How to select values from more tasks assigned to same project - javascript

I have an app where I can create a Project and, inside the Project, I can create Tasks. For every Task, I can add a percent and calculate a price (example picture 1).
Then I have a report page where I want to calculate all the prices from all of the Tasks of same project (example picture 2). Now I used a code with logic that works for other sums on same project (example picture 3), but when I use this code for the percent sum of all tasks its not working properly (example picture 4, in this picture I put to display the array not the sum)
picture 1:
picture 2 (but here the problem is that just the first array is corrent the other are not):
picture 3 (same code - works good):
if($projectTaskIds && count($projectTaskIds)){
$realTime = 0;
$estimateCost = 0;
$itemName = '';
$realCost = 0;
$realCostArr = array();
$totalCalEArr = array();
foreach ($projectTaskIds as $key => $projectTaskId) {
// echo $projectTaskId['id'];
// echo "<br>";
$calB = 0;
$calC = 0;
$itemtotal = 0;
$items = get_items_by_type('task', $projectTaskId['id']);
if($items && count($items) > 0){
$itemNo = 1;
foreach ($items as $key => $item) {
$itemtotal += ($item["rate"]*$item["qty"]);
$itemName .= '<div>'.$itemNo.'.'.$item["description"].' <b>('.round($item["qty"]).')</b>'.'</div>';
// =============== the code that doesn't work ============
$calF = get_task_user_hourly_rate($assignees_id[0]); // hourly_rate
$calG = get_task_custom_billable_amount($aRow['id']);
$calE = ((round($itemtotal + ((($calF * $aRow['task_duration'] / 60))))*($aRow['task_item_percentage']/100)))+(round($itemtotal + (($calF * $aRow['task_duration'] / 60)))); // additionalPriceTotal
else {
$calE = ($itemtotal+$aRow['task_item_manual_total_price']-$itemtotal);
$totalCalE = $calE;
$totalCalEArr[] = $totalCalE;
if($totalCalEArr && count($totalCalEArr) > 0){
$totalsCalEaMount = 0;
foreach ($totalCalEArr as $key => $totalvalue) {
$totalsCalEaMount += $totalvalue;
// =============== the code that doesnt work ============
$realTime += get_calc_task_real_logged_time($projectTaskId['id']);
$calB = get_task_custom_billable_amount($projectTaskId['id']);
$calC = ((round($itemtotal + ((($calF * $aRow['task_duration'] / 60))))*($aRow['task_item_percentage']/100)))+(round($itemtotal + (($calF * $aRow['task_duration'] / 60)))); // additionalPriceTotal
} else {
$calC = ($itemtotal+$aRow['task_item_manual_total_price']-$itemtotal);
$estimateCost += round($itemtotal+($calA * $aRow['task_duration'] / 60));
$realCost = round($itemtotal+$calB);
// if($calC = 0){ $realCost = round($itemtotal+$calB);} else { $realCost = round($itemtotal+$calB+$calC);
// }
$realCostArr[] = $realCost;
if($realCostArr && count($realCostArr) > 0){
$realCostAmount = 0;
foreach ($realCostArr as $key => $reslcostvalue) {
$realCostAmount += $reslcostvalue;
$outputName = '';
$relName = '';
$row[] = $loop;
if ($aRow['rel_name']) {
$relName = task_rel_name($aRow['rel_name'], $aRow['rel_id'], $aRow['rel_type']);
$link = task_rel_link($aRow['rel_id'], $aRow['rel_type']);
$relName = '<span class="hide"> - </span><a class="text-muted task-table-related" data-toggle="tooltip" title="' . _l('task_related_to') . '" href="' . $link . '">' . $relName . '</a>';
$row[] = $relName;
$row[] = count($projectTaskIds);
$row[] = $itemName;
$row[] = $aRow['task_duration']*count($projectTaskIds);
$row[] = round($realTime/60);
$row[] = round($estimateCost);
$row[] = round($realCostAmount);
$row[] = '';
$row[] = $totalCalEArr; // display as array or $row[] = $totalsCalEaMount; to display as a sum
$output['aaData'][] = $row;


How to enable disable option value in select based on condition PHP

After user select location,in the next select option which is select car, will show list of car in selected location..The list of car retrieved direct from database..So i need to display all the car list in that area and need to disable enable the car list according the condition which is if the car id is not available the option value will disabled..and the option value become enable if car id is available..
$car = "SELECT *,location_master.location_id , location_master.location_name,
appcarinfo.loc_id_ext, appcarinfo.location ,appcarinfo.model ,appcarinfo.noplat FROM location_master
INNER JOIN appcarinfo ON = location_master.gmaplat
appcarinfo.lon = location_master.gmaplng
where appcarinfo.model='".$fetchres['idmodel']."' ";
$qcar = mysqli_query($conn, $car);
<option disabled value="" selected hidden>Please Select Car</option>
while ($showcar= mysqli_fetch_array($qcar))
if ($showcar['car_id']=="Available")
<option class="<?php echo $showcar['lon']; ?>" value="<?php echo $showcar['car_id']; ?>" enabled> <?php echo $fetchres['maker'].' '.$fetchres['model_name'].'-'.$showcar['noplat'].' ' .$showcar['location_name']; ?></option>
?> <option class="<?php echo $showcar['lon']; ?>" value="<?php echo $showcar['car_id']; ?>" disabled> <?php echo $fetchres['maker'].' '.$fetchres['model_name'].'-'.$showcar['noplat'].' ' .$showcar['location_name']; ?></option>
I'm also new to to pass data and retrieve it back to select option
//check availability car
function check_availability()
//id from form
var reservation1 = document.getElementById("reservation");
var pickup_date = document.getElementById("pickup_date").value;
var return_date = document.getElementById("return_date").value;
var pickup_time = document.getElementById("pickup_time").value;
var return_time = document.getElementById("return_time").value;
var carID= document.getElementById("carID").value;
type : "POST",
url : "function/check_car_availability.php",
data : {
pickup_date : pickup_date,
return_date : return_date,
pickup_time : pickup_time,
return_time : return_time,
carID : carID,
dataType : "JSON",
success : function(data) {
if ($_POST['pickup_date'])
$pickup_date = $_POST['pickup_date'];
$return_date = $_POST['return_date'];
$pickup_time = $_POST['pickup_time'];
$return_time = $_POST['return_time'];
$car_id = $_POST['car_id'];
$owner_id = $_POST['owner_id'];
//convert normal date to epoch
$pickup_date1 = explode("/",$pickup_date);
$return_date1 = explode("/",$return_date);
$pickup_time1 = explode(":",$pickup_time);
$return_time1 = explode(":",$return_time);
//hour, minute, second, month, day, year
$edt_pickup = mktime($pickup_time1[0],$pickup_time1[1],0,$pickup_date1[1],$pickup_date1[0],$pickup_date1[2]);
$edt_return = mktime($return_time1[0],$return_time1[1],0,$return_date1[1],$return_date1[0],$return_date1[2]);
//convert from d/m/Y to Y-m-d
$pickup_date_2 = $pickup_date1[2]."-".$pickup_date1[1]."-".$pickup_date1[0];
$return_date_2 = $return_date1[2]."-".$return_date1[1]."-".$return_date1[0];
//keluarkan tarikh yg customer pilih ada tak dlm booking master
$chkBooked = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT count(car_id) AS countid FROM appbooking WHERE
((start_rent >= '$edt_pickup' AND end_rent <= '$edt_return')
OR (((start_rent <= '$edt_pickup' AND end_rent >= '$edt_return')))
OR (((end_rent >= '$edt_pickup' AND end_rent <= '$edt_return')))
OR (((start_rent >= '$edt_pickup' AND start_rent <= '$edt_return')))) AND car_id = '$car_id' AND status !='0'");
$fetchBooked = mysqli_fetch_array($chkBooked);
if($fetchBooked['countid'] != 0) //kalau ada show not available
$availability = "Not Available";
$available_count = 0;
} else //kalau tak de show available
$availability = "Available";
$available_count = 1;
//keluarkan car details
$carDetails = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT * FROM appcarinfo WHERE car_id = '$car_id'");
$fetchchkowner = mysqli_fetch_array($carDetails);
//kalau manual availability check ada tak date dlm range yg owner dah set
$sql = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT count(car_availability.availability_id) AS cntAvail FROM appcarinfo INNER JOIN car_availability ON car_availability.car_id = appcarinfo.car_id WHERE appcarinfo.car_id = '$car_id' AND car_availability.start_available <= '$edt_pickup' AND car_availability.end_available >= '$edt_return'");
$fetch = mysqli_fetch_array($sql);
if ($fetchchkowner['custom_availability'] == 1) //if owner set manual availability
if ($fetch['cntAvail'] > 0) //kalau ada
$avail = 1;
} else //kalau tak de
$avail = 0;
} else //if owner set auto availability
$avail = 1;
//check if this is klezcar car
if($fetchchkowner["owner_id"] == "0")
$klezcar_loc_id = $fetchchkowner["loc_id_ext"];
//check availability for blocked date klezcar
$sqlBlock = "SELECT * FROM `blocked_date_klezcar` where (
('".$pickup_date_2."' > startdate and '".$pickup_date_2."' < enddate)
or ('".$return_date_2."' > startdate and '".$return_date_2."' < enddate)
or ('".$pickup_date_2."' = startdate)
or ('".$return_date_2."' = enddate)
or ('".$return_date_2."' = startdate)
or ('".$return_date_2."' = enddate)
) and (location=0 or location=".$klezcar_loc_id.") order by location desc limit 1";
$queryBlock = mysqli_query($conn,$sqlBlock);
if(mysqli_num_rows($queryBlock) > 0)
$resBlock = mysqli_fetch_object($queryBlock);
$avail = 0;
$klezcar_blocked = 1;
$klezcar_blocked_reason = $resBlock->reason;
$klezcar_blocked = 0;
//calculation price rate
include 'calculation_price/calculationprice.php';
$encry = md5($edt_pickup.$edt_return.$total_pay.$total_rate.floor($day).$bhourplus.$car_id.$owner_id.$secretAuth);
//combine appbooking & car availability variable
if ($avail == 1 && $available_count == 1)
$availStatus = "<div class='alert alert-success'>You are good, car available.<br>Rental Price : Total <span style='font-size:20px; font-weight: bold;'>".number_format($total_pay,2)."</span> for ".floor($day)." day(s) ".$bhourplus." hour(s)</div>";
$btn_proceed = "<a href='confirmbooking.php?pickupdate=".$edt_pickup."&returndate=".$edt_return."&totalpay=".$total_pay."&totalrate=".$total_rate."&bookday=".floor($day)."&bookhour=".$bhourplus."&carid=".$car_id."&ownerid=".$owner_id."&encry=".$encry."' class='btn btn-primary'>Proceed</a>";
} else
$availStatus = "<div class='alert alert-danger'>We are sorry, car not available. Please refer Available & Not available date table.</div>";
$btn_proceed = "";
if($klezcar_blocked === 1)
$availStatus = "<div class='alert alert-danger'>".$klezcar_blocked_reason."</div>";
$btn_proceed = "";
/* *** SPECIAL FOR RAYA 2019 *** */
$start_blocked_date = "2019-06-04";
$end_blocked_date = "2019-06-09";
if( ($pickup_date_2 >= $start_blocked_date && $pickup_date_2 <= $end_blocked_date)
|| ($return_date_2 >= $start_blocked_date && $return_date_2 <= $end_blocked_date)
|| ($pickup_date_2 == $start_blocked_date)
|| ($return_date_2 == $end_blocked_date)
|| ($return_date_2 == $start_blocked_date)
|| ($return_date_2 == $end_blocked_date))
$availStatus = "<div class='alert alert-danger'>The date has been marked as Hari Raya Aidlifitri holiday session. We accept minimum rental of 7 days and above only. Please re-select date at least 3/6/2019 - 10/6/2019.</div>";
$btn_proceed = "";
/* *** SPECIAL FOR RAYA 2019 *** */
//return value
$data['edt_pickup'] = $edt_pickup;
$data['edt_return'] = $edt_return;
$data['msgCheck'] = $availStatus;
$data['btn_proceed'] = $btn_proceed;
$data['total_rate'] = $total_rate;
$data['total_pay'] = $total_pay;
$data['no_day_booking'] = floor($day);
$data['no_hour_booking'] = $bhourplus;
echo json_encode($data);

refresh multiple classes every n secs from php backend

I have some code in jquery that connects to php and refreshes the class with latest data. This is working ok. However, I need to update 3 classes and when it refreshses the values are empty.
Is there a way I can query db and update 3 classes with fresh data every n sec. Many thanks
// Update server with latest actions,destructions and return requests
setInterval(function() {
$.get('/domain/admin/refreshBox.php', function(data) {
}, 10000);
$sql= mysqli_query($conn,"SELECT count(*) as total FROM act WHERE new = '1'");
$rows = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql);
$num = $rows['total'];
//echo $num;
$ni = $num;
if($ni < 1) {
$ni = '0';
echo $ni;
$nisql= mysqli_query($conn,"SELECT count(*) as ni FROM act WHERE activity='New Intake' AND new = '1'");
$niintknum_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($nisql);
$niintknum = $niintknum_row['ni'];
//echo $num;
$niintk_num = $niintknum;
if($niintk_num < 1) {
$niintk_num = '0';
echo $niintk_num;
$brtvsql= mysqli_query($conn,"SELECT count(*) as rtrv FROM act WHERE activity='Box Retrieval' AND new = '1'");
$brtv_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($brtvsql);
$brtvnum = $brtv_row['rtrv'];
//echo $num;
$brtv_num = $brtvnum;
if($brtv_num < 1) {
$brtv_num = '0';
echo $brtv_num;
$brtnsql= mysqli_query($conn,"SELECT count(*) as brtn FROM act WHERE activity='Box Return' AND new = '1'");
$brtn_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($brtnsql);
$brtnnum = $brtn_row['brtn'];
//echo $num;
$brtn_num = $brtnnum;
if($brtn_num < 1) {
$brtn_num = '0';
echo $brtn_num;

how to pass php array on change of select in jQuery?

Let me tell you in brief what I am doing ..
I am doing pagination using a library where the pagination is just showing the 3 <li> at a time.
and What I am doing on that <li> is I have a php array with me and I am creating a table in that <li> that each <li> will have table with 8 rows so the 8 elements of the array has been displayed with the help of php code.
This is the code.
$data = array();
$no_of_Items = 8;
$k = 1;
for ($i = 1; $i <= 100; $i++) {
$data[$i - 1] = "striker" . $i;
<select id="view" >
<option value="1">Midfielder</option>
<option value="2">Striker</option>
<option value="3">Defender</option>
<option value="4">Goal-Keeper</option>
<div id="pagination">
<ul id="demo">
$lis = ceil(count($data) / $no_of_Items);
for ($i = 1; $i <= $lis; $i++) {
<table id="tbl-li">
for ($j = 1; $j <= $no_of_Items; $j++) {
if (empty($data[$k - 1])) {
<tr style="padding: 0; margin: 0;">
<td><?php echo $data[$k - 1]; ?></td>
</tr ><?php $k++; } ?>
<?php } ?>
so what I am doing now is just passing the one array to the pagination div but i have 4 arrays for defender as well as for all the item contains in the select tag .
So my final question is how to provide to my code the php when I select the appropriate option from the select?
I have tried this but I know this will not going to work so any suggestion or any other way?
My js
var selectval;
$('#view').on('change', function () {
selectval = $(this).val();
if (selectval === 1)
for ($i = 1; $i <= 100; $i++) {
$data[$i - 1] = "midfielder" . $i;
else if (selectval === 2) {
for ($i = 1; $i <= 100; $i++) {
$data[$i - 1] = "striker" . $i;
else if (selectval === 3) {
for ($i = 1; $i <= 100; $i++) {
$data[$i - 1] = "defender" . $i;
else if (selectval === 3) {
for ($i = 1; $i <= 100; $i++) {
$data[$i - 1] = "goalkeeper" . $i;
Try This it will work..
var valselect = $('#view').val();
var data = [];
var i, j, k = 1;
var code = '';
var no_item = 8;
if (valselect === "1")
for (i = 1; i <= 50; i++) {
data[i - 1] = "Midfielder" + i;
else if (valselect === "2")
for (i = 1; i <= 50; i++) {
data[i - 1] = "Striker" + i;
else if (valselect === "3")
for (i = 1; i <= 50; i++) {
data[i - 1] = "Defender" + i;
else if (valselect === "4") {
for (i = 1; i <= 50; i++) {
data[i - 1] = "Goal-keeper" + i;
var lis = Math.ceil(data.length / no_item);
for (i = 1; i <= lis; i++)
code += "<li><table id='tbl-li'>";
for (j = 1; j <= no_item; j++) {
console.log("j=" + j);
if (data[k - 1])
// console.log("k=" + k);
code += "<tr><td><img src='/img/info.png'>" + data[k - 1] + "</td><td>CHE</td><td>11.5</td><td>142</td></tr>";
else {
// console.log("val k=="+k);
code += "</table></li>";
// console.log(code);
// $('#demo').append();

Submenu keep active when user click on it and open in a new page

I have problem when a visitor clicks on a submenu and the link opens in a new page, so I want to keep that submenu active on that page.
I have css class active and javascript for opening it, what I need is to make it with php to be active.
This is UL with class:
This is my code. Can it be done with php or with javascript.
$qKategori = ("SELECT * FROM kategori WHERE kprind = 0");
$rKategori = mysqli_query($dbc, $qKategori);
if ($rKategori) {
while ($exKat = mysqli_fetch_array($rKategori, MYSQLI_ASSOC)){
$emrikategorise = $exKat['kemri'];
$idkategori = $exKat['kid'];
$idprind = $exKat['kprind'];
$qPrind = ("SELECT * FROM kategori WHERE kprind = '".$idkategori."'");
$rPrind = mysqli_query($dbc,$qPrind);
while($prind = mysqli_fetch_array($rPrind)) {
<li><?=$prind['kemri']?> </li>
<?php }
You can see menu on the left in The website is
You probably will need to build the array before outputting to be able to determine which menus should be active. You can also combine it with an optimization of the query to not have to do 1 query per category.
Something like:
$active = isset($_GET['kid'] ? $_GET['kid'] : -1;
$tree = array();
$list = array();
$qKategori = ("SELECT * FROM kategori ORDER BY kprind");
$rKategori = mysqli_query($dbc, $qKategori);
if ($rKategori) {
while ($exKat = mysqli_fetch_array($rKategori, MYSQLI_ASSOC)){
$id = $exKat['kid'];
//To prevent numerical array with unused space
$name = 'kategori'.$exKat['kid'];
$list[$name] = $exKat;
//Calculate depth to see if the menu is a sub..sub..sub menu etc.
$parent = $list[$name]['kprind'];
if($parent == 0) {
$list[$name]['depth'] = 0;
$list[$name]['childCount'] = 0;
else {
$list[$name]['depth'] = $list['kategori'.$parent]['depth']+1; //Increment
if($id == $active) {
$list[$name]['active'] = true;
while($parent != 0) {
$parentName = 'kategori'.$parent;
$list[$parentName]['active'] = true;
$parent = $list[$parentName]['kprind'];
$list[$name]['active'] = false;
//Once we have that we can output the results...
function output_menu($list, $parent = 0, $active = false)
$activeClass = $active ? ' class="active"' : '';
echo '<ul'.$activeClass.'>';
foreach($list as $row){
if($row['kprind'] != $parent) continue;
$link = $row['kprind'] == 0 ? '#' : 'kategori.php?kid='.$row['kid'];
echo '<li>'.$row['kemri'].'';
if($row['childCount'] > 0)
output_menu($list, $row['kprind'], $row['active']);
echo '</li>';
echo '</ul>';
This is still a bit rough but should do the trick. It can probably be optimized so that we don't have to go through the list too many times but has the benefit of not having to request too many calls to the database. That should result in a lighter workload for the DB and faster output.

Magento Images switcher for custom options

I have created a custom options image switcher for Magento, script compares value from options in drop-down with all image names related to product, and finds the most similar one, you can see an example here
The problem is how to add the "selected" option image to the cart, or better to say how to apply that image instead of the default thumbnail in the cart?
anyway here is the complete code - maybe someone can even find this part useful :)
// load all images related to product
$product = $this->getProduct();
$galleryData = $product->getData('media_gallery');
$images_array = array();
foreach ($galleryData['images'] as $image) {
array_push($images_array, $image['file']);
$colour_select_id = '';
$custom_options_arr = array();
foreach ($_options as $_option) {
if ($_option->getTitle() == 'Helmet Color/Design' || $_option->getTitle() == 'Color') {
$colour_select_id = 'select_' . $_option->getId();
$values = $_option->getValues();
foreach ($values as $value) {
$current_option = ($value->getData());
$custom_options_arr[$current_option['option_type_id']] = $current_option['title'];
// $custom_options_arr now holds key=>value pairs of option_type_id => title
$custom_images_to_output = array();
foreach ($custom_options_arr as $key => $value) {
$best_match = $images_array[0];
for ($i = 1; $i < count($images_array); $i++) {
if (similar_text(strtoupper($images_array[$i]), strtoupper($value)) > similar_text(strtoupper($best_match), strtoupper($value))) {
$best_match = $images_array[$i];
$custom_images_to_output[$key] = $best_match;
$base_url = Mage::getBaseUrl('media') . 'catalog/product';
<?php if ($colour_select_id) { ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
var opt_object = <?php echo json_encode($custom_images_to_output); ?>;
var base_path = '<?= $base_url;?>';
jQuery("#<?= $colour_select_id ?>").change(function() {
var optionValue = jQuery(this).attr('value');
if (optionValue) {
var optionValueText = jQuery.trim(jQuery('#<?= $colour_select_id ?> :selected').text());
if (opt_object.hasOwnProperty(optionValue)) {
optionValueText = opt_object[optionValue];
jQuery("#image").fadeOut(function() {
jQuery(this).load(function() {
jQuery(this).fadeIn(); });
jQuery(this).attr("src", base_path + optionValueText);
jQuery('#image-zoom').attr("href", base_path + optionValueText);

