Adblocker blocks XMLHttpRequest - javascript

I understand the fact, that adblockers try to deny loading (image) data later on. Anyway, I want to send some data to a php script (/log.php) to save it in a sql database. So in fact I don't care about the responsetext. This is my current js function I use to call the php script:
function log(id, unix_ms, frameid, eventtype, targetid, value){
var parameters = "";
parameters = parameters.concat("id=", encodeURI(id), "&unix_ms=", encodeURI(unix_ms), "&frameid=", encodeURI(frameid), "&eventtype=", eventtype, "&targetid=", targetid, "&value=", value);
var httprequest = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", "/scripts/log.php", true);
httprequest.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
httprequest.onreadystatechange = function() {
if(httprequest.readyState == 4 && http.status == 200) {
What can I change to pass the adblocker? I mean facebook uses things like ajax in masses to load text and even images in the timeline.
Is there maybe a way to use frames in the background since I don't care about the answer?

After analysing the log as suggested in a comment I found out that log.php seems to be in the blocklist, even if it's on the same server. So name you php files a little more complex to avoid this.
log.php -> submitlog.php


Function execute after Ajax request is complete (pure JavaScript)

In my application I use MVC model and Views are built with JavaScript DOM API.
On each page I have to check user's information to find out if session is active and if user's role gives him ability to access that page.
To make this happen, on each page I have "onload" function that triggers "sessionCheck" function which sends AJAX request to controller and returns information with which application makes decisions.
As I said JavaScript is also used to build Views, which means that after "sessionCheck" function I also have "headerView", "sectionView" and other functions that build the structure of page.
So the problem is that, before "sessionCheck" is finished other functions are loaded and nearly for 1-2 seconds users have ability to see what happens on that page and only after that they are transported out of that page by application if that is needed.
I read that there are some solutions in JQuery where "ajax.Complete" functions are available, but I couldn't same solutions in pure JavaScript. Can someone help me to solve this problem ?
This is HTML
<body onload="sessionCheckAdmin(); adminHeaderView(); adminUser(); modalView();">
sessionCheckAdmin functions looks like this
function sessionCheckAdmin()
var formData = new FormData();
formData.append("Code", "3");
formData.append("Sequence", "27");
formData.append("TaskId", "All");
var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function()
if(xmlHttp.readyState == 4 && xmlHttp.status == 200)
var array = JSON.parse(xmlHttp.responseText);
if(array["userRole"] != "Administrator")
window.location.href = "task.php";
}"POST", "../Controller.php");
Part of PHP controller
case 27:
$array = json_encode($_SESSION);
echo $array;

Calling php function inside Javascript code

I know that this question has been asked before but all of them are using jQuery library and i would like to use Javascript only, no libraries so please bear with me.
This link shows the PHP function being called from jQuery.
How can I call PHP functions by JavaScript?
The code is calling a function that displays images.
I have the following code and I don't understand how to call the function from the mainfile.php and not functions.php.
<button id="btn">Click</btn> // button that calls ajax file
<div id="div"></div> // div where it should appear
function loadXML(method, url, div, index)
var xmlhttp;
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function()
if( xmlhttp.readyState === 4 && xmlhttp.status === 200 )
if( index === null || index === 'undefined' || xmlhttp === '')
document.getElementById(div).innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText;
};, url, true);
document.getElementById('btn').addEventListener('click', function()
loadXML('GET', 'imgs.php', 'div', null);
}, false);
function getImgs($dir, $type)
$images = glob($dir . $type);
print_r($images); // for now i'm printing the array the way it is to see the function work
getImgs('images/', '.*JPG'); // calling function from php file works
I would like to call the function from inside mainfile.php without using any jQuery library, only plain Javascript, it should be possible considering that the libraries are made with Javascript. I don't know where to call the function from inside mainfile.php. Any help would be appreciated.
The reason I am getting files from php is because it is easier to load them into the DOM, I need to make an image gallery so I would like to know if it will be possible to manipulate the images when they are loaded into the DOM using AJAX.
You can only do it by Making an AJAX request to a php page while passing in a parameter to initialise the function.
That means your AJAX will send in for example "functionName" to the php page "functionsListPage.php"
The GET will be recieved :
if (isset($_GET['functionName']))
This is the only way so you are not calling direct from the client however you are indicating to the server you want to run a predefined request.
You cannot call a PHP function directly from the clientside.
It's just like the answer from #Pogrindis, but i think so explanation is needed
It is possible to do it with with plain JavaScript with a little workaround!
What you need to do is the following in JavaScript after the;
var functionname = getImgs;;
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
What this does is simple: it sends the data to the server, so you php file can get this parameter!
In your called php file you need something like this:
if( isset($_POST['functionname']) )
if($_POST['functionname']) == 'getImgs'
Of course you need to make sure that you post the data with post in this case, if you want to use get you need to change the php to $_GET
Notice: This is totally unsafe right now! No escaping from the coming data and anything else.

JSON without jQuery

Using a version of the example from, I'm trying to get JSON into my page that is stored in the same folder as the HTML and JS. My problem is I'm not familiar with the XMLHttpRequest library and the answer I keep finding is "use jQuery or some other library." I added a console.log(); to the function so I could see if I was reaching success or failure because I'm not getting the data back. The original example is here and my code is below. The cv.json exists, is formatted correctly, and the function is sending Success? to the console, but I can't get the JSON data into my cv variable.
In case it is relevant, I'm hosting the JSON, HTML, and JS files in a public dropbox folder which doesn't seem to be part of the problem.
var cv;
request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', 'cv.json', true);
request.onload = function() {
if (request.status >= 200 && request.status < 400){
// Success!
cv = JSON.parse(request.responseText);
} else {
// We reached our target server, but it returned an error
request.onerror = function() {
// There was a connection error of some sort
Note: There are lots of similar questions on stackoverflow but I haven't been able to find an answer to the specific issue I'm encountering; perhaps for people familiar with JavaScript this answer is too obvious to mention explicitly or I'm phrasing my searches incorrectly.
UPDATE: In the web inspector I can see the json file in the sources, with a response 200 and all the data so the file is accessible and being read, I'm just not getting it into the variable correctly apparently. Code updated to reflect corrected use of request.send();.
request.send does not return anything, it creates a handler that resolves a value. at the top level of this add:
var cv;
and then in the success part of the onload function change your return to:
cv = JSON.parse(request.responseText);
The two issues that were preventing the JSON from being show on the page, but still available from the console were
Not loading the variable correctly (resolved thanks to this answer)
Loading the file asynchronously! (resolved thanks to this similar question and it's answer)
Thanks to this comment, I went out and started my journey of learning about callbacks. The JSON load is now a function made as a callback. It's not optimized I'm sure, but sufficient for my current needs/abilities
Here is the working code. The significant change is the false on line 3.
var cv;
var loadJSON = function() {
request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', 'cv.json', true);
request.onload = function() {
if (request.status >= 200 && request.status < 400){
cv = JSON.parse(request.responseText);
} else {
// We reached our target server, but it returned an error
request.onerror = function() {
// There was a connection error of some sort

How to store variable within javascript to limit number of http calls?

I am using a second party file downloader which returns a progress event. I can capture the event and call a program on the server to perform an update (for security purposes so I can tell the most recent activity).
I get about 30 events per second all at percent downloaded 1%, then 30 more at 2%, then 30 more at 3%, etc. I would like to limit my http calls to only once per percentage change, 1%, 2%, 3%, etc. I would put a hidden field on the page and compare that and update it, but I cannot refresh the page since the download is in progress.
Is there a way to use some type of client side storage within javascript or jquery for this?
In other words, I need to be able to tell when the PercentCurrent value changes from 1 to 2, etc.
My javascript function looks like this:
function onProgress(PercentTotal, PercentCurrent, Index){
var xmlhttp;
//The handler will update the file progress
if (typeof XMLHttpRequest != 'undefined') {
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
if (!xmlhttp) {
throw "Browser doesn't support XMLHttpRequest.";
var data = "";"POST", "UpdateProgress.aspx?PercentCurrent=" + PercentCurrent, true);
//Send the proper header information along with the request
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
//xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-length", data.length);
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close");
Thank you,
JavaScript does indeed have variables, you just need to store one in a scope that's accessible to your onProgress code. You may just be able to use a var in the same place onProgress is declared, but a simple and JavaScripty way to make that variable "private" is to use a closure:
var onProgress = (function(){
var lastSend = 0;
return function(PercentTotal, PercentCurrent, Index){
if (Math.floor(PercentCurrent) > lastSend) {
lastSend = PercentCurrent;
var xmlhttp…
This'll look a little confusing if you haven't worked with JavaScript much. Here's what's going on:
I create a variable called onProgress
I create and immediately run an anonymous (unnamed) function, like this: (function(){ … })()
This function defines a local variable, lastSend, and returns the real onProgress function.
Whenever a function is called in JavaScript, it has access to the scope in which it was created. So, whenever onProgress() is called, it'll have access to the lastSend variable, and can check that progress is has moved past the next whole percent.
Of course, this is a bit ugly, and it can only be used once on a page (since there's only one closure with one lastSend variable. Instead of assigning it to a name, you might pass it directly into the function which calls it, anonymously (see below). Then, a new copy of the function, with a new closure, gets created when you hit downloadFile.
Your original question is tagged jquery. If you are indeed using jQuery on the page, you can simplify the posting of data significantly (down to one line) and make it more compatible, with
$.post("UpdateProgress.aspx", { PercentCurrent: PercentCurrent });
(This would replace all the XMLHTTPRequest-related code in onProgress.)
So, using a closure and might look like this:
// Not sure what your second-party file downloader looks like
var lastSend = 0;
return function(PercentTotal, PercentCurrent, Index){
if (Math.floor(PercentCurrent) > lastSend) {
lastSend = PercentCurrent;
$.post("UpdateProgress.aspx", { PercentCurrent: PercentCurrent });
Have a look at jQuery's .data(). It allows you to store data and attach it to a particular DOM element like so:
$('body').data('foo', 52);
$('body').data('foo'); // 52
I am not sure to understand your problem. Is the page continously reloaded? If it is not all that you need to do is:
var lastPercent = null; // you need to initialize this when it all starts again.
function onProgress(PercentTotal, PercentCurrent, Index){
var xmlhttp;
if (lastPercent == PercentCurrent)
return; //Does nothing if no change occurred.
lastPercent = PercentCurrent;
//The handler will update the file progress
if (typeof XMLHttpRequest != 'undefined') {
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
if (!xmlhttp) {
throw "Browser doesn't support XMLHttpRequest.";
var data = "";"POST", "UpdateProgress.aspx?PercentCurrent=" + PercentCurrent, true);
//Send the proper header information along with the request
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
//xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-length", data.length);
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close");

Cross-browser implementation of "HTTP Streaming" (push) AJAX pattern

Client request web page from server. Clent then requests for extra calculations to be done; server performs series of calculations and sends partial results as soon as they are available (text format, each line contains separate full item). Client updates web page (with JavaScript and DOM) using information provided by server.
This seems to fit HTTP Streaming (current version) pattern from Ajaxpatterns site.
The question is how to do it in cross-browser (browser agnostic) way, preferably without using JavaScript frameworks, or using some lightweight framework like jQuery.
The problem begins with generating XMLHttpRequest in cross-browser fashion, but I think the main item is that not all browsers implement correctly onreadystatechangefrom XMLHttpRequest; not all browsers call onreadystatechange event on each server flush (BTW. how to force server flush from within CGI script (in Perl)?). Example code on Ajaxpatterns deals with this by using timer; should I drop timer solution if I detect partial response from onreadystatechange?
Added 11-08-2009
Current solution:
I use the following function to create XMLHttpRequest object:
function createRequestObject() {
var ro;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
ro = new XMLHttpRequest();
} else {
ro = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
if (!ro)
debug("Couldn't start XMLHttpRequest object");
return ro;
If I were to use some (preferably light-weight) JavaScript framework like jQuery, I'd like to have fallback if user chooses not to install jQuery.
I use the following code to start AJAX; setInterval is used because some browsers call onreadystatechange only after server closes connection (which can take as long as tens of seconds), and not as soon as server flushes data (around every second or more often).
function startProcess(dataUrl) {
http = createRequestObject();'get', dataUrl);
http.onreadystatechange = handleResponse;
pollTimer = setInterval(handleResponse, 1000);
The handleResponse function is most complicated one, but the sketch of it looks like the following. Can it be done better? How it would be done using some lightweight JavaScript framework (like jQuery)?
function handleResponse() {
if (http.readyState != 4 && http.readyState != 3)
if (http.readyState == 3 && http.status != 200)
if (http.readyState == 4 && http.status != 200) {
inProgress = false;
// In konqueror http.responseText is sometimes null here...
if (http.responseText === null)
while (prevDataLength != http.responseText.length) {
if (http.readyState == 4 && prevDataLength == http.responseText.length)
prevDataLength = http.responseText.length;
var response = http.responseText.substring(nextLine);
var lines = response.split('\n');
nextLine = nextLine + response.lastIndexOf('\n') + 1;
if (response[response.length-1] != '\n')
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
// ...
if (http.readyState == 4 && prevDataLength == http.responseText.length)
inProgress = false;
The solution you linked to is not AJAX at all, actually. They call it HTTP Streaming but it's essentially just long polling.
In the example they link to, you can see for yourself quite easily with firebug. Turn on the Net panel - there are no XHR entries, but it takes just a hair over 10 seconds to load the original page. That's because they're using PHP behind the scenes to delay the output of the HTML. This is the essence of long polling - the HTTP connection stays open, and the periodic HTML sent back is javascript commands.
You can opt to do the polling completely on the client side, though, with setTimeout() or setInterval()
A jQuery example
<script type="text/javascript">
var ajaxInterval = setInterval( function()
, { sample: "data" }
, function( response )
$('#output').append( response.whatever );
}, 10000 );
I would take a look at orbited
They use several comet transport implementation that they choose based on configuration and browser sniffing.
and look for "Orbited.CometTransports"
Some of the different transports must be matched by the backend implementation, so have a look at the server side for orbited also.

