how to change thousands line of number to an array in JavaScript - javascript

I got thousands lines of number
and I wanna change it to an array [142156, 108763, 108763, 77236, 78186, ....]
If I could make all these number assigned to a variable, I could choose either to use the RegExp or to convert to string first and then array.
any idea how to make it as a variable or other better suggestions?

Read as string from file then split the string at line breaks and map the resultant array of strings to number
const str = `142156
const arr = str.split(/\r?\n/).map(Number)

You can use following method.
const nums = document.getElementById("numbersDiv").innerHTML;
const numsToArr = nums.split('\n').map(Number)
console.log({ numsToArr } )
<div id="numbersDiv">142156


javascript - convert string to json array

I was using s3 select to fetch selective data and display them on my front end .
I converted array of byte to buffer and then to string like below as string
let dataString = Buffer.concat(records).toString('utf8');
the result i got was string like below
Now i want to convert them to json array , i got a solution like below
let dataArray = dataString.split('\n');
//remove white spaces and commas etc
dataArray = dataArray.filter(d=> d.length >2);
//change string to json
dataArray => JSON.parse(d));
Now the problem is that i have splitted them with new line and wont work if the json is compressed or data itself can have new line.
What is the best way to handle this situation. i want the output like below
please take a look at this solution.
let dataString=`{"id":"1","obj1":"191.25","obj2":"11.81","obj3":"3.44","obj4":"15.62"}
let dataArray = dataString.match(/{(?:[^{}]*|(R))*}/g);
dataArray => JSON.parse(d));
Yeah, it is not a very good idea to concatenate objects into a string like that. If you don't have any other choice, however, something like that should do the trick:
const initialString = `{"id":"1","obj1":"191.25","obj2":"11.81","obj3":"3.44","obj4":"15.62"}
const json = `[${initialString.replace(/}\s*{/g, '},{')}]`;
const array = JSON.parse(json);

How can I parse a .frd file with Javascript?

A .frd file is a type of multi-column numeric data table used for storing information about the frequency response of speakers. A .frd file looks something like this when opened in a text editor:
2210.4492 89.1 -157.7
2216.3086 88.99 -157.7
2222.168 88.88 -157.6
2228.0273 88.77 -157.4
Using javascript, is there a way that I can parse this data in order to return each column separately?
For example, from the .frd file above, I would need to return the values like so:
var column1 = [2210.4492, 2216.3086, 2222.168, 2228.0273];
var column2 = [89.1, 88.99, 88.88, 88.77];
var column3 = [-157.7, -157.7, -157.6, -157.4];
I'm not exactly sure where to begin in trying to achieve this, so any step in the right direction would be helpful!
I found the following description of the FRD file format and I will follow it.
Let's assume that the content of your .frd file is in the variable called content (the following example is for Node.js):
const fs = require('fs');
const content = fs.readFileSync('./input.frd').toString();
Now if content has your FRD data, it means it's a set of lines, each line contains exactly three numbers: a frequency (Hz), a level (dB), and a phase (degrees). To split your content into lines, we can just literally split it:
const lines = content.split(/\r?\n/);
(normally, splitting just by '\n' would've worked, but let's explicitly support Windows-style line breaks \r\n just in case. The /\r?\n/ is a regular expression that says "maybe \r, then \n")
To parse each line into three numbers, we can do this:
const values = line.split(/\s+/);
If the file can contain empty lines, it may make sense to double check that the line has exactly three values:
if (values.length !== 3) {
// skip this line
Given that we have three values in values, as strings, we can assign the corresponding variables:
const [frequency, level, phase] = => Number(value));
(.map converts all the values in values from strings to Number - let's do this to make sure we store the correct type).
Now putting all those pieces together:
const fs = require('fs');
const content = fs.readFileSync('./input.frd').toString();
const frequencies = [];
const levels = [];
const phases = [];
const lines = content.split(/\r?\n/);
for (const line of lines) {
const values = line.split(/\s+/);
if (values.length !== 3) {
const [frequency, level, phase] = => Number(value));
The main code (the one that works with content) will also work in browser, not just in Node.js, if you need that.
This code can be written in a tons of different ways, but I tried to make it easier to explain so did something very straightforward.
To use it in Node.js (if your JavaScript file is called index.js):
$ cat input.frd
2210.4492 89.1 -157.7
2216.3086 88.99 -157.7
2222.168 88.88 -157.6
2228.0273 88.77 -157.4
$ node index.js
[ 2210.4492, 2216.3086, 2222.168, 2228.0273 ]
[ 89.1, 88.99, 88.88, 88.77 ]
[ -157.7, -157.7, -157.6, -157.4 ]

set array as value in json format in Javascript

I want to add array as json value.
Json format is as follows.
json_data = [
How can I set value of 'links' in javascript like that?
I did as follows.
links_array = [];
links_array =['testing','test2'];
json_data.links = links_array;
I wanted to append these two string but couldn't.
Any help would be appreciate.
Assuming that the syntax of your example is correct, you can use the "push" method for arrays.
json_data = {
You have to make little changes to make it work.
First thing, You have to replace initial square brackets with curly one. By doing this your object will become JSON Literal - a key value pair.
Second thing, You have missed commas after 'name':'Testing' and 'email':'TestEmail'
Below will work perfectly:
var json_data = {
In addition to push as mentioned by #giovannilobitos you can use concat and do it all in one go.
var json_data = {
var links_array = ['testing','test2'];
json_data.links = json_data.links.concat(links_array);
On MDN's array reference you can find a more complete list of how to modify arrays in JavaScript.

How to calculate two values from bracket in javascript

I am creating geofencing featured website. So I need to calculate some expression. I have two values related to latitude and longitude.
for e.g: var value = '(41.878113,-87.629798)'
How to separate above two values in javascript
The Google Maps LatLng API provides .lat() and .lng() functions for accessing them individually. You can use them like this:
var coords = new google.maps.LatLng(42.878113,-87.629798);
console.log(; // 42.878113
console.log(coords.lng()); // -87.629798
That's not valid JavaScript. (Post was edited, it wasn't valid at first)
One method you could do is define it as an array:
var cords = [41.878113, -87.629798];
From here you could reference it like so:
cords[0]; // Out: 41.878113
cords[1]; // Out: -87.629798
An easy way would be to separate the string at the , then remove non-numeric characters
var value = '(41.878113,-87.629798)';
var parts = value.split(',');
//=> ["(41.878113", "-87.629798)"]
var lat = parts[0].replace(/[^\d.-]/g, '');
//=> "41.878113"
var lng = parts[1].replace(/[^\d.-]/g, '');
//=> "-87.629798"
Now you can use them in some sort of calculation
calculateSomething(lat, lng);
Which would be the same as
calculateSomething("41.878113", "-87.629798");
If value is a String that is always in that format and you want an Array that contains the 2 values in String format , this example should suffice
var value = '(41.878113,-87.629798)';
document.getElementById('out').textContent = JSON.stringify(value.slice(1, -1).split(','), null, 2);
<pre id="out"></pre>

convert or parse string to JSON object

There was an interview question(Javascript) which my friend and me unable to solve it for a long time, so thought of asking here,
and the end reult should be a JSON Objwct with following format. Can anyone please help to solve this issue.
Expecting a solution and explanation please.
Here is your solution.
Input string should have all the parameter, if any of the parameter is missing below code will break.
Logic is dynamic to support any number of numeric values where as last digit will consider as Items.
Logic also support the n number of key/value pair in the input string.
Check below code in console.
var JsonOutput = [];
var sRawInput = "2014<18.3,11.4,12.1,19.5,1000&&11.2,34.5,67.1,18,20000>name=sample,position=engineer,company=abc";
JsonOutput.push({ "Proposal" : sRawInput.split("<")[0] });
var oValues = sRawInput.split("<")[1].split(">")[0].split("&&");
var oActualValues = [];
var oActualItems = [];
$(oValues).each(function(Ind, Val){
oActualValues.push(Val.split(",").slice(0, Val.split(",").length - 1).join());
oActualItems.push(Val.split(",")[Val.split(",").length - 1]);
JsonOutput.push({ "Values" : oActualValues });
JsonOutput.push({ "Items" : oActualItems });
var OtherValues = sRawInput.split(">")[1].split(",");
$(OtherValues).each(function(Ind, Val){
JsonOutput.push(JSON.parse("{\"" + Val.split("=")[0] + "\":\"" + Val.split("=")[1] + "\"}"));
Values is incorrect as it should contain 2 arrays and not a single array.
Items is incorrect as it should contain numbers and not a string.
Also the outside wrapper should be an obj {}

