How to read the txt file of the link taken in axios? - javascript

i want to read , text of file in rest API
i am using marked for convert txt to markdown and show to vue.js
But I do not know how to read the contents of the file
I also saw raw-loader in my search, but I do not know how to give contents of the file text in axios

You can use a syntax like below to read the text file:
this.markDownData =
Then you can set the markDownData variable to your view


Unable to output actual json data inside javascript script tag

Am trying to output actual json data inside javascript tag dynamically using ajax and php but this is not working anymore meanwhile json data is getting as desired. Actully when I test returned result json data from php script using console.log(response), It prints correct data in firebug console. I also have used JSON.parse(response) and also tried JSON.stringify(response) but nothing is working and not outputting (printing) in javascript script tag if we assign the data usingstackevents: response and when I see the page source code it displays only stackevents: response but not actual output like this below one
stackevents:[{"date":"2013-08-24","type":"arrowDown","graph":"g1","backgroundColor":"#85CDE6","value":"417","description":"This is description of an event"},{"date":"2013-08-25","type":"pin","graph":"g1","backgroundColor":"#85CDE6","value":"417","description":"This is description of an event"},{"date":"2013-08-26","type":"sign","graph":"g1","backgroundColor":"#85CDE6","value":"531","description":"This is description of an event"},{"date":"2013-08-27","type":"arrowUp","graph":"g1","backgroundColor":"#00CC00","value":"333","description":"This is description of an event"},{"date":"2013-08-28","type":"pin","graph":"g1","backgroundColor":"#FFFFFF","value":"552","description":"This is description of an event"},{"date":"2013-08-29","type":"arrowUp","graph":"g1","backgroundColor":"#85CDE6","value":"492","description":"This is description of an event"},{"date":"2013-08-30","type":"pin","graph":"g1","backgroundColor":"#FFFFFF","value":"379","description":"This is description of an event"},{"date":"2013-08-31","type":"pin","graph":"g1","backgroundColor":"#85CDE6","value":"767","description":"This is description of an event"},{"date":"2013-09-01","type":"flag","graph":"g1","backgroundColor":"#85CDE6","value":"169","description":"This is description of an event"},{"date":"2013-09-02","type":"arrowUp","graph":"g1","backgroundColor":"#85CDE6","value":"314","description":"This is description of an event"},{"date":"2013-09-03","type":"arrowDown","graph":"g1","backgroundColor":"#85CDE6","value":"437","description":"This is description of an event"}]
For more clarification, I want like this
stackevents:[{"date":"2013-08-24","type":"arrowDown","graph":"g1","backgroundColor":"#85CDE6","value":"417","description":"This is description of an event"},{"date":"2013-08-25","type":"pin","graph":"g1","backgroundColor":"#85CDE6","value":"417","description":"This is description of an event"},{"date":"2013-08-26","type":"sign","graph":"g1","backgroundColor":"#85CDE6","value":"531","description":"This is description of an event"},{"date":"2013-08-27","type":"arrowUp","graph":"g1","backgroundColor":"#00CC00","value":"333","description":"This is description of an event"},{"date":"2013-08-28","type":"pin","graph":"g1","backgroundColor":"#FFFFFF","value":"552","description":"This is description of an event"},{"date":"2013-08-29","type":"arrowUp","graph":"g1","backgroundColor":"#85CDE6","value":"492","description":"This is description of an event"},{"date":"2013-08-30","type":"pin","graph":"g1","backgroundColor":"#FFFFFF","value":"379","description":"This is description of an event"},{"date":"2013-08-31","type":"pin","graph":"g1","backgroundColor":"#85CDE6","value":"767","description":"This is description of an event"},{"date":"2013-09-01","type":"flag","graph":"g1","backgroundColor":"#85CDE6","value":"169","description":"This is description of an event"},{"date":"2013-09-02","type":"arrowUp","graph":"g1","backgroundColor":"#85CDE6","value":"314","description":"This is description of an event"},{"date":"2013-09-03","type":"arrowDown","graph":"g1","backgroundColor":"#85CDE6","value":"437","description":"This is description of an event"}]
in place of stackevents: response using javascript, jquery, ajax and php.
Thank You.
If you have to call the .php to GET the json data and you want to write that to the script tag of the page, here is an example:
I do not cover using PHP to insert the json data into the html as the page is being rendered.
Simply include <script type="application/json" id="myscript"></script> in your html somewhere, and then with the following code, you can accept JSON data from your .php file and insert it into the script tag using innerHTML. Because a script tag is just another DOM element, you can access them with JS just like a div or button.
.then(response => response.json())
.then(json => {
document.getElementById('myscript').innerHTML = JSON.stringify(json,null,2);
JSON.stringify()'s 2nd and 3rd parameters are to prettyprint the JSON object into your script tag. If you do not stringify the object first, you will get [object Object] as the content of your script tag, as JS will use type-coercion to get the string of the object.
If the above code using modern JS's fetch is too much, here is an example using jQuery as well:
$.getJSON( "https://path-to.your/file.php", function( json ) {
document.getElementById('myscript').innerHTML = JSON.stringify(json,null,2);
Furthermore, if you wanted to go so far as to CREATE the script tag to put the JSON into:
let jsonScript = document.createElement('script');
// if you don't set the type, the browser will try to execute the text as JS instead of JSON.
jsonScript.setAttribute('type', 'application/json');
jsonScript.textContent = JSON.stringify(json);
document.head.appendChild(jsonScript); // or document.body, your choice
You will have to JSON.parse the script content to get any useful data from it though!

krajee bootstrap file input upload

First , i am a french web developer ( sorry for my poor english )
i 'am looking for a bootstrap php image upload with thumbnail.
i would like to make an upload image file like :
the Krajee plugin ([][2]) seems to be the one i am looking for..
But i have some problems with the upload..
i get the error message:
item1.png: SyntaxError: Unexpected token e
my form:
<input id="input-700" name="kartik-input-700" type="file" multiple=true class="file-loading">
uploadUrl: "upload.php",
uploadAsync: true,
maxFileCount: 10});
echo "test";
if (empty($_FILES['input-700'])) {
echo json_encode(['error'=>'No files found for upload.']);
// get the files posted
$images = $_FILES['input-700'];
More strange:
when i delete echo(test);
i get the error:
No files found for upload
Thanks for your support
if you have another solution , i shall be glad to get it..
Since you have set the uploadUrl parameter you are using the ajax uploads feature (instead of native HTML form submission).
You need to ensure that you return a proper JSON encoded data response from the server action (as set in uploadUrl) else the plugin fails. You can read the plugin documentation for ajax uploads where this is highlighted. For example, even if you do not have any data to send - you can send a empty JSON string like {}.

How to get data from file in the same folder as a JS variable in a background page?

So my question is this: i have a box.html that contains some <div>s. It is way too big to be stored as a string in the background script. It would be very inconvenient to change anything in the html if it was stored as just a string variable.
What I can't figure out is how to access that file from background.js so that all of the html is then stored in a variable like var box = "some html"
So that when I have that variable I can then pass it on to a content script when I need it.
I know that chrome.extension.getURL('box.html'); gets the path to the file I need, but how do I load the file?
in Firefox this is simply done with:'box.html'); in the main.js
so is there a similar call for google chrome?
I've used a simple ajax request through jQuery to solve this in the past:
var myDiv = document.queryElement('my_div');
$.get(chrome.extension.getURL('box.html'), function(data) {
myDiv.innerHTML = data;

how to export csv file with filename

I want to export the exist data into csv file. I try to use this code:
var uriContent = "data:text/csv;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(data);
var myWindow =;
it works but I can design filename. I can only get the dialog with name like "MVeAnkW8.csv.part" which I don't know where the name come from.
How can I assign filename in the first dialog? Thanks in advance.
I am now using rails. Actually I have a method in server side names export_to_csv. In end of this method, I use code like that:
:type => 'text/csv; charset=utf-8;',
:filename => "myfile.csv")
It works and I can specify the file name.
For now, I want to use ajax to get more csv files(that is the reason why I want to use javascript, because a normal http request can only get one file to be downloaded).
I use js code like that:
function(data) {
var uriContent = "data:text/csv;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(data);
var myWindow =;
It get the data from server side and I try to transfer it into csv. I can get a file but can't specify the file name.
As I know, you can specify the filename only in chrome 14+.
Take a look at this question: Is there any way to specify a suggested filename when using data: URI?
If you want to download multiple csv files "at once", you can zip them together, or save each file on the server separately (each file now has a url that points to it - if you place them inside the 'www' folder).
Then send the file names and their path/url to the client via ajax (use a json encoded list for example).
In the ajax callback function: take the list of the files and open each file-url in a separate popup.

JMeter modifying output to file from XML Stream

I'm attempting to write a JMeter script which after receiving and XML response from a server, extracts a string from it on the fly (drops the first part of the response) and writes it to a file.
Currently I use a Save Response Data to write to ChannelData_UAT_1 (filename). All good, it writes happily.
Then I add a BSF PreProcessor BEFORE it, and use javascript to try and extract the string. It's a bunch of XML tags, I want everything from "<Markets>" onwards.
I use:
function extract_markets(str)
marketIndex = str.indexOf("<Markets");
length = str.length;
marketString = str.substring(markeIndex, length-1);
return str;
vars.put('ChannelData_UAT_1', extract_markets(vars.get('ChannelData_UAT_1')));
As far as I can tell, ChannelData_UAT_1 is the variable the data is in. However this is only mentioned in the Save Response Data. But I can't do it afterwards otherwise it'll have already written to the file.
The current performance is for it to receive the response and write to the file. No filtering is done - as if my javascript didn't exist.
Anything small or obvious that I've missed? Suggestions?
I believe the issue stems from the fact that ChannelData_UAT_1 is not a variable and how Save Response Data works.
ChannelData_UAT_1 is the file name, not the content of the file.
You need to modify the contents of the "Response". You can replace the value of the page response with the value of your function.
I think the code would look something like this:
import org.apache.jmeter.util.JMeterUtils;
import org.apache.jmeter.samplers.SampleResult;

