Hide specific div with specific text on specific page using Jquery/Javascript - javascript

I would like to hide an element on a specific page by using Javascript, Jquery, or CSS. I have really limited options on how to do it because I'm using a very strict eshop solution. I can add Jquery or Javascript but it will be inserted into every single page on my eshop. I don't want to overload my website so the first condition has to be something like "if body class is .view-commodity-detail" (which is a page for every product detail) do something.
The second condition I need is to hide div with class .detaillist-row but only that one where the text Luggage Volume is located. (I need to hide .detaillist-row-value of this div parameter also - such as 50-59L, 60-69L etc..)
My code on eshop product page looks like this
<body class=".view-commodity-detail">
<div class="vc-commoditydetail_parameters">
<div class="detaillist-row">
<div class="detaillist-row-name">Luggage Volume</div>
<div class="detaillist-row-value"><span>50-59l</span></div>
<div class="detaillist-row-value"><span>60-69l</span></div>
<div class="detaillist-row">
<div class="detaillist-row-name">Weight</div>
<div class="detaillist-row-value"><span>2500 G</span></div>
<div class="detaillist-row">
<div class="detaillist-row-name">Size</div>
<div class="detaillist-row-value"><span>56 x 34 x 36 CM</span></div>
I was thinking about using something like this, but it would hide all my detaillist-row and I want to hide only that one where the Luggage Volume is.
if ($("body").hasClass(".view-commodity-detail")) {
if ($('.detaillist-row > .detaillist-row-name:contains("Luggage volume")').length > 0) {
I hope it makes any sense.
Thank you guys for your help!

You can do this using data-value but you need to add data-value to that element which you want to hide.
like this:
<div class="detaillist-row-name" data-value="Luggage Volume">Luggage Volume</div>
div[data-value="Luggage Volume"] {
display: none;
<body class=".view-commodity-detail">
<div class="vc-commoditydetail_parameters">
<div class="detaillist-row">
<div class="detaillist-row-name" data-value="Luggage Volume">Luggage Volume</div>
<div class="detaillist-row-value"><span>50-59l</span></div>
<div class="detaillist-row-value"><span>60-69l</span></div>
<div class="detaillist-row">
<div class="detaillist-row-name">Weight</div>
<div class="detaillist-row-value"><span>2500 G</span></div>
<div class="detaillist-row">
<div class="detaillist-row-name">Size</div>
<div class="detaillist-row-value"><span>56 x 34 x 36 CM</span></div>
or you can use javascript
<body class=".view-commodity-detail">
<div class="vc-commoditydetail_parameters">
<div class="detaillist-row">
<div class="detaillist-row-name" id="detaillist-row-name">Luggage Volume</div>
<div class="detaillist-row-value"><span>50-59l</span></div>
<div class="detaillist-row-value"><span>60-69l</span></div>
<div class="detaillist-row">
<div class="detaillist-row-name">Weight</div>
<div class="detaillist-row-value"><span>2500 G</span></div>
<div class="detaillist-row">
<div class="detaillist-row-name">Size</div>
<div class="detaillist-row-value"><span>56 x 34 x 36 CM</span></div>
var str = document.getElementById("detaillist-row-name").innerHTML;
var n = str.replace("Luggage Volume", "");
document.getElementById("detaillist-row-name").innerHTML = n;


Add surrounding div container with css class to above div container's id with jQuery

Would be very easy to embed the missing div container in the html ...if I only could add it. I'm limited to "jimdo's" head area to manipulate classes and id's from there. Code is already written but it seems to me the only way that works is to do that with jQuery or Javascript?
So, I have this code here:
<div id="1" class="2">
<div class="3"></div>
<div class="4"></div>
<div class="5"></div>
And the missing div container in the html <div class="margin"> needs to be under the first div container from top <div id="1" class="2"> added by its id #1 and then surrounds the rest code below into the new added <div class="margin">
Like this:
<div id="1" class="2">
<div class="margin">
<div class="3"></div>
<div class="4"></div>
<div class="5"></div>
Is it possible to add it like that with jQuery or javascript? If so, maybe someone could show me how to implement this?
You can try $.before() to append the <div class="margin"> before the target:
const $container = $("#cc-m-7032876518");
$container.before(`<div class="margin">`);
You can try this with jquery.
let children = $("#1").clone().children().wrap( "<div class='margin'></div>" );
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="1" class="2">
<div class="margin">
<div class="3"></div>
<div class="4"></div>
<div class="5"></div>

Could I get to an element using two ids?

Here's my code:
<div id='layer1'>
<div id='a'>
<div id='b'>
<div id='layer2'>
<div id='a'>
<div id='b'>
<div id='layer3'>
<div id='a'>
<div id='b'>
I want to try to get the element [a] of layer1.
Could I do this using pure javascript and withOUT jquery and other stuff?
An ID uniquely identifies one single element on the page. The behavior you described is more like "a class" inside of an ID:
document.querySelector("#counter-for-drinks .up-arrow")
and so if you want a different up-arrow, it is:
document.querySelector("#counter-for-burgers .up-arrow")
document.querySelector() is what is similar to jQuery $(" "). It also has the form document.querySelectorAll() for getting all matched elements.
Your HTML is missing closing tags. You can always validate your code here.
Also, you should use class instead of id.
<div id='layer1'>
<div class='a'></div>
<div class='b'></div>
<div id='layer2'>
<div class='a'></div>
<div class='b'></div>
<div id='layer3'>
<div class='a'></div>
<div class='b'></div>
You can use javascript to get elements:
document.querySelector("#layer1 .a")
var firstA = document.querySelectorAll('#layer1 #a');
var nodeString = '';
if (firstA.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < firstA.length; i++) {
nodeString = nodeString + firstA[i].innerText + '<br/>';
document.getElementById('founded-nodes').innerHTML = nodeString;
#founded-nodes {
color: brown;
<div id='layer1'>
<div id='a'>layer1 aaa</div>
<div id='b'>layer1 bbb</div>
<div id='layer2'>
<div id='a'>layer2 aaa</div>
<div id='b'>layer2 bbb</div>
<div id='layer3'>
<div id='a'>layer3 aaa</div>
<div id='b'>layer3 bbb</div>
<div id="founded-nodes"></div>
As all said in above over comments and answers, one must use a single id on the same page, or else the use of classes is a must. But if you want to achieve this, you can have a look at code.

How to get id of div using jquery?

{"__reactInternalInstance$scd8ef5s9":{"tag":5,"key":null,"elementType":"div","type":"div","stateNode":"~","return":{"tag":5,"key":null,"elementType":"div","type":"div","stateNode":{"__reactInternalInstance$scd8ef5s9":"~__reactInternalInstance$scd8ef5s9~return","__reactEventHandlers$scd8ef5s9":{"id":0,"style":{"position":"absolute","zIndex":0,"display":"flex","justifyContent":"center","alignItems":"center","width":100,"height":100,"backgroundColor":"white"},"className":"box resizable","children":[{"type":"div","key":null,"ref":null,"props": "props..." ......
Prints it.
Here is the html:
<div className="resizers">
<div className="resizers"></div>
I need the id os resizerClass div? how to get it?
If you want to find ID by jQuery as your HTML attributes(className) then you can define attribute in square bracket like $('[className="resizerClass"]') and get other attributes value like attr('id').
var getId = $('[className="resizerClass"]').attr('id');
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div className="myClass">
<div className="resizerClass" id="tomatoes">
<div className="resizers"></div>
<div className="resizers"></div>

javascript - select a div within a particular div

The content of the divs is going to be populated with javascript json. Now, I know how to select a div in javascript:
var hsc = document.getElementByID("hsc");
But how would I refer to eg. the title but only in the hsc div.
<div id="hsc">
<div id="title"></div>
<div id="jobs"></div>
<div id="cc">
<div id="title"></div
<div id="jobs"></div>
On a separate note, wouldn't 'title' and 'jobs' be better classified as classes, and not ids?
This would work:
var hsc = document.querySelectorAll("#hsc > .title");
But you need to change to valid html and use unique IDs and classes instead:
<div id="hsc">
<div class="title"></div>
<div class="jobs"></div>
<div id="cc">
<div class="title"></div>
<div class="jobs"></div>
IDs must be unique in HTML.
Change them to classes, and then you can use querySelector() to target them:
document.querySelector('.hsc .title').style.color= 'blue';
document.querySelector('.cc .title').style.color= 'red';
<div class="hsc">
<div class="title">Make me blue!</div>
<div class="jobs">Jobs</div>
<div class="cc">
<div class="title">Make me red!</div>
<div class="jobs">More jobs</div>
Just try
<div id="hsc">
<div id="a" class="title"></div>
<div id="b" class="jobs"></div>
<div id="cc">
<div id="c" class="title"></div
<div id="d"class="jobs"></div>
Because your HTML code is invalid because the id is already taken.

jQuery select closest child element by class

How would I use jQuery to get get the text from the rating selected div within the id=overall answer div?
I want to dynamically fetch the text "TESTING" from that div within the overall parent div.
<div class='answer' id="overall">
<div class='rating'>1</div>
<div class='rating'>2</div>
<div class='rating'>3</div>
<div class='rating'>4</div>
<div class='rating selected'>TESTING</div>
<div class='answer' id="effort">
<div class='rating'>1</div>
<div class='rating'>2</div>
<div class='rating'>3</div>
<div class='rating selected'>4</div>
<div class='rating'>TESTING</div>
I tried to do this and it is blank.
$(document.getElementById('overall')).find('.rating selected').text();
Your code would work but your selector is wrong. It would be...
Notice the dot and no space between rating and selected.
However, I think you are over complicating things...
$('#overall .selected').text();
alert($('#overall .selected').text());
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class='answer' id="overall">
<div class='rating'>1</div>
<div class='rating'>2</div>
<div class='rating'>3</div>
<div class='rating'>4</div>
<div class='rating selected'>TESTING - selected</div>
<div class='answer' id="effort">
<div class='rating'>1</div>
<div class='rating'>2</div>
<div class='rating'>3</div>
<div class='rating selected'>4</div>
<div class='rating'>TESTING - not selected</div>
$('#overall .rating.selected').html()

