Javascript selectively filter responses - javascript

Suppose I have a pure-html form on a webpage, and I want to modify it so that if submits successfully, the page behaves the same way as before, but if the submission results in a 50x error, custom error handling logic on the client side is triggered instead of navigating to the error page. What is the best way to do this?
Submitting the form in the background via fetch() is relatively straightforward, and I can check the status code on the resulting Response object, but I can't find any good way to tell the browser to go ahead and navigate to that Response when it is good, i.e. pretend that the page submission had happened like normal. So far, the only solution I can think of is a ServiceWorker, but that seems like overkill.
To clarify, the goal is to have it behave in the same way as if there were no JS in the case where the server does not return an error, i.e. making a single post request, displaying the server response, etc.


HTML form seems to be submitting *both* POST and GET?

This is not a duplicate of questions such as this, but rather the opposite: I have a form that I'm submitting via jQuery
$('<form>', {
action : 'service',
method : 'post',
target : '_blank'
$('<input>', {
type : 'hidden',
name : 'payload',
value : JSON.stringify(payload)
This is done so that I can open a different page with HTML.
Since I need to submit quite a lot of complex information, what I actually do is serialize them all into a big JSON string, then create a form with only one field ("payload") and submit that.
The receiving end has a filter that goes like this:
if the method is POST,
and there is only one submitted variable,
and the name of that one variable is "payload",
then JSON-decode its value and use it to create fake GET data.
So when the GET data grows too much I can switch methods without modifying the actual script, which notices no changes at all.
It always worked until today.
What should happen
The server should receive a single POST submission, and open the appropriate response in a popup window.
What actually happens instead
The server does receive the correct POST submission...
...apparently ignores it...
...and immediately after that, the browser issues a GET with no parameters, and it is the result of that parameterless GET that gets (pardon the pun) displayed in the popup window.
Quite unsurprisingly, this is always a "You did not submit any parameters" error. Duh.
What I already did
verified that this method works, and has always worked for the last couple of years with different forms and different service endpoints
tried replacing the form with a hardcoded <FORM> in HTML, without any jQuery whatsoever. Same results. So, this is not a jQuery problem.
tried with different browsers (it would not have helped if it only worked on some browsers: I need to support most modern browsers. However, I checked. Luckily, this failure reproduces in all of them, even on iPhones).
tried sending few data (just "{ test: 0 }").
tried halting the endpoint script as soon as it receives anything.
checked Stack Overflow. I found what seems to be the same problem, in various flavours, but it's of little comfort. This one has an interesting gotcha but no, it does not help.
checked firewalls, proxies, adblockers and plugins (I'm now using plain vanilla Firefox).
called the IT guys and asked pointed questions about recent SVN commits. There were none.
What I did not yet do
Check the HTTPS conversation at low level (I don't have sufficient access).
Compared the configuration, step by step, of a server where this works and the new server where it does not.
Quite clearly, put my thinking hat on. There must be something obvious that I'm missing and I'm setting myself up for a sizeable facepalm.
Use a tool like or Postman to manually send a request to the server. The tools will nicely display the response from the server including all HTTP headers. I suspect the server responds with a redirect (Status code 30X) which leads to a GET request being issued after the POST completes.
Update: HTTP redirects
HTTP redirects do not necessarily use the same HTTP method or even the same data to issue a request to the redirect target. Especially for non-idempotent requests this could be a security issue (you don't generally want your form submission to be automatically re-submitted to another address). However, HTTP gives you both options:
[...] For this reason, HTTP/1.1 (RFC 2616) added the new status codes 303 and 307 [...], with 303 mandating the change of request type to GET, and 307 preserving the request type as originally sent. Despite the greater clarity provided by this disambiguation, the 302 code is still employed in web frameworks to preserve compatibility with browsers that do not implement the HTTP/1.1 specification.
[from Wikipedia: HTTP 302]
Also for 301s:
If the 301 status code is received in response to a request of any type other than GET or HEAD, the client must ask the user before redirecting.
[from Wikipedia: HTTP 301]

Ajax patterns - assume success or wait for response

Typically an ajax interaction would involve sending the request, providing feedback to the user that the request is in process, then once the response arrives handle it.
Waiting for the response is obviously unavoidable when the next action requires the data sent from the server but what if the interaction is an update to the some data on the server such as sorting the order of a list. Would it be bad practice to assume success? So you'd make the request and simply update the DOM based on the assumption that the sort will be successful. I'd imagine you'd then have to provide a rollback method should the request fail as well as notify the user but 99% of the time the request should go through and appear instantaneous to the user.
Is this a common pattern and are there any other factors that should be considered other than a rollback and notification method?
Any advice would be much appreciated,
You probably want to take a look at the command pattern It looks like you want to modify some data and assume that the server gets modified as well. If the AJAX handler fails than you can rollback the command (and notify the user).
If the user is to receive feedback about the success or not, then it would be bad practice to assume success.
Just return a success/fail response from the server, and let the user know that their action was successful. You're not really losing anything by this extra trip back from the server, and any request could potentially fail.

What are techniques to get around the IE file download security rules?

Internet Explorer (with default settings, which I generally assume will be in effect on the desktops of the Great Unwashed) seems to dislike the idea of accepting attachment content in an HTTP response if the corresponding request wasn't made directly from a user action (like a "click" handler, or a native form submit). There are probably more details and nuances, but that's the basic behavior that's frustrating me.
It seems to me that this situation is common: the user interface in front of some downloadable content — say, a prepared PDF report — allows for some options and inputs to be used in the creation of the content. Now, as with all forms that allow the user to stipulate how an application does something, it's possible that the input will be erroneous. Not always, but sometimes.
Thus there's a dilemma. If the client tries to do something fancy, like run an AJAX transaction to let the server vet the form contents, and then resubmit to get the download, IE won't like that. It won't like it because the actual HTTP transaction that carries the attachment back will happen not in the original user-action event handler, but in the AJAX completion callback. Worse, since the IE security bar seems to think that the solution to all one's problems is to simply reload the outer page from its original URL, its invitation to the user to go ahead and download the suspicious content won't even work.
The other option is to just have the form fire away. The server checks the parameters, and if there's anything wrong it responds with the form-container page, peppered appropriately with error messages. If the form contents are OK, it generates the content and ships it back in the HTTP response as an attached file. In this case (I think), IE is happy because the content was apparently directly requested by the user (which is, by the way, a ridiculously flimsy way to tell good content from bad content). This is great, but the problem now is that the client environment (that is, the code on my page) can't tell that the download worked, so the form is still just sitting there. If my form is in some sort of dialog, then I really need to close that up when the operation is complete — really, that's one of the motivations for doing it the AJAX way.
It seems to me that the only thing to do is equip the form dialogs with messaging that says something like, "Close this when your download begins." That really seems lame to me because it's an example of a "please push this button for me" interface: ideally, my own code should be able to push the buutton when it's appropriate. A key thing that I don't know is whether there's any way for client code to detect that form submission has resulted in an attachment download. I've never heard of a way to detect that, but that'd break the impasse for me.
I take it you're submitting the form with a different target window; hence the form staying in place.
There are several options.
Keep the submit button disabled and do ongoing validation in the background, polling the form for changes to fields and then firing off the validation request for a field as it changes. When the form is in a valid state, enable the button; when it isn't, disable the button. This isn't perfect, as there will tend to be a delay, but it may be good enough for whatever you're doing.
Do basic validation that doesn't require round-trips to the server in a handler for the form's submit event, then submit the form and remove it (or possibly just hide it). If the further validation on the server detects a problem, it can return a page that uses JavaScript to tell the original window to re-display the form.
Use a session cookie and a unique form ID (the current time from new Date().getTime() would do); when the form is submitted, disable its submit button but keep it visible until the response comes back. Make the response set a session cookie with that ID indicating success/failure. Have the window containing the form poll for the cookie every second or so and act on the result when it sees it. (I've never done this last one; not immediately seeing why it wouldn't work.)
I expect there are about a dozen other ways to skin this cat, but those are three that came to mind.
(Edit) If you're not submitting to a different target, you might want to go ahead and do that -- to a hidden iframe on the same page. That (possibly combined with the above or other answers) might help you get the user experience you're looking for.
There's a whole number of really good reasons IE does this, and I'm sure it's not something anyone would argue with - so the main objective is to get around it somehow to make things better for your users.
Sometimes its worth re-thinking how things are done. Perhaps disable the button, use javascript to check when all the fields are filled out, and fire off an ajax request once they are. If the ajax was successful, enable the button. This is but one suggestion, I'm sure there will be more...
Edit: more...
Do simple submission (non-AJAX), and if the checks fail, send a page back rather than an attachment. The page sent back could contain all the information originally submitted (plus whatever error message to the user) so the user doesn't need to fill out the entire form again. And I'm also sure there will be more ideas...
Edit: more...
I'm sure you've seen this type of thing before - and yes, it is an extra click (not ideal, but not hard).... an "if your download fails, click here" -> in this case, do it as you want to do it, but add a new link/button to the page when the AJAX returns, so if the download failed, they can submit the already validated form from a "direct user action". And I'm sure I'll think of more (or someone else will).....
I have been fighting a similar issue for a while. In my case, posting to a hidden iframe didn't work if my web app was embedded in an iframe on another site (third party cookie issues) unless our site was added to the Trusted Sites list.
I have found that I could break up the download into POST and GET sequence. The post returns a short lived GUID that can be used in a GET request to initiate the download. The POST can do the form validation as well as return the GUID in a successful response. Once the client has the GUID, you can set the src property of a hidden iframe element to the download URL. The browser sees the 'Content-Disposition': 'attachement' header and gives the user a download ribbon to download the file.
So far it appears to work in all the latest browsers. Unfortunately it requires you to modify you server side API for downloading the file.

javascript reload

Is it possible to use javascript:location.reload(true) as a action= for a form without having the browser say "In order to reload this page, information must be resent" or something similar to that? Form action is currently being handled by onsubmit= instead.
Reload will always ask the question about information being resent if the user came from POSTing data. It's hard to answer anything specific as I don't know what you are trying to do. This is something that is in the browser's history and can't be prevented.
A better solution is to use the PRG pattern.
If you just want to reload the page without submitting the form try window.location=window.location;
It seems you are handling your form with an AJAX request in the onsubmit event, which begs the question why since nothing is gained if you have to refresh the page anyway. I would suggest either using a normal post from the form, or use #Bob 's solution (which he saved me from typing by posting first). If you use window.location=window.location be sure to call it after whatever happens in your onsubmit method has completed or you may introduce a race condition where it redirects before your onsubmit method has finished sending the data.
Just read your comment that provided more information. Again, reloading the whole page in response to an AJAX submit completely defeats the purpose of using AJAX. You really should consider using a Javascript Library like jQuery to help you with this. Basically the pattern would be as follows:
Handle submit with AJAX
When request completes, request only the changed portion of the page with AJAX
Replace or Append the content on the page with the response to the second AJAX call
Empty the form so it can be filled in again

header(Location:) via AJAX not redirecting

First off, let me say that I know this does not seem like an uncommon issue. I do not intend to clutter these forums with questions that have already been answered, but, I have worked through probably about 3 dozen threads with similar issues and have been unable to reach a solution.
The short description of my issue is this: I am trying to redirect after submitting a form using php's header(location:) function, and it's not redirecting. It is a little bit complicated because the form is submitted via AJAX. The steps my code goes through are as follows:
User submits form > form data sent via AJAX > form processing page validates data > if valid, form processing page inserts data into database > if submission is successful, form processing page adds redirect URL to $_SESSION > form processing page returns a 'redirect' variable > javascript/AJAX checks for redirect variable, and refreshes page if found > page header checks $_SESSION for redirect URL, and if found, sets appropriate headers and exits.
I guess the first thing I want to ask is, is this the right way of going about this? It seems to me that there should be a simpler way of doing this. It's obviously much simpler to pass the redirect URL to the javascript and do a window.location redirect, but I read that it's much better/more secure to handle that on the server side, so I'm trying to do that.
Assuming I'm going about this in the right direction, what could be going wrong here? I've checked for leading and trailing whitespace, BOM characters, I've even tried output buffering and I still have the same issue.
What happens on form submission is, the page refreshes, but it returns to the original form page rather than the redirect url. I have turned on the most detailed error reporting and get no errors at all.
One thing that may or may not be of interest, I have an error_log function set up to log all headers to a file right after I set the Location: header. When I redirect outside of AJAX (which works), the accept: header is set to html, but when I try to do it via AJAX, the accept header is set to JSON. Could that cause a problem?
Thank you so much for taking the time, and again, apologies if this is a dumb question. I have used this forum for years and have never once had to post a question on it because it has always solved my problems until now. Thanks in advance!
PHP is too generous to include in your code not only HTML code, but also JavaScript code. I'll explain one thing. When you send data by ajax, it is often difficult return Boolean data (whether true or false, depending on the conditions we work side server with php in some file established in our direction ajax) to give a final answer.
On the other hand, returning to the generosity of PHP, always when we try to validate data server-side and through ajax, we can manipulate the section where work freely to show some response message, a redirect to somewhere on your page or create a session. Anyway, whatever.
What I mean is that in your controller section where you will work with AJAX, you can set different conditions. That is, if the user data are correct, then you could send to call a script from Javascript to redirect him with a location.reload (); and also assign a session automatically. If the user does not have the correct data, then what we should do is return a warning message or alert to the exit AJAX, usually it goes after a:
function (response) {
$ ('.answer').html(response);
Note that it is not necessary require, for example, a $ ('.answer').html(response); to return an answer, because ajax only sends data to the server and if there is a reply message well, and if not well. Many times what I do, is to send messages via console, although it is often convenient to do so, because as often work with several conditions and that depends on the result of our request, we will be forced to show some response in some element within our code.
What I advise you is that you work javascript in PHP, and hence redirect to other pages, assign sessions or simply return a message. Remember that an ajax request is not only asynchronous, but repetitive and can send it to call as often as you need. The fact that you sent your ajax call php file and you have returned an answer, does not mean you can go back to work with it once you finish your ajax request.
It is the right way to do what you want, it is often easier to manipulate our server-side code that client side. Greetings.

