Hiding rest of article before form is filled - javascript

I am currently building the blog and the client asked me to create a modal after a few scrolls so the user has to submit the email before continuing with reading.
I have built that. No problem.
BUT now he asked me if there is a way to prevent the user to see the rest of the content in Inspector or not just by disabling overflow:hidden on the body.
So is there any way to hide the rest of the content from the inspector before hitting the submit button?
Thanks for any advice

One thing you could try is have the submit button run a function that sets a global variable ishiddenfrom a default true to false.
The code for ishidden might look like this:
var ishidden = false;
//function that makes the user do form -> sets ishidden to true
//submit form function -> sets ishidden to false
and then you would have an if function that would change the styling
that might look like this:
//pure js solution. jquery is a bit different
document.getElementById(article).style.visibility = "hidden";
there would be a bit more code, but this is the general idea


Fire a Javascript function after submitting a Gravity Form

I have a multi-page form where the url remains the same when moving between pages.
I am trying to change some HTML after the submit button has been clicked.
I can run this in the console and the result is as I want it.
How can I get this run after submit?
I've tried window.onload and document.onload functions but they are not working. I've also tried an onclick function but it seems moving to the next page stops this working?
var confirm = document.getElementById('gform_confirmation_message_14');
if(confirm) {
document.getElementsByClassName("entry-title")[0].innerHTML = "PAYE Worker";
Perhaps the gform_page_loaded event? From the documentation it:
Fires on multi-page forms when changing pages (i.e. going to the next or previous page).
$(document).on('gform_page_loaded', function(event, form_id, current_page) {
// do stuff
There are a bunch of javascript events available, and if not this one, maybe another serves your purpose, e.g. gform_post_render.
I removed the Javascript completely and created a confirmation in Gravity Forms that redirects to a new page upon submission.
Created a title for this new page "PAYE worker"
Problem solved

Warning when clicking external links and how to add it to a link class

I'm not sure how to do a pop-up that warns when you are clicking on external links, using javascript.
I figured that it would be handy to put a class on my external links as well, but I'm not quite sure it's done correct as it is now either. This is the HTML I'm using at the moment:
<div id="commercial-container">
<img src="picture1.jpg" />
<img src="pciture2.jpg" />
<img src="picture3.jpg" />
<img src="picture4" />
I'm very new to javascript and very unsure on how to solve my problems. The pretty much only thing I figured out so far is that I will have to use window.onbeforeload but I have no clue on how to figure out how to write the function I need.
I want to keep my javascript in a separated .js document instead of in the HTML as well.
Call the confirm() function from the onClick attribute. This function returns true if the user clicks OK, which will open the link, otherwise it will return false.
<img src="picture1.jpg"/>
Hope this helps.
You can do it by adding a click event handler to each link. This saves having to use a classname.
window.onunload will run even if the user is just trying to close your site, which you may not want.
staying in site
going external
var a = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
var b = a.length;
a[b].onclick = function(){
//They have clicked an external domain
alert('going external');
alert('staying in your site');
Since you're new to Javascript I advice you to use a javascript framework to do all the "heavy work" for you.
For example with JQuery you can easily bind an onClick event to all external links by doing:
$(".external").click(function(event) {
var confirmation = confirmation("Are you sure you want to leave ?");
if (!confirmation) {
// prevents the default event for the click
// which means that in this case it won't follow the link
This way every time a user clicks on a link with the external class, a popup message box asking for a confirmation to leave will be prompt to the user and it will only follow the link if the user says "yes".
In case you want only to notify without taking any actions you can replace the confirmation by a simple alert call:
$(".external").click(function(event) {
alert("You are leaving the site");
If the user click an image,div,.. you need to look for the parent node. !There could be several elements wrapped with a-tag.
var eT=(event.target||event.srcElement);
if((eT.tagName.toLowerCase()==='a' && eT.href.indexOf('<mydomain>')<0)
|| (eT.parentNode!==null && eT.parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase()==='a'
&& eT.parentNode.href.indexOf('<mydomay>')<0))
//do someting
else if(eT...){
Two side notes:
If you want to keep track a user by cookie or something similar, it's good practice to check external links, set a timeout and make a synchronic get request to renew.
It's better to add the event to the document or a div containing all events and decide on target.

Is it possible to refresh a form only?

I have a form that when is submited it posts to a div. Ok, so I found the issue that i was getting double submissions, so i tried to apply some jquery plugins i found, but they were useless because if you double clicked fast enough I still got a double submission. From those I found i saw the best way to prevent it was with
if (this.beenSubmitted) return false;
this.beenSubmitted = true;
but then, I noticed that if the form needed to be sent again, the user would have to refresh the page in order to send it. In my case, I want them to be able to send again after is sent, (Im not contradicting myself, because it would be diferent content). To explain it better, this form post ideas. If you want to post 2 diferent ideas you would have to refresht he page to post. Preventing double submission would help from submitting the same idea twice if you clicked fast enough. So, what I did is that I added this "5000":
if (this.beenSubmitted) return false, 5000;
this.beenSubmitted = true;
So, now it refreshed my page. But im a little picky, lol. So I find it annoying that the whole page has to refresh. What if your typing and then it refreshes. I can always lower the 5000 I know, but I still find it annoying in case you start to browse the website or to zoom in, you end up refreshed.
So, my question is, is there any way to just refresh the form? or a better way to prevent double submission that actually works for this case (that ur able to submit after a few secs) ?
this is script:
<script type="text/javascript">
$("form#myform").submit(function() {
var addcontent = jQuery('#addcontent').attr('value');
if ( addcontent.replace(/\s/g,"") == "" ) return false;
if (this.beenSubmitted) return false,5000;
this.beenSubmitted = true;
type: "POST",
url: "post.php",
data:"addcontent="+ addcontent,
success: function(){blah blah blah, ton sof code here including pagintion here, insert into a div here also, if u need this let me know.
Most of that I did it from asking questinos here. My Jquery and Ajax knowledge isnt the best one.
THanks for the help =}
Rate limiting to prevent malicious behavior in ExpressJS
The above link has something about putting a timer on the submit button so that you can't click it again within 3 seconds.
var submitTimer = new Collate(3000);
<form action="post" onsubmit="return submitTimer.idle();">
why don't u use the this.beenSubmitted = true approach and combine it with a timeout? for example after 5000ms u execute the timeout and set this.beenSubmitted to false.
The statement:
return false, 5000;
will always return 5000, the use of false is redundant and pointless.
To reset a form without reloading the page (which won't necessarily reset the form in some browsers), use a reset button or call the form's reset method. You can use an onreset listener to update the beenSubmitted property if the form is reset.
Multiple submission of a form has been an issue since forms were invented, it's usually dealt with at the server (if two identical requests are received, ignore the second).
Using script at the client is unreliable since you don't know what the server is doing and you have to guess whether or not the form needs to be resubmitted.

tinymce dont show the alert leaving the page

I am using jquery with normal version (non-jquery).
I am using jquery to get contents of the box like this
$(".submit").click(function() {
var text = tinyMCE.get('elm1').getContent();
return false;
But when i edit the content of the textarea and click submit and then leave the page.
But it shows the alert box.
I dont want it to come if the users have clicked the .submit after editing.
Brett seems right.
You can even use this to get the content into the form in case $(."here") ist the element you initialized the tinymce editor for:
$(".submit").click(function() {
return false;
Sorry to post in an old topic but I tried .save() and it did not work for me either. So, I figured out a better solution that I wanted to share for the next person.
The unsaved alert is part of the autosave plugin which checks function tinymce.get('mce1').isDirty(). This function checks the value of tinymce.get('mce1').isNotDirty
A "dirty" mce is one which has unsaved changes. So, to prevent the popup you have to tell mce that it is clean without any unsaved changes.
tinymce.get('mce1').isNotDirty = 1;//clean mce
That will prevent the popup when leaving/refreshing page, assuming no more edits are done to the content of mce1
If you have one editor per page try
See the documentation for more details

Javascript alert popup form

i have search this whole site and google but cannot find it so, here goes!
i would like a way to show a form when using alert.
for example, when user click post, a dialog pop with asking user a few question like a html form and allow user to click submit or reset or cancel, without loading a new page.
i have seen this done but cannot find the same site again.
i have tried putting htm to alert with little success of posting.
any Help is Highly Appreciated!
What you are looking for is a Prompt Box:
<script type="text/javascript">
function show_prompt() {
var name = prompt('Please enter your name','Poppy');
if (name != null && name != "") {
example taken from here: http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_popup.asp
you can do this with jQuery dialogs -- load the dialog on user click and have a form presented in the dialog. have a look at the demos here: http://jqueryui.com/demos/dialog/
To complete #Liv's answer you can use jQuery's UI
Reference: Modal Form
The example shows how to create a new user. It will pop up a dialog where you complete a form and you can submit it or you can cancel it.
Use a modal dialog to require that the user enter data during a multi-step process. Embed form markup in the content area, set the modal option to true, and specify primary and secondary user actions with the buttons option.
It pretty much what I understood you need.
Good luck!
HTML can't be placed in system dialogs generated by alert(), confirm() or prompt(). However, you can download jQuery UI and set it up on your Website. (Make sure you have the "dialog" component chosen on the download page.) Then in your JavaScript:
$("<div>Place your HTML here</div>").appendTo("body").dialog({
modal: true,
title: "Enter a title here"
Make sure you run this code after the page has loaded by using either window.onload or $(document).ready().
You will not be able to do this with alert, but you should take a look at how to create modal windows.
I recommend you to use a div popup. What you have to do is setting a background on top of all other elements except the div where your form is. The css property display will be set to 'none' until the form is then activated, by setting display = "block". That can be performed using javascript.

