Check Server Load of Another Server - javascript

I have 2 servers on one server NodeJS is running and in another MySQL.
From NodeJS server, I can check the load average of NodeJS server by os.loadavg().
How can I check the load average of MySQL server from NodeJS server?


How is the directory recognised

Online examples will usually include the library using
<script src="/"></script>
However, I was wondering why this works even though I don't have a folder in my directory. Does running node index.js automatically create this folder?
The server listens for all incoming requests that start with / and "steals" those requests for itself, keeping them from the regular http server that the server is sharing.
When the server sees that this is a request for the file, the server then reaches into its own node_modules/ directory to get the client-side file and sends it back to the client.
If you look at what you will find in node_modules/ directory, you will see the file sitting there. That's the file that the server sends back to the client. This is client-side code, only on the server for the purposes of being sent to the client when it asks for it.
Keep in mind that responses to incoming paths with a nodejs http server are not necessarily about file directories on the server at all. If any code hooked up to the http server handles an incoming request, it can decide what it wants to send as the response, from anywhere in the server (whether from a file or not). Only specific middleware tools like express.static() look on the server's hard disk for a directory that matches the incoming request.

Trying to make a post request from nodejs to php server

I just uploaded my nodejs app on Heroku which makes a post request on my localhost my localhost server is on PHP which takes a file and some data and generates an invoice but the problem is I get this error in the Heroku log when my deployed node server tries to make a post request to my PHP server using Axios.
enter image description here
You can see there is a message This is an error ignore that because I concatenated that with the error.
I would appreciate any help thanks.:)

what does shipping to a server means? AngularJs

what does shipping to a server means?
Does it means you need to upload on the server the necessary files?
I have the dist folder, package.json, server.js. Do I need to upload it all in my heroku server so that my app will run?
thank you very much. My apologies for being so noob.
Shipping to a server means that you deploy your application on a server where your application will run. This means that all your files which you made which your server will serve are transported to this server.
This server to which you ship your application to is usually a paid service where you pay a company a fee for certain facilities. You can also deploy your own server but this can be a lot of work if you are not familiar with servers.

Heroku app served as HTTP with node.js

I have deployed a web application in Heroku using node.js but within the application I need to make a request to an HTTP endpoint that returns a JSON file. While making the request, I get the a Mixed content error. I understand this happens because my application has been served through HTTPS but the request is HTTP. How could I tell heroku to serve my application as HTTP or what should I do to make it HTTP? Will this solve the problem?

How to create a nodejs websocket client

I'm working on a project where I need to have multiple node clients connect to a node server via websockets. The clients will send files to the server and the server will immediately distribute that file to all connected clients.
The problem I'm running into is connecting as a client in node. The built in ws module seems to only support server use. I've also tried the npm websocket client which allows me to use node as a client but I seem to only be able to send binary data without any other information like the filename, etc. using the sendBytes method.
Thanks for any suggestions.
Checkout the delivery package of npm.
It provides bi-directional file tranfer for node.js over

