How to determine whether Vue component is destroyed due to hot reload? - javascript

I have a Vue component that manages heavy resources that are expensive to set up (namely, WebRTC PeerConnection with video streams). The component is designed in a way so these heavy resources are saved elsewhere and are preserved across module reloads. When component is reloaded (destroyed & created again) it checks for saved stream and just redeploys it without recreation.
This, however, implies that destroyed hook actualy does not destroy anything. Which is not expected behavior when user leaves the page and component is destroyed completely, not for reloading.
So the question is: how to tell whether the component is destroyed to be reloaded (and resources should be left intact) or because it is no longer needed (and resources should be closed)?
I use Nuxt, so webpack configuration and other low-level related things are managed by Nuxt itself. No changes to Nuxt config were made in this area.

In complete honesty, I still don't have quite clear your issue.
Although it could come in handy for you knowing about this.
if ( { => {
if (status === 'idle') {
// do code here


How to share data between components in angular

I use observable to send a value from one component to another (data is sent to the subscriber after clicking on this other component, i.e. via subject) I subscribe in another component and everything works fine until I refresh the page, after refreshing the page the component is recreated and after recreation the subscriber has no data as he did not go through the first component.How can I solve the problem?
I tried using rxjs operators as shareReplay but it didn't work like shareReplay
As your Angular app is destroyed and rebuilt when the page is refreshed, unfortunately you will lose all user state that is not saved somewhere. This is a common problem in building UIs so there are a number of tools available to combat this
Store your user state when an important change is made. This is called persisting state
Fetch and reapply your saved state on reload. This is called hydrating state
Persist to local storage and check for local storage values on reload to hydrate with
Persist within the users URL (simple values only), e.g. modifying the URL in some way which can be checked on reload. Assuming you are dealing with a single page, query parameters or fragments may be the way to go
Persist to a database via a POST/PATCH call and perform a GET request on reload to check for values to hydrate with
None of these methods are inbuilt into an RxJS operator (as far as I know) but we can easily leverage RxJS to achieve any of the above strategies with little effort. The tap operator is often used specifically to handle side effects, i.e. operations which should happen as a coincidence of an RxJS emission. That is precisely what we want here, in simple terms:
"If the subject emits a value, also trigger an operation which
persists the user state"
"On page load, check for any available saved user state and emit via the
relevant subject, hydrating the observables which the components will consume"
See example implementation below
type TabType = 'first' | 'second'
providedIn: 'root'
export class TabService {
tabSelectedSubject: BehaviorSubject<TabType> = new BehaviorSubject<TabType>('first')
tabSelected$: Observable<TabType> =
tap(tab: TabType) => {
// ... your persist code here
constructor() {
// ... your hydrate code here
saveTab(): void {
localStorage.setItem('tab', tab)
fetchAndApplyTab(): void {
const savedTab: TabType | null = localStorage.getItem('tab');
if (savedTab) {
In this case, we are exploiting the fact that our service is:
A singleton, so only loaded once per app (i.e. provided in the app root)
The service will be instantiated in the first component that loads which also injects it
This allows us to put our fetchAndApplyTab() logic in tab.service.ts's constructor and keep the code self-contained. However, depending on your use case, you may instead want to run fetchAndApplyTab() from your component manually itself.
This is happening because everything is in memory, and on page refresh all is lost, due the fact that angular app is re-initializing. You need to persist the state, for example write it into local storage, for this you could use "tap" operator from rxjs. And also in loading you could read data from localstorage end emit-it, for this you could use app_initializer hook.
there are 2 days majority to pass data between components
If both components are interconnected it means the parent or child
relationships then you can pass data with input-output decorators.
you can use the common service to share data between 2 components.
In SPA application if you refresh the browser then all in memory objects and observables are not present you need to again go back to the screen where it will be initialize.

History API's state does not persist in deployed application

I have an issue in understanding the History API's state. The problem I am facing is the different behaviour between localhost and the actual deployed application.
So after I save something in state, and refresh the page I see two different behaviours.
localhost keeps a copy post refresh
production environment doesn't keep a copy after the refresh.
I have gone through the documentation,
it talks about, the state should be serializable and the max size. But I am storing exactly the same data, in both the environments, because it's the same flow of the application.
Could anyone help with this?
I am using react-router-dom, here is the code snippet:
// inside the component,
this.props.history.push('/some/route', {
data: data
// in component did mount
if (this.props.location.state) {
// do something with this.props.location.state

Redux State Resets On Window Reload (Client Side)

I have very large and complicated objects like userInfo, chatInfo, and etc as in objects & arrays with very large and nested information. The thing is in my react app every time I refresh my page the redux state gets reset and I have to call all those API's again.
I did some research on this topic. I checked Dan Abramov's egghead tutorial on redux. What he does is maintain the redux state in localStorage of the browser and updated the localStorage after every 100 or 500 ms. I feel as if this is a code smell.
Continuously watching the localStorage state and updating it, wouldn't it effect the performance of the browser. I mean wasn't this on of the reasons Angular 1 failed because it continuously kept on watching state variables and after a while if the site was kept live in the browser it just slowed down. Because our script continuously kept on checking the state of the variables. i feel as if we are doing the same thing here.
If maintaining the redux state in localStorage is the right approach can someone tell me why so? And if not is there a better approach?
This is not a duplicate of How can I persist redux state tree on refresh? because I am asking for advice whether persisting state in local storage is a code smell or not
I think using localStorage is your best option here, since it seems the data you are storing there is needed on the client. If the data is not changing, you shouldn't need to repeatedly query, or watch, the localStorage.
Another thing you can do is wrap a closure around your localStorage, so that you are not always hitting disk when retrieving your "large" data. Every browser implements localStorage differently, so there are no guarantees on consistent behaviour or I/O performance.
This also adds a simple layer of abstraction which hides the implementation, and controls everything related to your user data in one place.
Here is a simple example of user profile data closure:
// UserProfile.js
var UserProfile = (function() {
var userData = {};
var getUserData = function() {
if (!userData) {
userData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("userData"));
return userData;
var setUserData = function(userData) {
localStorage.setItem("userData", JSON.stringify(userData));
userData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("userData"));
return {
getUserData: getUserData,
setUserData: setUserData
export default UserProfile;
Set the user data object: This will overwrite the localStorage, and set the local variable inside the closure.
import UserProfile from '/UserProfile';
Get the user data object: This will get the data from the local variable inside the closure, or else go get it from localStorage if it is not set.
import UserProfile from '/UserProfile';
var userData = UserProfile.getUserData();
The idea here is to load data into memory, from localStorage, the first time, when your app loads, or on the first API call. Until such a time when the user profile data changes, (i.e. a user updates their profile, for example), then you would query the API again, and update the data again via the UserProfile.setUserData(..) call.
The question is at what point you need to achieve persistent. I feel that the answer in your case is on a page reload. So if you are worry about performance I'll say:
* Update the localStorage only when the state changes. Inside your reducer when you update the state.
* Read from localStorage when you boot the app.
(This way you write only when the state changes and you read only once)
I'll recommend package for achieving persistent in Redux apps.
I would only do this as a weak cache and would not rely on it. Local storage is limited (5mb on Chrome e.g.), and may not be available. You'd have to carefully verify that your data was written.
As others have said, you wouldn't be watching localStorage you'd be periodically flushing the store. But I would agree that it seems like a rather coarse hack to blindly assume that all of your state was appropriate to persist in local storage. As with all caching solutions, you need to carefully consider the implications (freshness, expiration, etc.). It sounds like you might want to do this incrementally - pick off a few low-hanging pieces of fruit that are appropriate for caching and consider the implications of caching that state in local storage.
Try redux-persist you can do optimistic persistence, agnostic of the underlying platform (web/mobile).
If you still find performance is a bottleneck. You can do either of the following in steps.
Cache Middleware
Create a middleware that listen's in on changes and records them but only flushes them out every 5 seconds.
Attach an event handler to window.beforeunload to detect user navigating away or closing the browser to flush changes
Persistence Strategy
To persist the data you can use a either of the two strategies below.
Store it in localStorage if there is no performance bottle neck.
Send a JSON blob to server like file-upload. Fetch last JSON state when app loads and persist locally.
I'd suggest you start of with using redux-persist. If there is still a performance bottle neck then use a cache middleware along with one of the two persistence strategies.
I think that in most cases you want to persist your state in localStorage after certain action(s) happens. At least that's always been the case in the projects where I've needed to persist it.
So, if you are using redux-saga, redux-observable or redux-cycles for orchestrating your side-effects you can easily make that side-effect (persisting the state into localStorage) happen whenever one of those actions take place. I think that's a much better approach than "randomly" persisting the data based on a time-interval.
It seems that your understanding of watching state is that you have some kind interval which will keep checking your state and updating it in localStorage. However, I think you can achieve this same thing by updating your localStorage in the react lifecycle method componentDidUpdate. This method will fire every time your component updates, so you can take advantage of it and update your localStorage every time it fires without incurring any performance hits.
One option is to load the data in INITIAL_STATE
window.__INITIAL_STATE__ = { ...state... }
and load the reducer:
It is completely ok to persist state in large redux+react applications.
Regarding angular1, watchers and digest cycle though on every state change even if you rehydrate state not all components are rendered because of redux connect API and vrtualDOM of react.
You can check:
Performance should not be your primary concern. If it comes to that normalise your state and only persist important information like drafts etc(Less info-fewer rehydrations).
The bigger problem with this kind of setup is usually if you have any background sync or socket updates in the app. Having multiple tabs of browser causes async writes to local DB causing to overwrite with previous states.
Here is a thin wrapper on top of it for cross tab sync redux-persist-crosstab
You can check some of these implementations in mattermost webapp and how they use it for realtime app.
They go through some hoops for extra stability and performance - link to store file in mattermost webapp
I think you can use npm module called redux-storage. It provides Persistence layer for redux with flexible backends. You can combine redux-storage with any redux-storage-engine you want. And in my view you can combine this with redux-storage-engine-sessionstorage assuming you will only want to share and save information till browser is open. No need to bloat browser with localStorage. You will need extra javascript support for this to get it clear.
Redux-storage will trigger load and save actions after every state changes. Providing all more flexibility about what to do in case of load and save. Also if you don't to save some state changes then you define array of state which you want to filter out.

Getting initial state using HTML5 history api

Everything I've been searching for is just a tutorial how to use pushState, replaceState, history.state, etc. Those concepts are simple but one thing I'm wondering how people solve is how to know what the initial state is.
Say you SPA is hosted at Go there and your home page of the app is loaded, click around and it does a pushState to see you to Great, now you see a list of users and thanks to the history api, it wasn't an actual page load.
But now let's pretend a user had that state bookmarked and the started the app off at this URL. Ok, so your server listens to that and serves up the app. My question is, how do you know that get/users is the current state and you need to show the associated view? Do you just know that your app is hosted at and so you get whatever is after that to know?
Something like this:
function getState (uri) {
return uri.match(/^https:\/{2}(?:w{3}\.)?\/en-us\/myapp\/?(.*)/i)[1];
var state = getState(location.href);
and if state is falsey then load the initial view, otherwise handle the state and show the list of users when state === 'get/users'?
Yes, that is quite right. However, you could try using location.pathname to fetch the state, so that your regex does not need to include the domain name.
For example:
function getState (uri){
var path = uri.split("myapp", 2)[1]; // This will split the pathname after 'myapp'
console.log(path) // Just for debugging purposes
// Now we can decide what to do with the path (i.e. "/get/users")
// For example, we can use a switch or a simple if statement
if (path === '/get/users'){
return true
} else {
return false
var state = getState(location.pathname);
That is just a simple example of a router. You can now try building your very own router for your SPA. Also, there are many libraries out there for you to use if you would like a different approach. You can take a look at these ones if you would like.
Also, if you are using a framework to build your SPA, they often have their own routing ability built in. These are just some of the many frameworks that have routers built in. (Sorry, I've <10 reputation so I'm not allowed more than two links).
Vue.js —
Mithril.js —
Ember.js —
Of course, it is ultimately your choice which to use. You could expand upon the example I've provided, by simply implementing a switch for different links/pages in your SPA. I wish you the best with your app!

oidc-client CheckSessionIFrame fires properly one time, then fails ever interval thereafter

This may not actually be an issue with Identity Server or the oidc-client, but I am having trouble pinning down the problem. I am running this through System.js in an Aurelia application, so it's possible the issue originates from one of these external libraries.
In CheckSessionIFrame.start(session_state), we have the following code:
this._timer = window.setInterval(() => {
this._frame.contentWindow.postMessage(this._client_id + " " + this._session_state, this._frame_origin);
}, this._interval);
The first time the interval fires, there appear to be no problems. The iFrame's contentWindow exists (as expected) and the postMessage method is called without issue. Two seconds later, when the interval fires again, this._frame.contentWindow is undefined - so my best guess is the iFrame is dying somehow. Again, this may not be an issue with oidc-client, but I'm looking for any helpful guidance on what could cause this iFrame to die (perhaps internally it could be dying on a script?) such as a missing necessary config value for oidc-client.
For oidc-client to work with silent renew, you need to have your aurelia-app on an element that is not the body, so you can place elements within the body yet outside of your aurelia-app.
This allows you to put the IFrame outside of the aurelia-app, which prevents the Aurelia bootstrapper from eating it and lets oidc-client function independently of Aurelia.
Based on your comment, and a little memory refreshing on my part, I rephrase/clarify:
The session checker and the silent renew functions work independently of each other. You can silent renew before the session checker has started with a manual call. You can also start the session checker without doing any silent renew. They are just convenient to use together, but that's their only relationship.
I'm assuming you use the hybrid flow and have the standard session checker implementation with an RP and OP iframe, where the OP iframe is in a check_session.html page and the RP iframe is somewhere in your aurelia app. In one of my projects I have the RP iframe in the index.html, outside of the aurelia-app element so it works independently of aurelia. But I guess it doesn't necessarily have to be there.
The session checker starts when you set the src property of the RP iframe to the location of your check_session.html with the session_state, check_session_iframe and client_id after the hash.
The check_session.html page will respond to that by starting the periodic polling and post a message back to the window of your aurelia app if the state has changed.
From your aurelia app, you listen to that message and do the signinSilent() call if it indicates a changed state. And from the silent_renew.html page, you respond to that with signinSilentCallback()
All that being in place, it really doesn't matter when you start the session checker. Tuck it away in a feature somewhere and load that feature last.
The only two things you need to worry about during the startup of your application is:
Check for window.hash starting with #code and call signinRedirectCallback(code) if it does
If it does not, just call signinSilent() right away (that leaves you with the least amount of things to check)
And then after either of those have been done, do getUser() and check if it's null or if the expired property === true. If either of those is the case, do the signinRedirect(). If not, your user is authenticated and you can let the aurelia app do it's thing and start the session checker etc.
I would definitely not put the initial authentication checks on your index.html within the aurelia-app. Because if aurelia happens to finish loading before the oidc checks are done, the process will fail. You also probably want to store the user object (and UserManager) in some cache/service/other type of singleton class so you can easily interact with oidc from your aurelia application.

