Trying to turn an array into a list - javascript

I have a problem with my function that turns data from an array into a list in different component.
I think the problem is with my lack of understanding where to put document.GetElementById().
I get error document.getElementById(...) is null.
Is it because I try to access specific location before it is rendered? Then how should I access it, maybe it has something to do with component lifecycle? Here is my code:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Day from "./day";
import image1 from "./img/eggs.jpg";
class Stuff extends Component {
this.makeList = this.makeList.bind(this);
makeList(array) {
var list = document.createElement('ul');
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
var item = document.createElement('li');
return list;
render() {
const source = {
breakfast: [
id: 1,
name: "eggs",
img: image1,
description: "Start a day with delicious and nutricious eggs!",
ingridients: ['2 eggs', 'two slices of toast', 'bacon', 'butter']
return (
<Day {...source}
makeList={this.makeList} />
export default Stuff;
and Day component where React turn an error:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import "./day.css";
class Day extends Component {
render() {
const appChild = document.getElementById('foo').appendChild(this.props.makeList(this.props.source.breakfast.ingridients));
return (
<div className="displayOne">
<img src= {this.props.breakfast[0].img} alt="eggs" />
<div id="foo">
export default Day;
Thank you for help and understanding!

you probably should use jsx instead of manipulating the dom directly:
function makeList(array) {
return (
(, index) => (<li>{value}</li>)
or a full, more optimal, solution would be to create a Breakfast component:
class Stuff extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.source = {
breakfast: [
id: 1,
name: "eggs",
img: image1,
description: "Start a day with delicious and nutricious eggs!",
ingridients: ['2 eggs', 'two slices of toast', 'bacon', 'butter']
render() {
return (
<Day source={this.source}></Day>
class Day extends Component {
render() {
return (
<div className="displayOne">
{ => <Breakfast breakfast={breakfast}/>)}
function Breakfast({breakfast}) {
return (
<div className="displayOne">
<img src={breakfast.img} alt="eggs"/>
{ => <li>{ingridient}</li>)}
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
In generall, if you haven't done already. I would advice you to go through the "Getting Started" guide of React to understand the "way of react".
Here is the official "Intro to React":


React App class won't render when a child Component changes

I just started to learn React. I'm trying to write a Todo list and so far it looks like:
However when I check the box of a Todo, the count of things left to do won't change even when the state of a list of Todos changes (the 'checked' property of a Todo that I just checked change to true)
My App.js:
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import TaskComponent from "./TaskComponent";
class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
taskList: [],
newTaskContent: ''
this.generateTask = this.generateTask.bind(this)
this.updateNewTaskContent = this.updateNewTaskContent.bind(this)
generateTask() {
if (this.state.newTaskContent) {
const joined = this.state.taskList.concat({
id: this.state.taskList.length + 1,
content: this.state.newTaskContent,
checked: false
this.setState({taskList: joined, newTaskContent: ''})
updateNewTaskContent({target: {value}}) {
this.setState({newTaskContent: value})
render() {
return (
<ul>{ => <TaskComponent key={} task={task.content}
<input type='text' placeholder='Type your new task'
onChange={this.updateNewTaskContent} value={this.state.newTaskContent}/>
<button name='generateTask' onClick={this.generateTask}>Generate task</button>
<div>There are {this.state.taskList.filter(task => !task.checked).length} things left to do!</div>
export default App;
My TaskComponent.js file:
import React, {Component} from 'react'
class TaskComponent extends Component {
constructor({task, checked}) {
this.state = {
taskContent: task,
checkedState: checked
this.changeHandler = this.changeHandler.bind(this)
changeHandler({target: {checked}}) {
this.setState({checkedState: checked})
render() {
return (
<input type="checkbox" checked={this.state.checkedState} onChange={this.changeHandler}/>
export default TaskComponent;
class App extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
taskList: [],
newTaskContent: ''
this.generateTask = this.generateTask.bind(this)
this.updateNewTaskContent = this.updateNewTaskContent.bind(this)
generateTask() {
if (this.state.newTaskContent) {
const joined = this.state.taskList.concat({
id: this.state.taskList.length + 1,
content: this.state.newTaskContent,
checked: false
this.setState({taskList: joined, newTaskContent: ''})
updateNewTaskContent({target: {value}}) {
this.setState({newTaskContent: value})
render() {
return (
<ul>{ => <TaskComponent key={} task={task.content}
<input type='text' placeholder='Type your new task'
onChange={this.updateNewTaskContent} value={this.state.newTaskContent}/>
<button name='generateTask' onClick={this.generateTask}>Generate task</button>
<div>There are {this.state.taskList.filter(task => !task.checked).length} things left to do!</div>
class TaskComponent extends React.Component {
constructor({task, checked}) {
this.state = {
taskContent: task,
checkedState: checked
this.changeHandler = this.changeHandler.bind(this)
changeHandler({target: {checked}}) {
this.setState({checkedState: checked})
render() {
return (
<input type="checkbox" checked={this.state.checkedState} onChange={this.changeHandler}/>
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.querySelector("#root"));
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="root"></div>
Inside the TaskComponent class I add the function for the event of changing the "checked" state of the check box but somehow the 'taskList' state in my App does not change at all when I try to console.log it. What is my problem here? Be gentle since I'm new to React and Javascript in general.
You are setting state in TaskComponent and expecting it to change the prop in App.js.
Instead of setting a TaskComponents's state when it is checked, I would recommend calling a function passed in as a prop when it is checked, which has its id and new value. Something along the lines of:
// somewhere in your class:
handler(id, value) {
// set state to reflect changes
// in your render()
<ul>{ => {
<TaskComponent onChange={this.handler} id={} key={} task={task.content} checked={task.checked} />})}</ul>
In TaskComponent.js:
changeHandler({target: {checked}}) {
this.props.onChange(, checked);
I would also recommend making TaskComponent not have state at all, because it seems unnecessary to me.

Push dynamically added html list item into last array

How can i push html into the last array. I was trying to add an item and supposed be add instantly into list array. The cod is working except I'm struggling to add new list into last array.
function addItem(id,name){
const array = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('categories'));
name: name,
//<li>{name}</li> push this into last array
{, key){
return <div>
<button onClick={() => addItem(,'value name')}>Add</button>
Something looks wrong in your example. I have added a complete exampl. You can maintain localStorage and State both. I hope this example helps you.
You mistake is that while adding new item you are pushing it to localStoage due to which react dom does not get rerendered. You have to update the value of state for that.
class App extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
categories: [
name: "Hello",
id: 1
name: "World",
id: 2
this.addItem = this.addItem.bind(this);
this.SaveToLocalStorage = this.SaveToLocalStorage.bind(this);
SaveToLocalStorage() {
const categories = this.state.categories;
localStorage.setItem("categories", JSON.stringify(categories));
addItem(id, name) {
const categories = this.state.categories;
name: name,
id: id
this.setState({ categories });
//localStorage.setItem("categories", JSON.stringify(categories));
render() {
let categories = this.state.categories;
const test = => (
<div key={}>
return (
<button onClick={() => this.addItem(, "Item")}>
Click to Add More
<button onClick={() => this.SaveToLocalStorage()}>
Save To LocalStorage{" "}
ReactDOM.render( < App / > , document.getElementById("root"));
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="root"></div>
I guess this is what you are asking for. You just need to set it to state and re-render it when ever you are trying to add an element to list/array. I don't know why you are setting it to local storage but you can do it from state directly if your intention is to just store the previous array for future additions.
import React, { Component } from "react";
class App extends Component {
state = {};
arr = []
addItem(id, name) {
const array = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("categories"));
name: name,
id: id
//<li>{name}</li> push this into last array
localStorage.setItem("categories", JSON.stringify(array));
renderList = () => {
return, key) {
return (
<button onClick={() => addItem(, "value name")}>Add</button>
render() {
return <div>{this.renderList()}</div>;
export default App;

React: How to display a default object and highlight li bold?

I am fairly new to React and was wondering if anybody could give me an insight on a problem I am stuck with.
Right now I have a parent(Hello.js) component and two children(Mixer.js and renderCont.js) at the same level.
I am trying to render a list in the Mixer.js and display its corresponding objects in the Hello.js through by passing the values into RenderCont.js. I've gotten to a point where nothing is displayed before I click on any of the list to pass on a object.
From here is where I am stuck: I want the first object of the list to be displayed as a default, at the same time bold the first in the list. And then execute the as I have below.
This is my first time posting a question on stackoverflow so I'm not sure if my question makes sense with the attached codes but I will greatly appreciate any kind of support.
Parent Hello.js:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import RenderCont from './renderCont.js';
import Mixer from './Mixer';
class Hello extends Component{
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
items: [{
id: 0,
name: "First",
background: "white"
}, {
id: 1,
name: "Second",
background: "yellow"
}, {
id: 2,
name: "Third",
background: "blue"
selectedItem: 0
this.handle = this.handle.bind(this)
handle(value) {
// console.log(this.state.selectedItem);
selectedItem: value
render() {
const list = => {
return (
<Mixer item={list} onClick={this.handle} selected={this.state.selectedItem}/>
<ul id = "todo" >
<RenderCont item={this.state.selectedItem}/>
export default Hello;
Mixer.js Child1:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
class Mixer extends Component{
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);
renderTodos(propItems) {
return (
{ => (
<li className={this.props.selected === item ? 'media clicked' : 'media'}
key={} onClick = {() => this.handleClick(item)}>
render() {
return (
<div className="yoyoyo">
export default Mixer;
Second Child Comp renderCont.js :
import React, { Component } from 'react';
class RenderCont extends Component{
constructor(props) {
<div style={{color:item.background}}>
render() {
return (
<div className="yoyo">
export default RenderCont;
and the CSS:
left: 500px;
color: black;
font-weight: 900;
I think the problem is some mismatch between the initial and eventual value of this.props.selected in Mixer.js. You initially set this.state.selectedItem = 0, and this is what is initially passed as the selected prop to Mixer. But the test you apply in that component is
this.props.selected === item ?
While there is one that === 0, there is never an item that === 0. So no items are highlighted at first. But then, once an item is clicked and selectedItem is actually set to an item, the entry is made bold.
So it looks like you need to either make your initial selection equal to the === 0 reference, or consistently refer to items within your components by their id's.

React - iterating over key value pairs in array

I cant get this snippet to output tacos
im not sure what I am doing wrong
let tacos = [{ John: "Guacamole" }, { Sally: "Beef" }, { Greg: "Bean" }];
class Parent extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<div className="parent-component">
<h3>List of tacos:</h3>
<TacosList tacos={tacos} />
class TacosList extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<div className="tacos-list">
{ => {
<Parent taco={taco}/>
render(<Parent />, document.getElementById("root"));
Your problem is that you are breaking into a new line in after return which it's returning undefined while iterating the tacos list.
Furthermore, You will create an infinite loop rendering if you call <Parent /> inside <TacosList />
Either you create a new component to render the items or you do it within the <TacosList /> component
let tacos = [{
person: "John",
ingredient: 'Guacamole'
}, {
person: 'Sally',
ingredient: 'Beef'
}, {
person: 'Greg',
ingredient: 'Bean'
class Parent extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<div className="parent-component">
<h3>List of tacos:</h3>
<TacosList tacos={tacos} />
class TacosList extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<div className="tacos-list">
{, index) => (
<p key={index}>{taco.person}: {taco.ingredient}</p>
ReactDOM.render(<Parent />, document.getElementById("root"));
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="root">
The problem is
<Parent taco={taco}/>
First parent is not expecting a taco property.
Second I think you intend to actually render the elements to display the taco information there, not a Parent component for each taco.
Start up with creating an atomic component (div, span or IMG) to show the tacos list, in TacosList.
The map in TacosList will work only at the first level, because every item is a JavaScript object, which means you have to know the key, to have the value, or use Object.keys and Object.items to show names.

How do I load data file to state array in react?

I'm new to react.And I'm trying to load data file to a state array instead of directly placing array of data in the state.Below I've placed the code.But this doesn't display the data.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Projects from './Components/Projects';
import data from './data/data'
class App extends Component {
this.state = {
myArrays: [{data}]
render() {
return (
<div className="App">
<Projects myArrays = {this.state.myArrays} />
export default App;
It works if I replace
<Projects myArrays = {this.state.myArrays} /> with <Projects myArrays = {data} />
What is the difference between doing this two? And why doesn't it load data with
<Projects myArrays = {this.state.myArrays} />
import React, { Component } from 'react';
class Projects extends Component {
render() {
let projectItems;
projectItems =,i) =>{
<li key = {i}>{project.title}</li>
return (
export default Projects;
export default [
title: "Obama set for first political event since leaving office",
category: "politics"
title: 'La Liga refuse to accept PSG payment for Barcelona striker Neymar',
category: "sports"
title: "Virtu Financial closes KCG's European prop trading business",
category: "business"
The difference between
<Projects myArrays = {this.state.myArrays} />
<Projects myArrays = {data} />
is the way you are assigning data to the state
this.state = {
myArrays: [{data}]
This will result in this.state.myArrays which looks like
[{data: [
title: "Obama set for first political event since leaving office",
category: "politics"
title: 'La Liga refuse to accept PSG payment for Barcelona striker Neymar',
category: "sports"
title: "Virtu Financial closes KCG's European prop trading business",
category: "business"
Replace it with
this.state = {
myArrays: data
and your first version will also work

