How to close socket connection for GraphQL subscription in Apollo - javascript

I have GraphQL Subscriptions on my Apollo server that I want to close after the user logs out. The initial question is whether we should close this (socket) connections on the client side or in the backend.
On the front-end, I am using Angular with Apollo Client and I handle GraphQL subscriptions by extending the Subscription class from apollo-angular. I am able to close the subscription channels with a typical takeUntil rxjs implementation:
({ data }) => {
// logic goes here
(error) => {
// error handling
However, this does not close the websocket on the server, which If I'm right, will result in a subscription memory leak.
The way the Apollo Server (and express) is set up for subscriptions is as follows:
const server = new ApolloServer({
subscriptions: {
onConnect: (connectionParams, webSocket, context) => {
console.log('on connect');
const payload = getAuthPayload(connectionParams.accessToken);
if (payload instanceof Error) {
return { user: payload };
onDisconnect: (webSocket, context) => {
console.log('on Disconnect');
context: ({ req, res, connection }) => {
if (connection) {
// set up context for subscriptions...
} else {
// set up context for Queries, Mutations...
When the client registers a new GraphQL subscription, I always get to see console.log('on connect'); on the server logs, but I never see console.log('on Disconnect'); unless I close the front-end application.
I haven't seen any example on how to close the websocket for subscriptions with Apollo. I mainly want to do this to complete a Logout implementation.
Am I missing something here? Thanks in advance!

I based my solution based on this post
Essentially, the way we created the Subscription with sockets was using subscriptions-transport-ws
export const webSocketClient: SubscriptionClient = new
reconnect: true,
lazy: true,
inactivityTimeout: 3000,
connectionParams: () => ({
params: getParams()
As specified in the question, I wanted to unsubscribe all channels and close the subscription socket connection before logout of the user. We do this by using the webSocketClient SubscriptionClient in the logout function and call:


Socket io, Try multiple URLs to establish connection after "connect_error"

I have an app with divided code (client / server). On the client side, I'd like socket io to attempt multiple URLs (one at a time) until it connects successfully.
Here's my code:
const BAD_HOST = "http://localhost:8081";
const LOCAL_HOST = "http://localhost:8080";
upgrade: false,
transports: ["websocket"],
auth: { ... }, // Trimmed for brevity
extraHeaders: { ... }, // Trimmed for brevity
let socket = io(BAD_HOST, SOCKET_CONFIG); // This connects fine when I use LOCAL_HOST
socket.on("connect_error", (err) => {
socket.on("connect", () => { ... } // Trimmed for brevity
In short, when I try to reassign the value for socket to a new io connection, it seems to retain the old, failed connection. My browser continues to throw 'connect_error' messages from the bad url:
WebSocket connection to 'ws://localhost:8081/' failed:
I checked but couldn't find any official documentation on this question.
I think an approach is already discussed here:
Essentially you have an array of URLs, which in your case would be:
const socketServerURLs = ["http://localhost:8081","http://localhost:8080"];
and then iterate over them, trying to initiate a socket connection, like this:
// something along these lines
socketServerURLs.forEach((url) => {
// ...
socket.connect(url, socketConfiguration, (client) => {});
// ...
Then again, I don't know what a BAD_HOST entails. Assuming that you mean that a connection to that host failed, how would you know that without actually trying to connect to it?

MQTT.js how to hook connected status with vuex

Am still learning vuex, i have a 3 export method connect to mqtt broker with call backs to console out.
The thing after page refresh the client disconnect and client.on("end/disconnect") is not fired.
was thinking if there was a way from software design perspective of view, on how to implement it with vuex to track client connection status and act accordingly.
here is my current code.
export let client = null
export var status = 'initial'
export var startSub = ({username, password}) => {
client = mqtt.connect("ws://",{
clientId: `mqttjs_ + ${Math.random().toString(16).substr(2, 8)}`,
username: username,
password: password
client.on("connect", () => {
status = client.connected
}).on('error', err => {
status = client.connected
console.log("error", err)
}).on("message", (topic, message) => {
status = client.connected
console.log(`topic, ${topic}, msg:: ${JSON.parse(message)}`);
//on disconnect call bacl
client.on("disconnect", (packet)=>{
status = client.connected
console.log('client of discconect call back', packet)
//on disconnect call bacl
client.on("end", function () {
console.log('client of end call back')
now when the page refresh the client automatically disconnect.
on my vuex store, if i import status, as state, its useless to track because after refresh its always initial. to be more clear my aim is to after refresh to keep the connection active without it being disconnected.

Cycle.js - Driver - PhoenixJS (Websockets)

We currently have a VueJS application and I am looking at migrating it to Cycle.js (first major project).
I understand in Cycle.JS we have SI and SO for drivers (using adapt()); naturally a WebSocket implementation fits this as it has both read and write effects.
We use Phoenix (Elixir) as our backend using Channels for soft real-time communication. Our client-side WS library is Phoenix here
The example on is perfect if you know how to connect.
In our case, we authenticate using a REST endpoint which returns a token (JWT) which is used to initialize the WebSocket (token parameter). This token cannot simply be passed into the driver, as the driver is initialized when the Cycle.js application runs.
An example (not actual code) of what we have now (in our VueJS application):
// Code ommited for brevity
socketHandler = new vueInstance.$phoenix.Socket(FQDN, {
_token: token
socketHandler.onOpen(() => VueBus.$emit('SOCKET_OPEN'));
//...... Vue component (example)
VueBus.$on('SOCKET_OPEN', function () {
let chan ='PRIV_CHANNEL', {
_token: token
.receive('ok', () => {
//... code
The above is an example, we have a Vuex store for a global state (socket etc), centralized message bus (Vue app) for communicating between components and channel setups which come from the instantiated Phoenix Socket.
Our channel setup relies on an authenticated Socket connection which needs authentication itself to join that particular channel.
The question is, is this even possible with Cycle.js?
Initialize WebSocket connection with token parameters from a REST call (JWT Token response) - we have implemented this partially
Create channels based off that socket and token (channel streams off a driver?)
Accessing multiple channel streams (I am assuming it may work like
We have a 1: N dependency here which I am not sure is possible with drivers.
Thank you in advance,
Update# 17/12/2018
Essentially what I am trying to imitate is the following (from
The driver takes a sink in, in order to perform write effects (sending messages on a specific channels) but also may return a source; this means there are two streams which are async? Which means that creating the socket at runtime may lead to one stream accessing the "socket" before it is instanitated; please see comments in the snippet below.
import {adapt} from '#cycle/run/lib/adapt';
function makeSockDriver(peerId) {
// This socket may be created at an unknown period
//let socket = new Sock(peerId);
let socket = undefined;
// Sending is perfect
function sockDriver(sink$) {
next: listener => {
next: ({ channel, data }) => {
if(channel === 'OPEN_SOCKET' && socket === null) {
token = data;
// Initialising the socket
socket = new phoenix.Socket(FQDN, { token });
socketHandler.onOpen(() =>{
channel: 'SOCKET_OPEN'
} else {
if(channels[channel] === undefined) {
channels[channel] = new Channel(channel, { token });
.receive('ok', () => {
error: () => {},
complete: () => {},
const source$ = xs.create({
start: listener => {
sock.onReceive(function (msg) {
// There is no guarantee that "socket" is defined here, as this may fire before the socket is actually created
socket.on('some_event'); // undefined
// This works however because a call has been placed back onto the browser stack which probably gives the other blocking thread chance to write to the local stack variable "socket". But this is far from ideal
setTimeout(() => socket.on('some_event'));
stop: () => {},
return adapt(source$);
return sockDriver;
Jan van Brügge, the soluton you provided is perfect (thank you) except I am having trouble with the response part. Please see above example.
For example, what I am trying to achieve is something like this:
// login component
return {
DOM: ...
WS: xs.of({
channel: "OPEN_CHANNEL",
data: {
_token: 'Bearer 123'
// Some authenticated component
// Intent
const intent$ =
// Model
const model$ = intent$.map(resp => {
if (resp.some_response !== undefined) {
return {...}; // some model
return resp;
return {
DOM: model$.map(resp => {
// Use response from websocket to create UI of some sort
first of all, yes this is possible with a driver, and my suggestion will result in a driver that feels quite like the HTTP driver.
First of all to have some rough pseudo code that where I can explain everything, I might have misunderstood parts of your question so this might be wrong.
interface WebsocketMessage {
channel: string;
data: any;
function makeWebSocketDriver() {
let socket = null;
let token = null;
let channels = {}
return function websocketDriver(sink$: Stream<WebsocketMessage> {
return xs.create({
start: listener => {
next: ({ channel, data }) => {
if(channel === 'OPEN_SOCKET' && socket === null) {
token = data;
socket = new phoenix.Socket(FQDN, { token });
socketHandler.onOpen(() =>{
channel: 'SOCKET_OPEN'
} else {
if(channels[channel] === undefined) {
channels[channel] = new Channel(channel, { token });
.receive('ok', () => {
This would be the rough structure of such a driver. You see it waits for a message with the token and then opens the socket. It also keeps track of the open channels and sends/receives in those based on the category of the message. This method just requires that all channels have unique names, I am not sure how your channel protocol works in that regard or what you want in particular.
I hope this enough to get you started, if you clarify the API of the channel send/receive and the socket, I might be able to help more. You are also always welcome to ask questions in our gitter channel

How to reconnect a websocket connection after manual close - Vue

Here's my methods to open/close socket connection:
methods: {
connect () {
this.$socket.onopen = () => {
this.status = 'connected'
this.$socket.onmessage = ({data}) => {
console.log({ event: "Recieved message", data })
this.$socket.onclose = (e) => {
console.log('Socket is closed. Reconnect will be attempted in 1 second.')
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000)
disconnect () {
this.status = 'disconnected'
I'm not using etc, just built in Websocket object.
When i manually call disconnect () method - it closes the connection as expected, but when i send message again - it says that connection is closed. Since i call connect () in a mounted, then it won't reconnect if i don't refresh the page.
I've tried using watcher:
watch: {
'$socket': 'connect'
But no effect. Is there a way to watch for websocket connection status? If it's closed - call connect (), if it's error'ed - call connect () to reconnect it.
Your connect() method does nothing to "reconnect" to the WebSocket server. So calling this.connect() simply rewrites your onopen handler.
You have to take the steps necessary to reconnect to the WebSocket server. The most excellent answer to this question does a great job of explaining a great structure for your code:
vue: emitting global events from websocket listener
Unfortunately, it doesn't answer your specific question. So I've forked the sandbox from that answer and added the modified code below that allows you to achieve your goal.
import Vue from "vue";
const url = "wss://";
let socket;
const emitter = new Vue({
methods: {
send(message) {
if (1 === socket.readyState) socket.send(message);
close() {
if (1 === socket.readyState) {
emitter.$emit("message", "Closing Socket.");
socket = null; // prevent memory leak
connect() {
socket = new WebSocket(url);
socket.onmessage = function(msg) {
socket.onerror = function(err) {
emitter.$emit("error", err);
emitter.$emit("message", "Openning Socket.");
export default emitter;
To see how this service is used, check out index.js in the running sample is here:
You should check the close status code before reconnecting.
e.code === 1e3 || e.code === 1001 || e.code === 1005

SocketIO ReactJS - doesn't displays console.log()

I'm working on SocketIO with ReactJS vie a chat app.
When emitting message to my server my client doesn't receive the response of my server. The console.log controlling the mechanism is never displayed.
I can't figure out why since I follow exactly the SocketIO blueprint.
here my client.js :
send= (e) => {
const socket= io.connect(this.state.endpoint);
socket.emit("message", () => {
message: "hey !"
console.log("send ended")
const socket= io.connect(this.state.endpoint);
socket.on("new_message", (message) => {
console.log("new message ", message)
socket.on("user_connected", (message) => {
here my server.js :
client.on("message", (message) => {
client.emit("new_message", message)
Any hint would be great,
The reason for your problem is that you essentially have multiple instances of socket connections created over the life span of your client component.
From the server's perspective, the "new_message" is being emitted to the socket that you created in your components send arrow function. Because that socket instance does not listen to "new_message", you're therefore not going to see the expected log messages in the console.
Perhaps you could consider refactoring your client component code like this, to connect a single socket, and use that as a single means of sending and listening to messages from the server?
class YourComponent extends Component {
// Add socket field to component class
socket : ''
// Note that the send method is not an arrow function here, so
// care should be taken to consider how you invoke send() if
// your current implementation relies on this being an arrow function
function send(e) {
const socket = this.state.socket // UPDATE: Access socket via state
// Send messages to server via the same socket instance of this class
if(socket) {
socket.emit("message", () => {
message: "hey !"
console.log("send ended")
function componentDidMount(){
const socket = io.connect(this.state.endpoint)
socket.on("new_message", (message) => {
console.log("new message ", message)
socket.on("user_connected", (message) => {
// UPDATE: Connect the socket, and hold a reference for reuse by the component class
// instance via the component's state (seeing you can't add a class field for this)
this.setState({ socket : socket })

