passing an array to a function but logs as undefined - javascript

I have 2 event listeners and they both push the element that is clicked into 2 separate arrays. These console.log in the event listener functions as expected, however when I pass them into a move function they both return undefined.
I've tried it with just passing the element that is selected into the function as well with the same result.
document.querySelectorAll('img').forEach(function(el) {
el.addEventListener('click' , function(params) {
document.querySelectorAll('.square').forEach(function(el) {
el.addEventListener('click', function() {
function moveBy(selected,target) {

So I did create a work around in this. It involved sending the addEventListeners to their own functions, then adding them to an array, then sending that array to it's own function which then allowed me to move things around.
Only thing wrong with this version is that it only works one time, so I'm currently working through what is causing it to only fire once.
document.querySelectorAll('img').forEach(function(el) {
el.addEventListener('click' , addselected)
document.querySelectorAll('.square').forEach(function(el) {
el.addEventListener('click', addtarget)
function addselected(selected){
var select = selected.path[0]
function addtarget(target){
if (target.path.length === 7){
var tar = target.path[1]
var tar = target.path[0]
function moveBy(...moveList) {
let moveTarg = moveList[2]
let moveSel = moveList[0]
if (typeof moveTarg === 'undefined') {
console.log('not working')
moveList = []

function moveBy(selected,target) {
has two paramaters.
but you pass only one parameter in.


Trying to add a property to an object, but it removes all previous instead of adding to it

I have this main function that writes a log, it addds the arg, to an existing object called logContent:
function printToLog(arg) {
LogContent = { ...LogContent, ...arg };
cy.writeFile(filepath, LogContent);
This function is used inside of other functions like this one that checks if it is a step or a page:
function printStepToLog(page, step) {
if (step) {
[`${page}`]: {
[`${step}`]: "passed"
} else {
[`${page}`]: "passed"
There is a bigger function that checks for warning on the page and if there are it adds them to the log:
function logProgress(page, step) {
cy.wait(800); //give time to let validaiton run
getAndLog(".block-content").within(form => {
let errors = form.find(".mat-error");
if (errors && errors.length > 0) {
[...errors].forEach((error, i) => {
LogContent = {
[`${page}`]: {
[`${step}`]: "failed"
error: { ...LogContent.error, [`err${i}`]: error.innerText }
cy.writeFile(filepath, LogContent);
} else {
printStepToLog(page, step);
The problem is that this function getAndLog... doesnt just add to the object, it completely overwrites the obj.. so if it fails, the rest of the infos like the passed pages and steps are gone.
function getAndLog(identifier, altText) {
printToLog({ currentGet: { [altText || identifier]: "not found" } });
printToLog({ currentGet: { [altText || identifier]: "found" } });
return cy.get(identifier)
I am usng the "getAndLog" function instead of cy.get to get elements, as I want to log whats being searched for, and if it was found.
But this makes the log contents be replaced with just the current prop.
Cant see why it overwrites everything instead of just adding the "current" property if, on the "printToLog" which is being used inside the "getAndLog" function, its adding the LogContent content by spreading it?
By default the writeFile function overwrites the file (flag 'w'). Just change the flag as in this example:
cy.writeFile('message.txt', 'Hello World', { flag: 'a+' })
See the documentation here

Using a single DOM Content Loaded call

What would be the right approach to use a single DOMContentLoaded call on multiple functions as shown below:
Here is what I have:
function rtd3Transaction() {
if (rtd3tchanged.checked || rtd3dchanged.checked) { = '';
formWrapperConfirm.required = true;
} else { = 'none'
formWrapperConfirm.required = false;
rtd3tchanged.addEventListener('change', rtd3Transaction);
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', rtd3Transaction);
function rtd3Device() {
if (rtd3tchanged.checked || rtd3dchanged.checked) { = '';
formWrapperConfirm.required = true;
} else { = 'none'
formWrapperConfirm.required = false;
rtd3dchanged.addEventListener('change', rtd3Device);
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', rtd3Device);
It's fine to do it the way you have it now. You can attach multiple handlers to the event, they'll all get called.
If you want to change it, though, you can do it the same way you do any other time you want to do multiple things at once from a single place: you put the operations in a function, and arrange for that function to be called:
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
I prefer to create an array that I can push new initialization routines onto wherever they're defined, then initialize each once the content-load event fires.
const initRoutines = []
function example1() {}
function example2() {}
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
initRoutines.forEach(routine => routine())

Cross-Listen to multiple events and trigger callback

I have a list of event names which I need to listen to stored in an array, like so:
var events = ['A', 'B'];
Now, I'm unsure which event will be triggered first and it could be very inconsistent (depends on the HTTP requests that they await) so I can never safely listen to only one of them. So, I need to somehow "cross-listen" to all of them in order to trigger my original callback.
So my idea was to do the following:
Create a listener for A, which creates a listener for B. B's listener triggers the callback.
Create a listener for B, which creates a listener for A. A's listener triggers the callback.
So this would result in 4 listners, which would look something like this (pseudo-code):
var callback = function() { console.log('The callback'); };
Event.on('A', function () {
Event.on('B', callback);
Event.on('B', function () {
Event.on('A', callback);
So I believe this would solve my issue (there's probably another problem that I'm not seeing here though).
The issue is, I can make this work when there are only 2 events I need to listen to. But what about when I have 3-4 events I want to "cross-listen" to? Lets say we have ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']. This would obviously require looping through the events. This part is what's confusing me and I'm not sure how to proceed. This would need to register a nice combination of events.
This needs to be done in JavaScript.
My imagination and logic is limited in this case.
I was thinking something like this:
var callback = function() { console.log('The callback'); };
var events = {
'click': false,
'mouseover': false,
'mouseout': false
for(prop in events) {
$('.evt-button').on(prop, function(evt) {
if(events[evt.type] === false) {
console.log('First ' + evt.type + ' event');
events[evt.type] = true;
function checkAll() {
var anyFalse = false;
for(prop in events) {
if(events.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
if(events[prop] === false) {
anyFalse = true;
if(!anyFalse) {
<script src=""></script>
<button class="evt-button">The button</button>
There's lots of ways to do what you're asking, but to keep it simple you could have an array of event names, as you already do, and simply remove them as they occur, checking to see if the array is empty each time. Like this...
var events = ['A', 'B'];
var callback = function() { console.log('The callback'); };
var eventOccured = function(eventName) {
// if the event name is in the array, remove it...
var idx = events.indexOf(eventName);
if (idx !== -1) {
events.splice(events.indexOf(idx), 1);
// if the event array is empty then we've handled everything...
Event.on('A', function () {
// do whatever you need in the event handler
Event.on('B', function () {
// do whatever you need in the event handler
A bit late, but you can make a function that wraps your callback and reuse it to attach multiple eventlisteners and count until all have occurred. This way you can also add events to cancel out others, say keyup cancels keydown.
const K = a => _b => a
const makeEventTrigger = (fn) => {
let lastTarget,
required = 0,
active = 0;
return (enable, qualifier = K(true)) => {
required = enable ? required + 1 : required;
return (event) => {
if(!qualifier(event)) {
const isLastTarget =
lastTarget && lastTarget.isEqualNode(event.currentTarget);
if (!enable) {
lastTarget = isLastTarget ? null : lastTarget;
active = Math.max(0, active - 1);
if (!isLastTarget) {
lastTarget = event.currentTarget;
active = Math.min(required, active + 1);
return active === required && fn();
let changeTitleCol = () =>
(document.querySelector("h1").style.color =
"#" + Math.random().toString(16).slice(-6));
let addTriggerForColorChange = makeEventTrigger(changeTitleCol);
let isSpace = e => e.key === " " || e.code === "Space"
.addEventListener("mousedown", addTriggerForColorChange(true));
.addEventListener("mouseup", addTriggerForColorChange(false));
document.addEventListener("keydown", addTriggerForColorChange(true, isSpace));
document.addEventListener("keyup", addTriggerForColorChange(false));
<h1>Multiple Event sources!</h1>
<button id="trigger-A">klik me and press space</button>

Pass property with dot notation(sometimes) to function

I've got a function that is looking through a specified collection and highlighting the checkboxes for the items that are present in that collection.
function highlightFiltersPresentInTransactions(collection, collectionproperty, child) {
var found = false;
angular.forEach(collection, function (filterType) {
if (scope.vm.transactions) {
found = scope.vm.transactions.filter(function (obj) {
if (child) {
return obj[collectionproperty][child] ===;
} else {
return obj[collectionproperty] ===;
if (found) {
filterType['has-transaction'] = (found.length > 0);
I'm able to call it and it correctly works like this
highlightFiltersPresentInTransactions(scope.filterTypes, 'target', 'type');
highlightFiltersPresentInTransactions(scope.actionTypes, 'transactionType');
What I would like to be able to avoid is the check whether there is a child element that needs to be checked.
I attempted to call the function as such:
highlightFiltersPresentInTransactions(scope.filterTypes, 'target.type');
Since this is a string it doesn't find the property. I also tried creating a blank target object then passing target.type without the quotes.
How can I dynamically pass in a property that might or might not have a child property to my function?
How about passing a function reference to the function?
highlightFiltersPresentInTransactions(scope.filterTypes, function(o) { return; });
highlightFiltersPresentInTransactions(scope.filterTypes, function(o) { return o.transactionType; });
This can be implemented pretty easily:
function highlightFiltersPresentInTransactions(collection, readFn) {
var found = false;
angular.forEach(collection, function (filterType) {
if (scope.vm.transactions) {
found = scope.vm.transactions.filter(function (obj) {
return readFn(obj) ===;
if (found) {
filterType['has-transaction'] = (found.length > 0);
If you don't want to do that, one way or another you'll have to split your string target.type into separate properties, and do it your existing way (just without the explicit parameter for child).

Pass dynamic params to IIFE

I've got this issue with passing a variable to an IFFE. did some reading, still didn't figure it out. would really appreciate some guidance here.
i have a click event handler function that gets a certain ID from the
DOM when clicked.
i need to pass that ID to an IIFE
that IFFE needs to either add/remove that ID from an array,
depending if it's already there or not.
This is what I got:
$(document).on('click', 'input[type="checkbox"]', check);
Click Handler:
function check() {
var id = $(this).closest('ul').attr('data-id');
return id;
var checkID = (function (val) {
var arr = [];
return function () {
var i = arr.indexOf(val);
if (i === -1) {
} else {
arr.splice(i, 1);
return arr;
right now i'm getting the ID, but returning it to nowhere.
in my IIFE, i did pass an id variable, but it's undefined.
so, how do I pass the ID variable im getting from check() to checkID IIFE?
other solutions are also welcome.
In your clickHandler
function check() {
var id = $(this).closest('ul').attr('data-id');
and change checkID to
var checkID = (function () {
var arr = [];
return function (val) {
var i = arr.indexOf(val);
if (i === -1) {
} else {
arr.splice(i, 1);
return arr;
I think you need to do things sort of the other way around. Your check function would return a function used by the event handler, but it would also take a callback to be called after the click handler has run, passing your array.
The check function would look like a mash-up of both your functions:
function check(callback){
var arr = [];
return function(){
var id = $(this).closest('ul').attr('data-id');
var i = arr.indexOf(id);
if (i === -1) {
} else {
arr.splice(i, 1);
As you can see, it takes as a parameter a callback function, which will be called on each execution, passing the current array arr. For example, this is my test callback:
function handler(arr){
alert("Array has " + arr.length + " elements");
Finally, your event handler would look like this:
$(document).on('click', 'input[type="checkbox"]', check(handler));
Live example:
Using getter/setter-like functions in your IIFE function makes it much more organized and readable. Then, use these functions to pass, store, and read data across your IIFE function.
var checkID = (function () {
// your array
var arr = [];
// public
return {
// get
getArray: function(){
return arr;
// set value
setArray: function(val) {
var i = arr.indexOf(val);
if (i === -1) {
} else {
arr.splice(i, 1);
Use it as follows:
checkID.getArray(); // returns default empty array []
checkID.setArray('car4'); // test splice()
checkID.getArray(); // returns ["car1", "car2", "car3"]

