trying to Connect to a multichain node in my react native app - javascript

I need help in connecting my react-native app with Multichian(a blockchain platform). I have installed the library that has RPC_API calls, that can be used for connection. I am using expo client as an app manager.
But having some issues using the library.
here is the library I want to use
Windows 10
Node v12.16.2
Please someone help me. I am stuck from 10 days.


Is there a plugin that will let me communicate with a PocketBase database?

I'm trying to connect with a running PocketBase database. Normally, I would use their Javascript SDK to achieve this, but the package does not get shipped to the mobile device during the build process.
This means I either have to build my own set of functions to mimic the working of the PocketBase Javascript SDK, or use a NativeScript plugin.
I could not find an existing plugin mentioning PocketBase, does anyone know of a plugin that facilitates this?
I tried to install the PocketBase Javascript SDK directly from NPM using npm install pocketbase, but this module does not check shipped to the mobile device during the build process.
For example:
import PocketBase from 'pocketbase'
Running this from a NativeScript app logs "null" to the console.
Using import * as PocketBase from 'pocketbase' ended up working for me.
I installed the pocketbase SDK with npm i --save pocketbase.
For whatever reason using import PocketBase from 'pocketbase' as the PocketBase documentation suggests doesn't work in this case.

YubiKey React U2F Integration

I am building an application in react that is using Yubikey and the u2f-api npm package however I am unsure how to implement it. Any help?

Twilio Client Javascript SDK

I'd like to know why there isn't a npm / yarn package to Twilio Client Javascript SDK 1.4.
I'm trying to use their voice service, following this tutorial, but in React Native.
Is this package for browser usage only? How could I have access to Twilio.Client on react-native?
I already implemented a programmable-chat with success, using the provided packages twilio-chat and twilio-common.
Meanwhile, is there any way of importing a remote file or using a local javascript file (twilio.min.js) to a react-native app?
Thanks in advance.
Further research lead me to believe that this SDK only work for browsers since it has to deal with audio events, connection status etc.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
I'm now trying to implement react-native-twilio-programmable-voice

How to find whether software is installed or not in windows/mac using javascript or nodejs

My requirement is using Javascript I need to check whether xyz.msi/xyz.pkg application is installed or not in windows & mac system.
But I could not find any solution so I am trying through NodeJS. I have the following doubts
Will NodeJS help me to achieve above requirement?
Is there any way to get list of installed application using nodeJS
or by passing particular application name can I get information about that application using NodeJS.
If anyone has ideas, Please kindly share it.
I'm not sure javascript but node.js.
when you exec your project in node.js, you've has operate permission to do anything on your platform of os.
you can use child_process of node.js to exec shell on your pro and watch stdout to check if you have installed.

IBM Bluemix Cloud: IBM SDK for Node.js - Can our apps in Bluemix keep the existing version without auto-updates?

We tried to test IBM Bluemix Cloud and Watson Cloud by running
several Watson Cloud demo node.js apps inside our accounts, we
noticed the following situation:
After we installed the demo apps inside our account, it runs without problem; Because I have not opened this app in Bluemix DevOps tool. So, when this app
runs each time, this app does the following based on staging_task.log file:
"" Installing IBM SDK for Node.js (4.5.0)from cache""""
The above app frontend js code is written to work with this SDK and Node.js version.
# Later, I made another copy of the above demo app in our account. It runs without problem.
Then, I just opened the above app code in Bluemix DevOps tool and saved
the file without touching any code. Then, this version app does
not run.
Our investigation shows the following:
This staging_task.log file shows this fact: This version app after the above step does this now:
""" Installing IBM SDK for Node.js (4.6.2) from cache """
That means Bluemix Cloud automatically use the newer version of Node.js and SDK after the above step.
Another situation we found during our experiments may also be related to this problem:
*We deployed the following Watson demo app around Aug/2016, and we have not resaved any file in this app, so we guess that this demo
app still runs in the cached Run Environment (IBM SDK for Node.js
Verson 4 ??) in our account in Bluemix. So this demo app runs fast
and correctly in our account.
*After the above deployment, there are several upgrading in Bluemix Cloud and Watson Cloud. The Run Environment many contains IBM SDK
for Node.js Verson 6 ??
*In last month, we deployed the above same demo app in our account. We found that this same app runs much slower than the above Aug/2016 deployment. Our guesses are that this demo app code is engineered based on IBM SDK for Node.js Verson 4.
The following Q supports our point: The auto-upgraded IBM SDK for Node.js in Bluemix Cloud or Watson Cloud may
have caused the problem in this Q. Now the IBM SDK for Node.js in Bluemix Cloud may be Version 6, this application may be engineered based on IBM SDK for Node.js Verson 4 (this version is not Node.js version in Package.json, but
IBM SDK version)
IBM Bluemix node.js native promise support
Our Q:
-Why is the above SDK and Node.js auto-upgraded ?
-How can we force this demo app to use the same version of IBM SDK and Node.js before we decide to upgrade them in
Bluemix Cloud? Thus to ensure that our existing apps run as normal.
Any thoughts and suggestions will be appreciated.
You can define node and npm versions in your package.json
"start":"node app.js"
( no carets or tildes )

