How to create javascript object from concatenated key value pairs - javascript

I need to create an object from a variable created with concateneated key value pairs.
HardCoded (it is an array as dataSource for a jquery datatable), it looks like this:
obj = {
totalValue: valVar,
totalReceiptValue: receiptVar
My variable is:
cumulator ="totalValue:8573.0000,totalReceiptValue:3573.00,"
I've tried this,
var obj = {};
const name = "";
const value = cumulator;
obj[name] = value;
but then I have an extra key i.e. "": in the object which of course fails for my requirements.
How do I do this?

Assuming that there are no extra : or , signs that could mess with the logic, it can be achieved simply by spliting the strings and using the built in method Object.prototype.fromEntries
const input = "totalValue:8573.0000,totalReceiptValue:3573.00,";
const output = Object.fromEntries( // combine entries into object
input.split(",") // divide into pairs
.filter(Boolean) // remove empty elements (comma at the end)
.map((el) => el.split(":")) // divide the pair into key and value
There apparently being some problems with IE and Edge, the code above can be fixed by writing own implementation of from Entries and opting to not use arrow functions.
const input = "totalValue:8573.0000,totalReceiptValue:3573.00,";
const entries = input.split(",") // divide into pairs
const output = {};
for (let i=0; i<entries.length; i++) {
if (!entries[i]) continue; // remove empty elements (comma at the end)
const [key, val] = entries[i].split(":"); // divide the pair into key and value
output[key]=val; // combine entries into object

You can simply use split, map reduce functions.
Try this.
const input = "totalValue:8573.0000,totalReceiptValue:3573.00,";
const result = input.split(',').filter(Boolean).map(function(text) {
return text.split(':')
}).reduce(function(acc, curr) {
acc[curr[0]] = curr[1]
return acc
}, {})


FIlter the text content and try to convert filtered content into JSON

I'm having an input in the form of a string variable msg.payload as given below.
Hi Team,
Below are the details of for the given source platform.
Please do the needful ASAP
Thanks & Regards,
I want to take only the
ignore the rest and then convert it into JSON using JavaScript like
{"name":"abc", "status":"Active","company":"ABCD" ,"FromDate":"6/05/2020","ToDate":"20/05/2020"}
How can I accomplish it? All the data in the input will be of the form key=value.
You can take advantage of several built-in JavaScript string and array functions.
Convert input to an array of lines with String.prototype.split():
const lines = input.split('\n');
Filter out lines that don't contain an equals sign with Array.prototype.filter():
const kvPairs = lines.filter(line => line.includes('='));
Use Array.prototype.forEach() and String.prototype.split() to load the object with key-value properties:
let object = {};
kvPairs.forEach(line => {
[key, val] = line.split('=');
object[key] = val;
Putting it all together:
const input = 'Hi Team,\nBelow are the details of for the given source platform.\nname=abc\nstatus=Active\ncompany=Discovery\nFromDate=6/05/2020\nToDate=20/05/2020\nPlease do the needful ASAP\nThanks & Regards,\nxyz';
const lines = input.split('\n');
const kvPairs = lines.filter(line => line.includes('='));
let object = {};
kvPairs.forEach(line => {
[key, val] = line.split('=');
object[key] = val;
console.log('object:', object);

Alphabetically sort array with no duplicates

I'm trying to create a function that takes an array of strings and returns a single string consisting of the individual characters of all the argument strings, in alphabetic order, with no repeats.
var join = ["test"];
var splt = (("sxhdj").split(""))
var sort = splt.sort()
var jn = sort.join("")
function removeDuplicates(join) {
let newArr = {};
join.forEach(function(x) { //forEach will call a function once for
if (!newArr[x]) {
newArr[x] = true;
return Object.keys(newArr);
I can not get the current code to work
Check out the comments for the explanation.
Links of interest:
MDN Array.prototype.sort.
var splt = ("sxhdjxxddff").split("")
// You need to use localeCompare to properly
// sort alphabetically in javascript, because
// the sort function actually sorts by UTF-16 codes
// which isn't necessarily always alphabetical
var sort = splt.sort((a, b)=>a.localeCompare(b))
// This is an easy way to remove duplicates
// by converting to set which can't have dupes
// then converting back to array
sort = [ Set(sort)]
var jn = sort.join("");
Something like this :) Hope it helps!
const string = 'aabbccd';
const array = string.split('');
let sanitizedArray = [];
array.forEach(char => {
// Simple conditional to check if the sanitized array already
// contains the character, and pushes the character if the conditional
// returns false
!sanitizedArray.includes(char) && sanitizedArray.push(char)
let result = sanitizedArray.join('')
Try this:
const data = ['ahmed', 'ghoul', 'javscript'];
const result = ['')]
.filter((ele, i, arr) => arr.lastIndexOf(ele) === i)
There are probably better ways to do it, one way is to map it to an object, use the keys of the object for the used letters, and than sorting those keys.
const words = ['foo', 'bar', 'funky'];
const sorted =
([...words.join('')]) // combine to an array of letters
.reduce((obj, v) => obj[v] = 1 && obj, {}) // loop over and build hash of used letters
).sort() //sort the keys

Nested array formation with string in javascript

I have a string as "a.b.c.d:50" so i want to form an array with the above string as t[a][b][c][d]=50. so i have tried to split the code and form but this length of n values will generate dynamically. please let me know how we can achieve this.for fixed arrays i tried as below but not able to make this as for n number of arrays.
var str1="a.b.c.d:50";
var str=str1.split(":");
var dump=str[0].split(".");
then result will be t[a][b][c][d]=50
You could take the JSON string, parse it and iterate all key/value pairs for a nested structure by saving the last key and crate new objects if not exist and assign the vlaue with the last property.
function setValue(object, path, value) {
var last = path.pop();
path.reduce((o, k) => o[k] = o[k] || {}, object)[last] = value;
var json = '{"subscriber.userTier.segment": "Red"}',
object = {};
.forEach(([keys, value]) => setValue(object, keys.split('.'), value));
Are you able to use ES6? This is something I just wrote quickly
var t = {a:{b:{c:{d:0}}}};
var str = "a.b.c.d:50"
var [chain, value] = str.split(':')
var parts = chain.split('.');
parts.slice(0, -1).reduce((c, v) => c[v], t)[parts[parts.length - 1]] = value;
console.log(t.a.b.c.d); // logs "50"
It works, however there is no error handling. If t['a']['b'] is undefined for example then you will get an uncaught TypeError, also if the string is in the incorrect format etc, it won't work.
At it's heart it uses reduce on the array ['a', 'b', 'c']. We pass t as the initial value for the reducer and then for each item in the array it does currentValue = currentValue[nextPart]. This will get you the object c, we then look at the last value in the parts array and set that property currentValue[lastPart] = value
That's a brief overview, hopefully you understand the rest of what's going on. If not feel free to ask :)
Quick and Dirty way of converting a string to a JSON object, if the string is constructed as a valid object.
var str = "a.b.c.d:50";
str = str.replace(/([a-z]){1}/gi, "\"$1\"");
str.split(".").forEach(function (value) {
str = str.replace(/\.(.*?)$/, ":{$1}");
var ar = JSON.parse("{"+str+"}");

Javascript: Convert a JSON string into ES6 map or other to preserve the order of keys

Is there a native (built in) in ES6 (or subsequent versions), Javascript or in TypeScript method to convert a JSON string to ES6 map OR a self-made parser to be implemented is the option? The goal is to preserve the order of the keys of the JSON string-encoded object.
Note: I deliberately don't use the word "parse" to avoid converting a JSON string first to ECMA script / JavaScript object which by definition has no order of its keys.
For example:
{"b": "bar", "a": "foo" } // <-- This is how the JSON string looks
I need:
{ b: "bar", a: "foo" } // <-- desired (map version of it)
The only thing that I do differently is to get the keys with regex to maintain the order
let j = "{\"b\": \"bar\", \"a\": \"foo\", \"1\": \"value\"}"
let js = JSON.parse(j)
// Get the keys and maintain the order
let myRegex = /\"([^"]+)":/g;
let keys = []
while ((m = myRegex.exec(j)) !== null) {
// Transform each key to an object
let res = keys.reduce(function (acc, curr) {
[curr]: js[curr]
return acc
}, []);
If I understand what you're trying to achieve for option 2. Here's what I came up with.,console
let j = "{\"b\": \"bar\", \"a\": \"foo\"}"
let js = JSON.parse(j)
let res = Object.keys(js).reduce(function (acc, curr) {
[curr]: js[curr]
return acc
}, []);
Basically get all the keys of the object, and then reduce it. What the reducer function convert each keys to an object
function jsonToMap(jsonStr) {
return new Map(JSON.parse(jsonStr));
More details :
use for in loop
let map = new Map();
let jsonObj = {a:'a',b:'b',c:'c'}
for (let i in jsonObj){
btw, i saw the comment below and i think map is not ordered because you use key to achieve data in map, not the index.

Javascript array - split

I have a text file in which I have data on every line. It looks like this:
..and so on
So I loaded that text file into a variable via xmlhttprequest and then I converted it into an array using split by "\n" so now the result of lineArray[0] is number0;text0.. And now what I need is to split that array again so I could use number0 and text0 separately.
My idea being that I want to get the text0 by searching number0 for example lineArray[i][1] gives me texti..
Any ideas how to proceed now?
You need to do an additional split on ; as split(';') so that lineArray[0][1], lineArray[1][1] and so on gives you text0, text1 and so on.
var str = `number0;text0
var lineArray = str.split('\n').map(function(item){
return item.split(';');
Knowing I'm late, still making a contribution.
As everyone else said, split it again.
let text = "number0;text0\nnumber1;text1\nnumber2;text2"
let data = text.split('\n');
var objects = {};
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
let key = data[i].split(';')[0]; // Left hand value [Key]
let value = data[i].split(';')[1]; // Right hand value [Value]
// Add key and value to object
objects[key] = value;
// Access by property
Using forEach
let text = "number0;text0\nnumber1;text1\nnumber2;text2"
let data = text.split('\n');
var objects = {};
data.forEach((elem) => {
let key = elem.split(';')[0]; // Left hand value [Key]
let value = elem.split(';')[1]; // Right hand value [Value]
objects[key] = value;
// Access by property
Just use split again with ";", like that:
myVar = text.split(';');
like #Teemu, #Weedoze and #Alex said
Convert the array into an object
Make an object out of it with another String split. To do so you can use the .reduce method to convert the array of strings into an object.
const strings = ['number0;text0', 'number1;text1', 'number3;text3', 'number4;text4'] ;
const obj = strings.reduce((acc,curr) => {
const [key, value] = curr.split(';');
acc[key] = value;
return acc;
}, {});
This way you can access text4 buy calling obj['number4'].
More about .reduce
The reduce method works by looping through strings
on each step acc is the accumulator: it contains the object that is getting filled with key/value pairs.
cur is the current item in the step
const [key, value] = curr.split(';') will to split the string into two strings and assign each to a seperate variable: key and value. It's called destructuring assignment
then I assign the key/value pair to the accumulator
the .reducemethod will return the accumulator on his state on the last step of the loop
Something like this could do the trick:
let a = "number0;text0\nnumber1;text1\nnumber2;text2";
let lines = a.split('\n');
let vals = [];
for(let line of lines) {
console.log(vals); // Output
The last four lines create an empty array and split on the ';' and append that value to the vals array. I assume you already have the something like the first 2 lines

