Best way to to pass the output of a function to child components in Vue - javascript

I have a parent component with a data object config as below:
data() {
return {
config: {
Groups: [
name: "A",
Types: [
{ mask: 1234, name: "Alice", type: 1},
{ mask: 5678, name "Bob", type: 1},
name: "B",
Types: [
{ mask: 9876, name: "Charlie", type: 2},
{ mask: 5432, name "Drake", type: 2},
Defaults: {
dummyBoolean: false,
dummyNumber: 1
There are also 2 child components that for each of them, I want to pass the Types array (within each elements of the Groups object) if == child component's name.
What I've done so far is having a computed function for each of the components as follows (which is highly inefficient):
computed: {
dataSender_A() {
let array= []
this.config.Groups.forEach( element => {
if ( === "A") array = element.Types
return array
dataSender_B() {
let array= []
this.config.Groups.forEach( element => {
if ( === "B") array = element.Types
return array
I'm looking for a better alternative to make this happen (as I might have more child components) and two approaches I tried so far have failed.
Having only one computed function that takes the component's name as argument and can be passed like <child-component-A :types="dataSender('A')" /> <child-component-B :types="dataSender('B')" /> (As it throws error dataSender is not a function)
computed: {
dataSender: function(groupName) {
let array= []
this.config.Groups.forEach( element => {
if ( === groupName) array = element.Types
return array
Having the above function in methods and pass that as props to child components (As it passes the function itself, not the outputted array)
I'd appreciate any help on this.

The computed properties don't accept parameters that are involved in the calculation, In this case you could just use a method like :
methods: {
dataSender: function(groupName) {
let array= []
this.config.Groups.forEach( element => {
if ( === groupName) array = element.Types
return array


Return all values of nested arrays using string identifier

Given an object searchable, is there a simple way of returning all the id values using lodash or underscore.js (or equivalent) where I can define the path to id?
const searchable = {
things: [
id: 'thing-id-one',
properties: [
{ id: 'd1-i1' },
{ id: 'd1-i2' },
id: 'thing-id-two',
properties: [
{ id: 'd2-i1' },
{ id: 'd2-i2' },
I am looking to see if this is possible in a manner similar to how we can use lodash.get e.g. if we wanted to return the things array from searchable we could do
const things = _.get(searchable, 'things');
I can't seem to find anything similar in the documentation. I am looking for something
that could contain an implementation similar to:
_.<some_function>(searchable, 'things[].properties[].id')
Note: I am well aware of functions like etc and there are numerous ways of extracting the id property - it is this specific use case that I am trying to figure out, what library could support passing a path as a string like above or does lodash/underscore support such a method.
Found a solution using the package jsonpath
const jp = require('jsonpath');
const result = jp.query(searchable, '$.things[*].properties[*].id')
// outputs: [ 'd1-i1', 'd1-i2', 'd2-i1', 'd2-i2' ]
you can do it easily in plain js
like this
const searchable = {
things: [
id: 'thing-id-one',
properties: [
{ id: 'd1-i1' },
{ id: 'd1-i2' },
id: 'thing-id-two',
properties: [
{ id: 'd2-i1' },
{ id: 'd2-i2' },
const search = (data, k) => {
if(typeof data !== 'object'){
return []
return Object.entries(data).flatMap(([key, value]) => key === k ? [value]: search(value, k))
console.log(search(searchable, 'id')) and _.flatten together with iteratee shorthands let you expand nested properties. Every time you need to expand into an array, just chain another map and flatten:
const searchable = {
things: [
id: 'thing-id-one',
properties: [
{ id: 'd1-i1' },
{ id: 'd1-i2' },
id: 'thing-id-two',
properties: [
{ id: 'd2-i1' },
{ id: 'd2-i2' },
// Let's say the path is "things[].properties[].id"
const result = _.chain(searchable)
<script src=""></script>

Filter array of objects by value

I want to filter an array of objects, by a specific value within the objects.
In the example i've provided I want to filter the array 'pets' by a value in the array 'characteristics'. For example, where I have called the function with the param 'loyal', i'd only expect the object for the dog value to be returned, as only the dog has that characteristic.
At the moment when I call the function both objects are returned even though only the object for dog has that value in its characteristics array.
const pets = [
name: 'dog',
characteristics: [
value: 'loyal'
value: 'big'
name: 'cat',
characteristics: [
value: 'fluffy'
value: 'small'
function filterPets(pets, characteristic) {
return pets.filter(function(pet) {
return pet.characteristics.filter(o => o.value.includes(characteristic));
console.log(filterPets(pets, 'loyal'));
That's because for the characteristics check you're using filter, which always returns an array (even if a blank one), and even a blank array is a truthy value, so the outer filter keeps every pet you check. For that inner check, you want some, not filter, so you get a flag for whether any entries matched:
function filterPets(pets, characteristic) {
return pets.filter(function(pet) {
return pet.characteristics.some(o => o.value.includes(characteristic));
// −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−^^^^
const pets = [
name: 'dog',
characteristics: [
value: 'loyal'
value: 'big'
name: 'cat',
characteristics: [
value: 'fluffy'
value: 'small'
function filterPets(pets, characteristic) {
return pets.filter(function(pet) {
return pet.characteristics.some(o => o.value.includes(characteristic));
console.log(filterPets(pets, 'loyal'));
Just for what it's worth, I assume characteristics are unique (you can't have "loyal" twice), so you might prefer to keep those in a Set so you can check for them more easily than .some(o => o.includes(characteristic)). For instance:
const pets = [
name: "dog",
characteristics: new Set(["loyal", "big"]),
name: "cat",
characteristics: new Set(["fluffy", "small"]),
function filterPets(pets, characteristic) {
return pets.filter(function(pet) {
return pet.characteristics.has(characteristic);
Live Example:
const pets = [
name: "dog",
characteristics: new Set(["loyal", "big"]),
name: "cat",
characteristics: new Set(["fluffy", "small"]),
function filterPets(pets, characteristic) {
return pets.filter(function(pet) {
return pet.characteristics.has(characteristic);
console.log(filterPets(pets, "loyal"));
console.log("Don't worry about the {} for characteristics, the Stack Snippets console doesn't know how to display Set objects. Look in the real console if you want to double-check the set.");
function filterPets(list, charValue) {
const filteredPets = [],petIndex,array) {{
if(charac.value === charValue){
return filteredPets.push(array[petIndex])
return filteredPets

How to find the id of an object within an array having only one identified attribute of the "child" array

I would like help to develop a function using the most optimized approach in Javascript to find the id of the "parent" object having only a code of an "child" object (inside dataArray).
getIdParent("240#code") -> return "1"
id: 0,
id: 182,
code: "182#code",
name: "Product1"
id: 183,
code: "183#code",
name: "Product2"
id: 1,
id: 240,
code: "240#code",
name: "Product2"
id: 341,
code: "341#code",
name: "Product2"
Thanks in advance.
You don't really have a lot of options here.
The only real optimisation I can think of is based on how often you expect to call this function.
If it's only once, you just need to iterate the array, searching for values and return as early as possible to prevent unnecessary iterations.
function getIdParent(childCode) {
return arr.find(parent =>
parent.dataArray.some(({ code }) => code === childCode))?.id
If multiple times, you should build up an indexed map of child code to parent object and then reference that
const arr = [{"id":0,"dataArray":[{"id":182,"code":"182#code","name":"Product1"},{"id":183,"code":"183#code","name":"Product2"}]},{"id":1,"dataArray":[{"id":240,"code":"240#code","name":"Product2"},{"id":341,"code":"341#code","name":"Product2"}]}]
const codeMap = arr.reduceRight((map, parent) => {
parent.dataArray.forEach(({ code }) => {
map.set(code, parent)
return map
}, new Map())
function getIdParent(code) {
return codeMap.get(code)?.id
let search = ["240#code", "182#code", "NotFound"]
search.forEach(code => {
console.log("Parent ID for", code, "=", getIdParent(code))

Updated nested object by matching ID

I have an array with nested objects that I need to update from another array of objects, if they match.
Here is the data structure I want to update:
const invoices = {
BatchItemRequest: [
bId: "bid10",
Invoice: {
Line: [
SalesItemLineDetail: {
ItemAccountRef: { AccountCode: "10110" },
SalesItemLineDetail: {
ItemAccountRef: { AccountCode: "11110" },
Amount: 2499,
bId: "bid10",
Invoice: {
Line: [
SalesItemLineDetail: {
ItemAccountRef: { AccountCode: "10110" },
SalesItemLineDetail: {
ItemAccountRef: { AccountCode: "10111" },
Amount: 2499,
Here is the array of objects I want to update it from:
const accounts = [
{ AccountCode: "10110", Id: "84" },
{ AccountCode: "11110", Id: "5" },
{ AccountCode: "10111", Id: "81" },
I want to update invoices, using accounts, by inserting Id if AccountCode matches, to get the following structure:
const invoices = {
BatchItemRequest: [
bId: "bid10",
Invoice: {
Line: [
SalesItemLineDetail: {
ItemAccountRef: { AccountCode: "10110", Id: "84" },
SalesItemLineDetail: {
ItemAccountRef: { AccountCode: "11110", Id: "5" },
Amount: 2499,
bId: "bid10",
Invoice: {
Line: [
SalesItemLineDetail: {
ItemAccountRef: { AccountCode: "10110", Id: "84" },
SalesItemLineDetail: {
ItemAccountRef: { AccountCode: "10111", Id: "81" },
Amount: 2499,
I have tried various methods, such as the following:
const mapped = => {
return Object.assign(
accounts.find((item2) => {
return item2 && item1.Invoice.Line.ItemAccountRef.AccountCode === item2.AccountCode;
Problem with this approach (it doesn't work as I think I need to do another nested map), but it also creates a new array, only including the nested elements of invoices.
Does anyone know a good approach to this?
This isn't the cleanest of code but it gets the job done:
function matchInvoiceWithAccount(invoices, accounts) {
const mappedInvoices = => {
// Shouldn't modify input parameter, could use Object.assign to create a copy and modify the copy instead for purity
request.Invoice.Line = => {
const accountCode = line.SalesItemLineDetail.ItemAccountRef.AccountCode;
// If accounts was a map of AccountCode to Id you would't need to search for it which would be more effective
const account = accounts.find((account) => account.AccountCode === accountCode);
if (account) {
line.SalesItemLineDetail.ItemAccountRef.Id = account.Id;
return line;
return request;
return {
BatchItemRequest: mappedInvoices,
What you could and probably should do to improve this is to not modify the input parameters of the function, but that requires that you in a better way copy the original, either using Object.assign or spread operator.
At first, it will be good to create Map from your accounts array. We will go one time for array with O(n) and then will read ids by code with O(1). And nested fors is O(m*n), that will be much more slower at big arrays.
const idsByAccountCodes = new Map();
accounts.forEach((data) => {
idsByAccountCodes.set(data.AccountCode, data.Id);
or shorter:
const idsByAccountCode = new Map( => [data.AccountCode, data.Id]))
then if you want to mutate original values you can go through all nesting levels and add values
for ( const {Invoice:{ Line: line }} of invoices.BatchItemRequest){
for ( const {SalesItemLineDetail: {ItemAccountRef: item}} of line){
item.Id = idsByAccountCodes.get(item.AccountCode) || 'some default value'
// also if you don't have ids for all codes you need to define logic for that case
If you don't need to mutate original big object "invoices" and all of nested objects, then you can create recursive clone of if with something like lodash.cloneDeep

Filter an array of objects with a second array with multiple values

I am trying to write a function to take the first object in the "parent" array, pull out the child field (which is in that array) and use that field to filter the second object called "child".
I want to get all the related records from the child object that are in the child field in the parent object.
Expected output
child: [
**id: 1,**
name: 'Jimmy Yukka',
**id: 2,**
name: 'Up North',
Parent: [
**id: 1,**
name: 'Melbourne Bands',
**child: [1, 2]**
I have the following data
Parent: [
**id: 1,**
name: 'Melbourne Bands',
**child: [1, 2]**
id: 2,
name: 'Sydney Bands',
child: [3]
child: [
**id: 1,**
name: 'Jimmy Yukka',
**id: 2,**
name: 'Up North',
id: 3,
url: '',
name: 'INXS',
CreatedByUserId: 1
The code of the function I have implemented so far:
currentChildrenIds(ParentId, parentData, childData) {
const singleParentRecord = parentData.filter(function(parent) {
return === ParentId;
const parentsChildIds = singleParentRecord[0].books;
const childRecords = childData.filter(function(child) {
return === parentsChildIds
return childRecords
This bit here is where it is wrong
const childRecords = childData.filter(function(child) {
return === parentsChildIds
This bit here is also a bit rubbish (hardcoding the [0])but not I'm not sure how I should be coding it correctly
const parentsChildIds = singleParentRecord[0].books;
const childRecords = childData.filter(function(child) {
return === parentsChildIds
parentsChildIds is a reference to an array: you don't want to test if an id is === to a a reference,
You have to be explicit and check if the id is contained in the array:
const childRecords = childData.filter(function(child) {
return parentsChildIds.includes(
Regarding the singleParentRecord[0] that does feel weird,
since you know the method filter will always return an array of size 1 or 0,
you can use the method find instead of filter
Also in functionnal programming (array functions such as filter, map, find...)
I advice you to read a bit about the arrow function syntax because:
The syntex is more dense and it makes it easier for your brain to understand when several functions are chained
If you want to use variables which are defined outside of the function it will be available only inside of an arrow function
your code with an arrow function:
const childRecords = childData.filter((child) => {
return === parentsChildIds
Try this:
const Parent = [
id: 1,
name: 'Melbourne Bands',
child: [1, 2]
id: 2,
name: 'Sydney Bands',
child: [3]
const children = [
id: 1,
name: 'Jimmy Yukka',
id: 2,
name: 'Up North',
id: 3,
url: '',
name: 'INXS',
CreatedByUserId: 1
// We create a new array with
const result = => ({
// Spread properties of the parent
// Override the child property and filter the children array with the `includes` method
child: children.filter(child => parent.child.includes(,

