how to replace string with object values - javascript

I'm trying to replace the user flags with emojis but I have no idea how to do it.
I tried that but it didn't work
const flags = {
"SYSTEM":"",// tf is this one
let mflags = message.mentions.users.first().flags.toArray().join(' ')
let fres = mflags.replace(/#(\w+)/g, (match,key)=>flags[key]||match);```


DOMException while copying text to clipboard in javascript

I am trying to make a simple encoder in javascript, and copying the output to the clipboard, but the code gives an error.
I tried this code:
function encode() {
let alphabet = " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890-=!##$%^&*()_+[];'/.,'{}|:~";
const a_list = alphabet.split('');
const m_list = prompt("message: ").split('');
let return_message = "";
for (let i = 0; i < m_list.length; i++) {
let current_letter = m_list[i];
let translated_letter = a_list[a_list.indexOf(current_letter) + 5];
return_message += translated_letter;
but the console gives this error:
I host the server in replit.
When I try to do an alert with the encoded words, it works fine.
navigator.clipboard.writeText requires a transient user activation. That is why it works when you click on an alert box.
Transient user activation is required. The user has to interact with the page or a UI element in order for this feature to work.
The "clipboard-write" permission of the Permissions API is granted automatically to pages when they are in the active tab.
The error you are getting is because the indexOf function returns -1 when the sought character is not found in the a_list array.
You can check whether the index returned by indexOf is greater than or equal to zero before accessing the element in the a_list array. If the index returned is less than zero, you can simply add the original character to return_message.
Here is an example:
function encode() {
// Define the list of characters to be substituted
const alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
const charList = alphabet.split('');
// Receive the string to be substituted from the user
const inputString = prompt("Enter the string to be substituted:");
// Convert the string to an array of characters
const inputChars = inputString.split('');
// Create a new array with the substituted characters
const outputChars = => {
// Find the index of the current character in the character list
const index = charList.indexOf(char.toLowerCase());
// If the character is not in the character list, keep the original character
if (index === -1) {
return char;
// Find the next character in the character list
const nextIndex = (index + 1) % charList.length;
const nextChar = charList[nextIndex];
// Return the next substituted character
return char.toUpperCase() === char ? nextChar.toUpperCase() : nextChar;
// Convert the array of characters back to a string
const outputString = outputChars.join('');
// Display the substituted string in the console
And as answered in #dotnetCarpenter reply navigator.clipboard.writeText requires a transient user activation. That's why it works when an alert box is clicked.

Apps Script Function to Erase Cell Containing Certain Text

I’m working on a Google Sheet for work (not allowed to share), and I want to create an Apps Script Function that parses through all the data and erases cell content if they contain “?”, “PPS”, “LES”, “MPES”,or “PSPEC”. I can’t find any way to do it without deleting the whole row, which i don’t want. Any help will be greatly appreciated, thank you.
function delIfContains() {
const contains = ["?","PPSF","LES","MPES","PSPEC"];//needles
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
const sh = ss.getActiveSheet();//haystack
contain.forEach(s => {
sh.createTextFinder(s).matchEntireCell(false).findAll().forEach(rg => rg.clearContent());//reaper
Cooper already showed how to do this with a loop that creates a TextFinder for value separately. To match all values in one go, use a regular expression, like this:
function test() {
const range = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getDataRange();
const regexString = '\\?|PPS|LES|MPES|PSPEC';
const numCleared = clearMatchingCells_(range, regexString);
SpreadsheetApp.getActive().toast(`Cleared ${numCleared} cell(s).`);
* Clears cells in a range that match a regular expression.
* #param {SpreadsheetApp.Range} range The range to search.
* #param {String} regexString The pattern to match with cells in range.
function clearMatchingCells_(range, regexString) {
const matches = range
matches.forEach(cell => cell.clearContent());
return matches.length;
Note that any regex special characters such as ? and * need to be double escaped in regexString.
As another approach, how about using replaceAllWith with TextFinder as follows?
Sample script:
function myFunction() {
const search = ["\\?", "PPS", "LES", "MPES", "PSPEC"];
const r = => `.*${e}.*`).join("|");
When this script is run, the cell values including search are replaced with "".

Generate random 6 characters based on input

Generate random 6 characters based on input. Like I want to turn 1028797107357892628 into j4w8p. Or 102879708974181177 into lg36k but I want it to be consistant. Like whenever I feed 1028797107357892628 in, it should always spit out j4w8p. Is this possible? (Without a database if possible.) I know how to generate random 6 characters but I dont know how to connect it with an input tbh. I would appreciate any help, thanks.
let rid = (Math.random() + 1).toString(36).substring(7);
You can create a custom hashing function a simple function to your code would be
const seed = "1028797089741811773";
function customHash(str, outLen){
//The 4 in the next regex needs to be the length of the seed divided by the desired hash lenght
const regx = new RegExp(`.{1,${Math.floor(str.length / outLen)}}`, 'g')
const splitted = str.match(regx);
let out = "";
for(const c of splitted){
let ASCII = c % 126;
if( ASCII < 33) ASCII = 33
out += String.fromCharCode(ASCII)
return out.slice(0, outLen)
const output = customHash(seed, 6)
It is called hashing, hashing is not random. In your example to get rid:
let rid = (Math.random() + 1).toString(36).substring(7);
Because it is random, it's impossible to be able to produce "consistant result" as you expect.
You need algorithm to produce a "random" consistant result.
Thanks everyone, solved my issue.
let seed = Number(1028797089741811773)
let rid = seed.toString(36).substring(0,6)
let seed = Number(1028797089741811773)
let rid = seed.toString(36).substring(6)

Telegram app to remove multiple words from input message

I'm trying to create a small app that reads a chat message and echoes a filtered text
I need it to take this message:
remove this line
This one too
At the moment all it does is remove the second word + the first hashtag:
"hello#hello" which becomes hello
I tried adding the / like this input.split("#","/"); but all it does is crash the program.
Not asking to do the program for me, but I'd really appreciate any hints.
Thank you!
const Telegraf = require('telegraf');
const bot = new Telegraf('182049');
const helpMessage = `
Say something to me
/start - start the bot
/help - command reference
bot.start((ctx) => {
ctx.reply("Hi I am echoo bot");
}); => {
bot.on("text", (ctx) => {
let input = ctx.message.text;
let inputArray = input.split("#");
let message = "";
if (inputArray.length == 1) {
message = "no separator";
} else {
message = inputArray.join(" ");
Regular Expression (regex) is a great way to find substrings in an unknown string, even though it might be a bit daunting to work with. You can use this website to create your regex.
To find a substring starting with # and ending with /, you can use the following expression:
This will match 1 or more word characters that are in between a # and a /.
For example:
#foo/ will match
#f/ will match
#/ will not match
#foo bar/ will not match (whitespace is not a word character)
An example JavaScript code:
const regex = /#\w+\//g;
const text = "something#fooo/bar #lorem/ipsum";
const found = text.match(regex);
// For each found item, remove the first and last characters
const cleaned = => a.slice(1, -1));
I think I made it
const Telegraf = require('telegraf');
const bot = new Telegraf('18204DjYLa9o9Y');
const regex = /#\w+\//g;
const helpMessage = `
Say something to me
/start - start the bot
/help - command reference
bot.start((ctx) => {
ctx.reply("Hi I am echoo bot");
}) => {
bot.on("text", (ctx) => {
let input = ctx.message.text;
let inputArray = input.split("#");
let message = "";
message = inputArray.join(" ");
let messageArray = message.split("/");
for(let index = 0; message[index] != '/'; index++ )
ctx.reply("/ta " + message[index]);
return null
bot.hears("cat", (ctx) =>{
Only a little issue: if my coin has more than 3 letters it gets truncated.
For loop solves the problem but every letter starts with a new line, and the second imput gets messed up
Eg: echobot, [13.05.21 00:54]
echobot, [13.05.21 00:54]
echobot, [13.05.21 00:54]
2nd attempt:
echobot, [13.05.21 00:54]
echobot, [13.05.21 00:54]
echobot, [13.05.21 00:54]

Looking for the easiest way to extract an unknown substring from within a string. (terms separated by slashes)

The initial string:
initString = '/digital/collection/music/bunch/of/other/stuff'
What I want: music
Specifically, I want any term (will never include slashes) that would come between collection/ and /bunch
How I'm going about it:
let slicedString = initString.slice(19); //results in 'music/bunch/of/other/stuff'
let indexOfSlash = slicedString.indexOf('/'); //results, in this case, to 5
let desiredString = slicedString.slice(0, indexOfSlash); //results in 'music'
How the heck do I accomplish this in javascript in a more elegant way?
I looked for something like an endIndexOf() that would replace my hardcoded .slice(19)
lastIndexOf() isn't what I'm looking for, because I want the index at the end of the first instance of my substring /digital/collection/
I'm looking to keep the number of lines down, and I couldn't find anything like a .getStringBetween('beginCutoff, endCutoff')
Thank you in advance!
your title says "index" but your example shows you wanting to return a string. If, in fact, you are wanting to return the string, try this:
if(initString.includes('/digital/collection/')) {
var components = initString.split('/');
return components[3];
If the path is always the same, and the field you want is the after the third /, then you can use split.
var initString = '/digital/collection/music/bunch/of/other/stuff';
var collection = initString.split("/")[2]; // third index
In the real world, you will want to check if the index exists first before using it.
var collections = initString.split("/");
var collection = "";
if (collections.length > 2) {
collection = collections[2];
You can use const desiredString = initString.slice(19, 24); if its always music you are looking for.
If you need to find the next path param that comes after '/digital/collection/' regardless where '/digital/collection/' lies in the path
first use split to get an path array
then use find to return the element whose 2 prior elements are digital and collection respectively
const initString = '/digital/collection/music/bunch/of/other/stuff'
const pathArray = initString.split('/')
const path = pathArray.length >= 3
? pathArray.find((elm, index)=> pathArray[index-2] === 'digital' && pathArray[index-1] === 'collection')
: 'path is too short'
Think about this logically: the "end index" is just the "start index" plus the length of the substring, right? So... do that :)
const sub = '/digital/collection/';
const startIndex = initString.indexOf(sub);
if (startIndex >= 0) {
let desiredString = initString.substring(startIndex + sub.length);
That'll give you from the end of the substring to the end of the full string; you can always split at / and take index 0 to get just the first directory name form what remains.
You can also use regular expression for the purpose.
const initString = '/digital/collection/music/bunch/of/other/stuff';
const result = initString.match(/\/digital\/collection\/([a-zA-Z]+)\//)[1];
The console output is:
If you know the initial string, and you have the part before the string you seek, then the following snippet returns you the string you seek. You need not calculate indices, or anything like that.
// getting the last index of searchString
// we should get: music
const initString = '/digital/collection/music/bunch/of/other/stuff'
const firstPart = '/digital/collection/'
const lastIndexOf = (s1, s2) => {
return s1.replace(s2, '').split('/')[0]
console.log(lastIndexOf(initString, firstPart))

