How to efficiently pass props in nested components? - javascript

Say there are nested components, where data is passed from top to root, but only root component needs the data, how to deal with this more efficiently? Check the following example:
const Myform = () => {
return (
<Section title={'Nested component'} />
const Section = ({title}) => {
return (
<Card title={title} />
const Card = ({title}) => {
return (
<Title title={title} />
const Title = ({title}) => {
return (
Myform passes title data to Section, then passes to Card, then passes to root component Title, where data is only needed in Title component. The 2 middle components only pass data. I can see two problems:
Each middle component needs to accept title, but has no use of title at all;
If more middle components are needed, each of them needs to repeat the same process.
In fact only Myform and Title need to know the data. Is there a more efficient way to deal with this kind of scenario?

You can create the Title component at the top and pass that down instead of the props. This is what Facebook recommends here in their docs on Composition vs Inheritance
const Myform = () => {
return (
<Section Title={<Title title='Nested component' />} />
const Section = ({Title}) => {
return (
<Card Title={Title} />
const Card = ({Title}) => {
return (
<Title />
const Title = ({title}) => {
return (
In this example with so many levels it doesn't work that great - in that case the Context API might be better


getBoundingClientRect() on two React components and check if they overlap onScroll

I want to get a ref, more specifically a getBoundingClientRect() on the <Header/> and <Testimonials/> component. I then want to watch for a scroll event and check if the two components ever overlap. Currently, my overlap variable never flips to true even if what appears on the page is that the two components are overlaping.
const [isIntersecting, setIsIntersecting] = useState(false)
const header = useRef(null)
const testimonials = useRef(null)
const scrollHandler = _ => {
let headerRect = header.current.getBoundingClientRect();
let testiRect = testimonials.current.getBoundingClientRect();
let overlap = !(headerRect.right < testiRect.left ||
headerRect.left > testiRect.right ||
headerRect.bottom < || > testiRect.bottom)
console.log(overlap) // never flips to true
useEffect(() => {
window.addEventListener("scroll", scrollHandler, true);
return () => {
window.removeEventListener("scroll", scrollHandler, true);
}, []);
const App = () => {
return (
<div className="App">
<Header />
<LandingPage />
<div style={{ height: '100vh', backgroundColor: 'black', color: 'white' }}>
<AboutPage />
<TestimonialsPage />
<Footer />
First: Components can't receive directly a ref prop, unless you are wrapping the Component itself in a React.forwardRef wrapper:
const Component = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => (
<button ref={ref}>
// Inside your Parent Component:
const ref = useRef();
<Component ref={ref}>Click me!</Component>;
Second: you can also pass a ref down to a child as a standard prop, but you can't call that prop ref since that's a special reserved word just like the key prop:
const Component= (props) => (
<button ref={props.myRef}>
// Inside your Parent Component
const ref = useRef();
<Component myRef={ref}>Click me!</Component>;
This works perfectly fine, and if it's a your personal project you
might work like this with no issues, the only downside is that you
have to use custom prop name for those refs, so the code gets harder to
read and to mantain, especially if it's a shared repo.
Third: Now that you learnt how to gain access to the DOM node of a child Component from its parent, you must know that even if usually it's safe to perform manipulations on those nodes inside a useEffect ( or a componentDidMount ) since they are executed once the DOM has rendered, to be 100% sure you will have access to the right DOM node it's always better using a callback as a ref like this:
const handleRef = (node) => {
if (node) //do something with node
<Component ref={handleRef}/>
Basically your function hanldeRef will be called by React during
DOM node render by passing the node itself as its first parameter,
this way you can perform a safe check on the node, and be sure it's
100% valorized when you are going to perform your DOM manipulation.
Concerning your specific question about how to access the getBoundingClientRect of a child Component DOM node, I made a working example with both the approaches:
You'll need to define each of your components as Forwarding Refs, eg
const Header = forwardRef<HTMLElement>((_, ref) => (
<header ref={ref}>
<h1>I am the header</h1>
You can then pass a HTMLElement ref to your components to refer to later
const headerRef = useRef<HTMLElement>(null);
const scrollHandler = () => {
console.log("header position", headerRef.current?.getBoundingClientRect());
useEffect(() => {
window.addEventListener("scroll", scrollHandler);
return () => {
window.removeEventListener("scroll", scrollHandler);
}, []);
return (
<Header ref={headerRef} />
I'm using TypeScript examples since it's easier to translate back down to JS than it is to go up to TS

Building a reusable component to map through different sets of data React

Just like the title says I'm passing down pokemon data and rickandmorty data. I also happen to be using the tailwind select menu for react thats pretty long. Is there a better way to do it than conditionally map through the data? I know I can do this
{pokemons ? (
{pokemons?.map((pokemon, idx) => (
**30 line long code for the select menu**
) : (
{rickAndMorty?.map((character, idx) => (
**Another 30 long line code for the select menu**
Is this the only way to do it or is there a cleaner way? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I suggest to try and separate any duplicated code out into some generic component, like:
const GenericSelectItem = (props)=>{
return (<>{/* props.itemValues */}</>);
const GenericSelectList = (props)=>{
const { selectItems } = props;
return (<SelectList>
{ selectItem => <GenericSelectItem selectItem={ selectItem } /> ) }
const Example = (props)=>{
const itemsToDisplay = pokemons || rickAndMorty;
return (<>
{ !itemsToDisplay ? null : <GenericSelectList selectItems={ itemsToDisplay } /> }
In case the SelectItems are very different, add specific components, like:
const PokemonItem = (props)=>{
return (<GenericSelectItem>{/* pokemon specific variations */}</GenericSelectItem>);
const RickAndMortyItem = (props)=>{
return (<GenericSelectItem>{/* rickAndMorty specific variations */}</GenericSelectItem>);

How to map over an array of objects in another file in React?

I am trying to refactor my code and in doing so, I am extracting a single item and putting it into its own component. This MemberItem component has multiple functions state that influence its rendering, however, when I start passing props, the component breaks. I am passing all of the functions, properties and state the the child component needs, but I am still unable to get it to render properly.
// Members.js (Parent Component)
export const Members = () => {
const [memberName, setMemberName] = useState('')
const [editingMemberName, setEditingMemberName] = useState( => false)
// Update member name
const editMemberName = async (_, index) => {
let new_editing_members_state = => false)
new_editing_members_state[index] = true
// Cancel editing mode
const cancelEditMemberName = async (_, index) => {
let new_editing_members_state = => false)
new_editing_members_state[index] = false
// UPDATE name in database
const updateMemberName = async (index, id) => {
let new_editing_members_state = => false)
new_editing_members_state[index] = false
const memberItems =, index) => {
return (
return (
// Member.js (Child Component)
export const MemberItem = (
) => {
return (
{editingMemberName[index] ? (
placeholder="Johnny Appleseed"
) : (
{, 1).toUpperCase()}
{editingMemberName[index] ? (
onClick={() => updateMemberName(index,}
<CgCheckO size=".75em" />
) : (
onClick={() => editMemberName(, index)}
<FiTool size=".75em" />
{editingMemberName[index] ? (
onClick={() => cancelEditMemberName(, index)}
) : (
onClick={() => destroyMember(}
Currently, I am getting an error of TypeError: editingMemberName is undefined and a warning of Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop, but if you see, I do pass in an id into the key property.
In React, props are passed down to function components as a single object.
Your component function assumes props are passed down as separate arguments and not in a single object.
Fixed component definition (note the brackets around the argument list):
MemberItem = ({
}) => { ... }
This method of unpacking properties is called object destructuring.

Cannot update a component while rendering a different component when using QueryRender and React context

I am having an issues I can't seem to work out. When I use the QueryRenderer HOC component from relay and render it as children via a react context I get the following error:
Cannot update a component (`Customers`) while rendering a different component (`Search `). To locate the bad setState() call inside `Search`, follow the stack trace as described in
My context and component are very simple. As soon as I replace the QueryRenderer the problem goes away, so I am 100% certain this HOC component is causing the issue.
const SearchProvider = ({ getVariables, query, children }) => {
const [searchTerm, setSearchTerm] = useState()
return (
<SearchContext.Provider value={{ searchTerm, setSearchTerm }}>
<Search getVariables={getVariables} query={query}>
//component causing the error
const Search = ({ getVariables, query, setRetry, children }) => {
const { searchTerm } = useSearch()
return (
variables={{ ...getVariables(searchTerm) }}
render={({ error, props, retry }) => children({ error, props, retry })}
//and for context the component that is rendering the SearchProvider component
const Customers = () => {
const getVariables = searchTerm => {
//work out and return variables
return (
<h1 className="text-xl mb-2">Customers</h1>
<SearchProvider query={query} getVariables={getVariables}>
{({ error, props }) => {
if (error) return <Error />
if (!props) return <Loading />
return (
<ul className="flex flex-wrap w-full mt-4">
{{ node }) => (
<Customer key={node.userId} customer={node} />
</SearchProvider >
Any suggestions or tips are greatly appreciated. For now I am simply living with the error. I haven't noticed it impacting performance or introducing any bugs.
I have tried moving the QueryRenderer component directly in the SearchProvider component and it didn't make any difference.

Is there a way to pass data to props.children in a functional component

I am working a project and want to be able to send data from a component to its props.children component. I think this is done using render props in class components but I don't know how to implement it in a functional one. Here is an extremely simplified version of something I am trying to accomplish. I want to render different things in the Child component depending on what "edit" is set to in Parent.
function Parent({ children }) {
const [edit, setEdit] = useState(false);
return (
{"blah blah blah..."}
<button onClick={()=>{setEdit(!edit)}}>Click</button>
function Child() {
if (edit === true) {
return (
{"Edit is True"}
return (
{"Edit is False"}
You have to generate children components by cloning elements manually.
How to pass props to {this.props.children}
Is this what you need? You can share states to children
const Parent = () => {
const [edit, setEdit] = useState(true);
return (
<Child edit={edit} />
const Child = params => {
return params.edit? (
<div>Do something if true</div>
<div>Do something if false</div>

