Web Audio API is not working properly, in google chrome browser - javascript

I've created a simple music player, which creates a bufferArray for a particular audio URL to play the music.
It is working fine in many of my cellphone's browser, so I guess there is no cross origin issue for audio URL.
however chrome is not playing audio.
Also I've created a Uint8Array for plotting frequency data inside canvas, while many browsers are plotting frequency graph in canvas successfully, chrome is not doing so!
Take a look at what I've tried so far!
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Page Title</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<h1>Music Player</h1>
<div id="div"></div>
<p>Frequency plot</p>
url = "https://dl.dropbox.com/s/5jyylqps64nyoez/Legends%20never%20die.mp3?dl=0";
const div = document.querySelector("#div");
const cvs = document.querySelector("canvas");
cvs.width = window.innerWidth - 20;
cvs.height = 200;
const c = cvs.getContext("2d");
function loadMusic(url){
div.innerHTML = "Loading music, please wait...";
const context = new AudioContext();
const source = context.createBufferSource();
const analyser = context.createAnalyser();
let request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.responseType = "arraybuffer";
request.onload = ()=>{
div.innerHTML = "Music loaded, please wait, music will be played soon...";
source.buffer = suffer;
div.innerHTML = "Music is playing... Enjoy!";
let array = new Uint8Array(analyser.frequencyBinCount);
let m = 0;
for(m = 0; m < array.length; m++){
let x = (parseInt(window.innerWidth -20)*m)/array.length;
c.lineTo((parseInt(window.innerWidth -20)*(m+1))/array.length,150-((100*array[m+1])/255));
c.lineWidth = 1;
c.strokeStyle = "black";

This is more a couple of observations than a complete solution.
The code given worked for me on Edge, Chrome and Firefox on Windows 10.
On IOS 14 Safari and IOS 14 Chrome it seemed to stop after putting out the loading message.
This MDN reference used a 'cross browser' method to create audiocontext so I added this line:
var AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;
before this line:
const context = new AudioContext();
[edit: have just confirmed at caniuse that -webkit prefix needed by Safari]
That seemed to do the trick in as much as the rest of the code was executed. However, there was no sound and it appeared the audio was not playing. The plot also showed just a single horizontal line.
Is this a manifestation of IOS's requirement that there must be some user interaction before audio will actually be played?
I'm pretty sure the audio was loaded as there was a noticeable pause at that point. I suspect that there will have to be a button which when clicked actually starts the playing.


Canvas drawImage with video while fullscreen not working when source video is visible

I am currently working on showing some parts of a video by drawing them on canvas while showing the main part of the video as a video tag. Recently I ran into a weird situation where the canvas part stops drawing when it goes into full-screen mode on an older mobile phone(galaxy 7). It works fine on recent phones and PC.
So, I fiddled around and found out that drawImage will stop drawing in full-screen mode if the video is visible.
The two are same except that the second one has the line video.style.display = "none". Everything else is the same. You can check by clicking the 'play' button and then the 'fullscreen' button.
Anyone experience this issue or know about it or have a solution?
The fiddle code
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/hls.js/latest/hls.min.js"></script>
<script src="MultiviewCore.js"></script>
<button onclick='video.play();'>play</button>
<button onclick='video.pause();'>pause</button>
<button onclick='document.body.requestFullscreen();'>fullscreen</button>
<div id='container'></div>
var container = document.getElementById('container')
var myRange = document.getElementById('myRange')
var video = document.createElement('video')
video.setAttribute("playsinline", "")
video.src = "http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/gtv-videos-bucket/sample/BigBuckBunny.mp4"
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas')
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')
canvas.width = 512
canvas.height = 384
canvas.style.width = '512px'
canvas.style.height = '384px'
video.style.width = '512px'
video.style.height = '384px'
video.style.display = "none" // the only difference
function updateCanvas() {
Just realized I'm testing this with chrome only. Tried it with galaxy 7's basic internet browser and full-screen drawImage works fine. Maybe a chrome or chromium issue?

Web API MediaRecorder: How do I force record at 60fps?

The API I speak about
The context
The problem: Actual result + Expected result
What I already have tried
Clues to help you to help me
Minimal and Testable Example: Prerequisites and Steps to follow + Sources
The API I speak about
The context
I have a video element that I load & play several times with different src. Between two different videos, a transition occures and each video appears with a fade in. When a video is playing, I draw it in a canvas with the transition and the fade in.
Everything I draw in the canvas is recorded using the Web API MediaRecorder. Then I download the WEBM file corresponding to this recording.
The problem
Actual result
The resulting WEBM is jerky. When I drew in the canvas, the drawing was fluid. But the WEBM resulting from the recording of the canvas drawing is jerky.
Expected result
The WEBM resulting from the recording of the canvas drawing must be as fluid as the canvas drawing itself. If it's impossible to have exactly this result, then: the WEBM must be approximately as fluid as the canvas drawing itself in a way that we quite can't say it's jerky.
What I have already tried
First, I've tried to set a time slice of 1ms, of 16ms (corresponding to 60fps), of 100ms, then 1000, then 10000, etc. to the method start of the Media Recorder, but it didn't work.
Second, I've tried to call requestData every 16ms (in a simple JS timeoutlistener executed every 16ms), but it didn't work.
Clues to help you to help me
Perhaps I'm wrong but it would be possible that a material limit exist on my computer (I have a HP Spectre x360 that doesn't have graphic card, but just a little graphics chip), or a logical limit on my Chromium browser (I have Version 81.0.4044.138 on my Ubuntu 16.04 LTS).
If you can confirm this it would solve this question. If you can explain how to deal with this problem it would be very good (alternative solution to the Web API Media Recorder, or something else).
Minimal and Testable Example
Prerequisites and Steps to follow
Have at least 2 WEBM videos (which will be the input videos, remember: we want to output a new video that contains the canvas drawing, which itself contains these two input videos plus transitions and colors effects etc.)
Have a HTTP server and a file called "index.html" that you will open with Chromium v.81 e.g.. Copy/paste the following sources inside ; click on the "Start" button (you won't need to click on the "Stop" button) ; it will draw both videos on the canvas, with the transitions & colors effects, it will record the canvas drawing, and a "Download the final output video" will appear, allowing you to download the output video. You will see that it's jerky.
In the following sources, copy/paste the paths of your videos in the JS array called videos.
<title>Creating Final Video</title>
<button id="start">Start</button>
<button id="stop_recording">Stop recording</button>
<video id="video" width="320" height="240" controls>
<source type="video/mp4">
<canvas id="canvas" width=3200 height=1608></canvas>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.5.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
var videos = []; // Populated by Selenium
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var video = document.querySelector("video");
$('#start').click(function() {
showSomeMedia(0, 0);
function showSomeMedia(videos_counter) {
if(videos_counter == videos.length) {
} else {
video.addEventListener('ended', () => {
}, false);
function resetVideo() {
var clone = video.cloneNode(true);
video = clone;
function setVideoSrc(videos_counter) {
video.setAttribute("src", videos[videos_counter]);
function setVideoListener() {
var alpha = 0.1;
video.addEventListener('playing', () => {
function step() {
if(alpha < 1) {
ctx.globalAlpha = alpha;
ctx.drawImage(video, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height)
if(alpha < 1) {
alpha += 0.00001;
}, false)
function startRecording() {
const chunks = [];
const stream = canvas.captureStream();
const rec = new MediaRecorder(stream);
rec.ondataavailable = e => chunks.push(e.data);
$('#stop_recording').click(function() {
rec.onstop = e => exportVid(new Blob(chunks, {type: 'video/webm'}));
window.setTimeout(function() {
}, 1);
function exportVid(blob) {
const vid = document.createElement('video');
vid.src = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
vid.controls = true;
const a = document.createElement('a');
a.download = 'my_final_output_video.webm';
a.href = vid.src;
a.textContent = 'Download the final output video';
The problem is solved by using my gaming laptop (RoG), wich has a good graphic card, able to record at higher frequency than my Spectre x360 development laptop.

how can i play piece of sound sample by web sound API?

I have an "asd.wav" sample with total duration 3 secs and play it:
let source = audioCtx.createBufferSource();
source.buffer = buffer; // recieved buffer of asd.wav
It plays perfectly from 0.00 to 3.00 second, but how i can play this sample only from 1.00 to 2.00 second?
This should do the trick. May be it can be done in a simpler way, but this what I could come up with.
var AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;
var audioCtx = new AudioContext();
var getSound = new XMLHttpRequest();
getSound.open("GET", "./asd.wav", true);
getSound.responseType = "arraybuffer";
getSound.onload = function() {
audioCtx.decodeAudioData(getSound.response, function(buffer) {
let start_time = 1, end_time = 2, sample_rate = buffer.sampleRate,
channel_number = 0; // assuming a mono (one channel) audio
let source = audioCtx.createBufferSource();
let data = buffer.getChannelData(channel_number);
data = data.slice(start_time * sample_rate, end_time * sample_rate)
let new_buffer = audioCtx.createBuffer(1 /*number of channels =1*/ , data.length, sample_rate);
new_buffer.copyToChannel(data, 0);
source.buffer = new_buffer
In case of multi channel audio, you will need to repeat the steps to copy data to each channel.
In addition to explicitly requesting the resource to be played and slicing out a portion of it, you can also leverage an audio element. Per the docs, by appending #t=[starttime][,endtime] to the URL, you can specify the portion of interest.
From there, it's a trivial matter of creating a source from the media element and playing it, rather than doing it all from scratch.
As with an AJAX request, you're still subject to Cross-Origin restrictions.
Here's an example - just substitute the URL with one on the same domain, one referring to a resource with a CORS header, or one that uses your own server as a proxy to a compatible resource that doesn't come with the CORS header.
As you can see, the code for this method along with its accompanying HTML requires far less code than the AJAX approach does. You can also create and load audio elements dynamically as shown in the button click handler.
<!doctype html>
"use strict";
function byId(id){return document.getElementById(id)}
window.addEventListener('load', onDocLoaded, false);
function onDocLoaded(evt)
//loadAndPlayPortion("3 seconds.wav", 0.0, 1.0);
playAudioElement( byId('myAudioElem') );
function onBtnClicked(evt)
var audio = document.createElement('audio');
audio.onloadeddata = function(){ playAudioElement(this); };
audio.src = '3 seconds.wav#t=2,3'; // could build this URL from user input
function playAudioElement(audioElem)
var AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;
var audioCtx = new AudioContext();
var source = audioCtx.createMediaElementSource(audioElem);
function loadAndPlayPortion(soundUrl, startTimeSecs, endTimeSecs)
var AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;
var audioCtx = new AudioContext();
var ajax = new XMLHttpRequest();
ajax.open("GET", soundUrl, true);
ajax.responseType = "arraybuffer";
ajax.onload = onFileLoaded;
function onFileLoaded()
audioCtx.decodeAudioData(this.response, onDataDecoded);
function onDataDecoded(sampleBuffer)
let source = audioCtx.createBufferSource(), numChannels=sampleBuffer.numberOfChannels,
sampleRate = sampleBuffer.sampleRate,
nRequiredSamples = (endTimeSecs-startTimeSecs)*sampleRate,
newBuffer = audioCtx.createBuffer( numChannels, nRequiredSamples, sampleRate);
for (var curChannel=0; curChannel<numChannels; curChannel++)
var channelData = sampleBuffer.getChannelData(curChannel);
channelData = channelData.slice(startTimeSecs*sampleRate, endTimeSecs*sampleRate);
newBuffer.copyToChannel(channelData, curChannel, 0);
source.buffer = newBuffer; // chosen portion of received buffer of sound-file
<button onclick='onBtnClicked()'>Create Audio element</button>
<audio id='myAudioElem' src='3 seconds.wav#t=1,2'></audio>

How to make a short beep in javascript that can be called *repeatedly* on a page?

This is like the question at:
Sound effects in JavaScript / HTML5
but I'm just seeking a specific answer to the issue of repeatability.
The above question and other similar ones have helpful answers to use the following javascript:
function beep1()
{ var snd = new Audio("file.wav"); // buffers automatically when created
or even more self-contained, you can now include a wav in-line, such as:
function beep2()
{ var snd = new Audio("data:audio/wav;base64,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");
When I tried these examples, I could only get the sound to play once on my computer. I noticed this was a common complaint in multiple questions, but never saw an answer to it.
The closest thing to an answer was in the referenced question in which #Kornel stated:
To play same sound multiple times, create multiple instances of the Audio object.
You could also set snd.currentTime=0 on the object after it finishes playing.
If this is the key to my puzzle, I don't quite understand it. (I don't know how to destroy / release an audio object.) Can someone show me exactly how to get a button to keep replaying my sound every time it is clicked, either using one of the suggestions of #Kornel or some other way?
Put the sound references outside of the function. Otherwise, each time you call the function, a new sound object is created.
var snd1 = new Audio("file.mp3");
var snd2 = new Audio("data:audio/mpeg;base64,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");
function beep1() {
function beep2() {
setInterval(beep2, 300);
We can create audio waveforms with the web audio api.
The following example shows a bip, made of two tones, one is at 233hz for 100ms with a gain of 10DB, the second is at 603Hz with a duration of 200ms, with 3DB of gain.
Both sounds are in a loop of 1500ms, with the help of setInterval.
This is a minimal example, it can't be stopped! (As asked!)
// gain, frequency, duration
let a = new AudioContext()
function k(w,x,y){
console.log("Gain:"+w, "Hz:"+x, "ms:"+y)
v = a.createOscillator()
u = a.createGain()
v.frequency.value = x
v.type = "square"
u.gain.value = w * 0.01
v.stop(a.currentTime + y *0.001)
setInterval(function(){ k(10,233,100); k(3,603,200)}, 1500)
There is ways to create much more complex 8bits songs in few lines, with differents loops of many duration and tones:
let a = new AudioContext()
function k(w,x,y){
console.log("Gain:"+w, "Hz:"+x, "ms:"+y)
let v = a.createOscillator()
let u = a.createGain()
v.frequency.value = x
v.type = "square"
u.gain.value = w * 0.01
v.stop(a.currentTime + y *0.001)
setInterval(function(){ k(10,233,100); k(3,603,200)}, 1000)
setInterval(function(){ k(8,1646,100); k(8,1444,100) }, 500)
setInterval(function(){ k(8,728,100); k(8,728,100) }, 3000)
setInterval(function(){ k(8,728,100); k(8,728,100) }, 3000)
setInterval(function(){ k(8,364,100); k(8,364,100) }, 6000)
setInterval(function(){ k(8,364,100); k(8,157,200) }, 12000)
We can as well set the values in an array, and loop trough it.
With for, for..in, while, do..while, much more complex, but to create patterns, arpeggios, etc.
Someone, one day will enjoy this ;)
What about using the new Audio API. (No Microsoft support!)
var audioContext = AudioContext && new AudioContext();
function beep(amp, freq, ms){//amp:0..100, freq in Hz, ms
if (!audioContext) return;
var osc = audioContext.createOscillator();
var gain = audioContext.createGain();
osc.value = freq;
gain.gain.value = amp/100;
Didn't you try this
Just the HTML5 thing
<audio controls loop>
<source src="horse.ogg" type="audio/ogg">
<source src="horse.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
Your browser does not support the audio element.
I needed an "alert" for a web app that will be used predominately on a mobile device. The new autoplay policy https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2017/09/autoplay-policy-changes, was giving me a problem so I did this...
Top of html code to play the "alert" you need a button so the user interacts with the page and authorizes future use of audio.
<p align="center" id="snd_btn"><button id="allow_alert" class="btn btn-danger" onclick="play_sound();"> Allow Alert </button></p>
Add'l html...................
then later in the script section I have ....
function play_sound(){
snd.play(); // plays the "1-second-of-silence.mp3"
$("#snd_btn").hide(); // this hides the prompt "Allow Alert"
snd = new Audio("sound/1-second-of-silence.mp3");
snd2 = new Audio("sound/PHONERNG.WAV");
the as part of an online event (map coordinates update) this is included in the ajax success function ...
success: function(data){
if(data['badge'] > 0){
snd2.play(); //Plays the "alert" sound
Th "allow alert" button is only there on page load so the user interacts with it, and it plays a sound, "1-second-of-silence.mp3". That satisfies the player's requirement for page interaction, now the actual alert, "PHONERNG.WAV" plays automatically as required.
This works better for me.
Just follow the snippet below
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport"
content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<h1>Press the Button</h1>
<button onclick="play()">Press Here!</button>
function play() {
var audio = new Audio(

Add audio stream to html audio element with javascript audio API

I am trying to add audio stream to html audio element with javascript audio API. the code below works perfectly with a source file on the server, but it will NOT add a stream. Starting a stream with html5 audio at html level works fine, but the rest of the snippet will not work. this is my javascript and html.
<html lang="en">
div#mp3_player{ width:500px; height:90px; background:#000; padding:5px; margin:50px auto; }
div#mp3_player > div > audio{ width:500px; background:#000; float:left; }
div#mp3_player > canvas{ width:500px; height:60px; background:#002D3C; float:left; }
// Create a new instance of an audio object and adjust some of its properties
var audio = new Audio();
audio.src = 'Five Finger Death Punch - Wrong Side Side of Heaven HD.mp3';
audio.controls = true;
audio.loop = true;
audio.autoplay = true;
// Establish all variables that your Analyser will use
var canvas, ctx, source, context, analyser, fbc_array, bars, bar_x, bar_width, bar_height;
// Initialize the MP3 player after the page loads all of its HTML into the window
window.addEventListener("load", initMp3Player, false);
function initMp3Player(){
context = new webkitAudioContext(); // AudioContext object instance
analyser = context.createAnalyser(); // AnalyserNode method
canvas = document.getElementById('analyser_render');
ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
// Re-route audio playback into the processing graph of the AudioContext
source = context.createMediaElementSource(audio);
// frameLooper() animates any style of graphics you wish to the audio frequency
// Looping at the default frame rate that the browser provides(approx. 60 FPS)
function frameLooper(){
fbc_array = new Uint8Array(analyser.frequencyBinCount);
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); // Clear the canvas
ctx.fillStyle = '#00CCFF'; // Color of the bars
bars = 100;
for (var i = 0; i < bars; i++) {
bar_x = i * 3;
bar_width = 2;
bar_height = -(fbc_array[i] / 2);
// fillRect( x, y, width, height ) // Explanation of the parameters below
ctx.fillRect(bar_x, canvas.height, bar_width, bar_height);
<div id="mp3_player">
<div id="audio_box"></div>
<canvas id="analyser_render"></canvas>
My problem is..... a file on the server works fine.... but a stream will not play. It appears to load, but i have no sound from the stream.
a demo of it working with a sorce file is at enter link description here
the stream i am trying to play is
TY for any help that may b offered :)
As it turns out, your endpoint,, does not support CORS. When requesting it from a different origin (i.e. different domain, port or protocol), the request will be denied by the browser for the following reason:
MediaElementAudioSource outputs zeroes due to CORS access restrictions for

