PATCH update on Sharepoint - One of the provided arguments is not acceptable - javascript

I am using MSGraph API in Javascript to read and update Sharepoint lists, I am successfully retrieving data, but every time I try to update a value using a PATCH call, I get:
The URL is:
Here is the request headers/payload/response headers:
The strange thing is when I try this on MS Graph Explorer it works, and the request headers and payload are identical.
Any ideas what is wrong?
Here is a snapshot of the code I am using:

So the resolution to this issue was to create a new app registration in azure portal, it was set up with the same permissions as the one that didn't work, so not sure how it fixed it, but it did.


Schoology API: "users/me" duplicate nonce error

I struggled with this annoying bug for a very long time. The issue was when trying to get the users UID via the two-legged API users/me it would result in an response from the API: Duplicate timestamp/nonce combination, possible replay attack. Request rejected. My work around for a while was basically brute forcing this API endpoint until it responded. This worked sometimes but is obviously not practical.
After going through post after post of people also having this problem I looked at the answers from Schoology support and they all said visit the docs, which I have looked over multiple times before. however this time I scrolled down and found a "short-cut" as they called it to get the UID:
So instead of trying to use the users/me endpoint you simply use the endpoint: /app-user-info which returns a JSON with timestamp and UID!
After you get the UID you can freely access the users/me endpoint by replacing me with the UID like so: users/{UID}
two-legged Authorization header:
OAuth realm="Schoology API",

Get real time updates from Microsoft Graph API (beta) Communication API

I am current using Microsoft Graph API (beta) to get Presence Status e.g. Online, away etc. in an spfx webpart (using React) using GraphClient:
this.props.context.msGraphClientFactory.getClient().then(async (client: MSGraphClient) => {
let response = await client
console.log("Communication API Response: "+ response);
this.usersWithPresence = response.value;
This is working fine, but to get updated status of a user, I have to refresh the page so another API call is made and updated presence status. I want to do it like this happens in 'Skype'.
What I need is suggestions about a mechanism that I can apply to get
real time updates in user's presence status, so as soon as user
updates the status this is reflected in my webpart. I know I can use
setInterval or setTimeout functions to request for presence status
after specific intervals but for learning purposes i don't want to
request API this way again and again but rather getting updated
message from server like this happens using web sockets. How a web
socket sort of stuff can be applied with this API?
your suggestions are welcome.
Today this API doesn't support any kind of subscription mechanism to when the status changes. There is a uservoice entry you can upvote for it. That means the only way to get any changes is to periodically poll it. As for socket io, the only support today is for SharePoint lists, for any other resource you need to stand up your own infrastructure to relay the message.

postman: You need to enable JavaScript to run this app

I've got a new API from the backend team in a new project, when I call the api it returns "you need to enable java...", whereas I had used Postman for another project before... is it related to api, server or something else?
I don't think that POSTMAN is capable of executing JavaScript in its console.
Try doing the same in the web browser it will work (You won't see this error message).
I spent some times pondering on this trepidation.. and then suddenly i realized what was going on..
the endpoint does not exist, it could be a misspelling
not in the same directory as you expect it to be,
try adding or removing "/" at the beginning of the url, particularly if you don't specify the hostname, i.e. fetch('getusername') is different from fetch('/getusername') .
. This acceptable in development but NOT when already deployed, it points to different path.
the endpoint may be working fine in the Development,
but somewhere within in the Production/Staging, it generated some exception.
I updated Postman and now it works. I'm not sure if it was because of the update or the restart.
I had this problem with a project built using the new template in Visual Studio 2022 for a React app with .NET Core.
In my case I was only getting the response "You need to enable JavaScript to run this app" with calls to a new controller I added. Calls to the built-in WeatherForecastController were working just fine. My new controller was configured the same as the built-in controller so I could not figure out why this was happening. It has to do with how this project template creates both a React app and a back-end API both accessible on the same port. There's a setupProxy.js file that defines routes that should be forwarded to the API. All other routes are redirected to index.html. This is actually what was happening in my case, because my new controller had not been added to setupProxy.js the middleware was redirecting the request to index.html, and because it came from Postman rather than a browser the message regarding enabling JavaScript is displayed.
The solution is that each controller must be explicitly mapped in setupProxy.js or else it won't be proxied correctly. After making this change it worked perfectly in Postman as well as fetch calls from the React app.
const context = [
"/weatherforecast", // built-in controller than comes with the project template in VS2022
"/recaptcha" // controller I created (this line must be added)
While calling the REST API with the postman, if you miss the end-point, then also this issue will come, add the end-point to the URL and check
What worked for me was to turn-off / deselect the user-agent header field under request

error when I try to fetch calendar events through google API, JS React

For some reason; I get error when trying to get my calendar events through google API. I code in JS and use React and have no idea why it does not work.
I have the token stored in sessionStorage and do get personal information about the user like name email and such stuff but I cannot proceed and get the calendar events. Please help!
I'm not sure what exactly you would like to see inside my App but let me know and I'll provide with the stuff because I do not want to upload the whole project lol
Maybe try to return res.send as you use async/await and it returns promise
I changed the structure of the app and I do now receive cal events when I hit one of my endpoints, but receiving other kind of error now, anyway this one can be closed.
Cross-origin request blocked, origin 'null' no access

How to get around auth level when testing API on laravel project?

I am using the basic Auth from laravel that you get from running the following command.
php artisan make:auth
I have an API written so that the backend on the server can update/create services and statuses. The issue i'm running into is that the Admin also has a UI on the web app and can create a service, or update its status manually. Therefore, I have an Auth level on the methods where you have to be logged in to use them.
Now when I call the method in postman it redirects me to the login page, I was wondering if there was a way around this Auth level strictly for an API?
I was told of a way to do pre-request scripts directly in postman but i'm fairly lost when it comes to the whole java script part of that and feel like there is an easier way to do it. I also already tried to do 'basic auth' with the username and password, it didnt seem to work though.
Thank you for the help in advance!
Edit: Here is the screenshot from my header.
I am presuming if you have the API in place you have an api_token set for the specific user. You can use that inside Postman in one of two ways.
You will goto the Headers tab and add:
Key: Authorization
Edited: Added the screenshot of postman
You can amend the url for the request and add the token:
On the api routes if you have ->middleware('auth:api') Laravel will read the authorization token from the header or using the query parameter and check it to the database value.
Adding the api_token to the user table
If you don't have an api_token field in your user table then add one. It is not the same as remember_token, they are different. So add to your user migration the following:
$table->string('api_token', 60)->unique();
You will need to update the users api_token using something like the following:
$user = User::find(1);
$user->update(['api_token' => str_random(60)]);
That 60 character string you will use where I put VALUE_OF_TOKEN_FROM_DB

