AFrame: position offset units when adding new Object3D to the current one - javascript

I'm trying to add an Object3D to my gltf model and place it above the model. I'm doing it the following way:
this.el.addEventListener('model-loaded', () => { = new MyCustomObject3D();
const size = new THREE.Vector3();
let box = new THREE.Box3().setFromObject(this.el.object3D);
let height = size.y + 1;, height, 0);
// same result:
// this.el.object3D.add(;
The height is 2 and if I placed an element with this position into root (i.e. scene) it would be placed correctly right above the model. But when I add it to the Object3D it's being placed somewhere below the model on height ~0.5. Only by multiplying the height by 25 I could achieve the right position.
So how to calculate the exact offset needed to place the new Object3D above the model without multiplying it to a random number?
Adding reproducible example. Note the width and height I had to pass to GLTF model.

One way of placing objects above a model, would be grabbing its bounding box, and placing an object above it.
In general, it it simple - just like you did it:
let box = new THREE.Box3().setFromObject(this.el.object3D);
let height = size.y + 1;, height, 0);
But in this case - the bounding box is off. Way off. The minimum is way too low, and the maximum is somewhere in the middle. Why is that? (tldr: check it out here)
The cuprit is: skinning. The model is transformed by its bones - which is a form of vertex displacement that happens on the GPU (vertex shader), and has nothing to do with the geometry (source).
Here is some visual aid - the model with its armature:
And without the armature applied:
Now we see why the box is off - its corresponding to the bottom picture!
So we need to re-create what the bones are doing to the geometry:
1. The hard route
You need to take a THREE.Box3.
Iterate through each geometry point of the model
Apply the bone transform to each point (it is done here - but not available in a-frame 1.0.4)
Expand the THREE.Box3
2. The easy route
While looking into this, I've made a utility function THREE.Box3Utils.fromSkinnedMesh(mesh, box3); - box3 will be the bounding box of the model at the time when the function is called.
The function is a part of this repo.
Its used on this example.


Imported meshes can't be picked deterministically

I've got grid of cylinder meshes created simply by
var tile = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateCylinder("tile-" + i, { tessellation: 6, height: 0.1 }, scene);
then I have following event callback
window.addEventListener("click", function (evt) {
// try to pick an object
var pickResult = scene.pick(evt.clientX, evt.clientY);
if (pickResult.pickedMesh != null){
Then mouse-click on one of tiles raises message box with correct tile name.
When I add some new meshes (3D model inside .babylon file) by
var house;
BABYLON.SceneLoader.ImportMesh("", "../Content/"
, "house.babylon"
, scene
, function (newMeshes)
{ house = newMeshes[0]; });
For better imagination it's texture of house created from four different meshes which is placed over grid of cylinder tiles.
It's displayed fine but when mouse-click it too much often behave as it would totally ignore there is such a mesh and so pickResult.pickedMesh is either null or points to tile underlaying my imported mesh in point I've clicked.
Just approximately 5% of mesh area corresponds properly to mouse-clicks (let's say in middle of roof, in middle of walls).
I've tried playing with setting some virtual (hidden) house.parent mesh for that which would not be created by importing meshes but seems as dead end.
Are you aware about some way how enforce that scene.pick(evt.clientX, evt.clientY); would respect mesh hierarchy and would consider all visible parts of overlaying texture?
Just for completeness I'm working with middle part of this 3D model (removed left and right house from that).
EDIT: Demo on BabylonJS playground
you could try change
var pickResult = scene.pick(evt.clientX, evt.clientY);
var pickResult = scene.pick(scene.pointerX, scene.pointerY);
as evt corresponds to whole page.

Get object position in a three.js scene dynamically

I am new to threejs.
I have scene with an object in it which we can move around the scene on all the XYZ Axis using TransformControls.js.
When I translate/move the object inside the scene using mouse click and drag on any of the axis (i.e X,Y,Z). I want to get the updated X,Y,Z position co-ordinates of that particular object inside the scene.
I use mesh.position.set( 0, 0, 0 ); to set position of the object prior rendering the scene, But I am not able to find how to get the dynamic position of an object inside a scene.
Eventually I want to save the updated position co-ordinates after the transform operation and re-render the scene with the object at the updated position co-ordinates when the user comes back to the page or does a page refresh.
Any pointers would be very helpful.
Thank you
THREE.TransformControls requires a few steps to use.
Create your THREE.TransformControls object
Add it to your scene
Attach it to the object you wish to manipulate
var xformControl = new THREE.TransformControls(camera, renderer.domElement);
// assuming you add "myObj" to your scene...
// and then later...
Attaching the control to an object will insert a manipulation "gizmo" into the scene. Dragging the various parts of the gizmo will perform different kinds of transformations. After you are done transforming the part with the gizmo, checking mesh.position should reflect the new position.
Additional information for clarity:
The position of the object will not be updated until you use the "gizmo" to move it. Example:
Your object is in the scene at (10, 10, 10)
The "gizmo" is created at (10, 10, 10)
Your object remains at (10, 10, 10)
Use the "gizmo" to translate the object in +Y direction
Your object will now have an updated position
console.log(yourObject.position.y > 10); // true
I might be too late, but you can get the updated value by using TransformControls' objectChange event.
Example code:
const transformControls = new TransformControls(camera, renderer.domElement);
transformControls.addEventListener('objectChange', (e) => {
first answer is not correct, it should be:
onst transformControls = new TransformControls(camera, renderer.domElement);
transformControls.addEventListener('objectChange', (e) => {

Helper Function Needed to Turn WebGL / Three.js Lengths to Pixesl

I'm am searching for how WebGL / Three.js in general sets their heights and widths.
As in what numbers systems do they use to set x,y,z.
For the Example below, the arrow it pointing straight up with the Y being set to 1 but in pixels it looks like 15- - 200 pixels.
Is there a helper function that i can write that I could pass in 100 for the pixels and it would return me the correct number to float number to use with THREE.js.
Excuse me if I am not talking in correct terms when it comes to number system but this is he only way i know how to reference it at this point.
The only thing i am missing below is creating the scene. but the rest is there, the image shows what it looks lik.
Once again is there a helper function that i can pass pixels to and in return get back the correct number in float for use with THREE.js?
Here is my arrow:
// create a new one
var sphere = createMesh(new THREE.SphereGeometry(5, 10, 10));
var cube = createMesh(new THREE.BoxGeometry(6, 6, 6));
sphere.position.set(controls.spherePosX, controls.spherePosY, controls.spherePosZ);
cube.position.set(controls.cubePosX, controls.cubePosY, controls.cubePosZ);
// add it to the scene.
// also create a group, only used for rotating
var group = new THREE.Group();
var arrow = new THREE.ArrowHelper(new THREE.Vector3(0, 1, 0), 0, 10, 0x0000ff);
I receive these JS objects with the Pixels then write to screen, but how do i convert the pixels down to usable units in 3D?
The lengths in 3D do not translate to lengths in 2D uniformly. Especially when perspective projection is employed.
Let's consider your example: Two arrows of the same 3D length and the same orientation would render to different 2D lengths depending on their distance from the camera. The arrow that is closer to camera will be rendered longer than the arrow farther from camera.
In order to maintain a certain pixel length for a certain arrow, you'd have to adjust the 3D length of the arrow every time some parameters of the camera change (e.g. position, orientation, FOV). And also every time the position or orientation of the arrow changes. This is possible (see comment by #WacławJasper ) but rather complicated.
If you could explain the bigger picture of what you wish to achieve there might be a simpler solution to your problem.

THREE JS how to detect if one object is facing a selected point

So I'm very new to THREE JS and I've been trying to figure this out for a few hours now, but how do I determine whether or not a mesh is facing a selected point? Essentially what I have is an RTS style game, where you can select a character and select where he moves to. Currently you can select the character and you can select and where you want it to move to on the map and it will start walking, however I can't figure out how to determine if it is facing the right direction. I don't want to use lookAt because I want the mesh to turn while it walks forward, and not do anything instantaneously.
a simple solution is to select arbitrary look vector
var lookVector = new THREE.Vector3(0,0,1);
and when you need to do some check transform a copy of this vector with mesh matrix (make sure matrix is updated and count in the geometry transformations if you did any)
var direction = lookVector.clone().applyMatrix4(mesh.matrix);
var origin =;
var lookVectorAtThisTime = direction.sub(origin);
then calculate the angle to your point of interest
var vectorToPOI = POI.sub(origin);
var angle = lookVectorAtThisTime.angleTo(vectorToPOI);
if(angle < minAngle)
//looking at the point
you can also calculate your look vector directly from geometry or some other way origin vector can be something else than the center of the object, but this should get you on the right path..

ThreeJS - adding objects in different order affects alpha / display

My program creates dynamic number of point cloud objects with custom attributes that includes the alpha value of each particle. This works fine, however, when the objects are nested within each other (say spheres) the smaller (inner) ones are getting obscured by the bigger ones, even though their particles' alpha is set properly. When I reverse the order of adding the point-cloud objects to the scene, starting with the bigger ones, going down to the smaller ones, I can see the smaller ones thru the bigger ones.
My question is whether there is a way to tell the renderer to update or recalculate the alpha values or re-render the smaller inner objects so that they show up?
I ran into the same problem as you do. I fixed it to calculate and set the renderdepth for each mesh. For this you need the camera position and the center of your mesh.
You probably already created meshes for each object. If you save all these meshes into an array, it's easier to calculate and set the renderdepth on these objects.
Here's an example how I did it.
updateRenderDepthOnRooms(cameraPosition: THREE.Vector3): void {
var rooms: Room[] = this.getAllRooms();
rooms.forEach((room) => {
var roomCenter = getCenter(room.mesh.geometry);
var renderDepth = 0 - roomCenter.distanceToSquared(cameraPosition);
room.mesh.renderDepth = renderDepth;
function getCenter(geometry: THREE.Geometry): THREE.Vector3 {
var bb = geometry.boundingBox;
var offset = new THREE.Vector3();
offset.addVectors(bb.min, bb.max);
return offset;
So, to get the center of your object, you can ask the geometry from your mesh and use the getCenter(..) function from my example. Then you calculate the renderdepth with the ThreeJs function distanceToSquared(..) and then set this renderdepth to your mesh.
That's it. Hope this will help you.

