EventListener Only Firing Once - javascript

still learning the basics of JS, working with EventListeners now. Trying to make a button that changes the color of text back and forth but I think I'm misunderstanding the nature of the method, or using it incorrectly. I don't believe it's a syntax issue.
I have the text and the button, both with Id's. I created variables for both elements. I add an event listener to the button, and defined the if else statement in the function. The "if" portion of the function executes without issue, but that's where it ends. Sorry in advance for the formatting I wasn't sure what made the most sense. Thanks!
Here's the HTML:
<h1 id="header"> Here's some text </h1>
<button id="button"> Change the Color </button>
#header {
color: red;
And the JavaScript:
var header = document.getElementById("header");
var button = document.getElementById("button");
button.addEventListener("click", function() {
if (header.style.color = "red")
{header.style.color = "blue";}
else if (head.style.color = "blue")
{header.style.color = "red";

In JavaScript (and other languages) you need to use == to check for equality.
However, in JavaScript there is also ===. === is the strict equality operator, meaning it does not do type conversion. What does that mean? It means:
"5" == 5 // true, since "5" as a number is equal to 5, the literal number
"5" === 5 // false, since a string cannot equal a number
So in your if statements you should use == or === instead of just =.

Others have mentioned the use of = vs == vs === - which is definitely your problem, but you're also going to have other problems with comparing styles the way you are doing.
The style property is unique and cumbersome. You have the "style" property which is a property of the DOM node (just like href for anchors or type for inputs). Then you have styles which are applied from a stylesheet - either a <style> tag or external stylesheet file. Sometimes the two different styles sources are in conflict.
For style properties, you read the node.style.color property like you are doing. To get the actual color being applied to the node, you must use window.getComputedStyle(). Let me explain the difference by example:
const div = document.getElementById('foo')
div.style.color; //-> red
window.getComputedStyle(div).color; //-> rbg(0, 255, 0) - this is green!
#foo { color: green !important }
<div id="foo" style="color: red">Hello!</div>
Notice how we set red on the node itself, but green !important in the stylesheet. The !important will win, which is why the text is green. Furthermore, the browser converts the color name green to its RGB equivalent rgb(0, 255, 0). This can be tedious to reconcile. What I usually recommend is having multiple class names and switching between those on click:
var header = document.getElementById("header");
var button = document.getElementById("button");
button.addEventListener("click", function() {
if (header.classList.contains("red")) {
} else if (header.classList.contains("blue")) {
.red { color: red }
.blue { color: blue }
<h1 id="header" class="red"> Here's some text </h1>
<button id="button"> Change the Color </button>


Change color in a number of different divs that all share the same class

I have a site with a lot of different div. The thing they have in common is all share (besides their unique classes) a shared class. Lets just call it .changeClass.
What I am looking for is code with a button (or radio buttons) and by clicking the button, the background instance of all these divs will get the same one (which the .changeClass has). So the .changeClass will just be active when the button is toggled/clicked.
I am looking for a way to do this with pure javascript and no Jquery.
Sorry for being a noob :-)
In the solution below, clicking the <button> element will add/remove the class style .changeClass to all elements that have the class style .apply applied.
let button = document.getElementById('change');
let containers = document.getElementsByClassName('apply');
function changeButtonText() {
if(button.innerHTML === "Add")
button.innerHTML = "Remove";
button.innerHTML = "Add";
button.addEventListener('click', function() {
for(let index = 0 ; index < containers.length ; ++index)
div {
margin-top: 25px;
.apply {
border: 3px solid black;
.changeClass {
background-color: black;
color: white;
border: 3px solid red;
margin-top: 25px;
<button id="change">Add</button>
<div class="apply">1</div>
<div class="apply">2</div>
<div class="apply">3</div>
<div class="apply">4</div>
<div class="apply">5</div>
First lets get all divs that are on the DOM
const divs = document.getElementsByTagName("div");
You will have array of all the divs that are on the DOM. Then add your class to all of it. In order to do that, lets loop it.
divs.forEach(div => div.className += div.className + " changeClass");
Could this be what you are looking for?
In html:
<button onclick="changeColor('blue');">blue</button>
function changeColor(newColor) {
var elem = document.getElementsByClassName("changeClass");
elem.style.color = newColor;
The HTML color can be any color you would like it to be, just change they name from blue to any color or input a hex code.
We have multiple divs with the same class value
We have given a function to the button that we want the event to happen when it is clicked, using the onclick method. Now when we click the button, the function called myFunction will run.
<div class="changeClass">Im Example Div</div>
<div class="changeClass">Me Too</div>
<button type="submit" onclick="myFunction()">Click To Change Div BgColors !
We must define myFunction as Javascript and change the background color.
We have defined a function called myFunction.
With the getElementsByClassName selector in our function, we got all the data with the class value changeClass in object format.
To add a background (or any css property) to all of these objects; We put the object in a for loop and now we split our elements.
We can now define a background color for our elements with the style.backgroundColor parameter.
function myFunction(){
var divs = document.getElementsByClassName('changeClass');
for(var i=0; i< divs.length; i++){
divs[i].style.backgroundColor = 'red';
For more detailed information, you can refer to the resources: https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/met_document_getelementsbyclassname.asp
Don't be sorry for being new at something and wanting to learn more!
So what you are saying is that the divs you want to change all have a common class of "changeClass". If this is the case then you want a function is passed an argument value of the color you want to be changed. Since all of your divs are static and you probably don't plan on changing, declare a variable outside of this function that has the following code
const divs = document.getElementsByClassName("changeClass")
Then, inside of the function, loop through all of the divs collected inside the variable "divs", or whatever you want to call it. Since "getElementsByClassName" returns a collection, it does not have the built in "foreach" and "map" methods. So you have to use a for loop preferably the following.
const divs = document.getElementsByClassName("changeClass");
function changeColor(color) {
for (let element of divs) {
element.style.backgroundColor = color;
I may have interpreted this wrong but I hope it helps
You may find using a CSS variable helpful.
For example:
function bg(color) {
document.body.style.setProperty('--bg', color);
body {
--bg: cyan;
.container {
display: flex;
gap: 1vw;
.container div {
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
background-color: black;
.container div.changeClass {
background-color: var(--bg);
<button onclick="bg( 'red');">Red</button>
<button onclick="bg( 'green');">Green</button>
<button onclick="bg( 'blue');">Blue</button>
<button onclick="bg( 'black');">Black</button>
<div class="container">
<div class="changeClass"></div>
<div class="changeClass"></div>
<div class="changeClass"></div>
<div class="changeClass"></div>
Then when one of the radio buttons is clicked it sets the variable --bg.
Here's a simple snippet:
First of all - thank you for all your replies. And yes I should have included code. I tried so many things that i just gave up at som point - got confused what was right code and what was just rubbish. So I appreciate so much that you all took time to answer me. This was my first post so now I know for the future. The answers I got all was possible ways to solve my problem - so thank you all. I will do better next time. You are awesome...
BTW - All solutions seems to work - but can only checkmark one of them as you know.
You can add or remove a class to change the colours of different div:

Difference between className and classList

Which one of the following should be preferred under what circumstances?
btnElement.className = 'btn';
Using "classList", you can add or remove a class without affecting any
others the element may have. But if you assign "className", it will
wipe out any existing classes while adding the new one (or if you
assign an empty string it will wipe out all of them).
Assigning "className" can be a convenience for cases where you are
certain no other classes will be used on the element, but I would
normally use the "classList" methods exclusively.
And "classList" also has handy "toggle" and "replace" methods.
ClassList as the name suggest is the list of classes in an element.
If you have multiple classes on an element and you want to add/remove one without altering the rest you should use classList.
classList also provides methods like toggle which are really useful.
function toggleClass(){
let txt = document.querySelector("h2");
.font-style {
font-family: sans-serif;
.changebg {
background-color: lightcoral;
<h2 class="font-style" >Hello World!</h2>
<button onclick='toggleClass()'>Toggle Background Class</button>
Using "classList", you can add or remove a class without affecting any others the element may have. But if you assign "className", it will wipe out any existing classes while adding the new one (or if you assign an empty string it will wipe out all of them)
Using classList, you can add or remove a class without affecting any other classes the element may have.
So this is helpful for adding additional classes to an element that contain other classes.
classList has some handy methods like toggle and replace.
if (clicked) {
} else {
Here if the button was clicked it will add the clicked class along with other classes the element may have and it will remove only the clicked class from the element.
If you use className, it will wipe out any existing classes while adding the new one (or if you assign an empty string it will wipe out all of them).
Using className can be convenience when you know this element will not use any other classes.
if (clicked) {
button.className = 'clicked';
} else {
button.className = '';
In this case, className will wipe all the classes the element may have and add clicked class to it. The empty string('') will wipe all the classes.
the recommendation would be to use className whenever possible.
Use classList when you need classList methods like toggle, replace, etc.
context https://dev.to/microrony/difference-between-classlist-and-classname-45j7
You can see the changes in JavaScript to apply same difference one with use of classList and other with className .
It will be clear from 1st btn only that classList add extra name in class while className replaces the whole class (only .border is applied) .
Further are different function of classList which cannot be achieved by className and at last 4 line of code is reduced to 1 liner with use of toggle .
So you should look to your needs : Like, if you want to completely replace the class property names than use className else you can use classList property with different methods .add() .remove() .replace() .toggle() to only have changes in specific without hampering all names of class
Instruction for below snippet : Reload the snippet when you click one button so that clear differences can be seen on next btns
var classList1 = document.getElementById("part1")
var classname2 = document.getElementById("part2")
function funcAdd() {
classname2.className = "border";
function funcRemove() {
classname2.style.color = "black";
function funcReplace() {
classList1.classList.replace("background", "background1");
classname2.style.backgroundColor = "lightgreen";
function funcToggle() {
if (classname2.style.color == "gold") {
classname2.style.color = "blue";
} else {
classname2.style.color = "gold";
.background {
background-color: red
.background1 {
background-color: lightgreen
.color {
color: blue
.font {
font-size: 24px;
.border {
border: 10px solid black
.color1 {
color: gold;
<div id="part1" class="background color font">classList</div>
<div id="part2" class="background color font">className</div>
<button onclick="funcAdd()">Add a border class</button>
<button onclick="funcRemove()">Remove a color class</button>
<button onclick="funcReplace()">Replace a background class</button>
<button onclick="funcToggle()">Toggle a color class</button>
I have just known one thing difference between className and classList. className returns string within they are names of the current element and classList also returns names but as an array.

Changing hover background color with javascript

I want to access the hover background color of a button to change the hover background color every time the button is clicked.
This is the button tag from the index.html file
<button class="btn-hero btn-hero:hover" id="btn">click me</button>
This is in the css file:
.btn-hero {
font-family: var(--ff-primary);
text-transform: uppercase;
background: transparent;
color: var(--clr-black);
.btn-hero:hover {
color: var(--clr-white);
background: var(--clr-black);
I can access the button background color like this:
btn.addEventListener("click", function () {
btn.style.backgroundColor = 'some_color'
That changes the button color but negates the hover property.
I tried doing this in the app.js:
let button_hover = document.querySelector(".btn-hero:hover")
But that returns a null.
Is there a way to do access the hover properties from the css file in app.js file?
In terms of javascript you can use mouseover event handler
btn.addEventListener("mouseenter", function( event ) {
event.target.style.color = "purple";
}, false);
btn.addEventListener("mouseleave", function( event ) {
event.target.style.color = "";
}, false);
MDN : mouseover event
The snippets your posted contain a few errors in both the JS and the HTML:
<button class="btn-hero" id="btn">click me</button> should not contain :hover as this is a CSS pseudo selector (in this case connected to btn-hero) and should only be used in CSS (or referenced by Javascript). Remove the btn-hero:hover.
If you want to 'catch' the element hover event you need to attach an eventListener (in case of hover either mouseover or mouseenter) to the button
While document.querySelector(".btn-hero:hover") is a proper selector, but due to the asynchrous nature of Javascript it would be purely accidental that the hover would be caught when the JS function runs. That is why the function returns NULL.
If you want to modify the CSS style of an element, digg into MDN: Window.getComputedStyle()
Seems okay to me.
Your question
Please make sure you understand that the hex value of a color is essentially not one long hexadecimal value, but a concatenation of 3 hex values resembling R,G,B made up of 2 hexadecimal digits each. Adding 100hex to any #xxxxxx (6 digit) color would get rather unexpected results. Which of the three (R,G,B) do you want to change?
So you want each button click to change the background a bit. I did not understand your hex point, but here is one of the scripts, that calculates background color from given numeric value. In this case its the attribute data-colorvalue
I modified it to fit your case and made it so it adds 10 each click. You can play around the math here, that way you get different colors:
// Grab the button:
const btn = document.querySelector('#btn')
// Detect on click event:
btn.onclick = e => {
// Get the buttons color value, parseInt makes sure its INT:
let color_value = parseInt(btn.getAttribute('data-colorvalue'))
// Make the R value based on color_value:
val_r = Math.round((255 * color_value) / 100)
// Make the G value based on color_value:
val_g = Math.round((255 * (100 - color_value)) / 100)
// Make the B value based on color_value:
val_b = Math.round(255 - (color_value * 1.5))
// Format and set as buttons background:
btn.style.backgroundColor = 'rgb(' + val_r + ', ' + val_g + ', ' + val_b + ')'
// Set the new color value plus 10.. you can play with this formula:
btn.setAttribute('data-colorvalue', color_value + 10)
<button id="btn" data-colorvalue="1">Click me</button>
If you want to change the hover as pseudo, then you need magic. And thats a completely standalone quesiton.
Your title says text color and question background, color. So if you want to change the text / font color you simply use btn.style.color instead of backgroundColor.
Psedo classes do not go to your html like so, ever:
Based on the additional information provided in the comments, we worked out, that you want to change the hover-background-color each time the button is clicked.
This is a very strange situation and odd request. But one of the ways doing it is making new style element contents on each click like so:
// Grab the button:
const btn = document.querySelector('#btn')
// Make style element:
let style = document.createElement('style')
// Detect on click event:
btn.onclick = e => {
// Get the buttons color value, parseInt makes sure its INT:
let color_value = parseInt(btn.getAttribute('data-colorvalue'))
// Make the R value based on color_value:
val_r = Math.round((255 * color_value) / 100)
// Make the G value based on color_value:
val_g = Math.round((255 * (100 - color_value)) / 100)
// Make the B value based on color_value:
val_b = Math.round(255 - (color_value * 1.5))
// Set the new color value plus 10.. you can play with this formula:
btn.setAttribute('data-colorvalue', color_value + 10)
// Now starts the magic...
// Make the css contents for the style element:
let css = '#btn:hover{background-color:rgb(' + val_r + ', ' + val_g + ', ' + val_b + ')}'
// If style element exists already, then lets overwrite its contents:
if (style != undefined) style.innerHTML = css
// .. however if there is none, then we must append new:
else style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css))
// Now we simply append the style element to the head:
<button id="btn" data-colorvalue="1">Click me</button>
You can use !important, but you may want to refactor your code by setting CSS variables with JavaScript or using mouseenter and mouseleave event handlers.
const btn = document.querySelector('#btn');
btn.style.backgroundColor = 'red'
:root {
--clr-black: black;
--clr-white: white;
.btn-hero {
font-family: var(--ff-primary);
text-transform: uppercase;
background: transparent;
color: var(--clr-black);
.btn-hero:hover {
color: var(--clr-white);
background: var(--clr-black) !important;
<button class="btn-hero" id="btn">click me</button>

how to make javascript function call two divs

i am trying to make a colour change when a button is clicked and i managed to do this however i want to change the colour of not just the main content container but more containers how do i do this?
function changeblackandwhite(objDivID) {
else if(document.getElementById(objDivID).style.color=='white'){
document.getElementById(objDivID).style.backgroundColor = 'white';
<img src="images/colour.jpg" title="Change Text/Backgroud Colors">
There are dozens of ways you can accomplish this.
You could change the argument of your function to be an array of strings. You could also reduce the complexity of your function as well
<script type="text/javascript">
changeblackandwhite = function() {
for( var idx=0; idx < arguments.length; idx++) {
var tgtDiv= document.getElementById(arguments[i]);
<img src="images/colour.jpg" title="Change Text/Backgroud Colors">
As another reader questioned - you can do this with jQuery in a single line.
With jQuery, you can declare the elements in question to have a class attribute.
Using jQuery, you can then do something like:
$('div.someClass').css({'color': 'black', 'background-color': 'white'});
The argument to jQuery can be a class based selector, an id based selector, or any other selector you choose.
If you are open to jquery and you assign 1 class in common with these two divs you can do the following:
This should get you started (see this jsfiddle): I changed the fiddle to include a neater solution where clicking on the button adds and removes classes on the containers which allows you to set multiple attributes including the text color in one quick call.
<div class='container'>
<div class='container'>
<button id="changeColor" type="button">Change Color </button>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready( function() {
$('#changeColor').click( function() {
if ($('.container').hasClass("blackContainer")){
} else {
.blackContainer {
background-color: black;
color: white;
.whiteContainer {
background-color: white;
color: black;
I made a jsfiddle for you to play around with jsfiddle
I also did the javascript/jQuery in a similar way as the OP since it usually helps them understand.
As stated above, there are several different ways to do this, I've done but one.
The document.ready function sets up an event listener for the object to be clicked, most of the time this is how you'll see events coded. So when the link is clicked, it calls the function with the string name of the object the listener is for.
$(document).ready(function() {
After the event listener is assigned, it will call the function below when the link is clicked on.
// Here's your function, put the current color in a var, check if it's black
// if black, change colors, else make it black.
function changeblackandwhite(objDivID) {
var curColor = $("#" + objDivID).css("color");
if( curColor == 'rgb(0, 0, 0)'){
} else {

Checking color value in javascript

So I set the color of the <body> with:
within the <head> and <style> tags,
and then I've got various elements in the body, for which if I click them, they call a function. i.e.
<p id="CSE1020" onclick="prereq(this)">CSE1020</p>
The prereq function is as follows:
function prereq(code) {
if (code.style.color != "black") {
code.style.color = "black";
code.style.fontWeight = "normal";
And otherwise, if the element is already black, I change the color.
The problem/question is: I have to click the element twice before it changes color.
In other words, its not 'black' initially. The if statement is executed, even though the default color, before it is clicked should be black. How do I get it to recognize that when I first click the element, that it's 'black'?
Is jQuery an option? If it is you could do this:http://jsfiddle.net/CxayY/
$('#CSE1020').on('click', function(){
Try searching in CSSRules:
function prereq(code) {
var cssRules = window.getMatchedCSSRules(code);
So, it works when I add the style to the element itself, i.e.
<p id="CSE1020" style="color:black" onclick="prereq(this)">CSE1020</p>

