How to mock module which depends implicitly per test in Jest? - javascript

I have an integration test where I make actual DB calls to the MongoDB database. But in order to test whether the transaction is expired or not, I need to mock the DB for that particular test. There are many reasons for me to make the actual DB call, I'm mentioning the state just for the sake of this example.
Jest has jest.doMock function but that is helpful only when I wanted to import the function within the test but in my case, It's the DB function which I wanted to mock for that particular test when is getting called inside the express middleware.
There is another option to mock the entire ../db module but that will complicate the tests a lot in my actual project. It would be very easy for me if I can mock the DB call for a specific test and for rest all the tests it should make the real DB calls.
Is there a way to do it in Jest?
// a.ts
import express from "express"
import db from "../db";
const app = express()
app.get("/api/deduct-balance/:txn_id", (req, res) => {
const txn = await db.findById(txn_id)
// return error message if txn expired
if (txn.exipre_at <= new Date()) {
return res.status(401).json({ error: "txn expired" });
// otherwise update the txn state
txn.state = "DEDUCTED";
return res.status(200).json();
// a.test.ts
import db from "../db";
describe("mixed tests", () => {
test("should make REAL db calls", async () => {
await axios.get("/api/deduct-balance/123")
const txn = await db.findById("123");
test("should use MOCKED value", async () => {
// need a way to mock the DB call so that I can return an expired transaction
// when I hit the API
const { data } = await axios.get("/api/deduct-balance/123")
error: {
message: "txn expired"

Integration tests are overkill for this scenario. Simple unit tests would suffice. They are fast to execute, test exactly one thing and you should have lots of them.
Because you're defining the handler as an anonymous function it's hard to unit test by default. So the first action is to make it easier to test by extracting it.
// deduct-balance-handlers.ts
export const deductBalanceByTransaction = async (req, res) => {
const txn = await db.findById(txn_id)
// return error message if txn expired
if (txn.exipre_at <= new Date()) {
return res.status(401).json({ error: "txn expired" });
// otherwise update the txn state
txn.state = "DEDUCTED";
return res.status(200).json();
It will also makes the app configuration more clean.
// a.ts
import express from "express"
import db from "../db";
import { deductBalanceByTransaction } from './deduct-balance-handlers';
const app = express()
app.get("/api/deduct-balance/:txn_id", deductBalanceByTransaction);
Now it's easy to reuse the handler in your test without relying on the web framework or database.
// a.test.ts
import db from "../db";
import { deductBalanceByTransaction } from './deduct-balance-handlers';
describe("deduct-balance", () => {
test("Expired transaction should respond with 401 status", async () => {
const response = mockResponse();
deductBalanceByTransaction(request, response);
For simplicity's sake I left the part of creating a mock response and mocking the module out of the code. More can be learned about mocking here:


How to clean-up / reset redis-mock in an Express Jest test?

I have an app which tallies the number of visits to the url. The tallying is done in Redis. I'm using redis-mock which simulates commands like INCR in memory.
The following test visits the page 3 times and expects the response object to report current as 3:
let app = require('./app');
const supertest = require("supertest");
jest.mock('redis', () => jest.requireActual('redis-mock'));
/* Preceeded by the exact same test */
it('should report incremented value on multiple requests', (done) => {
const COUNT = 3;
const testRequest = function (cb) { supertest(app).get('/test').expect(200, cb) };
], (err, results) => {
if (err) console.error(err);
const lastResponse = _.last(results).body;
The issue is that if I keep reusing app, the internal "redis" mock will continue getting incremented between tests.
I can side-step this a bit by doing this:
beforeEach(() => {
app = require('./app');
Overwriting app seems to do the trick but isn't there a way to clean-up the "internal" mocked module somehow between tests?
My guess is that somehow the '/test' endpoint gets invoked in some other tests in the suite, you could try to run specific parts of your suite using .only or even trying to run the entire suite serially.
To answer the original questions the entire suite must be isolated and consistent either if you are running a specific test case scenario or if you are trying to run the entire suite, thus you need to clear up any leftovers that they could actually affect the results.
So you can actually use the .beforeEach or the .beforeAll methods, provided by Jest in order to "mock" Redis and the .afterAll method for clearance.
A dummy implementation would look like this:
import redis from "redis";
import redis_mock from "redis-mock";
import request from "supertest";
jest.mock("redis", () => jest.requireActual("redis-mock"));
// Client to be used for manually resetting the mocked redis database
const redisClient = redis.createClient();
// Sometimes order matters, since we want to setup the mock
// and boot the app afterwards
import app from "./app";
const COUNT = 3;
const testRequest = () => supertest(app).get("/test");
describe("testing", () => {
afterAll((done) => {
// Reset the mock after the tests are done
// You can also flush the mocked database here if neeeded and close the client
// Alternatively, you can also delete the key as
redisClient.del("test", done);
it("dummy test to run", () => {
it("the actual test", async () => {
let last;
// Run the requests in serial
for (let i = 0; i < COUNT - 1; i++) {
last = await testRequest();
// assert the last one

Mocking node_modules which return a function with Jest?

I am writing a typeScript program which hits an external API. In the process of writing tests for this program, I have been unable to correctly mock-out the dependency on the external API in a way that allows me to inspect the values passed to the API itself.
A simplified version of my code that hits the API is as follows:
const api = require("api-name")();
export class DataManager {
setup_api = async () => {
const email = "email#website.ext";
const password = "password";
try {
return api.login(email, password);
} catch (err) {
throw new Error("Failure to log in: " + err);
My test logic is as follows:
jest.mock("api-name", () => () => {
return {
login: jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {
return "200 - OK. Log in successful.";
import { DataManager } from "../../core/dataManager";
const api = require("api-name")();
describe("DataManager.setup_api", () => {
it("should login to API with correct parameters", async () => {
let manager: DataManager = new DataManager();
const result = await manager.setup_api();
expect(result).toEqual("200 - OK. Log in successful.");
What I find perplexing is that the test assertion which fails is only expect(api.login).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1). Which means the API is being mocked, but I don't have access to the original mock. I think this is because the opening line of my test logic is replacing login with a NEW jest.fn() when called. Whether or not that's true, I don't know how to prevent it or to get access to the mock function-which I want to do because I am more concerned with the function being called with the correct values than it returning something specific.
I think my difficulty in mocking this library has to do with the way it's imported: const api = require("api-name")(); where I have to include an opening and closing parenthesis after the require statement. But I don't entirely know what that means, or what the implications of it are re:testing.
I came across an answer in this issue thread for ts-jest. Apparently, ts-jest does NOT "hoist" variables which follow the naming pattern mock*, as regular jest does. As a result, when you try to instantiate a named mock variable before using the factory parameter for jest.mock(), you get an error that you cannot access the mock variable before initialization.
Per the previously mentioned thread, the jest.doMock() method works in the same way as jest.mock(), save for the fact that it is not "hoisted" to the top of the file. Thus, you can create variables prior to mocking out the library.
Thus, a working solution is as follows:
const mockLogin = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {
return "Mock Login Method Called";
jest.doMock("api-name", () => () => {
return {
login: mockLogin,
import { DataManager } from "../../core/dataManager";
describe("DataManager.setup_api", () => {
it("should login to API with correct parameters", async () => {
let manager: DataManager = new DataManager();
const result = await manager.setup_api();
expect(result).toEqual("Mock Login Method Called");
expect(mockLogin).toHaveBeenCalledWith("email#website.ext", "password");
Again, this is really only relevant when using ts-jest, as using babel to transform your jest typescript tests WILL support the correct hoisting behavior. This is subject to change in the future, with updates to ts-jest, but the jest.doMock() workaround seems good enough for the time being.

Jest mockedCoeus.mockImplementation throws a TypeError

I'm using Jest to write a test and mock a function that calls an HTTP request.
import { mocked } from "ts-jest/utils";
import * as pull from "../src/pull";
import fs = require("fs");
// read the reponse data from a file.
const response = JSON.parse(
fs.readFileSync("./__fixtures__/pr.json", "utf8")
// have jest mock the function and set it's response.
const mockedCoeus = mocked(pull.getPullRequest, true);
mockedCoeus.mockImplementation(async () => {
return response as any;
// write the test.
describe("#get details for a PR", () => {
it("should load user data", async () => {
const data = await pull.getPullRequest(165, "data-ios");
The test passes, however, I get the following error when running npm jest
TypeError: mockedCoeus.mockImplementation is not a function
I've looked at other reported errors having to do with the placement of jest.mock however, it does not seem to be the case here. Why is this error thrown but the tests pass? How can I fix it?

Use Jest to mock external user module in an imported module

I don't know if I'm missing something in the docs, but I have this situation:
// test.js
import User from './user'
it("should load initial data", async() => {
const users = new User()
const user = await users.load()
// User.js
import Api from './api'
export default class User {
async load() {
const res = await Api.fetch() // prevent/mock this in testing
What is the Jest-way to prevent/mock the external Api module in User.js. I do not want User.js to make a real network request within the test.
Further to this, I'm looking for a more generic mocking solution, ie. say I'm testing in React Native, and I want to mock NativeModules.SettingsManager.settings.AppleLocale, for example. Lets say Api.fetch() calls the line above, and doesn't make a HTTP request
spyOn in combination with mock functions like mockImplementation will provide what you are looking for.
Here is a working example:
// ---- api.js ----
export const getData = () => {
return Promise.resolve('hi');
// ---- user.js ----
import { getData } from './api'
export default class User {
async load() {
return await getData(); // mock this call in user.test.js
// ---- user.test.js ----
import User from './user'
import * as Api from './api'; // import * so we can mock 'getData' on Api object
describe('User', () => {
it('should load initial data', async() => {
const mock = jest.spyOn(Api, 'getData'); // create a spy
mock.mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve('hello')); // give it a mock implementation
const user = new User();
const result = await user.load();
expect(result).toBe('hello'); // SUCCESS, mock implementation called
mock.mockRestore(); // restore original implementation when we are done
If you need to mock responses to HTTP requests, then you should check out nock. It has a clean API that allows a lot of flexibility in creating HTTP responses to specific requests.

Writing unit tests for method that uses jwt token in javascript

I have been trying to write unit test in javascript for the method which uses jwt token validation. So the results are fetched only if the token is valid.
I want to mock the jwt token and return results. Is there any way to do it ? I tried using ava test framework, mock require, sinon but I am unable to do it.
Any thoughts ?
I am trying to mock jwt.verify
**unit test:**
const promiseFn = Promise.resolve({ success: 'Token is valid' });
mock('jsonwebtoken', {
verify: function () {
return promiseFn;
const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
const data = jwt.verify(testToken,'testSecret');
**Error :**
{"name":"JsonWebTokenError","message":"invalid token"}
So the issue here is that, its actually verifying the token but not invoking the mock.
Modules are singletons in Node.js. So if you required 'jwt' in your test and then it's required down in your business logic it's going to be the same object.
So pretty much you can require 'jwt' module in your test and then mock the verify method.
Also, it's important not to forget to restore the mock after the test is done.
Here is a minimal working example of what you want to accomplish (using ava and sinon):
const test = require('ava');
const sinon = require('sinon');
const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
let stub;
test.before(t => {
stub = sinon.stub(jwt, 'verify').callsFake(() => {
return Promise.resolve({success: 'Token is valid'});
test('should return success', async t => {
const testToken = 'test';
const testSecret = 'test secret';
const result = await jwt.verify(testToken, testSecret);
console.log(result);, 'Token is valid');
test.after('cleanup', t => {

