origin + "/XRayConfig.xlsx";
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function (e) {
const workbook =, { type: "binary" });
// your operations on workbook comes here
.then((response) => response.blob())
.then((data) => {
.catch((err) => console.log(err);


Reading file attachments (Ex; .txt file) - Discord.JS

Second time posting on StackOverflow so I apologize for any mistakes.
Please bear with me.
Same with the title; How do you read contents of a discord attachment let's say a .txt file and print the contents?
I have tried with fs but unfortunately failed and I have also searched the documentation but failed also.
You can't use the fs module for this as it only deals with local files. When you upload a file to the Discord server, it gets uploaded to a CDN and all you can do is grab the URL of this file from the MessageAttachment using the url property.
If you need to get a file from the web, you can fetch it from a URL using the built-in https module, or you can install one from npm, like the one I used below, node-fetch.
To install node-fetch, run npm i node-fetch in your root folder.
Check out the working code below, it works fine with text files:
const { Client } = require('discord.js');
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const client = new Client();
client.on('message', async (message) => {
if ( return;
// get the file's URL
const file = message.attachments.first()?.url;
if (!file) return console.log('No attached file found');
try {'Reading the file! Fetching data...');
// fetch the file from the external URL
const response = await fetch(file);
// if there was an error send a message with the status
if (!response.ok)
'There was an error with fetching the file:',
// take the response stream and read it to completion
const text = await response.text();
if (text) {`\`\`\`${text}\`\`\``);
} catch (error) {
reply to #Andryxa, maybe you can use this with external APIs like a transcription service in case of audio files or to send requests to already created bots from services like dialogflow to replies to the messages

Downloading a zip file from a given path in express api + react

So I'm completely lost at this point. I have had a mixture of success and failure but I can't for the life of me get this working. So I'm building up a zip file and storing it in a folder structure that's based on uploadRequestIds and that all works fine. I'm fairly new to the node but all I want is to take the file that was built up which is completely valid and works if you open it once it's been constructed in the backend and then send that on to the client.
const prepareRequestForDownload = (dirToStoreRequestData, requestId) => {
const output = fs.createWriteStream(dirToStoreRequestData + `/Content-${requestId}.zip`);
const zip = archiver('zip', { zlib: { level: 9 } });
output.on('close', () => { console.log('archiver has been finalized.'); });
zip.on('error', (err) => { throw err; });
zip.pipe(output);, false);
This is My function that builds up a zip file from all the files in a given directory and then stores it in said directory.
all I thought I would need to do is set some headers to have an attachment disposition type and create a read stream of the zip file into the res.send function and then react would be able to save the content. but that just doesn't seem to be the case. How should this be handled on both the API side from reading the zip and sending to the react side of receiving the response and the file auto-downloading/requesting a user saves the file.
This is what the temp structure looks like
There is some strategies to resolve it, all browser when you redirect to URL where extension ending with .zip, normally start downloading. What you can do is to return to your client the path for download something like that.
and then you can use:'URL here','_blank')

How to save and write executable file from data aquired from a server?

How to save and write data acquired by request or fetch as executable?
For example I use
require('request').get('', async (e, r, b) => {
require('fs').writeFileSync(path+'test.exe', b);
But instead of working .exe file I get a broken file. How to save and write file from server data (from github as example) correctly, so .exe file would not break?
This might help you, credits to 'Michelle Tilley' from :
const http = require('http');
const fs = require('fs');
const file = fs.createWriteStream("mini-player.exe");
const request = http.get("", function(response) {

Download CSV from URL in Node

I created a web scraper using Puppeteer to extract data from and would like to download a CSV file generated by JobNimbus. When I send a GET request to the CSV download URL, I receive .aspx file type instead of .csv.
JobNimbus requires a login so I'm only showing a sample of the code I'm using:
const download = require("download");
(async () => {
let url =
await download(url, "output");
It downloads ReportDownload.aspx which appears to be HTML. How do I download this file as CSV? Thank you in advance for your help!

AWS S3 File Download from the client-side

I am currently trying to download the file from the s3 bucket using a button from the front-end. How is it possible to do this? I don't have any idea on how to start this thing. I have tried researching and researching, but no luck -- all I have searched are about UPLOADING files to the s3 bucket but not DOWNLOADING files. Thanks in advance.
NOTE: I am applying it to ReactJS (Frontend) and NodeJS (Backend) and also, the file is uploaded using Webmerge
UPDATE: I am trying to generate a download link with this (Tried node even if I'm not a backend dev) (lol)
see images below
what I have tried so far
onClick function
If the file you are trying to download is not public then you have to create a signed url to get that file.
The solution is here Javascript to download a file from amazon s3 bucket?
for getting non public files, which revolves around creating a lambda function that will generate a signed url for you then use that url to download the file on button click
BUT if the file you are trying to download you is public then you don't need a signed url, you just need to know the path to the file, the urls are structured like: [file path]/[filename]
They is also aws amplify its created and maintain by AWS team.
Just follow Get started and downloading the file from your react app is simply as:
Storage.get('hello.png', {expires: 60})
.then(result => console.log(result))
.catch(err => console.log(err));
Here is my solution:
let downloadImage = url => {
let urlArray = url.split("/")
let bucket = urlArray[3]
let key = `${urlArray[4]}/${urlArray[5]}`
let s3 = new AWS.S3({ params: { Bucket: bucket }})
let params = {Bucket: bucket, Key: key}
s3.getObject(params, (err, data) => {
let blob=new Blob([data.Body], {type: data.ContentType});
let link=document.createElement('a');
The url in the argument refers to the url of the S3 file.
Just put this in the onClick method of your button. You will also need the AWS SDK

