Render components under root route not working as expected - javascript

I have a route path / that rendering Home component
Home component contain a list. every item should render a route /:id
So much paths will be www.example/:id
I would render lists content under home content.
My problem is that every time I click on a list item the list get disappeared and nothing is rendered.
function Home() {
return (
{{ name, id }) => (
<li key={id}>
<Link to={`/${id}`}>{name}</Link>
<hr />
<Route path={`/:topicId`} component={Topic} />
function Topic() {
return <div>TOPIC</div>;
class App extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<Route exact path="/" component={Home} />
export default App;
Here's an example

For this kind of similar routes. we will deal with exact props. No need to reorder the routes.
<Route exact path="/" component={Home} />
<Route path="/:topicId" component={Topic} />
For more details, you can follow

You should remove the exact, like so:
<Route path="/" component={Home} />
<Route path="/:topicId" component={Topic} />
Now your Home & Topic will appear


ReactJS Routing Page Refresh

Currently using ReactJS to construct a small web app. I have the following parent function:
const Main = () => {
return (
<div className="dialog-base">
<Route exact path="/login" component={Login}></Route>
<Route exact path="/login/forgot_password" component={ForgotPwd}></Route>
<Route exact path="/login/reset_password/:key" component={ResetPwd}></Route>
<Route exact path="/portal" component={Portal}></Route>
and the following is the "Portal" component:
class Portal extends React.Component {
render = () => {
return (
<BrowserRouter basename="/main">
<div className="navmenu">
<NavLink to="messaging" activeClassName="selected">Messaging</NavLink>
<NavLink to="files" activeClassName="selected"></NavLink>
<NavLink to="payledger" activeClassName="selected"></NavLink>
<div className="apparea">
<Route path="/messaging" component={Messaging}></Route>
<Route path="/files" component={Files}></Route>
<Route path="/payledger" component={PayLedger}></Route>
When the portal component is loaded and I refresh the web page, the page goes blank. I am assuming that this has something to do with the nested routing? Any help on how to fix it would be much appreciated.
You don't need two <BrowserRouter />. Just define one <BrowserRouter /> in your top level component.
In react-router-dom v4+ the <Route /> is just like a regular component and you can use it inside your components to render UI when the path matches the URL.
Here is the working codesandbox example.
Make sure not to put exact on your parent <Route /> because when you have child routes like /main/messaging the <Route exact path="/main" /> never gets to render and therefore children of that route can't be rendered also.
You keep your <Main /> component as is but remove the exact from the <Route path='/portal' /> and change the <Portal />.
class Portal extends React.Component {
render = () => {
return (
<div className="navmenu">
<NavLink to="/portal/messaging" activeClassName="selected">Messaging</NavLink>
<NavLink to="/portal/files" activeClassName="selected"></NavLink>
<NavLink to="/portal/payledger" activeClassName="selected"></NavLink>
<div className="apparea">
<Route path="/portal/messaging" component={Messaging}></Route>
<Route path="/portal/files" component={Files}></Route>
<Route path="/portal/payledger" component={PayLedger}></Route>

React-Router-DOM: unable to render Link in the same page (component)

consider the following example, I have a login page and an admin page. After logging in we will be redirected to admin page.
The admin page is shown as follows.
Desired behaviour: To render cars component in the admin component itself
Actual behaviour: On clicking cars or bikes component they are being rendered on a different page.
code is as follows
//imports here
function App() {
<Route exact path="/" component={Login} />
<Route exact path="/admin" component={Admin} />
<Route exact path="/cars" component={Cars} />
<Route exact path="/bikes" component={Bikes} />
//imports here
const Admin = () => {
return (
<div className="is-flex">
<Sidebar />
<Navbar />
// imports here
const Sidebar = () => {
return (
<aside className="aside">
<p className="menu-label">Test Routes</p>
<ul className="menu-list">
<Link to="/cars">Cars</Link>
<Link to="/bikes">Bikes</Link>
Using react-router-dom ^5.1.2
Tried this but not able to understand what I missed? how to solve this problem?
Move your default route to the bottom of the stack. i.e.
function App() {
<Route path="/admin" component={Admin} />
<Route path="/cars" component={Cars} />
<Route path="/bikes" component={Bikes} />
<Route exact path="/" component={Login} />

Unable to render react components upon clicking the Links

I have a react application in which I have wrapped layout components for the other routes, the thing is when I click the links present in the sidebar(part of layout) they are not being rendered on the screen, here is my code.
//Imports here
<Provider store={store}>
<Route exact path="/admin" render={() => <Admin />} />
<Route exact path="/employees" render={() => <Employees />} />
<Route exact path="/profile" component={Profile} />
//imports here
//styling here
<Link to='/employees' />
// and likewise for rest of the routes
When clicking the links ie, employees or profile they aren't being rendered, tried console.log to see if my layout was obstructing that, but no use. Please help me
It should be inside the Switch component but you can wrap it with a Layout component like that.
const Headers = () => (
<Link to="/admin">Admin</Link>
<Link to="/profile">Profile</Link>
<Link to="/employees">Employees</Link>
function App() {
return (
<Route exact path="/admin" render={() => <Admin />} />
<Route exact path="/employees" render={() => <Employees/>}/>
<Route exact path="/profile" component={Profile} />
If your URL is changing but the content is not being rendered, the problem is this, apart from wrapping the Routes as mentioned in #G.aziz 's answer since the routes are children WRT layout components we have to use {props.children} inside the layout component to render the content like so...
<Sidebar />
<Navbar />
{props.children} // here we are rendering the routes which we mentioned in the switch component in App.js
For me this solution fixed. Also please refer this question for further information. React-router v4, URL changing but component doesn't render

Error is: A <Router> may have only one child element

I have problem in React.js when I save the code the website page say:
A <Router> may have only one child element
What is the problem and how can I solve it?
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Head from './component/head';
import Contacts from './component/contacts';
import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Switch } from 'react-router-dom'
import Addcontacts from './component/Addcontacts';
import { Provider } from "./context";
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';
class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
<Head promo = 'alow' />
<div className='container'>
<Route exact path='/' Component={Contacts} />
<Route exact path='/add' Component={Addcontacts} />
export default App;
you can use React.Fragment to fix this issue.
<Head promo = 'alow' />
<div className='container'>
<Route exact path='/' Component={Contacts} />
<Route exact path='/add' Component={Addcontacts} />
So basically you just need to have a single tag in you compenent as a child.
Inside your <Router> wrap everything in a single <div> like this
// all your content
Router expect this.props.children to be null or to have length equal to 1
In your case its more than 1
So if you wrap all attr. inside a single tag it should work fine
You can use any of these
<> => React.Fragment
<div> => DIV
class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
<Head promo = 'alow' />
<div className='container'>
<Route exact path='/' Component={Contacts} />
<Route exact path='/add' Component={Addcontacts} />

React-router v4 updates url but doesn't render component

I'm using react-router v4, no redux. The code example is below:
class MainPage extends Component {
render() {
return (
<div className="MainPage">
{/* <Route exact path='/' /> */}
<Route path='/signin' component={SignIn}/>
<Route path='/signup' component={SignUp} />
<Redirect from='*' to='/' />
When I'm using Link it updates URL in browser but doesn't render anything, nothing happens. When I resfresh, everything becomes fine and component renderes;
export default class Navbar extends Component {
render() {
return (
<div className="navbar">
<Link to='/signin'>Sign in</Link>
<Link to='/signup'>Sign up</Link>
I already tried everything, even withRouter(Component), but it says that with router may only be used inside
How can I deal with this?
Here is the working code. As others explained you should use one BrowserRouter. If you want to render your Navbar component all the time then you should place it above Switch but under BrowserRouter hence you need Link there.
const Navbar = () => (
<div className="navbar">
<Link to='/signin'>Sign in</Link>
<Link to='/signup'>Sign up</Link>
class MainPage extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<div className="MainPage">
<Navbar />
{/* <Route exact path='/' /> */}
<Route path='/signin' component={SignIn} />
<Route path='/signup' component={SignUp} />
<Redirect from='*' to='/' />
You should only have a single BrowserRouter component in your tree. The BrowserRouter component holds the shared state the router used to synchronize the URL with the rendered routes. In your situation, you are getting two different versions of router state because you rendering two BrowserRouter components so you should probably render a single BrowserRouter component somewhere higher in your component tree.
If you have an App component that renders both Navbar and MainPage then you can move the router into that component:
export default class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
<div className="AppContainer">
<Navbar />
<MainPage />

